Fast forward five days.

A carriage, escorted by soldiers, left Silver Wing City.

Driving forward slowly.

Xu Haide was sitting in the carriage, his face a little pale.

Yesterday, he, Bucker and others had returned to Silver Wing City.

Early this morning, he came to the church and told the church's senior officials all the information he had obtained.

But they didn't bring back any useful news.

The photos taken showed only scattered skeletons and undead, still in the orc area.

After that, several people went to Lysis City.

Likewise, the statue of the God of Light is still enshrined in the temple, and no clues have been found about the loss of faith.

This made the church leaders a little disappointed with him.

The archbishop, who had always trusted him, did not speak for him this time.

There were scolding voices all around.

He said he wasted the church's energy and financial resources on irrelevant things.

Even Xu Haide knew in his heart that there must be undead in Fang Hao's territory.

But I couldn’t find any evidence, and I couldn’t prove anything.

Get out of church.

The dazzling sunlight dazzled him.

An unprecedented sense of loss made his head feel extremely heavy.


"Am I really not the protagonist? I shouldn't be." His situation, the resources and status he received were all the protagonist's treatment.

Why is this matter so difficult?

"This time, I have broken trust in the church. I am afraid that my position in the heart of the archbishop will drop a lot, and I will not be able to be the next archbishop."

The more he thought about it, the more disappointed Xu Haide felt.

All previous efforts were in vain after this failure.

Xu Haide thought in his mind that the carriage had returned to the city.

"Lord Saint, Cao Zhengzhi's men are waiting at the door!" The voice of the attendant outside the carriage brought Xu Haide back to his senses.

When he opened the curtain, he saw a group of people gathered at the gate of the city.

The leader, the person waving to this side, is the time traveler Cao Zhengzhi.

"Open the city gate and let them go in together."

"Yes, sir."

The city gate opened, and two teams entered the city one after the other.

Enter the Lord's Mansion.

The maid began to take off Xu Haide's leather cloak stained with snowflakes.

Cao Zhengzhi, on the other hand, was waiting silently.

It can be seen that Xu Haide's face is very ugly, he must have encountered something.

In the past, in this situation, he would have made an excuse and left to avoid getting angry and getting reprimanded.

But he thought of the task Li Rong gave him.

As a double agent, I can only bite the bullet and wait.

Xu Haide changed into loose clothes and sat down by the stove.

After sighing, he asked: "If you have anything to do, tell me!"

Cao Zhengzhi leaned forward and said, "Mr. Xu Haide, I traded with a time traveler yesterday. I got some information during the chat. I felt it would be helpful to your future, so I ran over to tell you."

I heard the word future.

The veins on Xu Haide's forehead twitched.

His future was just ruined this morning.

After this incident, the other saints will probably climb on top of him, and the church's resources will also be reduced on him in the future.

"Say!" Xu Haide's tone was a little bad.

Cao Zhengzhi immediately said: "The time traveler is in the area ruled by the undead. He told me that the undead king arrested all the time travelers and made large quantities of equipment for the undead."

Xu Haide frowned slightly.

I feel like there is some information in these words, but I can't figure it out.

"Does it matter?"

It is not unusual for time travelers to be controlled.

Otherwise, the human camp would be managed by the Hall of Justice.

Travelers here will also receive the same treatment.

This is nothing unusual. Likewise, he won't save these people, and he doesn't have the ability.

Cao Zhengzhi hurriedly explained, "No, he told me that the undead are hoarding troops in large quantities, and the bone tax of the living creatures below has been collected. They are also making large quantities of weapons and equipment. He guessed that they are going to the Hundred Cities Federation." attack."

Snap! !

Xu Haide, who was lying down, fell off the chair.

The young maid immediately went to help him, but was pushed away by him.

He looked directly at Cao Zhengzhi and said, "Are you sure? The undead are going to attack the Human Federation?"

"Well, that's what he said, and he sent me several photos, all of which were densely packed with skeletons. They were scary."

Cao Zhengzhi took out the City Lord's Book and showed the photos inside to Xu Haide.

Xu Haide looked through them one by one.

His expression gradually changed from solemn to surprised.

Whispered: "The target is wrong, the target is wrong."

"Ah? What's wrong?" Cao Zhengzhi was curious.

"It turns out that the undead army reported on the channel are soldiers from the cemetery. They must be planning something." Xu Haide said happily.

He set the target on Fang Hao, which was wrong from the beginning.

No matter how powerful Fang Hao was, he would not have such a large force based on the time it took for the time traveler to come here.

Therefore, he went into a misunderstanding from the beginning.

If the army of the undead is placed on the Otis necropolis, the origin of the undead can be completely explained.

Moreover, this was also the key to his regaining the trust of the Archbishop and the Bishops.

Regardless of whether Odis was a threat to the Federation or not, there had to be a threat.

Xu Haide's face became more and more happy.

"Master Xu Haide, what are you...?" Cao Zhengzhi asked in confusion.

Looking at a picture of a skeleton, you laugh like this.

Xu Haide looked back and said, "You did a good job. This matter is very important. Please repeat to me what that person told you."

"Oh, alright."

Cao Zhengzhi began to speak according to what Li Rong gave him.

The content is exactly the same as what Xu Yang said.

After listening, Xu Haide was in a better mood.

“Send me the picture, quick!”

"Oh well."

Cao Zhengzhi sent the picture. After Xu Haide received it, he immediately got on the carriage and left.

Rush to Silver Wing City again.

Church hall.

In a beautifully decorated room.

Archbishop Milton was sitting at the table, tasting the lunch that had just been served.

On the side, Xu Haide stood respectfully, waiting silently.

"Your performance today is very disappointing to me." Milton said softly.

Xu Haide lowered his head a little more and said in a trembling voice: "I disappoint you, the Archbishop."

"Well, this time, the bishops have strong opinions on you. If you don't do anything in the future, I'm afraid you will become a marginalized figure among the saints, and the resources and rights provided by the church will also be reduced."

"Master Archbishop, I will work harder and will not let you down again." Xu Haide promised loudly.

"Well, sit down and learn from this lesson. If you are not sure in the future, don't rush to express yourself, even if it is for the sake of the church." Milton cut a piece of beef and put it in his mouth.

Xu Haide saluted and thanked him and sat down aside.

At the same time, a servant came forward, brought a new plate of lunch, and placed it in front of Xu Haide.

"Come here this time, besides apologizing, is there anything else you can do?" Milton asked.

Xu Haide thought for a while and took out the Book of Lords.

Find those photos, "Your Majesty Archbishop, please look at these."

Archbishop, I know some things about time-travelers, but not much.

Look at the densely packed undead appearing on the photo.

His face still changed.

"Didn't you say you didn't find a large number of undead?"

Xu Haide immediately explained, "These are not the north side of Purul City, but pictures of the Odis Necropolis."

Hearing the news about the Odis Necropolis, Milton looked at the attendants on the side.

Waving his hands slightly, the attendant bowed and left.

Milton asked: "What's the news over there?"

Xu Haide did not hold anything back and told him exactly what he had heard from Cao Zhengzhi.

However, there are some changes in the plot.

The news he got from the transaction became an informant for him to support.

When I heard Xu Haide talking about a large-scale troop garrison, all the time-travelers were arrested to make equipment.

Milton naturally thought of something.

Who would start to increase the number of troops for no reason? Otis must have some new plan.

"What do you say about your eyeliner?"

Xu Haide thought for a while and answered carefully: "He said that it is very likely that he will send troops to the Hundred Cities Federation."

Snap! !

The silver fork fell from Milton's hand.

His brows furrowed deeply, "Is what he said reliable?"

"He can't be 100% sure, but he heard that more undead troops have begun to gather towards the borders of Hundred Cities."

Milton put down his knife and fork. He couldn't finish the meal.

He stood up and said, "Come with me to the Hall of Justice. Then I will tell Doherty what you said."

"Yes, Lord Archbishop."

Milton walked out quickly, and Xu Haide followed closely behind him.

The carriage began to rush towards the Hall of Justice.

Meanwhile, in the afternoon.

Carriages stopped in front of the Hall of Justice.

Big bosses from all parties were invited to discuss important matters.

At the same time, the border city on the east side of the Hundred Cities Federation also received news from Silver Wing City.

Reinforce border forces.

At the same time, investigate whether there are any reinforcements in the Odis Necropolis.

the other side.

Huiyue Highland, Blood Castle.

Fang Hao looked at the 'hardwood lifting equipment' and transported the artillery one by one up the city wall.

Five-barreled organ cannon, dwarf cannon and anti-aircraft crossbow bed, a large number of equipment made by Fang Hao.

Begin the layout of Huiyue Highland.

Although it feels like Odis will not attack Huiyue Highlands, everything still needs to be prepared.

Huiyue Highlands is a buffer zone.

Once this side is lost, the next place in danger will be Pruul City and its own main city.

He couldn't let Otis hit him directly at his door. The best way was to block him from outside.

In the same way, he also made plans for his attack on Otis.

They were weighing the equipment, hoisting it up, rows of skeletons, struggling to pull the ropes.

The whole area was extremely busy.

In the Blood Castle.

Laurana, who was awakened by the noise from the outside world, walked out with scarlet eyes and a face as cold as frost.

She was about to ask Fang Hao loudly why she was disturbing her rest.

As soon as the words came to his mouth, he was stunned by the heated scene in front of him.

what's the situation?

"Where did you get so many instruments? Those five-tube ones are also artillery?" Laurana's anger was replaced by questions.

Fang Hao glanced at her and said, "I made it. It's not like you don't know that we can make items and equipment."

Laurana glared, "I mean, where did you get the drawings?"

"Oh, didn't we capture the Eight Peaks Mountain? The blueprints obtained from the dwarves, Odis's target is unknown now. I will arrange some here to ensure your safety." Fang Hao replied.

Laurana heard about Fang Hao's attack on Bafeng Mountain from Amanda.

But it was just a casual conversation at the time, and no mention was made of any loot gained.

What's more, unless the traverser's trophies are used, nothing can be seen if they are stored in the Book of Lords.

Now listen to what Fang Hao says.

It suddenly dawned on me that it was a device developed by those dwarfs.

"You are so kind now, are you worried about my safety?" Laurana stood beside him, looking towards the busy city.

"We are a family. Of course I am worried about my family's safety." Fang Hao said without feeling embarrassed at all.

"You, I..." Laurana opened her mouth, but finally closed it.

[The Beauty of the Lonely Night - Laurana Ann Tobias's loyalty to you increases by 5 points, and her current loyalty is 72. 】

It's up 5 points.

It has always been difficult to increase Laurana's loyalty.

The bone dragons and separate mansions that were given out before were also increased by 1 point and 2 points.

These 5 points are already a big improvement.

It even felt like there was a reason why Rebecca always said good things for herself.

Seeing that it was useful, Fang Hao continued: "Thank you for your hard work. I am guarding this Blood Castle by myself. When Otis stabilizes, you can come and live with me, and we can have fun together."

Laurana crossed her arms and said nothing.

Fang Hao continued: "Recently, the skeleton tailor has made some new styles of clothes. The temperament is very suitable for you. I will have some sent to you then."

Laurana was silent.

"Xianmenglou has produced new cosmetics. Let's send them to you..."

Holy shit….

Speaking of this, Fang Hao's face was full of embarrassment.

It's like licking a dog.

This girl is really...

[The Beauty of the Lonely Night - Laurana Ann Tobias's loyalty to you increases by 3 points, and the current loyalty is 75. 】

It's really... effective!

Laurana still had no big expression on her face and looked at Fang Hao in confusion.

"What happened to you today?"

Huh, you still pretend to be with me, your loyalty has increased, and as expected, stalking is still of some use to women.

"It's okay, I just want to see what you need so I can bring it to you." Fang Hao replied.

"I understand. I will tell you what you need."

"Oh, okay!"

The crane in the distance still made the sound of gears straining.

Fang Hao continued: "Where's Amanda? Why didn't you see her? Didn't she sleep with you?"

Laurana's arrogance that had just dissipated suddenly rose again.


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