
Fang Hao's troops carried cartloads of manufactured weapons and armor.

Appeared at the appointed temporary camp.

Outside the camp is a low wall made of stone and mud. Looking beyond the low wall, you can see several wooden buildings inside, as well as many orcs.

There were also heavily armed tauren surrounding them, staring coldly at the slavers.

When Fang Hao and others appeared on the cart.

From a distance, I saw a well-dressed orc with a gold chain and gold ring rushing over quickly.

He kept shouting.

"Dear noble friend, you are finally here. You don't know how difficult it was for us to find a sufficient number of slaves in order to fulfill our friend's instructions."

Fang Hao is somewhat blind to orcs of the same race.

Except for special features, they all look similar.

But when I heard this tone of voice.

Then he was able to confirm the identity of the other party. He was the orc slave trader he had been working with.

It seems that his status in the clan has been improved.

This outfit looks more like a nouveau riche.

He hurried to the carriage, held the carriage with one hand, and trotted along, mumbling incessantly.

It proves how much effort he put into this transaction.

Wait until you arrive at the camp gate.

Fang Hao jumped off the carriage and said, "Take me to see the person you found. If you are not satisfied, I will not pay you."

The orc trader immediately slapped his chest and said, "I'll definitely satisfy you, my friend, please come this way."

After saying that, he took Fang Hao into the camp.

Enter the camp and pass through several dilapidated wooden huts.

Then he saw the slave in his mouth.

There are at least close to a thousand people gathered here, among whom you can see the rabbit-human tribe and the fox-human tribe.

There are old and young, most of them are young.

The slaves just gathered here, without iron cages or any restraints, just waiting uneasily.

"You caught them all?" Fang Hao looked as he walked.

The slave trader immediately shook his head, "Hey! This is not true. Our clan leader is leading us to reform the industry and no longer capture slaves, otherwise they would not be so honest here."

Industry reform?

It is really unusual for this sentence to appear in the mouth of a slave trader.

Of course, Fang Hao didn't care about these. The tribes in the orc area were already in chaos.

In winter, almost no one is hoarding food, but only weapons.

If you change your career in this living situation, how will you change it?

"What can be changed?" Fang Hao asked.

"Hey! My friend, although you are smart, mighty, handsome and rich, you must not have thought of this."

The slave trader paused, showed off for a moment, and continued: "The living environment of the orcs is not good here, and the living environment of the humans is stable, but the slave trade is prohibited, so we plan to open a road."

"What way?"

"Help the orcs in need find kind people willing to keep them."


Fang Hao was stunned for a moment, thinking about what this sentence meant.

Then, I suddenly realized, isn't this just a different name?

It sounds like it has a mid-level feel.

Both ends can collect money, and they have channels so that nobles who need slaves on the human side can buy slaves.

As for the orcs, they also charge money, and I help you build relationships.

"Did the time traveler help you think about it?"

The slave trader was startled, his eyes a little wandering, "No, no, we thought about it ourselves."

Fang Hao didn't bother him about this, and continued: "Is this method effective? It shouldn't be as much as you can earn by catching slaves!"

"Hehe! It's true that we do catch slaves, but they are all sold to the orcs. The humans do it according to the method just mentioned. The method is not bad. These are what we talked about." The slave trader pointed to the people on the side. slave.

"Are they all? Entrusting you to sell themselves to human cities?"

"Yes, winter is coming. You don't know how terrible the winter here is. They can't survive this winter on their own." The slave trader immediately explained.

Fang Hao didn't say any more.

Perhaps, this is really easier to survive than staying in the orc area.

"Have the number of people and ages been calculated?" Fang Hao asked.

"Here's the statistics." The slave trader took out a wooden board with numbers engraved on it.

There are 327 rabbitmen, 158 women and 168 men.

There are 472 fox people, 365 women and 107 men.

Fang Hao shook his head and said to Assetti: "Recount these people, the elderly and children, and count them separately."

"Yes, sir."

The slave trader was stunned, "What are you doing?"

"Do you think someone would buy old people and children back?"

"This,..., what do you mean?" The slave trader was a little unsure.

Fang Hao continued: "Either you take it back, or you give it to me for free. If it's useful, I'll keep it. If it's not, I'll dispose of it myself."

The slave traders would certainly not be able to take these slaves back.

And the other party is right, no one wants to buy old people and children.

Children need to be raised before they can work, and there will be a lot of upfront costs.

"Then I'll do as you say. You take away the old people and children, and keep the ones you can use." The slave trader said with a smile.


Not long after, the number of people was counted again.

There are 42 elderly people and 135 children.

Finished counting here.

A special expression appeared on the slaver's face, "Good friend, I know that your needs are relatively strong, so in addition to rabbits and foxes, we have also specially prepared goods for you."

Fang Hao thought for a while, it should be the Deer Man that the slave owner clan leader mentioned before.

He was also a little curious about what the Deer Man could do.

"Where is it? Let me see."

"Here, you follow me." The slave trader chuckled.

The two of them walked a few steps.

Stopped in front of a wooden house nearby.

The slave trader raised his eyebrows at Fang Hao deliberately, and then opened the wooden door.

Inside the wooden house, five deer men can be seen lying on the ground and resting.

Their image is obviously different from that of bunny and fox people.

The upper body is human, with small, pointed deer features and a pair of antlers on top of its head.

But the lower body is that of a deer, dressed in old linen and four slender deer legs.

The overall image is more like the centaur girl discussed in the channel.

Oh yes, these should be called half-human deer mothers.

"What are you going to do!"

A petite-looking deer man with beautiful features asked timidly.

The body shrank back involuntarily.

"These didn't come here voluntarily, right?" Fang Hao looked at the slave trader.

Different from the story about the tribe's change of profession, the slave trader glared at the Deer Man, then continued with a smile and said: "It's okay, these people have signed the slave contract, and there will be no danger."

"Aren't you going to change your career?"

"These deer people's tribes were attacked. We bought them from the winning tribe. If you didn't need them, they would have to bear heavy physical strength until they died of exhaustion and starvation." The slave trader's voice was loud.

While explaining to Fang Hao, he should also let these deer people understand their current situation.

If Fang Hao doesn't want them, his fate after returning will be even worse than now.

Sure enough, after listening to the slave trader's words, the deer people lowered their heads and stopped talking.

The slave trader continued: "Originally there were more Deermen, but when we arrived, they had been executed by the orcs, and there were only a few left."

No wonder, the previous slave owner clan leader also mentioned the old man and the child of the Deer Man.

Now it seems that they were all killed when they arrived.

"The price will remain the same?"


"Okay, I want these." Fang Hao nodded.

"Thank you for your generosity, rich friend. Now I will go and get you the contract. If you want to use this time to experience the taste of the Deer People, I recommend the Deer People. She is the daughter of the Deer People Clan Chief. In the Deer People Clan, Has a very high status." The slave trader pointed at the Deerman girl who just spoke.

The girl's body trembled and she bit her lower lip, but did not speak.

"Go get the contract."

"Okay." The slave trader walked out of the cabin in a hurry.

Fang Hao also followed out.

Wait until you get the deer man's contract.

Fang Hao paid the slave traders weapons and equipment at corresponding prices.

Wait for the exchange to complete.

The smile on the slaver's face was even brighter.

"Dear friend, if there are new slaves in the future, can I still contact you?"

"Okay, but I hope it's voluntary."

"Okay, you're such a kind person."

After saying that, the slave trader bowed again and left the temporary camp with his men and carts of goods.

Wait for the slave traders to leave.

All the purchased slaves were gathered in the square.

They lowered their heads and waited uneasily for the new master's speech.

They can do nothing now but pray that the owner who bought them will be kind and won't embarrass them too much.

After a while.

The young human who bought his group walked onto a high platform.

He looked down and said loudly: "Okay, everyone raise their heads."

The people with their heads lowered below slowly raised their heads.

He looked forward with a reserved expression.

Fang Hao continued: "You must first understand your identity. You are slaves. I have the right to decide your life and death."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions were full of panic.

"But, as long as you work conscientiously, I can guarantee that you will have enough food and clothing. More importantly, no one will attack you again, and you will be protected by the army."

The eyes of the slave below became confused again.

You look at me, I look at you, we both don’t understand what the other person means.

"So, human master, what do we need to do in exchange for these promises from you?"

It was the Deerman girl who spoke.

It seems like she's a little bolder.

"What's your name?" Fang Hao asked.

"Edith, Master!" Edith whispered, then lowered her head.

Fang Hao nodded and continued: "I will assign work according to what you are good at. If you are smart and can count, you can learn to keep accounts. If you are good at planting, you will be assigned to plant crops. Even if you feel that you are a bit ordinary, I will follow up. Build a factory and you work in it.”

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened.

Learning to keep accounts?

Build a factory, what is a factory?

But they also realized that it seemed that the owner's promise was not bad.

At least they got what they wanted.

Be protected and survive this winter.

Of course, they didn't think that Fang Hao was lying to them because it was unnecessary.

How to deal with them, there is no need to make such an excuse.

There was still no one talking and no applause.

Fang Hao felt that it was not interesting, so he said directly: "Okay, everyone, follow me back to the 'Tasgo Orc City'."

After that, he was escorted by the bull-headed guards.

A group of slaves walked toward Tasgo City in a mighty manner.

On the way, Fang Hao checked the attributes of Edith, the deer man.

【Edith (Level 3)】

[Faction: Orcs]

[Racial characteristics: creatures, avoidance. 】

[Skills: Double shooting, moonlight. 】

[Inherent abilities: primary bow and arrow proficiency, primary spell proficiency. 】

[Creature]: This unit can be treated, affected by morale, emotions and other statuses, and is immune to bone service and similar abilities.

[Dual Shot]: If the first arrow hits the enemy, the second arrow can be quickly fired.

[Moonlight]: The spell released can promote the growth of moonlight-loving crops.

(Description: In the mysterious forest, the deer people are undoubtedly a special race. The sun and moon represent the difference between their males and females.

The male's power comes from sunlight, while the female prefers the night. The difference in activity time between the two also makes mating very complicated and difficult for them. )

Edith's level is not high, but her racial abilities are quite special.

Plants can be stimulated.

Moreover, they are divided into male and female. Males belong to the sun, which means that males can promote crops that like the sun, while females are night crops.

The daytime and nighttime here should refer to hi yang and hi yin.

Unfortunately, no males were purchased and all were female fawns.

"Edith!" Fang Hao shouted to the back.

Behind the team, Edith, who was walking, walked over nervously.

Deer people are really interesting.

I don’t know how to clean up after using the toilet.

"Master, master." Edith walked over and was a little nervous.

The antlers on Edith's head are not big, just a hard chirp protruding from it.

"Do your other tribesmen also have the ability to spawn plants?" Fang Hao glanced behind him and looked at the other deer people here.

The Deer Man behind him also had worry written on his face, looking at this from a distance.

It seemed as if Fang Hao was afraid that Fang Hao would eat Edith.

"Yes, Master, the men in the clan can promote the growth of sun-loving crops, and we can promote the growth of shade-loving crops." Edith answered softly.

"What does it mean to be yin-loving?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

"Most shade-loving plants grow in forests, canyons, and caves. For example, fungi, mushrooms, and some half-moon grasses we use to make soup are all shade-loving plants." Edith answered softly.

Fang Hao nodded, indicating that he understood.

These deer are more suitable for growing alchemy herbs.

In Huiyue Highlands, Fang Hao planned a large medicinal field, but the effect was not great. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

You can consider letting them live there. After all, the land is too empty, and some races are unwilling to move to Laurana's jurisdiction.

"By the way, you usually go out at night?" Fang Hao remembered what was mentioned in the description.

Females like to come out at night.

"Yes, Master, the sun will make us feel weak and uncomfortable, while the night will make us feel comfortable." Edith continued to answer.

This is really a special race.

Although they are of the same race, there is such a clear distinction between males and females.

"Okay, I understand. You are responsible for your tribe and don't let them run around along the way."

"Yes, Master." Edith became more and more fluent as she shouted, and she no longer felt ashamed.


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