"Who are you?" the Templar asked solemnly.

His expression was solemn, but his tone contained a hint of interrogation and questioning.

I was stopped by someone while shopping.

It was this condescending attitude that made Fang Hao feel a little angry.

He said coldly: "What does it have to do with you?"

"Hmph! We suspect that you are related to the undead. Come with us to the temple and accept the investigation!" the Templar Knight said calmly.

As these words were spoken, several other attendants followed.

Then he had to step forward to get someone.

Swish, swish, swish! !

The Lionheart Knights all drew their swords from their waists and looked warily at the approaching people.

When he saw the opponent reveal his weapon, the murderous look on his eyebrows was not fake at all.

The temple attendants also stopped and did not dare to step forward.

"Why, are you going to resist?" The Templar's voice was a little colder again.

Fang Hao sneered, "I still suspect that you are a vampire. Come with us."

In fact, when hearing the other party say the undead.

He was truly surprised.

But if you think about it carefully, you will understand that this is a random reason given by the other party.

If they really knew some information about Fang Hao.

I'm afraid it was the priest who came to arrest him.

However, these people were fairly certain that he really had something to do with the undead.

"Hmph, are you going to be enemies with the church and the human race?" The Templar's voice became louder again.

A faint light emerged from his body.

The people who were blocking the road to watch the excitement suddenly seemed to be infected.

Bow down and worship, murmuring praise for God’s glory.

Fang Hao glanced at the changes in the crowd around him, and his tone refused to give in at all.

It would be really dangerous if he followed.

"Go away, don't look for trouble here."

Hearing the scolding, the solemn knight showed an angry look on his face and shouted: "Be brave and capture these people for me."

Fang Hao also shouted: "Take it down and kill the resisters on the spot."

Both sides issued orders one after another.

At the same time, he took his weapon and started to kill the opponent.

Just when the two sides were about to fight, they came together.

when the situation deteriorates further.

In the distance, there was a high-pitched roar.


Immediately afterwards, there were dense and rapid footsteps.

Groups of heavily armed patrol guards surrounded both sides.

"Catch the thief, catch the thief." At the same time, a high-pitched and familiar voice sounded.

I saw a burly captain walking over with a green-feathered parrot standing on his shoulder.

Standing in the middle, blocking the two parties who were at war with each other.

The voice was cold, "You are so brave to fight with weapons on the streets."

It turned out to be him.

Fang Hao and the others were deeply impressed by this green-feathered parrot.

After recognizing the parrot, he knew that this was the patrol team he had met in the commercial street before.

"Captain Buckel, these people are insulting the church in public. Please take these people down and I will take them back to the church to deal with them." The Templar Knights saw the patrol coming and spoke first.

When you see the other person, complain first.

Anjia and Luo Li also immediately retorted.

"They were the ones looking for trouble first." An Jia pointed at the other party.

Luo Li also echoed, "We were just shopping, and they stopped us and insisted on taking us away. We still smelled when we talked."

The captain named Bakker looked back at the Templars with a serious voice, "What's going on?"

"Captain Bucker, we suspected that these people were related to the undead and were planning to take them back for investigation. However, not only did they not cooperate, they also verbally insulted the church and resisted with weapons." The Templar replied.

The church is powerful, but Silver Wing City still has the final say in the Palace of Justice.

He is a knight and does not have any privileges in front of the patrol.

Upon hearing the other party's words, Bakker frowned instantly.

He also remembered Fang Hao and the others. After all, the appearance of the female orc in the city also left a deep impression on him.

Those who came to attend the parliament from the city of Lysis were not ordinary people themselves.

It's really ridiculous that you want to take people away just because you have something to do with the undead.

Bakker looked at several people from the church with disgust in his eyes.

In a serious tone, he said, "Let's forget about this matter. Don't make trouble here."

After that, we will send everyone here away.

Hearing these words, the Templar's expression changed instantly.

Although the church does not control Silver Wing City, it still has a strong position.

With such a sentence, I wanted to take it, how could it be possible?

He said in a cold voice: "Baker, these people insult the church and the God of Light. You can't let them leave."

As he spoke, the light on his body rose again.

The people on the side were once again affected by the light, their faces showed anger, and they shouted loudly: "We can't let them go."

It seems….

Fang Hao saw all the changes in the crowd around him.

This Templar should have a skill that can affect the emotions of believers.

The reason why I say believers, not everyone.

A few people were shouting along, and many people were still watching the development of the situation with the excitement of watching the excitement.

Bucker's face also darkened.

Said: "You said they are related to the undead, is there any evidence?"

"Hmph, of course there is evidence, but it's just not on us. Once we get to the church, we'll investigate and it will become clearer." The Templars still refused to give in at all.

This firm tone made Fang Hao a little unsure.

Have they really discovered themselves?

If he was really exposed, he would kill someone and run away.

"How many days are you going to interrogate?" Bakker asked again.

"Seven days, or forever in the dungeon if the evidence is clear," the Templar replied.

Bakker smiled sarcastically, "The Federal Assembly will be held in seven days, and he won't be able to attend. How do you plan to ask the Bishop to explain it?"

Hearing these words, the Templar Knight was stunned.

Bucker continued: "If you arrest him today, he may not be the one who goes to the dungeon. You have to think clearly."

"You said he is a congressman?" The Templar looked at Hao Xia again.

"I have said everything that needs to be said. If you have evidence that he is related to the undead, it will be a great achievement for you to take him away. If you don't then, the church will not be able to spare you, the Justice League will not be able to spare you, and all the members participating in the parliament will not be able to spare you. I can't spare you, think clearly." Bucker's voice became even deeper.

The Templar knight's forehead began to sweat, and a kind of Temple attendant behind him also looked at Fang Hao and the others in surprise.

Obviously, they did not investigate the identities of Fang Hao and others before they found trouble.

At this time, they were also a little unsure.

Subconsciously, he glanced at the second floor window of the tavern on one side.

Fang Hao, An Jia and others all noticed this action and looked towards the second floor.

Their perspective is different from that of the Templars.

I could vaguely see a person shrinking back.

The Templar knights below seemed to have received some signal and said directly: "Let's go."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Fang Hao frowned, but did not stop these people.

Instead, he took the people directly to the door of the tavern beside him and blocked the only door.

The expressions of the Templar Knights changed and they wanted to stop them, but Fang Hao and others were faster.

He entered the tavern directly and led a group of people to the second floor.

He pushed open the room near the street.

The private room is gorgeously decorated.

Sitting at the table near the window was a young man in church clothes.

There was wine and food on the table, and he was eating casually.

Seeing Fang Hao and others coming in, there was no expression of surprise, but a peaceful smile.

"Mr. Fang Hao, we meet again!"

Seeing the people in the room, Fang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

It turned out to be him, that half-breed guy.

The two met once at an auction held at the Merchant Alliance's headquarters.

At that time, he just nodded his head from a distance and made no contact.

Up to now, Fang Hao still only remembers that he is a saint of the church, and has forgotten his specific name.

Seeing Mao Zi greeting him calmly.

He didn't show any strange emotions at all because of what happened just now.

Fang Hao sat down opposite Mao Zi and also smiled, "Well, what do you call brothers?"

"Xu Haide."

Maozi Xu Haide said his name calmly.

At this time, the sound of rapid footsteps was heard outside the private room, and several Templar knights from before were seen running up quickly.

However, he was stopped outside by the Lionheart Knight, and both sides started to fight again.

Xu Haide said to the door: "You guys wait outside the door."


Several people from the temple responded and stood outside the door politely.

"So, I have offended Brother Xu somewhere, and I arranged for my subordinates to trouble me today." Fang Hao said it directly without hiding it.

Xu Haide looked calm, and he didn't know it was because he had been in the church for a long time.

It’s still the same character.

Similar to church people, I feel a little paralyzed.

"I asked them to invite you over, but I didn't want them to offend Mr. Fang Hao." Xu Haide said.

Fang Haocai didn't believe his lies.

At that time, these people took a look at the second floor and gave up messing around with Fang Hao.

It was obviously his instigation.

Fang Hao didn't intend to go into detail on this, "I'm here, let's talk! What do you need from me?"

"I heard that Boss Fang Hao has some connections with the undead."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the whole room suddenly became solemn again.

Xu Haide apologized just now, but now he mentioned this matter again.

In fact, it is not a secret that Fang Hao is related to the undead.

Skeleton merchants carry goods to various traverser cities every day.

Although there are no skeleton merchants settled in Xu Haide's city, it is not difficult to learn some things in the channel.

"Why, you want to judge me on behalf of the God of Light?" Fang Hao asked with a sneer.

"The undead clan is the natural enemy of all living things. Once the council and the church know about it, I am afraid they will eradicate your city at all costs. By then, I am afraid there will really be no place for you in the city." After Xu Haide finished speaking, he said He took a sip of wine from his glass.

He looked like a master and a superior person.

Fang Hao naturally heard what Xu Haide meant.

This was a threat to himself. He knew that he must be related to the undead, and he was serious about asking his men to catch him just now.

But I didn't expect that Fang Hao was really tough and didn't take the people of the church seriously in Silver Wing City.

Now, it is even more clear.

But similarly, if he says this now, there should be something else going on, otherwise, why would he be talking to himself now?

"If you have something to say, just say it."

Xu Haide put down his wine glass and said, "Do a few things for me. If you do well, your secret will not be spread to the ears of the church!"

"Oh? What do you want me to do for you? Let me tell you." Fang Hao's eyes moved.

Xu Haide looked at Fang Hao seriously and said directly: "Give me your Lord's Book. I will swallow it when the time comes. You are my city lord, and I will tell you what you should do."

This guy is cautious.

Didn't say things directly.

Of course, Fang Hao was just testing it out to see if he could find out anything about the church.

Now Mao Zi doesn't want to say it, and he doesn't care either.

He sneered and said: "You have a good idea. If you don't want to say it, forget it. Goodbye!"

After saying that, he stood up to leave.

Xu Haide didn't expect him to raise his butt and leave, so he immediately said: "Aren't you afraid that I will tell you about your matter?"

When he reached the door, Fang Hao stopped.

Xu Haide thought that Fang Hao was still afraid, and was about to continue threatening him.

Then I heard Fang Hao's voice filled with murderous intent sounded again, "Cherish the life you have now, don't seek death yourself."

After saying that, Fang Hao turned around and left.

Xu Haide was left alone, sitting on the chair in a daze, his hand holding the wine glass suspended in mid-air.

There was no next step for a long time.

He could feel that Fang Hao was not joking.

Coupled with his past style, he might really come to kill him if he gets desperate.

However, now he has a church of saints, and his territory is a church camp building.

What did he use to kill himself? Where did he get the capital?

"Hmph! Ridiculous."

Xu Haide sneered, picked up the wine glass again and drank.

Fang Hao and others left, and the Templar knights and attendants outside the door also walked in.

He said in a cold voice: "Sir, would you like me to gather the believers and capture him? It won't be difficult."

Xu Haide followed the window and looked at the people walking out of the tavern.

He smiled slightly and said calmly: "No rush, don't touch him before the council."

"Okay, my lord."

Xu Haide sneered and continued to look out the window until the figures of several people disappeared.

"What is it?" Anjia said angrily.

"Just, something." Luo Li also said.

"Damn that bitch, let me catch him without blowing his head off."

"Blow the dog's head off." Luo Li still agreed, "Would you like to eat that one?"

An Jia glanced at it and said, "Eat!"

Come out of the tavern.

The two of them cursed and greeted Xu Haide from head to toe.

But I didn’t delay eating.

Swearing while eating.

After wandering around all morning, we returned to our residence in the afternoon.

No one came to trouble them again.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

There was a knock on the door.

"Lord City Lord, my wife is losing her temper. Can you please take a look when you have time?" The maid's voice came from outside the door.

loose the temper?

Rebecca has a strong ability to withstand stress, and losing her temper is relatively rare.

By coincidence, Fang Hao also planned to tell Rebecca what happened today.

Then he said, "Okay, I'll go out right away."

After getting dressed.

Then walked out of the room.

Walking through the long and narrow corridor, he stopped in front of a room door.

Standing at the door, you can hear the sound of things being thrown inside.

It seems like it’s not a big deal to mess up Rebecca like this.

He asked the maid to stay outside the door, then opened the door and walked in.

Just came in.

Then he saw Rebecca holding a stack of books high above her head and about to drop them.

Seeing Fang Hao come in, look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com He instantly calmed down a lot.

He slammed the book on the table and sat back in the chair with a straight face.

"What's going on? What blind thing has offended our city lord's wife." Fang Hao came over, put his hands on her shoulders, and asked softly.

Rebecca was still angry.

Standing behind her, you can see her full chest rising and falling violently due to anger.

It's like someone is blowing up a balloon and then deflating it.

Blowing and deflating again.

Rebecca took a deep breath and said angrily:

"A traitor has appeared in Lysis City and sold shady information to Grote. Once these things are leaked, we may not be able to leave Silver Wing City."


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