The fire in the commercial street stopped in the middle of the night.

But the aftermath of the fire did not stop.

A large number of people in the city are cleaning the ruins.

There were also people dressed as guards, investigating the cause of this incident.

After breakfast, Fang Hao took An Jia and others here to see the situation.

When we arrived at the scene, we found that there were people all around.

They gathered around, chatting about someone setting fire, whose family was burned to ashes, and so on.

Anyway, we talked about things related to the fire yesterday.

Fang Hao and his group were strong and squeezed through the crowd.

I saw the whole street.

The burn marks were not limited to one or two buildings. At a glance, a whole row of buildings were completely black in front, with some even smoking.

Some people in yellow clothing are dealing with these places that are still smoking.

Fortunately, a mage caused heavy rain last night, otherwise the fire would have burned half of the city.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fang Hao suddenly thought of Li Rong.

He didn't know anyone else here, except Li Rong who was familiar with him.

And her shop happens to be on this street.

Thinking in his mind, he squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the direction of Xianmeng Tower.

As we walked inside, we discovered that the fire was worse than imagined.

It seems that the fire should have started from Xianmeng Tower and then slowly spread to other shops.

Nothing was burned.

Naturally, there was no need to go through the door. I stepped on the burned-down wall and entered.

The interior was also in a mess. There was nothing left, including cosmetics, clothes and jewelry.

He was about to take out the Lord's Book and ask about Li Rong's situation.

Then he vaguely heard the sound of sobbing coming from inside the broken wall.

The sobs were not loud, as if they were trying hard to control them.

But from the hoarse and slightly trembling cry, one can also hear the sadness of the other party.

Fang Hao and others walked through the broken wall.

Then he saw Li Rong squatting in the corner, covered in charcoal dust.

His whole head was buried in his arms, and his body was trembling.

Hearing someone coming in, Li Rong hurriedly wiped away her tears and raised her head.

The face of the crying pear blossom has turned into a little cat.

When he saw it, it was Fang Hao coming in.

The tears that had just been suppressed could no longer be controlled and flowed down.

Fang Hao could also understand how sad she was.

After working hard for so long, I thought everything was on track.

But in a fire, everything was gone, including the second branch and commercial operations. Everything was turned into ruins along with the fire.

Fang Hao thought for a while, knelt down and patted her trembling shoulder gently.

Softly comforting: "It's okay, everything will be fine."

It's okay if you don't say it, that's the advice.

Li Rong turned around and threw herself into Fang Hao's arms, crying a little louder.

Fang Hao's clothes were wet.

"It's gone, it's all gone..."

Li Rong has her own territory and does not live in the city.

I just heard thunder last night, but I didn't know about the fire.

But as soon as I entered the city today, I discovered something was wrong.

When she saw the Fairy Dream Tower in ruins, Li Rong was stunned.

My mind went blank.

He rushed in alone and dug through the rubble, looking for the wrong goods.

But with such a huge fire, nothing would be left behind. All that was dug out was charcoal.

At this time, the whole person was buried in Fang Hao's arms.

He kept sobbing, saying vaguely things like "nothing, nothing is gone," and so on.

Fang Hao had heard about Li Rong's business dream, and he also knew the sadness of having his dream shattered and everything lost.

Still patting her shoulder gently, comforting her, "The factory is still there, your foundation is still there, and everything can be done again..."

Woo hoo hoo….

Li Rong cried for a while and became a little quieter.

Wiping the tears on his face, he raised his head from Fang Hao's arms.

Tears and charcoal dust completely turned Li Rong's originally good-looking face into a painted face.

It was as if she had been burned by the fire.

"Wipe your face, you look like a tabby cat." Fang Hao handed over a handkerchief.

Li Rong took it.

I wiped it on my face, and with this wipe, the plaster on my face was evenly spread.

Seeing that her mood was stable, Fang Hao continued to ask: "No one was hurt, right?"

Li Rong was a little distracted, and her face no longer looked cheerful as before.

He murmured the answer: "No, no one is left in the store at night. It's just my store, it's just gone..."

"It's okay. Just cover it up when the time comes. As long as she's okay." Fang Hao saw that the more she rubbed, the darker her skin became.

He took out water, moistened the handkerchief, and wiped her face, revealing a fair face under the black ash.


At this time, An Jia suddenly let out a cry in the ruins.

He reached out and dug on the ground and pulled out a long iron box.

Li Rong sniffed and turned to look at the iron box in An Jia's hand.

He stopped crying immediately and ran over in a hurry.

He took the iron box from Anjia's hand and opened the lid, revealing neatly stacked stacks of gold coins inside.

These are the money from recent store sales.

An Jia didn't care that Li Rong snatched away the items he found.

Now that there is money in the territory, Anjia naturally doesn't like the money anymore.

Fang Hao admired Anjia's treasure hunting ability from beginning to end.

I found the money easily, and I wasn't surprised to see so much.

Li Rong held the money box and took several deep breaths to calm down her mood.

When his mood was almost restored, he asked softly: "Fang Hao, An Jia, why are you here."

"I saw the fire here last night. I came here today to check on the situation here." Fang Hao explained.

This fire started rather strangely.

Silver Wing City is a big city. According to the city level, it is probably above level 15.

The shops in the commercial street are all built with neatly excavated stone bricks. It is difficult for such a large fire to occur after the store is closed.

Fortunately, the mage caused heavy rain, otherwise I don't know how many buildings would have been destroyed and how many people would have died.

"Thank you a lot." Li Rong expressed her gratitude.

There was a big fire here, but I didn't expect that the first person to come over would be Fang Hao and the others who had cooperated once.


Fang Hao wanted to ask what to do next.

But just as he said that, he heard trotting and shouting from outside the courtyard wall, "Sister Li, Sister Li, there is news."

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and several clerks from Xianmenglou were seen running in one after another.

When they saw Fang Hao's group of people, several shop assistants were slightly startled.

"Boss, you are here too." The time traveler clerk recognized Fang Hao and still addressed him as boss.

Although I don’t understand why people like Fang Hao appear here.

But this is obviously not the time to talk about this.

Fang Hao nodded, "Yes."

After saying hello, the male clerk's eyes fell on Li Rong again.

Li Rong had stopped crying at this time, and except for the red eye circles, no other expression could be seen.

Her face also returned to the image of a serious female boss, but it was just a little rosy.

"What's wrong? You're so frizzy." Li Rong took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Sister Li, we just asked the patrol guards, and they told us to think about whether we had offended anyone. The fire last night was man-made." The male clerk said directly.

"Man-made?" Li Rong's eyes narrowed.

How sad I was just now, I am so angry now.

Everything she owned was destroyed, and someone was actually targeting her.

"Yes, the patrol team said that our place was the source of the fire, and traces of combustion accelerants were also found. Let us think about who can do it and then notify them." The male clerk continued.

The store clerks here include time travelers and aborigines.

But this job is still good, there is no hard work, I sell goods every day and teach women how to make up.

Income is also very objective.

Originally, this job could continue, at least we could get through this winter, and the whole family could have a good life.

But now, a fire has destroyed their work.

They knew someone had done it, and they were just as angry.

Li Rong nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. Let's look here to see if there is anything we can take away."

"Okay, boss."

The clerks began to sort through the rubble.

The third floor is jade jewelry. If An Jia can find something, they may also be able to find some complete pieces.

If they don't find it now, when the people in the city clean up, there will really be no place to look for it.

Outside the ruins.

Li Rong smoked a cigarette and thought about things in her mind.

Fang Hao looked at the environment at the scene. He was afraid that Li Rong had no place to stay, so he said: "Let's go, go to my place to tidy up first. It happens to be not far from here, so it's convenient for you to come over if anything happens."

Li Rong was just thinking about who set the fire.

Hearing Fang Hao's words, he hesitated a little, "This, this is not good."

Fang Hao knew why she was hesitating.

Then he said directly: "It's a mess here, and I can't think of anything. Let's go to my place and think slowly."

This time, Li Rong did not refuse.

Based on my current situation, if I can get closer to Fang Hao.

For myself, it is a powerful thing.

"Thank you, Mr. Fang Hao."

Fang Hao nodded and led Li Rong towards his residence.

The residence of the army in Lysis was an officially allocated manor.

The building is large and has many vacant rooms.

After Fang Hao and others returned.

Then someone boiled water for Li Rong and asked her to wash herself.

She now looked like a little black man who had just returned from the Congo.

Fang Hao asked someone to take care of Li Rong.

Then he went to do his own business.

The parliament is getting closer and closer, and before the official start of the parliament, the following days are filled with impromptu careful meetings.

Now Rebecca has to go out every day, attending the parliament and contacting some forces that can be won over.

Return to the room.

The call of the telepathic conch comes from the storage space.

Take it out and take a look.

It was a message sent by Laurana.

Perhaps it was because Laurana had a more fierce personality in the past, and she had already begun to attack Rebecca.

After seeing the news, I felt inexplicably nervous.

He took out the sound-transmitting conch and put it to his ear. Laurana's pleasant but emotionless voice immediately came from inside.

"Those rats brought news."

Hearing this brief sentence, Fang Hao was stunned.

So fast?

Yesterday, Rebecca mentioned to him that there were traitors in Lysis.

After making out with Rebecca, I returned to the room.

He used the sound-transmitting conch to contact Laurana.

Laurana was a little reluctant, and Fang Hao felt guilty because of Rebecca.

After discussing it for a while, I mentioned again that this was helping Rebecca.

Laurana gave in and went to investigate the traitor.

Fang Hao actually didn't ask her to investigate. Human beings would be too slow to investigate such things.

When the evidence is found, the parliament is over.

What he is looking for is the skull rat of the underworld.

The Skull Rat has the largest intelligence network in Lysis City. Even the Faceless Men at that time were informed by the Skull Rat.

It is not difficult to investigate some traitors.

But I didn't expect it to be so fast.

Fang Hao picked up the sound transmission conch and put it to his mouth and said, "Who are they?"

Soon, Laurana's voice sounded again, "There are 14 people in total, 5 of them can no longer be found, and the rest have been controlled by me."

Good guy, there are a lot of people.

This is no longer as simple as bribery, but more like a spy who has been arranged around him in advance.

"Who are these five people? I need a list." Fang Hao continued.

"Okay, Maid Staci, Internal Affairs Officer Marcus..."

Laurana neatly named five names, ranging from Rebecca's maid to local officials.

After Rebecca left, these people did not show up for various reasons.

He should have secretly arrived at Silver Wing City a long time ago.

Just waiting to identify Rebecca in the parliament and catch her off guard.

"Okay, I understand." Fang Hao replied.

Just as he was about to put away the sound-transmitting conch, he heard Laurana's voice again.

There was a slight caution in his tone, "Ahem~! Well, did you have a smooth journey over there?"

"It went very smoothly. Once this matter is resolved, I will go back after the meeting." Fang Hao replied.

"Rebecca is pretty good, you didn't bully her," Laurana said again.

He had never seen Laurana speak in such a tone.

Normally, Fang Hao might have said a few words in a weird way, but now he didn't dare.

It even began to come to mind that after returning home, Laurana discovered the situation between him and Rebecca.

Crazy situation.

Now is not the time to think about this. If you delay it for too long, she may become suspicious.

He picked up the conch and said, "It's all good. Why did I bully her? I also bought you a gift. I'll give it to you when I get back."

"Okay, I understand." At the end, he returned to his cold and indifferent look.

End the call.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords again.

He took another look at Laurana's loyalty.

[The Beauty of the Lonely Night-Laurana Ann Tobias, current loyalty is 67. 】


Not bad, it has reached 67.

He shouldn't hurt himself.

Fang Hao opened the door and walked out.

The door to the room facing him also opened at this time.

Li Rong walked out after taking a bath.

Wearing a beige short shirt and tight-fitting trousers. Find Shuyuan

Her slender and straight thighs, tightly wrapped in trousers, just walked out.

Her skin was already very fair, and even her temperament changed when she put on such a suit.

She is no longer the smart and heroic female boss, but more like a clean and beautiful little woman.

Wearing the spare clothes Anjia brought over.

Although An Jia has a toned figure, her steamed buns are still a bit too small.

When Li Rong put it on, her chest, hips and waist were tight and tight.

"Brother Fang Hao."

"Well, have you ever thought about who is targeting you?" Fang Hao asked.

Li Rong's eyebrows instantly rose with a murderous look, "Yes..."


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