Aubrey said, but his face became more and more gloomy.

As long as Rebecca dies, he can officially take over the power of Lysis City in accordance with the resolution of the Human Federation of One Hundred Cities.

At that time, he will be the real lord.

And those who say that he is a soft rice king behind his back will all suffer his revenge.

Adeline frowned slightly and reminded: "According to the previous plan, this operation only includes Rebecca and those who support her, but not that boy Fang Hao."

Aubrey nodded and said, "I know he was not included in the previous plan, but since this kid is in the city, he will also attend the banquet. By the way, we can clean up together to avoid any trouble."

Adeline's brows were still furrowed. Although Fang Hao was a time traveler, his strength might make it difficult to deal with him.

This may become an unpredictable hidden danger in this operation.

However, Aubrey's idea did make sense.

If Rebecca dies, Fang Hao will also cause trouble in the city. If they are cleared up together, a lot of subsequent trouble will be avoided.

If you can catch him alive, you can also get some information about the time traveler from his mouth.

Being number one in the region will bring them a lot of valuable intelligence.

"That's fine, but he brought a lot of people with him when he entered the city this time. In addition to the animal-eared hero, the lizard man may also be a hero. You have to be prepared. Once special circumstances arise, it will be very difficult. End it." Adeline solemnly told him.

This time was an important step for them to seize power in the city of Lysis.

There must be no room for error.

"Well, I'll be prepared. As long as that kid rushes into the banquet hall, he won't be able to fly out even if he has wings." Aubrey answered confidently.

"Ha! That's good, you are the best." Adeline smiled and gently brushed Aubrey's cheek with her slender fingers.

Aubrey, who was already in some decline, once again felt an evil fire in his heart.

He took out a medicine bottle from the drawer, poured out a pill and swallowed it directly into his mouth.

His eyes began to turn red, "Ms. Adeline, I feel like I can do it again."

Adeline showed a charming smile, climbed onto the bed again, and said, "Come on, let me see if you still have the strength."

Hearing this, Aubrey immediately pounced on him.

The next day, noon.

Fang Hao took Demitga and 50 Lionheart Knights to the temple to deal with the rat matter.

Of course, since we are exploring unknown areas.

Even in the drainage channel under Lysis City, the possibility of dangerous creatures is very small.

Fang Hao was still afraid of danger.

It was not him who went to the temple, but the demon doll he controlled.

The devil doll naturally does not appear in the form of a skeleton, but uses a devil mask to transform into the image of Fang Hao.

Even people who are familiar with Fang Hao can't find anything at a glance.

They look the same, but their behavior is controlled by Fang Hao himself.

It can also be said that these two people are Fang Hao himself.

52 people came to the back door of the temple with tools, and spoke briefly to the guarding priest.

So he walked in directly from the back door.

The demon doll entered the temple without attracting anyone's attention.

But when Fang Hao used Divine Presence, he felt a sultry burning sensation coming from his divine consciousness.

Fortunately, this burning sensation was still within Fang Hao's tolerance.

Passing through the back door, you come directly to the entrance of the underground passage.

Open the backpack.

He took out the luminous stone chandelier and distributed it to several people.

After making all preparations, he walked straight down.

The stone steps leading to the sewer are slender, and the original width for two people side by side has gradually increased to a distance that is comfortable enough for five people side by side.

Walking all the way to the bottom, everyone's eyes suddenly became spacious.

This sewer is taller than Fang Hao imagined.

The arched tunnel corridor is more than three meters high, and the distance between the two sides is only more than five meters wide.

This distance is taller than the corridor of the city lord's palace.

It seems that what Miriam said is right. The underground world here is older than the city of Lysis above.

"Sir, this place is so wide, so be careful." Demitga said.

If it is just a short underground drainage channel, then the enemy may really be rats.

However, it is so huge here, and it is spread all over the city of Lysis.

Then the environment here is enough space for some large creatures to survive.

"Well, be careful. This time we are mainly trying to find out useful information. Try not to have a fight. If there is danger, just exit the same way." Fang Hao nodded.

50 Lionheart Knight, plus the orange hero Demitga.

As long as he didn't meet the quasi-god, he would have a chance to use teleportation to take everyone out.

"It's my lord!" Everyone responded in unison.

Forming a formation of three people side by side, protecting Fang Hao in the middle, they explored forward little by little.

There are flat stones on both sides of the corridor, and only the middle area is sunken for the flow of sewage.

Therefore, the road is not difficult to walk.

Moving forward along the corridor, various green fungi and moss grew in the dark and damp corners.

It disturbed all kinds of reptiles and dispersed in all directions.

The light of the luminous stone is soft, but it is enough to illuminate a large space in front.

Several people walked forward in formation, little by little.

Everyone has weapons in hand, is highly focused, and is ready to deal with danger at any time.

We walked for more than ten minutes.

Many forks in the road suddenly appeared ahead. There were corridors with the same shape in the three directions ahead and on the left and right.

Everyone was left unsure in which direction they should explore for a moment.

It seems that going down the tunnel to catch mice is not a smart decision.

Zhizhi! !

Just when everyone was hesitating, not knowing which way to go, a rat-like sound suddenly came from the channel on the left.

Shining the luminous stone to the left, you can see a white-haired mouse standing upright at the end of the corridor, looking this way.

And with the help of the luminous stone's lighting, Fang Hao saw its Mediterranean-style hairstyle.

There is no hair in the middle part of the head, which makes it look a bit funny.

This kind of mouse has the same shape as the mouse that was seen in the cave holding a luminous stone on its way.

"Go, go to the left, be careful." Fang Hao said.

Several people immediately walked to the corridor on the left.

At the same time, the rat that screamed turned around and ran away.

When Fang Hao and others walked to the place where the mouse had just stayed.

Zhizhi! !

The mouse was not far ahead, barking at them.



The third time, Fang Hao and others felt something was wrong.

This mouse would always be waiting for them at the fork in the road.

It seemed that he was deliberately guiding them.

This made Fang Hao and others even more suspicious of the danger ahead.

The mouse barked three or four times, but several people still stood where they were and did not move forward.


The mouse continued to bark and jumped anxiously.

"Let's go over and see what he's up to." Fang Hao decided to continue walking.

This time, the team did not get lost, but followed the mouse directly forward.

I walked for more than half an hour.

Fang Hao's sense of three-dimensional direction is still good, and his original body is also comparing it with the map in his hand.

He was basically certain that he was approaching the northern edge of the city at this time.

Continue following the mouse through a circular pipe.

Suddenly, a surprising scene appeared ahead.

On both sides of the dry underground rice fields, fields have been reclaimed. Although the area is not large, the plants in the fields have already grown buds.

On the other side of the field, several gray-haired mice were organizing daily necessities stolen or picked up from the human world.

Bottles, jars, or some discarded heels and forks.

The mice here all have their own division of labor.

This is more like a microcosm of a human city, a small city built underground.

Not only Fang Hao, everyone was surprised.

Ordinary gray-haired rats obviously did not have the wisdom of Mediterranean rats. After seeing Fang Hao and his group, they began to escape into the dark corridor.

Zhizhi! !

Not far away, the Mediterranean rat leading the way was still barking.

Fang Hao also followed forward.

After passing through another circular pipe, Fang Hao confirmed that he had reached the end.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Fang Hao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he was even more surprised than when he saw rats outside the city.

This is a semi-elliptical square.

In front of Fang Hao and the others, there are tiers of seats that go up like a stadium auditorium.

There were tens of thousands of white-haired mice sitting on every seat.

These mice are similar in size to wild mice. The only difference is that there is no hair in the middle of the head, only a transparent film through which the beating brain can be seen.

[Cranial Rat (Level 1)].

I also saw the name of this kind of rat up close.

Skull Rat, Fang Hao was deeply impressed by this name.

It turns out that this kind of rat is a cranial rat.

At this time, the heads of tens of thousands of skull rats began to vibrate at the same frequency.

The mouse at the front suddenly said: "Welcome to the gray maze, human Fang Hao, why do you appear here, what are you looking for? Or are you just satisfying your game of causing trouble everywhere and looking for treasure boxes?"

Swish, swish, swish! !

The skull rat suddenly spoke human words, and all the soldiers immediately drew their weapons and entered combat mode.

The vast hall immediately fell into a tense atmosphere.

When the head rat spoke, all the rats, with their membrane-wrapped brains on their heads, vibrated at the same frequency, as if it was not the rats in front of them who were speaking, but the group of rats speaking at the same time.

Fang Hao was surprised by the strange behavior of the skull rat in front of him.

But this was not the time to ask about this, he just replied: "The temple said that there are always some strange noises heard down here recently, so they asked me to come down to see if there is any danger."

Fang Hao told a lie. Apparently, the mice that Miriam said were reading books were these skull mice.

"Oh, it's possible that those wild guys sneaked up. We will restrict their actions and prevent similar situations from happening again." The skull rat continued with a high-pitched voice.

Fang Hao was also a little surprised by this answer.

Rat, showed strong diplomatic skills.

After analyzing the race and requirements of Fang Hao and others, they gave a very peaceful answer that was acceptable to both parties.

"Okay, I'm very satisfied with this answer." Fang Hao signaled the guards to put away their weapons, and continued to ask: "I'm curious, how did you know that my name is Fang Hao?"

The skull rat's brain began to vibrate in unison again.

"In this city, we can see and hear everything, including you, human Fang Hao. Many people have mentioned you behind your back, as a potential threat, number one in the area, and the sissy with the orchid finger... .”


Skull Rat told three comments that others gave Fang Hao behind his back.

But these three evaluations include three different types of people, faceless people, time travelers, and some cloth merchants whose business was robbed by them.

The back-cranial rat didn't continue talking. There must be many wonderful comments.

"Many people outside know what you said, but it does not mean that you know everything in this city. Unless you can tell, even I..."

Before Fang Hao finished speaking, the shrill voice of the Skull Rat interrupted him and continued: "We know what you need. The Faceless Men have a clear plan for you and Rebecca, but humans you should Clearly, information has value and requires exchange of equivalent items or information.”

The intelligence of these skull rats is no less than that of humans.

Moreover, these skull rats seem to have taken advantage of their convenience in the underground world to obtain many secrets in the city.

Not only did they know that they and Rebecca were teaming up to deal with the Faceless Men, they also knew that the Faceless Men had a clear plan for them.

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Fang Hao continued to ask: "So, gentlemen Skull Rat, should I exchange this information this time, or have you already thought about what you need?"

They can no longer be regarded as mice.

Normal exchange is the first condition for cooperation.

Woohoo! !

The brains of the skull rats, wrapped under the membrane, began to shake violently.

Then, the skull rat spoke again: "If it is ordinary intelligence, we need materials, materials and supplies to build an underground city, but this time the information we want to tell you is very important to you, so we need to contact you A life-equivalent exchange."

Equivalent to life?

Fang Hao didn't quite understand this sentence.

Skull Rat probably wanted to describe the information this time as very important.

"Tell me, what do you need?"

"We need ways to survive. You have a different way of thinking from humans in the surface world. Maybe you can come up with a way to change our current situation." Skull Rat said.

Fang Hao frowned, "What do you mean?"

"We are weak and powerless, but when we get together, we can possess wisdom that matches that of human beings. We have always been hiding in the underground world of this city and do not have any conflicts or frictions with the humans on the surface, so as not to reduce the number of our few. number of people.”

The skull rat looked back at his companions. It seemed that they had reached a certain consensus in a short period of time. The skull rat continued: "We need more advanced experimental products, experimental products of related races, to change the genetic barriers in the body. .”


Crazy, mice are starting to study genes.

Chapter 437, Group Consciousness (Please recommend, please subscribe...)

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