Two days later.

There is only 1 hour and 32 minutes left in the countdown until the Demon Rat moves its capital.

The sun sets in the west, leaving a patch of red clouds on the horizon.

Devil doll, sitting on horseback.

Waiting for the mission to begin.

"Lord, everything is ready." A tauren quickly stepped forward and said.

The tauren were transferred from Tongniu City to assist in delivering orders.

A head-on battle does not require them to take part.

"Well, let's light the torches in advance and get everyone ready for war." Fang Hao said calmly.

Someone immediately walked into the underground cave gathering place and lit the prepared iron barrels one by one.

The fuel in the iron barrels was ignited.

Orange fire light lit up the entire cave.

The time of this mission is not daytime, it is already dusk, and it will soon enter night.

Fire will be needed to illuminate the battlefield.

Time passes little by little.

Soon, Fang Hao received a system prompt.

[The Demon Rat moves its capital and the mission begins! 】

"Get ready to meet the enemy!" Fang Hao shouted.

Hearing Fang Hao's words.

The tauren on the side immediately fired a signal flare into the air.

Orange fire exploded in the sky, reminding everyone to prepare for battle.

Orders were passed on one after another.

Swish, swish, swish! !

The first two rows of shields and spears squatted half-crouch under command.

The skeleton shooter behind him pointed the cold white steel firegun from above the queue to the front.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the burning iron barrel made a crackling sound.

Everyone stared ahead.

But the location of the target cave was always silent.

Just when Fang Hao thought he had chosen the wrong place, sparse sounds began to be heard from ahead.

Immediately afterwards, the sparse sounds became clearer.

Like countless creatures, crawling through the holes.

Getting closer and louder.

Suddenly, from one of the holes, a 1.23-meter-tall rat-man, wearing tattered linen clothes and with gray hair all over his body, jumped out.

The Rat Man held a large knife full of gaps in his hand.

Green eyes, looking curiously at 4 weeks.

Immediately afterwards, rat men jumped out of the burrow one after another.

The rat man should have a certain degree of night vision, and soon his eyes fell on the undead army assembled in front of him.

ah! !

The Rat Man jumped to his feet and screamed.

boom! !

A gunshot rang out.

The bullet of the fire gun directly penetrated the abdomen of the rat man who raised his knife and screamed. The inertia took the man backward several steps, and he fell to the ground wailing in pain.

The Rat Man, who was still full of excitement on the side, immediately became quiet.

Looking in surprise, his companions were covered in blood.

Bang bang bang!

There were several loud noises again, and more and more rat men were knocked down by the fire cannons.

Only then did they realize it belatedly.

This was the weapon fired at them by the undead from afar.

After a round of gunfire, another dense crossbow bolt struck. Most of the Ratmen who had just come out and had not yet gathered themselves fell to the ground in the blink of an eye.

The rat people looked at their fallen comrades, a little stunned.

At this time, a stronger and taller rat man wearing dark red armor crawled out of the cave.

He quickly glanced at the situation on the battlefield, took off the horn from his waist and blew it.

As the loud horn sounded, all the rat men began to emit a faint red light.

His body bowed slightly, his face looked cruel and ferocious, and drool flowed from the corners of his mouth.

He has obviously entered a bloodthirsty state.

The next second, all the rat men who came out raised their weapons.

He began to rush forward regardless of his own safety.

Crazy, brutal.

Appears on every ratman.

Fang Hao, still sitting on the horse, looked calm.

The two rounds of shooting just now were also ordered by Fang Hao.

The purpose is to attract the rat man's attention so that he won't be unable to find the direction and run in other directions, which will be difficult to catch.

At this time, Fang Hao's goal had been achieved, not only attracting their attention, but also entering a state of anger and madness.

As the Skaven approach.

Fang Hao can also see the other party's name and attributes.

Those who wear simple clothes and hold wooden sticks and animal bones as weapons are called [Slave Rats (Level 2)].

Wearing linen clothes, and occasionally a few people wearing leather armor, they are [Pioneer Rats (Level 3)].

Behind them are the [Clan Warrior Rats] and [Clan Spear Rats] who are more well-equipped and have reached the fourth and fifth levels.

It can be seen that the magic rats are a race with multiple professions.

However, the weapons and equipment lacked maintenance and were very worn out.

This should be related to the name prompted by the system.

The Demon Rat has moved its capital, and it seems that the Rat People have lost their city and place of residence.

Looking for a new place to settle.

Seeing the Rat Man rushing towards him, Fang Hao ordered: "Drum!"

Boom, boom, boom! !

The war drums beat, and a gray-white halo enveloped the entire undead camp.

In the night.

There are more and more Skaven Legions, and the movement of charging is not small.

The rat men at the front had already rushed under the roadblocks set up, raised their weapons, and began to dismantle the roadblocks set up along the road.

"Go down with the order, free fire!"

"Yes, Lord." The messenger immediately passed on the order.

Immediately afterwards, gunfire sounded like raindrops from all around.

The sound of firecrackers resounded throughout the entire land.

At this distance, the power of the fire cannon can be fully exerted.

A large number of rat men had bloody holes in their bodies, and they fell into a pool of blood while screaming miserably.

Many ratmen had their limbs broken off by marbles.

The sky was filled with blood and minced meat.

Under the gunfire, the crossbow arrows continued to shoot out, killing the approaching enemies.

After just the first round of shooting, a vacuum belt appeared directly in front of the roadblock.

The fall of the first group of ratmen did not affect the ratmen behind.

They still rushed to the roadblock without fear of death and continued to chop at the obstacles in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, the second gunfire rang out again.

Another large number of rat men fell.

The rat men in the rear continued to take the position of the fallen man and still launched an attack.

"Send the order, the mage group attacks." Fang Hao said.

"It's my lord." The messenger ran down.

Soon, dense magic missiles passed over the heads of the undead army, falling like meteorites into the ratman camp.

The magic missile landed at the location of the rat man's cave.

Some of the Ratmen who had just crawled out were thrown out before they could see the situation clearly, and they were knocked unconscious.

Soon, under the continuous attacks of the rat men.

Roadblocks set up were cleared one by one.

The rat people went crazy and slammed their bodies into the long contradiction formation.

The corpse was picked up by a spear, and blood slid down the spear shaft.

The ratmen fight fiercely, but they are still at a disadvantage when facing the well-equipped undead army that has been waiting in formation.

The corpses of demon rats in front of the army were piled up on a hillside.

Although the number of rat men is still huge, they are fearless.

But Fang Hao can be sure that if the Rat Man has no other back-ups.

The victory of the battle has become a foregone conclusion.

The Skaven were unable to break through their defenses, let alone capture the city.

At this time, Fang Hao's eyes fell on the Rat Man Cave area.

I saw the rat-man commander wearing dark red armor and several other rat-men gathered together to exchange something.

It seems that they have also found that the chance of winning is low and are discussing new strategies.

Due to the distance problem, Fang Hao was unable to view the information about the Ratman Commander.

But judging from the actions of communication, he should be very intelligent, even smarter than the other rat men who only know how to charge.

Soon, several rat men had finished their discussion.

A team of ratmen wearing black cloaks began to leave from the side of the team, intending to leave the main battlefield and use the cover of night to carry out other tasks.

When Fang Hao saw the intention of this team, he naturally would not let them complete it smoothly.

He said to the tauren on the side: "Let people ride the bone dragon and take the giant skeleton bat to clean out the rat team. Don't let any of them go. After cleaning up, start patrolling the surrounding area. Anyone who tries to leave the main battlefield will Ratmen, kill them all.”

"It's my lord!"

The messenger immediately conveyed the order.

At the rear of the army, a bone dragon soared into the sky, followed by dense skeleton giant bats, flying towards the departing team of magic rats.

Just within sight.

The little rat man wearing a black cloak who was about to leave was surrounded by giant skeleton bats and chewed into a pile of bones.

Immediately afterwards, the giant bats began to patrol around the battlefield. Once they found any rat people trying to leave the battlefield, they would directly attack and kill them all.

Fang Hao looked at the Ratman Commander again.

I originally thought that the person who arranged to go out would become angry after being killed, but I didn't expect that the other person would still look calm.

Giving orders one after another to the rat-men.

This made Fang Hao feel wrong. He always felt that the other party had other plans.

What just happened was just a simple test.

"Thunder and lightning strike, speed up the battle rhythm." Fang Hao ordered again.

No matter what conspiracy the other side has, as long as these rat men are killed directly, this battle will not fail.

Obtained orders from Fang Hao.

In the hands of all the skeleton warriors, lightning javelins appeared.

With a command, it was thrown directly forward.

In the lord's mansion.

Fang Hao's body sat on the bone throne, while controlling the demon doll to direct the legion to fight, while using the Book of Lords to understand the fighting situation of Dong Jiayue and Kong Yong.

As he continued to practice, Fang Hao became more and more skilled in controlling the two bodies and multitasking.

As long as you are not engaged in a highly intense real-time battle, there is no problem in controlling two bodies at the same time.

"Boss, there is no problem at all on my side. The Blood Hunter Commander is fighting. We are just standing on the city wall watching from a distance. The demon rats have basically been killed." Kong Yong sent back the news.

"Well, pay attention to safety." Fang Hao said.

At the same time, Dong Jiayue also responded to the message.

"Brother Hao, the situation here is quite chaotic. The battle area is relatively large, but it is still within the controllable range. The commanders of Black Sword and Jubi are all directing the battle."

At the same time, Dong Jiayue also shared the two photos.

What is recorded above is the scene of the battle between the undead and the demon rat.

Judging from the shooting location, Dong Jiayue should be in the queue of the undead army and not hiding in the city.

Dong Jiayue accepts tasks from many affiliated cities, so when it comes to fighting, it is naturally not as simple as Kong Yong who only defends one city.

Although there are many, there are also many undead troops and heroes stationed on Dong Jiayue's side.

There should be no problem.

"Well, be more careful and report any problems to me in time." Fang Hao warned again.

"Okay, Brother Hao, it shouldn't be a big problem. If it weren't for the fear of bacteria on these demon rats, I feel like I could have fought them." Dong Jiayue said unwillingly.

"Forget it, if you get hurt, you will be the one to suffer."

"Hehe, that's all I said."

After hanging up the chat between the two, Fang Hao took another look at the regional channel.

Many people are talking about fighting.

Some people say that these demon rats are not difficult to deal with, while others are asking for help.

Use resources as bargaining chips to ask nearby lords to come to help.

Fang Hao looked at it seriously.

at this time.

Outside the lord's mansion, there was suddenly an angry roar.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground.

Fang Hao, who was sitting on the throne, was suddenly startled. Could it be that someone rushed into the territory?

Fang Hao couldn't care less and took out the [Thunder Sword] from the storage space.

Then he ran to the door.

I saw that the two Nisbitts guarding the door were already fighting with the demon rats.

In the open space in front of the Lord's Mansion, there are several circular caves.

And inside the cave, rat men kept coming out to join the battle.

"Master." Yi'er also ran out of the room, her face pale.

Fang Hao said: "Don't come out."

"Oh." Yi'er turned around and ran back.

Fang Hao looked outside the door again.

[Underground Running Rat (Level 3)].

This kind of magic rat plays the role of engineer in the rat camp.

Tunnels can be quickly dug to provide a path for the Ratmen to pass covertly.

As long as the road is dug, the rat army can directly reach the target city through this hidden road.

Carry out beheading operations.

Although these demonic rats were tasked with the system, they also showed intelligence that was no worse than that of humans.

If the time traveler hadn't prepared in advance, there would have been no time for the Demon Rat to assemble and command.

I'm afraid that the time traveler will not get any benefits, and the failure rate of the mission will also increase exponentially.

More and more demonic rats poured into the city through the tunnels.

They have only one goal, which is to rush into the lord's mansion and capture the city.

Nisbet withstood the first wave of attacks from the demon rats.

The soldiers defending the city also rushed over from all sides.

After surrounding the lord's mansion, he began to kill the demon rats that rushed in.

The soldiers inside the city are not as endless as those outside the city.

But those defending the city are all equipped with [Temple Guard Set] undead warriors, including Skeleton Mantis Mantis and Nisbitt, which are higher-level units.

The number of demon rats killed was even faster.

Soon, all the demon rats that rushed in were killed.

Fang Hao directly ordered someone to throw the detonator into the hole.

Boom boom boom! !

Several muffled sounds directly blew up the hole dug by the rat man.

However, this only blows up the existing burrow. If the Skaven still have [Underground Running Rats], they will still dig them in continuously.

Fang Hao immediately made unified arrangements for the guards in front of the lord's mansion.

Protect this place together.

"Yier." Fang Hao shouted.

"Master." Yi'er ran out of the room.

"Go and call all the maids over, and we'll spend the night at the Lord's Mansion." Fang Hao said.

"Okay master." Yi'er replied and ran towards the area where the maid lived.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords at the same time and sent a message to Dong Jiayue and Kong Yong.

Let the two of them be careful about the magic rats that can dig burrows in the ground.

To avoid being attacked by someone.

After instructing the two of them, Fang Hao took photos of the demon rats digging burrows in the regional channel and sent them out to remind everyone who accepted the task to be careful of the demon rats' decapitation actions.

"I'm going, there's still a killing operation, these rats must have become spirits!"

"Fortunately, I didn't accept this mission. I'm afraid many more people will die this night."

"Damn it, I'm talking about those rat men, why are they not in a hurry? It turns out there are some digging holes in the ground. Thank you for reminding me, boss."

"Thank you, Mr. Fang Hao, for reminding me."

Everyone is talking to each other one by one.

Fang Hao didn't have time to reply to them. He closed the Lord's Book and saw Yi'er running towards this side with a group of maids.


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