Fang Hao was stunned when he saw two recruitment messages appearing at the same time.

I reconfirmed the disappeared recruitment scroll to make sure I had not used it incorrectly.

I used a scroll, but why did two names appear?

The magic circle outside the door became more and more dazzling.

The outline of the hero is also becoming clearer.

The light dissipated, and a man and a horse stood in front of Fang Hao.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Fang Hao also determined why there were two names, one of which must be the opponent's mount.

The ability to recruit scrolls is very powerful.

Whether it's Nelson, Dimitga, or the hero recruited today.

When the recruitment is successful, the recruited hero carries his own equipment. Now it makes sense to bring a strong and handsome white horse.

The horse was wearing a black horse armor, and a crossbow was hung on the left side of the horse's back.

The hero Assetti is wearing a black armor with gold patterns, holding a horse rope in his left hand, and holding a slender long sword in his right hand.

The tip of the sword is leaning on the ground, and the height of the sword is close to 1.7 meters.

The height of the sword is higher than some of the maids in the territory.

Arsetti wore a helmet and glanced around quickly.

When he saw a large group of undead skeletons cleaning up behind him, he turned the long sword in his right hand and immediately entered a state of preparation for war.

Fang Hao was shocked and immediately said: "Arseti, these are soldiers from the territory."

Arsetti, the long sword was already glowing with light. Hearing Fang Hao's shout, he abruptly stopped swinging.

A pair of eyes looked at Fang Hao in front of the lord's mansion through the slit in the helmet.

"Did you wake me up?" A neutral voice came from the armor.

Fang Hao was unable to identify the other party's gender for a while.

"Yes, Asetti, you are welcome to join. Our territory is somewhat special. I will introduce it to you in detail later. There is no danger here." Fang Hao said softly.

Arsetti, reconfirms the skeleton in the rear.

After confirming that these undead souls could only work and would not attack themselves, they lowered their alertness.

He took off his helmet, revealing his blond short hair, and knelt down on one knee and said: "Your Majesty, please allow me to apologize for my rudeness just now. The Glory of the Kingdom, Asseti, pays homage to His Majesty the King."

The moment he took off his helmet, Fang Hao also confirmed the identity of the other woman.

But she is not a young woman. The wrinkles on her face and the corners of her eyes mean that Arsetti is no longer young.

Excluding the effects of equal-level strength and special bloodline, he looks to be 40 to 45 years old.

But Asetti is nearly 1.8 meters tall and has a heroic spirit.

"Well, you're welcome to join us, Arsetti. You should get up first and let's talk inside." Fang Hao said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Assetti stood up and said.

He hung the long sword on the side of the horse and followed Fang Hao directly into the hall.

Fang Hao sat down on the bone throne, and Asetti sat on the seat below.

The maid ran down from the second floor and brought them two glasses of fruit wine with great discernment.

Then, he quickly went upstairs again.

He and other maids hid at the corner of the stairs, secretly looking down.

Fang Hao asked them to go upstairs to rest, but with the situation tonight, no one could sleep peacefully.

Therefore, even though it was late at night, the maids were still awake.

As soon as Arsetti came in, he began to look around at the layout of the hall.

It can be said that the decoration style here is a bit strange.

The chandelier looks like an orc's, the wall lamp looks like a vampire's, the throne the king sits on is made of bones, but his chair looks like a vampire's.

It is really rare for this kind of mixed style to appear in a king's residence.

"Arseti, the situation in our kingdom is actually a bit special and needs to be explained to you." Fang Hao said directly.

"Your Majesty, please tell me." Assetti nodded.

"It has not been long since the kingdom was established in the territory. Humans, orcs, undead, trolls, lizardmen, vampires and dwarves live in the territory. Now all races maintain a common belief and use their own strength to make contributions to the kingdom. Contribution." Fang Hao looked at Asetti and explained softly.

From the moment Fang Hao spoke, Asetti's brows became more and more wrinkled as the race increased.

He was already surprised when he saw the undead and the orc maid here.

But he didn't expect that the young king in front of him ruled so many races.

"This, how is this possible!" Assetti subconsciously couldn't believe it.

How is this possible? How can so many races agree to human rule?

How can living beings live with the undead?

This is simply impossible.

"That's the fact. I promise to give them a stable life, and they abide by my rules. So when you meet other races within the territory, don't rush to do anything to avoid hurting your own people." Fang Hao is used to this kind of surprise. Expression, continue to explain.

Arsetti was silent for a while before accepting this fact.

Fang Hao had no reason to deceive her, and she had indeed seen the undead and orcs before her, and the remaining trolls and vampires were probably not made up.

"Okay, I understand, Your Majesty."

Arsetti also accepted this matter.

She had just joined the territory, so there was no need to worry about it now.

Do your own work first, and slowly understand what the kingdom you are loyal to is like.

"By the way, my name is Fang Hao, you can just call me sir." Fang Hao said.

"Understood, my lord."

"Let's go. I'll build you a mansion. You can stay here at night. I'll arrange for someone to show you around tomorrow at dawn." Fang Hao stood up again and said softly.

"Yes, sir."

The two walked out of the lord's mansion.

Asetti led his horse and followed Fang Hao.

He went straight to an open space not far from the Lord's Mansion.

Fang Hao continued to ask: "Arsetti, how do you feel about this place?"

"All you have to do is follow your orders," Assetti said.

Fang Hao didn't say much, he just opened the Lord's Book and chose [Civil House] to build directly.

After the light dissipated, the construction of the house was completed.

It was directly upgraded to level 10, and the ordinary house became a mansion, a three-story building with courtyards at the front and back.

Fang Hao turned around and called 10 more skeleton warriors.

He said to Asetti: "There are a lot of finished furniture in the warehouse. Go and choose. If you like something, let the skeleton move it over."

Arsetti looked at the skeletons and nodded to express his understanding.

After the explanation, Fang Hao also turned and left.

Assetti entered his mansion, took off the armor from his horse, and then walked out of the residence with the skeleton and went to the warehouse to pick out furniture.

Although it is late at night, there are luminous stone chandeliers and patrolling undead guards on the roadside.

Arsetti walked forward, surprised by the number of skeletons in the territory.

After Fang Hao left, he checked Asetti's attributes.

[Glory of the Kingdom-Asseti (orange level 7 hero)]

[Faction: Humanity]

[Template: Gold]

[Racial characteristics: Creature, learning, soul of wind and thunder. 】

[Legion talents: Cavalry Formation, Goddess’ Blessing, Chivalrous Battle, Knight’s Will. 】

[Skills: Sword of King's Choice, Sword of Heavenly Punishment, Wind Spirit's Insight, Strong Wind, Thunder and Lightning Burst. 】

[Inherent abilities: Domain riding proficiency, Domain long sword proficiency, Master level tactics proficiency, Master level foot combat proficiency. 】

[Soul of Wind and Thunder]: Air spells +100%.

[Cavalry Formation]: The leading knight expert, the knights led by him will greatly increase the charge power after forming [Cavalry Formation].

[Goddess Blessing]: The 'human' army under your command will be blessed by the goddess and gain additional force damage reduction effects.

[Chivalrous Battle]: With a good reputation, the morale of the human army under his command will be restored by +25%.

[Knight's Will]: The cavalry dismounts and engages in a decisive battle with the enemy. In the foot combat state, the attack power is +15% and the defense power is +15%.

[King's Chosen Sword (Active)]: All attributes of self +100%.

[Sword of Heavenly Punishment (Active)]: Use the power of thunder to strike at the enemy, causing 170% damage.

[Wind Spirit's Insight (Active)]: After releasing the skill, summon a Wind Spirit that lasts for 5 minutes, revealing the rest.

[Gust Wind (Active)]: Releases strong wind, which can be used to block long-range attacks. When there is a tailwind, it can increase the forward speed of the army.

[Thunder and Lightning Burst (Active)]: Causes air chain damage to all surrounding enemies.

(Description: She was proficient in combat skills and well versed in strategic warfare. She had never been defeated in her life. Both civilians and nobles regarded her as a model of perfection and glory. When the new king succeeded, Asseti was recalled to the capital and executed in Lingchi. )

Arseti was apparently a cavalry general.

And he is a very good general.

Among the legion talents, the cavalry array belongs to the cavalry attribute talent.

Goddess Blessing and Chivalrous Fighting are also very practical, increasing damage reduction and increasing morale.

Especially Knight's Will, after the cavalry dismounts, it can also add damage and defense to infantry combat.

Whether mounting or dismounting, Assetti is a qualified leader.

Among the skills, in addition to two melee skills, Asetti also has three gas skills.

Coupled with his talent of Wind and Thunder Soul, the effect of the three Qi skills can be increased to 100%.

A cavalryman who knows magic is still rare.

But it can also prove Asetti's superior talent and strong strength.

Fang Hao said about this, the new hero.

Still very satisfied.

Just as he was about to close the Book of Lords, he suddenly thought of the horse that appeared at the same time as Arsetti.

Immediately check the attributes of the horse.

[Wind Demon-Etuan (Level 8)]

[Affiliation: Assetti]

[Racial characteristics: creatures, war horses, marching without stopping. 】

[Skills: First Horse, Wind Movement, Iron Hoof. 】

[Inherent ability: Advanced speed proficiency. 】

[Demon Power (Passive)]: The specially trained war horse can easily control the power of wind.

[Continuous Marching (Passive)]: This unit is immune to any form of slowing effect.

[Top Horse (Passive)]: When it is the top horse, the physical strength consumption of the horses in the queue is -20%, and the traveling speed is +50%.

[Wind Travel (Passive)]: Enter high-speed movement, wind resistance -80%.

[Iron Hoof (Active)]: Attack power of front and rear hooves +50%.

(Description: A specially trained war horse that can be equipped with heavy armor and has a high movement speed.)

The attributes of the wind demon are also very good.

Judging from the description, it appears that it is a war horse trained in full compliance with the requirements of battlefield cavalry.

If they can be installed in large quantities, the power of the territorial cavalry will be greatly improved.

After reading the attributes of the wind demon.

When Fang Hao returned to the Lord's Mansion, he saw Dimitja, Anjia, and Yanshou walking back.

Demitga saluted and said: "Sir, all the enemies on the battlefields were dead. The corpses left on the battlefield were burned, and the trophies were cleaned and transported to the warehouse."

Fang Hao had already received the system notification and received the reward.

But Dimitga and the others don't know yet.

After cleaning up the corpses and trophies, he even came over to report it.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard. Let's arrange for everyone to rest in the city." Fang Hao said.

This battle not only used the undead troops stationed there, but also mobilized a large number of humans and orcs from surrounding cities.

Now that the battle is over, these people also need to rest.

Simply let them stay in the city for one night, and then return to their respective territories after everything is over.

"My lord, I will make arrangements immediately." Dimitga continued.


Demitja and Yanshou exited to organize people to rest.

An Jia acted as if nothing was wrong, yawning and going upstairs to rest.

After everything was dealt with, Fang Hao also went upstairs to rest.

The next day.

Because I slept late last night, it was already past 9 o'clock when I woke up today.

Had a simple breakfast.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords and checked the regional channels.

One night passed, and there were still a large number of lords carrying out challenging tasks.

While purchasing supplies in the channel, he resisted the attack of the rats.

There is also bad news.

There have been some lords who could not withstand the offensive of the demon rats, died in the hands of the rats, and had their territory taken over.

Even if he is not the one who dies, this is still bad news.

The appearance of the magic rat in this area will break the original balance of forces.

For outsiders like them, it will increase the risk. Once a power war breaks out in the surrounding areas, they will also be affected.

But this kind of thing cannot be avoided, after all, there are still a large number of traversers surviving in the area.

No one can be sure which choice the rest will make.

Walk out of the Lord's Mansion.

Fang Hao stopped An Jia and Luo Li who were planning to go out to play.

"I'll give you two a mission."

"Ah? What kind of mission? We have to go out to catch fish, and Yi'er will cook fish for dinner at night." An Jia muttered.

Fang Hao suddenly refused to let them go out to play, showing great resistance.

"A new hero was added last night, called Asetti. You will bring her breakfast, then take her around the city and introduce each area." Fang Hao explained.

"New guy? Why didn't I see it?" An Jia immediately became interested.

"It was too late yesterday, so I didn't introduce it to you. Go quickly. The introduction is over and you are going out to play." Fang Hao said.

"Okay, where does he live?"

"Next to Dimitga's house, there is a white horse in the yard." Fang Hao continued.

"Okay, leave it to us." After Anjia said that, he took Luo Li to the kitchen to get breakfast, and then walked towards the place where the Arsetti Giant Spider was.

Saw An Jia and the others leaving.

Fang Hao came directly to the open space in the central area.

Open the Book of Lords and build the [Magic Scroll Engraving Room (orange)].

Confirm construction!

Orange light, pieced together into a tower building.

Thirty minutes later, the light dissipated, and the scroll inscription room appeared in front of Fang Hao.

[Magic Scroll Engraving Room (Orange)]

[Category: Special Building]

[Recruitment: Scroll Engraver]

[Scroll Engraver: Creeping Spine 3, Mithril 1. 】

[Including: Dark Series-Magic Missile]

(Description: Collect magic and perform scroll engraving.)

Chapter 432, Scroll Engraving Room

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