Except for the Lord's Mansion.

Take Li Rong, at least go directly to the village of rabbits and foxes to the west.

The ride lasted for about an hour.

Then I saw two extremely busy villages.

Rabbits and foxes were walking in and out of their respective villages.

"Let's go, this is it."

Fang Hao took Li Rong, who was somewhat curious, into the fox man's village.

Seeing Fang Hao coming, everyone put down their work and knelt down to salute.

"Okay, you are busy with your own business. Call your clan leader and the bunny clan leader over." Fang Hao stopped the fox people's movements and ordered.

Immediately a fox man ran down.

Go and inform the leader of the fox tribe.

Not long after.

In a room, the leader of the fox people and the leader of the rabbit people walked in one after another.

After bowing slightly, he sat aside cautiously.

Fang Hao looked at the two of them and said, "Now the village is under construction, but the quality of your life depends on you."

"Thank you, Master." The two of them thanked him hurriedly.

Fang Hao didn't waste any more nonsense and said straight to the point: "This is the owner of City Li Rong. She will build a factory here. Then she will let young people work in the factory and learn some crafts. She will pay you wages and can also improve it." Life in the lower village.”

Although these are slaves he bought.

But we also don’t want to turn them into dull and numb work machines.

Two lifeless villages were not what he wanted to see.

I hope that if the village develops normally and more people work in the factory, Li Rong will be able to pay them wages.

Just like the indigenous people Li Rong hired in his city.

The leader of the fox tribe looked confused and glanced at the leader of the rabbit tribe with the same expression.

He asked softly: "Master, what is a factory?"


Fang Hao looked at Li Rong who was standing aside.

The latter thought for a while and explained: "It is a separate place built. You go there to work on time every day, and you will be paid according to the workload."

"Oh, okay." The fox tribe leader agreed hastily, not daring to ask any more questions.

As slaves they know what they are supposed to do, and asking too many questions will only bore their master.

When the time comes for work, they will naturally know what they should do.

In fact, I feel a little happy.

Whether it is a rabbit or a fox, to put it bluntly, it is a one-time deal.

At the slave trader's side, money has already been paid.

They came here hoping to have enough to eat and live one more day.

Doing physical work, that's for sure.

Now when I hear that slaves are being paid for their work, isn't this a great thing?

Both of them felt happy.

Fang Hao ignored the two orc chiefs below who were beaming with joy.

Looking at Li Rong aside, he continued to ask: "How do you want to train and where will the factory be built?"

Li Rong already had a plan.

He replied softly: "I will arrange for people to come over tomorrow to train these people. The location of the factory only needs to be within two villages. It is convenient for them."

Fang Hao nodded to express his understanding.

He said to the two clan leaders below: "Okay, you go back today and each choose... Well, let's choose 200 people first. Then City Lord Li Rong will arrange someone to train you. You must study hard. Do you understand? .”

"I understand, Master, we will definitely study hard." The two of them immediately assured loudly.

"Well, you should go back and explain things clearly to your tribe."

The two saluted again and then all retreated.

In the afternoon, Fang Hao took Li Rong to Purul and Lysis City.

He and Tavik, as well as Rebecca, who spoke with jealousy, introduced Li Rong.

The location of the store was determined in the city.

Purul City is only a fifth-level city, although it has begun to expand.

But the strength of the wealthy people in the city is still limited.

Therefore, the size of the store is only a two-story building of about 100 square meters.

If you open it too much, your spending power in the city will be limited.

As for Lysis City, it is level 12, and there are many established nobles in the city, so there is a lot of room for spending power.

Therefore, Fang Hao chose a three-story stone building with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters among the shops for sale in the City Lord's Mansion.

The location is also in the center of the west commercial street.

The scale is not much worse than what Li Rong opened in Silver Wing City.

Li Rong's face was full of smiles when she saw how simple it was to decide on two shops.

The talker kept talking and didn't smoke a cigarette.

He said that there is hope in life and plans to quit smoking and live for a few more years.

After selecting the store, it’s time to wait for decoration.

When decorating here, you don’t need to scrape the floor or anything. You just need to clean and move in the counter tables and chairs.

"Then I'll have someone come over tomorrow to clean up and train the store staff." Li Rong said with some excitement in her tone.

Her factory there has never stopped, and she continues to sell cosmetics privately to the ladies of Silver Wing City.

But the sales volume is much worse than opening a store.

The goods are also squeezed a lot, and I can’t wait to open a store and start selling goods now.

Fang Hao also agreed and said: "Okay, I will pick you up tomorrow, but the indigenous people will not bring you with you to prevent the situation here from spreading."

Li Rong naturally understood Fang Hao's worries and nodded to express her understanding.

Wait until everything is processed.

Fang Hao sent Li Rong back again.

Our place is too far away from Li Rong's city. If it weren't for teleportation, this round trip would take at least a month.

After sending Li Rong away, Fang Hao also returned to his residence.

late at night.

Eight Peaks Mountain.

The last of the dwarves, outside the eleventh and twelfth fortresses.

The gunfire roared and the smoke filled the air like dark clouds, covering the clouds and closing the moon.

An animal skin tent outside the position.

A voice sounded outside the door.

"Sister Jiayue, a new undead army has arrived. A rough estimate is that there are more than one million people."

Dong Jiayue, who was resting in the room, turned over and sat up.

After yawning, "What time is it?"

"It's past two o'clock in the morning." said someone outside the tent.

Dong Jiayue's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light.

"Notice down and prepare to attack!"

"Yes!" replied outside the door, turned and left.

The undead harassed and attacked for several days.

The skeletons don't need rest, but the dwarves do.

Today is the time for the planned formal attack.

He put on his armor, took his own weapon, and walked out of the tent.

Outside the tent, there were groups of busy soldiers, as well as large-scale mobilization of undead troops.

At this time, all the time travelers, as well as the living soldiers, had finished their rest and came out.

Dong Jiayue nodded to everyone and sat in the position of the commander of the Chinese army.

Without delay, he said coldly: "Attack."


Swish, swish, swish! !

The flag of attack was raised high.

The cavalrymen dispersed in all directions carrying orders, shouting loudly, attack...

Boom, boom, boom! !

Intensive drum beats, rhythmic beating.

Pieces of gray-white light enveloped all the undead bodies again.

And among the attacking infantry.

A group of tall trolls, holding a shield as big as a door panel, approached step by step.

In the middle of the team, the skeleton hero, the meat fist.

He kept shouting, "Look above, raise your shield."

Ding ding ding! !

The bullet hit the shield with a clanging sound.

A large number of skeleton bats, carrying detonators, also joined the battlefield from the rear.

Once again, he flew to the top of the fortress without fear of death.

Fortress No. 11.

After several days of non-stop fighting, all the dwarves were exhausted.

It was as if there were countless undead souls to kill.

Attack one after another.

If they just don't sleep, they may just be tired.

But the mental power is highly hit, and the physical strength is constantly consumed.

Let them all be like walking zombies, repeating the action of shooting and reloading.


At this moment, a dwarf carrying a cannonball suddenly fell to the ground.

The round cannonball fell to the ground and rolled down the stairs to the bottom of the city wall.

The others were frightened.

Disperse immediately and hide far away.

This kind of cannonball is not just a lump of iron, but also contains gunpowder.

If this explodes, I don't know how many people will die.

However, the shell did not explode, but rolled to the side and stopped.

Looking at the dwarf who fell to the ground, he fell into a deep sleep.

The dwarf captain took a look.

He stepped forward to wake him up and said, "Keep going, and when His Majesty Luen sends someone to replace us, we can have a good sleep."

The dwarf soldiers didn't speak, they just got up again and continued to carry the cannonballs.

In the command hall.

A rather burly dwarf, wearing bright silver armor and a long fiery red beard, was standing solemnly in front of the desk.

On the long low table, there is an open map.

During this time, dwarves and the undead fought frequently.

Although the city was not lost, the dwarves' losses were extremely heavy.

There were several raids and encounters in the wild, and both sides suffered losses.

The undead were like tireless tarsal maggots, staring at me.

Non-stop, non-stop attack.

They were forced to retreat step by step, and now they could only defend the city.

Cedric, as an orange hero, is one of the three generals of the dwarves.

It was the first time that I was beaten so hard.

If the fire cannot be released, it can only be passively endured.

"General Cedric, what did the Gray Iron City say?" A dwarf leader asked.

All the soldiers in the city felt aggrieved.

But it is also clear that with the current scale of the undead and the intensity of the attack, if it were not for the heroic general Cedric to lead the garrison.

I'm afraid the city has been broken long ago.

Not to mention, I can still hold on until now.

However, their losses were equally serious. Now every soldier was defending with high intensity, and their ammunition was almost exhausted.

If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long.

While staring at the map, Cedric said: "Your Majesty Luen, it is very likely that he is waiting for human reinforcements. Let's..., hey!"

After saying this, Cedric sighed heavily.

Winter is coming soon, and the reinforcements that humans can support are probably limited.

Even after arriving at Bafeng Mountain, it's hard to say when support will arrive here.

"If there are no reinforcements, what will we do?" a commander asked anxiously.

Cedric stared at the map and said coldly: "During this period, we have not gained nothing. I have determined the location of the enemy commander. I plan to lead people directly in and kill the enemy commander."

Cedric's finger pointed heavily at a location marked on the map.

Everyone looked at the map, pondered for a moment, and nodded heavily.

The attacking undead are all a group of dead creatures without intelligence.

As long as the commander is killed, these skeletons without wisdom will naturally lose their target.

It will then be easier to disperse.

This is their only chance to survive.

"I agree with this plan."

"I agree."



One by one, the commanders expressed their agreement to this plan.

Cedric nodded and put the helmet back on his head.

He said coldly: "Assemble all the giant-horned deer cavalry. In an hour, follow me to break through the west city gate and kill the enemy commander."

"Yes, General."

With a crash, all the generals stood up suddenly, the armor plates making a clanging sound.

Just when everyone was about to leave.

Boom! !

The scream of the bronze bell resounded throughout the fortress.

The dwarves in the hall all frowned, and a bad feeling suddenly arose in their hearts.

Often the ringing of the bell means that the undead have begun a general attack across the board.

Not waiting for a few people to walk out.

Then I saw a dwarf rushing in, rolling and crawling.

He shouted loudly: "The undead have begun their general attack. They are all densely packed with skeletons."

During this time, the undead attacked every day.

The dwarf in front of him was so frightened at this time, I am afraid that the problem will become more serious.

Cedric said hurriedly: "Let's put aside the matter of gathering the cavalry. Everyone, follow me up to the city wall to take a look at the situation."

Everyone did not dare to hesitate, strode out of the hall, and climbed onto the city wall.

At this time, the city was already in chaos.

The captains issued orders loudly, and the sound of artillery fire and rifles filled the entire fortress.

Down below, teams of people have begun to demolish nearby houses.

Stones and rolled logs began to be moved up the city wall.

Cedric led the men up the city wall.

Looking down, the expressions on his face also changed.

The tall skeleton troll held an iron shield as big as a door panel and raised it above his head.

The shield is connected to one side, like an iron-gray dome, covering the skeleton below.

The bullets hit it with a clanging sound and bounced far away.

Through the gaps in the iron shield, you can see the skeletons and undead hidden underneath.

Bullets and crossbow arrows have no lethality at all.

Only the continuous spitting of artillery can overturn the enemy under the shield.

But the number of artillery is ultimately limited.

"Move all the detonators over here, and when they gather, throw them down with me." Cedric roared loudly.

The captain on the side immediately gave orders, and the dwarves began to move the detonators.

Just when everyone looked at the undead approaching quickly under the city, their faces turned ashen.

The dwarf in charge of the lookout shouted again.

"Be careful in the sky, there are enemies approaching."

Everyone looked to the sky.

I saw thick smoke covering the clouds and closing the moon, and it was pitch black.

And the next second, bone dragons suddenly jumped out of the thick smoke.

"Bone dragon, attack..."

The commander on the side just shouted, but stopped suddenly.

The bone dragon passed by without any intention of diving.

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Skeleton bats scattered out from the body of the bone dragon.

"It's a skeleton bat, shoot, quick..., shoot."

Bullets and arrows were fired into the sky.

In an instant, the bat's bones scattered like raindrops.

Bang! !

Cedric suddenly noticed a round thing falling down along with the bat's bones.

Just in time, Guanluo had just walked out of the warehouse.

A dwarf holding boxes of detonators at his feet.

"Damn it, damn it." Cedric cursed.


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