The organ museum covers a wide area and the construction style is also full of religious colors.

Various ritual patterns and action figures are painted on the walls.

"Lord Lord, do you want to visit?" Nelson made an invitation.

Fang Hao looked at the huge building in front of him, and his heart was full of curiosity.

The museum has only one floor, but the area is far larger than Fang Hao's lord's wooden house.

It has become the largest building in the territory, no one.

"Please." Fang Hao smiled slightly as Nelson strode in.

The interior of the building is very spacious, like a museum, divided into areas of different sizes.

There are also signs.

【Underground Cemetery】【Boneyard】.

These are two undead buildings in Fang Hao's territory.

"Lord Lord, after obtaining the organ jar with special abilities, you can place it in the corresponding area as a sacrifice, which can bring powerful special abilities to the troops." Nelson explained softly as he followed.

If Nelson explained it like this outside, he would still not understand.

But combined with the scene, I understood what Nelson meant.

It's in the game, bringing runes to heroes.

The organ jar is a rune, as long as it is worn on the desired unit, it can have some special abilities.

At this time, I looked like I had found a treasure. This improved the strength of the overall arms, which was far more powerful than a warrior hero.

You know, he has a hundred-fold increase, and blasting troops is his advantage.

"Well, how should the organ jar be obtained?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

He has an empty organ jar in his hand, bought from the Skeleton Merchant.

"Crock pot factory fire, or buy some," Nelson continued.


Needless to say, the pottery factory also needs blueprints. To buy it is to buy it from the skeleton merchant.

Nothing to explain.

The two continued to move forward, and the space of the second hall shrunk a little, and there was a huge long stone platform in the center.

The surface of the stone table is regular and smooth.

"Lord Lord, when you want to get rid of this mortal body, you can hold a ceremony here." Nelson's staff leaned on the ground and said softly.

Fang Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Nelson meant.

Depend on!

This stone platform is where mummies are made.

Subconsciously, he had to take a step back, then stopped immediately, and said in a flat tone, "Don't be in a hurry."

Nelson didn't say much.

Further inside is Nelson's residence. There is his room in the museum, which saves Fang Hao the trouble of arranging a residence for him.

After a tour of the museum, I walked out.

"Okay, Nelson, if you have time, you can stroll around the territory and familiarize yourself with the environment."

"Okay, Lord." Nelson replied.

Fang Hao walked out of the museum, Yier was waiting at the door.

Seeing Fang Hao coming back, he immediately followed behind and rushed towards the lord's cabin.


The next day, early morning.

Because of the greed last night, I didn't get up so early today.

It was a sleepless night.

Yier didn't call him either, and let him wake up naturally.

Stretching out, he walked out of the bedroom.

As soon as I walked down the floor, I heard Yier humming a song in the room.

It seems to be in a good mood today.

Fang Hao smiled slightly and was about to leave when Yier opened the door and the two almost collided.

"Yeah! Master, you are awake."

Yi'er's hair was wet, and she was wrapped in a leather blanket, barely covering her chest and buttocks, and her exposed skin was puffed with water vapor.

Extraordinarily cute.

Yier hurriedly saluted, letting the small leather blanket,

even more insufficient.

Let Fang Hao's blood flow in the morning.

"I'm taking a shower, isn't there a curtain? Don't catch a cold." Fang Hao hurriedly looked away.

The territory does not have the conditions for making bath towels and fabrics.

But don't you loot some curtains from castles and orc camps?

Those are all good fabrics and can be used as bath towels.

The skeleton has also been washed several times, and it is also very clean.

"Those curtains are all very good. I put them away and hang them up when I need them later." Yier said softly.

It will really be a good time.

"Okay, just don't catch a cold. After taking a bath, let's prepare breakfast." Fang Hao said.

"Okay master, I'll prepare breakfast right away." Yi'er said hurriedly.

Fang Hao looked at Yi'er's swaying buttocks from behind and shook his head slightly.

This is really a goblin. I don't know how many episodes this goblin can live in Journey to the West.


Go out of the lord's cabin.

I still do some aerobic exercise as usual, running push-ups, and I also have some Han on my body.

The body is the capital of the revolution. After seeing the charm of the rabbit people, the body cannot collapse in advance.

After exercising, Yier also started making breakfast.

Fang Hao decided to build the [Cavalry Training Ground] and recruit cavalry units earlier.

Come to the gathering place of the troop buildings, open the book of lords, and find the blueprint.

The cavalry training ground, when it was recorded in the Book of Lords, changed its name because of the faction.

It's called the corridor of the dead.

[The Corridor of the Dead: 500 for wood, 700 for stone, 500 for thatch, and 120 for hemp rope. 】

put up!

The light flashed, and a long and slender corridor appeared in front of Fang Hao.

[First-class Corridor of the Dead]

[Available to recruit: Skeleton Scouts]

[Skull Scout: Creeping Spine 1. 】

(Note: You can recruit cavalry of your own faction in this building. Raising the building level can unlock new soldier types and higher ranks of troops.)

[Materials required for upgrading: wood 1000, stone 1200, thatch 950, leather, 300, hemp rope 250, shadow stone 10. 】

The cavalry can be recruited, which of course makes Fang Hao happy.

But when I built the Organ Jar Museum last night, I consumed all the shadow stones I saved.

Unable to continue to upgrade the Corridor of the Dead.

But it doesn't matter, according to the experience of upgrading the barracks, the second level is just excessive, and will not unlock new arms.

There is no rush to proceed now, the upgrade of arms.

Directly recruit troops, let's see what the cavalry looks like first.

[Available to recruit: Skeleton Scout 1, Consumption: Creeping Spine 1, is it recruiting? 】

Recruitment confirmed!

The system beep sounded again.

[Triggered by a hundred times increase, successfully recruited Skeleton Scout 101. 】

next second.

A skeleton soldier, riding a skeleton horse, slowly walked out of the corridor.

On the open space on the side, the light flashed, and a hundred skeleton scouts with the same appearance appeared.

"No, it is reasonable to say that recruiting skeleton soldiers is a backbone recruiting one. Isn't this cavalry recruited with a skeleton horse and a skeleton horse, or is it appropriate to recruit cavalry." Fang Hao analyzed it alone.

[Skull Scout (Tier 2)]

[Faction: Undead]

[Racial characteristics: undead, hollow skeleton, light weakness. 】

[Skill: Charge. 】

[Inherent ability: Primary combat proficient, primary swordsman proficient, primary riding proficient. 】

[Charge]: (riding state) can charge the target, quickly approach or break up the formation, and cause higher damage to the enemy.

(Note: Scouts riding skeleton horses make up for the weakness of mobility, and have efficient mobility and good charge ability.)

The skeleton horse stomped on the ground, and there was a dense sound of 'kick-tapping'.

Fang Hao looked at the scout and nodded with satisfaction.

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