The four time travelers bowed in unison, quite neatly.

Fang Hao had met two of them in Silver Wing City.

Fang Hao glared at Li Rong, who also took the opportunity to wink.

A look like, this is what happened, you know.

Fang Hao was too lazy to say anything.

If you deny it immediately.

She even dared to say that you didn’t recognize anyone when you pulled up your pants.

The more you tell her, the more enthusiastic she becomes.

He simply got down to business and said, "Li Rong, why are there only four of us?"

Li Rong blew out a smoke ring and said, "I only have five people under my command. I need to leave one to look after the house. You can't trust the indigenous people. What can I do?"

"Can you get it here?"

"The craft method is not difficult. It just needs to be demonstrated a few times. They will stay in those two villages these days, teaching them how to work and making some tools at the same time." Li Rong said.

Fang Hao nodded, indicating that it was okay.

Li Rong looked at the four of them again and said: "Those are the slaves your brother-in-law bought. I feel itchy to go back to Silver Wing City to find women by myself. If you mess around here, I can't control your brother-in-law if you chop him up. He will kill him." There are quite a few time travellers.”

"Yes, Sister Li, and..., and we are serious people." The four people explained hurriedly.

Fang Hao's evil reputation is well known in the channel.

Those who offended him basically didn't end up with a good end.

Li Rong rolled her eyes at the four younger brothers, "I'm reminding you, teach them well here."

"Understood, promise to complete the task."

Li Rong looked at Fang Hao again, "Okay, I've finished explaining my people, let's go to the orc village together!"


Fang Hao nodded, asked someone to bring four horses, and headed to the direction of the Fox Village and Rabbit Village together with Asetti.

Speeding all the way, we soon came to two villages.

Li Rong assigned two people to each village, and then began to make a large number of barrels, basins, and some tools that needed to be used.

The four younger brothers are also nimble.

Knowing that this matter was related to whether he would be able to eat in the future, he immediately got into the mood.

Start giving lessons to everyone, introducing tools and identifying materials.

Everything was explained carefully.

At the village gate, Li Rong looked towards the village, "These people should be placed near my city, so that it is not inconvenient to be so far away."

Fang Hao shook his head, "It's convenient for you. Can you afford the food for so many people? And will Silver Wing City let it go? It's a little troublesome for me, but it's better than safety and stability."

Li Rong nodded, indicating that what he said made sense.

"Let's go. Next we will go to stores in the other two cities. I will stay in the city these few days to decorate the stores and open them as soon as possible."

"Well, let's go!"

The three returned to the main city, opened the teleportation, and sent Li Rong to Lysis City.

Go to the store you bought to decorate it.

Fang Hao continued to be busy with his own affairs.

The next day.

Advertisements for the 'Fairy Dream Tower' have been posted on the streets of Purul City and Lysis City.

Eye-catching slogans and posters specially drawn by artists.

Posted in the center of the city, the most conspicuous place.

This season, although it is a bit colder, there is no need to worry about rain ruining the painting.

It also eliminates the trouble of having people watch every day.

Every day in front of the poster, a group of people stood and watched.

Li Rong even arranged for people to give the ladies in the city a free trial of the product under the poster.

That is, while painting for others, I keep introducing them.

The relationships among nobles are complex.

The waiter and the lady chatted, and then they talked about the nobles in Silver Wing City.

"Mrs. Palitzer? We watched the play together last month. She also uses your products?"

The waiter's eyes lit up, "That's natural. Palizel is a regular customer of our Fairy Dream House. Lord Dougherty's wife Olivia and the city lord's wife Rebecca all use our products."


"That's natural. In the past, our stores were only opened in Silver Wing City, and we only plan to open a store here this year."

"Then bring me a box!"

Because of the Silver Wing City experience.

Promotion of these two stores is much smoother.

You can legitimately promote that your products are loved by all the ladies in Silver Wing City.

It is also the representative of female beauty in the current era.

These indigenous people have never seen this kind of propaganda.

Plus a flood of compliments.

For a time, word spread among the circles of ladies and gentlemen in the city.

The store has not opened yet.

Under the poster, many people started to buy the product.

This made Li Rongrong so happy that he even saw the hope of becoming the richest man.

No, the richest man must be Fang Hao.

She is the second richest, which is not bad.

A few days later, early in the morning.

Dong Jiayue yawned and walked out of the animal skin tent.

As soon as I stepped out the door, I felt a chill on my neck.

When I reached out and touched it, it turned into water.

Looking up at the sky, I found snowflakes falling from the sky.

"It's snowing, winter is here."

Dong Jiayue murmured, exhaling a white breath.

He looked up and looked around.

With the animal skin tent as the center, it was surrounded by a densely packed and neatly arranged army of undead.

Snowflakes fell on the head and shoulders of the undead, slowly accumulating without melting.

The end of the gaze.

It is a city built between two steep mountains.

Iron-gray city walls, towering towers, and dense artillery muzzles on the walls.

Gray Iron City.

Bafeng Mountain, the main city of the Dwarf Kingdom.

Built against a mountain, the city walls are made of molten iron and are indestructible.

If you want to attack, the front is the only place. It is also the place with the tightest defense and the most fierce firepower.

The dwarves were ready.

Therefore, Dong Jiayue and others did not attack directly at the first time.

Instead, the troops came to the city and began to rest.

The dwarves on their side began to repair artillery equipment and make final preparations for the final battle.

Behind them, there are still skeletons that have been transformed into undead, joining the queue in a steady stream.

The waiting army is getting bigger and bigger.

The battle formation was also spreading backwards quickly.

"Sister Jiayue, how will we fight this final battle?"

A voice sounded, and a group of time travelers were seen walking towards him.

Everyone changed from thin clothes to the [fur cold-proof robes] and [fur cold-proof trousers] handed down by Fang Hao.

Each of them looked like the hunters in the TV series who went up to the mountains to hunt.

In fact, the style is not ugly, the main thing is that it is really warm.

It’s not too cold today, but I’m sweating even though I’m wearing a jacket, so I have to change out of it when I enter the tent.

Dong Jiayue replied, "Don't worry, we have reached the last step now. Our soldiers will be more and more. It should be the dwarves who are afraid."

A few people nodded, it felt right.

"Jiayue, the walls of this gray iron city are much higher than ordinary city walls. In the past, it would have been more difficult to climb up with the undead. We should make some siege equipment." Deng Bin said at the side.

"Well, I've thought of this too. The dwarves are making siege equipment, which will be used when the time comes." Dong Jiayue said, opening the tent, "Come in and chat."

Thirteen travelers entered the tent.

Sit down in various places.

"Let me make a guess. If the front and the sky are difficult to attack, can we consider digging tunnels? Do you remember the previous attack by the magic rats? There is a kind of magic rat that digs tunnels and can dig directly to the door of the lord's mansion. "Yang Xiaolan opened her mind at this time.

Just after he finished speaking, someone retorted, "In this weather, the ground is so hard, and there are mountains below. We have to consider how long it will take to dig through it manually."

"There should be a special method. What about some monsters that are good at digging tunnels? Can you ask Mr. Fang Hao? Maybe he has a way!"

People looked at Dong Jiayue.

Dong Jiayue exchanged some breakfast and distributed it to everyone.

Then he continued: "I heard Belegar say that the dwarves had considered this matter when they built the city wall, so the deep underground is also the city wall, and it is stronger."

"Damn, these dwarfs are too stupid."

"No wonder they don't grow taller, but they are wiser."

"that is……."

The travelers who did not think of any siege strategy started to attack personally in anger.

Since dwarves are so evil-minded, they always say that the other person is not tall enough.

A series of words that did not miss any of the characteristics of the dwarves.

Fortunately, Belega did not attend this meeting, otherwise he would have been so angry that he would have pulled out his beard.

Just when there was a mess inside the tent.

The guard's voice came from outside the door to report, "Lord, there is news from the front that Gray Iron City has sent dwarves to negotiate."

Everyone in the tent was stunned for a moment, and then all looked at Dong Jiayue.

The war was about to begin, and the dwarves suddenly sent people over at this time.

Dong Jiayue guessed the purpose of the dwarves and said, "Let those dwarves come over. By the way, let the two commanders, Rou Fist and Spencer, come over and join the dwarf meeting together."

She was also afraid of a sudden attack by the dwarves. The presence of two orange heroes could show their importance to the heroes and protect herself.

"Oh, okay, sir." The guard quickly retreated and conveyed the message.

Dong Jiayue looked at the few time-travelers and said, "You should go back and do your own business first. I will inform everyone of any news then."


Everyone stood up and walked out of the tent.

Not long after, Spencer and Meat Fist walked into the tent.

And on the dwarf side.

Due to the huge formation of the undead army, no one has come over yet.

It must take some time to get here.

The three of them were discussing the dwarf's purpose in the tent.

Waited for nearly an hour.

The guard's announcement came from outside the door, "Sir, the dwarves have arrived."

Dong Jiayue immediately returned to the main seat and sat down, and said in a deep voice: "Let them come in."

Wow! !

There were footsteps outside the door, the tent was opened, and three dwarves appeared in front of them.

The leader of the dwarves has a gray beard and wears a fine velvet coat.

He walked in with his head held high.

However, when they saw a young human female doll sitting on the main seat, the three dwarves frowned.

Then he looked at the undead heroes standing on both sides like guards.

His eyes were a little confused and confused.

I suddenly forgot to say the words I had rehearsed before, and just stood there.

"You three, please take a seat!" Dong Jiayue spoke first.

Hearing the sound, the three dwarves woke up, looked at each other, and sat down on the seats nearby.

Dong Jiayue continued: "The war is about to begin. Do you three have anything to do here?"

The leader, the gray-bearded dwarf, slapped the table with a bang and said loudly: "Bafeng Mountain has never had a good relationship with you. You seize my city and kill my people. What do you mean?"

His questioning tone instantly made the atmosphere in the tent tense.

The three of them initially thought that the other party was planning to negotiate, but unexpectedly, they came to attack the enemy to investigate.

Looking at the glaring dwarves, Dong Jiayue was amused and said, "The dwarves attack the city of the time travellers, rob the winter supplies, and enslave the time travellers. Do you think that what you are doing is very secretive, and no one else knows about it?"

The gray-bearded dwarf frowned.

They didn't expect that the other party would talk about this matter. At first, they didn't expect that this battle between the undead and the dwarves would be led by time travellers.

Seeing that Gray Beard did not speak, the red-bearded dwarf behind him answered at this moment: "We don't know what the time traveler city is. Even if there are any misunderstandings between each other, they can be resolved peacefully. You collude with the undead and are not afraid of all living creatures." Are you going to be surrounded and suppressed?"

Good guy, the topic has been brought to the undead again.

Dong Jiayue also frowned. She didn't want to argue with them about right and wrong in this kind of matter.

If they don't attack the dwarves, the dwarves will go all the way east and capture the traverser cities one by one.

Therefore, she naturally has no psychological burden.

As for the undead arms.

This is a hidden camp. It's super easy to use. It doesn't require eating, drinking, or eating, and there's no morale to speak of.

You guys, what's the use of saying this.

Without any hesitation, Dong Jiayue said bluntly: "If the three of you are here to discuss who is right and who is wrong, then please go back and wait to die. My army will break through Gray Iron City."


This sentence made the three of them stand up in anger.

But seeing the coldness in Dong Jiayue's eyes, she sat back again.

The mission they came here has not been completed yet, and they will not just go back.

Taking a deep breath, the gray-bearded dwarf said: "I don't care about you, this kid. I am here to negotiate peace with you on behalf of His Majesty Luen."

What I said before about your responsibilities and my responsibilities is to pave the way for the discussion and preparation after asking.

But time travelers like Dong Jiayue have no sense of empathy for this kind of thing.

It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong, it’s true that I hit you now.

"What are you talking about? Let's talk quickly." Dong Jiayue urged.

The gray-bearded dwarf glanced at the other two companions behind him, and then said: "For you and me, there is no need to continue this war. The loss of material resources and troops will make it more difficult to survive this winter."

As if he was a different person, Gray Beard's tone suddenly softened.

"No, my soldiers don't need to eat or drink. Winter is the right time to start the war." Dong Jiayue replied.


Graybeard choked, "Even if the undead don't need food, you and the humans under you still need it. Moreover, the loss of troops will allow other forces to see opportunities and take the opportunity to harm your interests."

"No, the undead have a transformation field. The loss of soldiers and the transformation of corpses are almost equal." Dong Jiayue answered.


Graybeard thought for a while and continued: "Even if you don't care about food and military strength, look for Shuyuan Then the financial resources consumed in the war are also huge. A war is enough to bring down a prosperous country. This point You should think about it.”

"No, I'm a time traveler. I don't have any savings. By capturing your city, I got a lot of good things." Dong Jiayue continued.

damn it!

What the fuck….

The three dwarves cursed in their hearts.

Taken together, you came to spank us with your bare buttocks, so you are not afraid of anything, you have nothing.

This also allowed her to make herself what she is now.

They all reached the gates of Gray Iron City.

Seeing the three people's expressions similar to those of Chi Xiang, Dong Jiayue continued: "What do you want to say? Just say what Lu En asked you to say."

purple pen literature

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