[Original parts of the hare airship: cast iron block 5, bronze ingot 8, mithril 18, metal parts 12, precision parts 18, white steel plate 5, glue 22, thick and tough leather 8, magic essence 12, perfect essence 8. 】

[Hare Airship Hull: Hard Tough Wood 350, Ironized Wood 220, Leather 200, Thick Tough Leather 180, Cast Iron Block 150, Refined Iron Ingot 85, Metal Parts 320, Precision Parts 250, Traces of Flight 5, Magic Essence 3 . 】

[Hare Airship Deck: Hard Tough Wood 220, Ironized Wood 180, Thick Tough Leather 150, White Steel Plate 200, Thick Tough Leather 150, Metal Parts 280, Precision Parts 200, Traces of Flight 3, Magic Essence 1.]

[Hare airship ship building: 320 hard tough wood, 200 ferrous wood, 180 leather, 150 thick tough leather, 150 white steel plate, 200 metal parts, 120 precision parts, 2 traces of flight, 1 magic essence.]

[Hare Airship Sail: Thick Leather 120, Hippogriff Soft Leather 50, Linen Canvas 150, Spinning Thread 120, Precision Parts 50, Traces of Flight 5, Traces of Wind 5, Magic Essence 3. 】

(Description: The airships of early goblin technology were used to transport goods between territories. Over time, the airships have been eliminated by the teleportation array, and the blueprints have been sealed. Only a small number of obsolete products are stored in goblin parks and In a museum, for exhibition.)

See this reward.

Fang Hao's brows wrinkled at first, and then he understood what it was.

The reward for being first in the territory is the main city building.

The reward for being the first in wealth is the transport airship eliminated by the goblins.

However, since the Merchant Alliance built the teleportation light, this kind of transport airship has been eliminated and has not been sold to the outside world.

Although it is said to be eliminated, the results of the products of goblin technology are also surprising.

If this kind of airship is the same as the airship I understand, it is the kind of vehicle that flies in the sky.

Then he got a big deal.

He wouldn't use this thing to transport goods.

During the war, wouldn't it be more effective if it was filled with artillery?

And air units are, in some cases, safer.

You can export with confidence.

For a moment, the joy in Fang Hao's heart really felt like it was about to explode.

Number one is okay, number one.

Thank you system, long live the system.

Fang Hao thanked the system several times in his heart.

Then he carefully observed the production requirements of the airship again.

There is still something like an ‘energy core’ in the material.

We must find a way to obtain the architectural drawings for producing the 'energy core' as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be able to mass-produce the several drawings we have in hand.

There is no way to mass-produce this airship.

In addition to the energy core, a large number of precious materials also appear in various components of the airship.

Among them, the traces of flight and the essence of magic consume the most.

Next is the trace of wind, the essence of perfection, and a special leather material called Hippogriff soft leather.

It should be a secondary synthetic material.

Now that the world market has emerged, these materials should not be difficult to exchange.

After all, the base number of time travelers is set here. Someone must get some, or there may be a way to get it.

The second reward after watching.

Fang Hao's face was already full of smiles.

Especially the name of the airship, Hare….

He just likes rabbits, they are still kind of clingy.

The third method is to collect the drawings and continue to view them.

[Organ jar (orange)]

[Category: Magic Container]

[Ability: Mana Blessing]

[Mana Blessing]: The consumption of magic is reduced by 50%, and 25% is restored after hitting the target.

(Description: Magical power will allow immortal mages to add part of the energy into their own spells, reducing the consumption of magic.)


Looking at the third reward, Fang Hao's smile gradually faded.

This is an organ jar for necromancers.

After hitting the enemy, 75% of the magic power consumption can be reduced.

Now, the mage's mage tower does not have the blessing of the organ jar, which is exactly what he needs.

Moreover, 75% blessing is also very good.

Coupled with the mage's own recovery, it is almost time to catch up with cost-free spell casting.

But compared with the previous two rewards, it seems a little less impressive.

What's more, Fang Hao uses the human sea tactic, and once the two sides are in a melee, they will fight together.

Mages and gunners are of little use.

There is no teammate protection here. If you use a skill, the effect on the enemy and teammates will be the same.

The 75% recovery was also useful in battle, but it always made Fang Hao feel like he wasted an orange rewarded piece of equipment.

Even if the organ tank in the mage tower is empty, it doesn't matter. I still thought to myself, why don't you give me an orange troop building blueprint?


Even if I feel a little unwilling, there is no way to change it.

Don’t ask for too much for a free reward.

After the drawings are put away.

Place the organ jar carefully on the ground as well.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords.

In the world channel trading area, start purchasing traces of flight, traces of wind, magic essence, perfect essence, and energy core.

As for the 'Hipeagle Soft Leather', in the green leather armor column it sells, an exchange condition of 10 units of Hippogriff Soft Leather has been added.

It is unclear what level of material this material belongs to.

Set 10 numbers first to test the market. If it doesn’t work, adjust it downwards.

Setup complete with Book of Lords.

Fang Hao picked up the organ jar again and walked out of the lord's mansion.

Entering the Organ Museum, a cold atmosphere hit you.

This feeling is even more uncomfortable than the weather outside.

A funeral priest who was making medicine immediately came over and said, "Sir."

Fang Hao handed the organ jar into his hand and said, "Put this on the mage tower building."

"Okay, sir." The funeral priest took it, turned around and walked inside.

Fang Hao glanced at the second floor.

The room on the second floor was open, but Nelson was nowhere to be seen.

These past two months.

Nelson has completed five heroic corpses.

Two of them are orange heroes of the dwarves, and the other three are blue and green heroes.

These five heroes are currently arranged by Fang Hao to the Eight Peaks Mountains, the Bloody Mountains, and the Cold Wind Mountains.

Responsible for guarding and deterring affiliated cities to avoid any problems.

When the funeral priest puts the organ jar in his hand into the groove of the mage tower.

An orange halo spreads around the Organ Museum.

Add the ability to all necromancers in the territory.

Fang Hao checks the properties of the Organ Museum.

【Organ Museum】

[Category: Special Building]

[To collect organ jars: [Revival] [Lightning Hand Speed] [Killing Achievements] [Thunder Power] [Mana Blessing]. 】

[Can be recruited: Funeral Priest]

[Funeral Priest: Wriggling Spine 1, Traces of Death 1. 】

(Remarks: Placing organ tanks that store various energies inside can give the troops powerful abilities and make special weapons.)

The entire Organ Museum already has five organ jars.

Among them, [Thunder Power] is dark gold, [Mana Blessing] and [Killing Achievements] are orange.

[Lightning Hand Speed] is purple, and the quality of [Resuscitation] that was first sealed is slightly lower and is blue.

But the effect shown by the resurrection is very suitable for the undead.

Through fighting, you can recover from your injuries.

If orange recovery can be achieved, the effect will be better.

After waving to the funeral priest, Fang Hao left the Organ Museum.

It was too gloomy here, nothing happened, and he really didn't want to stay here.

Get out of the Organ Museum.

Then I saw two fawns, carrying small leather bags on their backs, jumping forward and sowing something on the roadside.

"Edis, what are you sowing?" Fang Hao shouted.

Hearing Fang Hao's shout, Edith and the other Xiaolu froze.

He turned around and wanted to run.

Maybe it felt bad to run away, so I ran out too, then walked over with my head lowered and small steps.

"Master!" Edith said softly.

Just like a child who makes a mistake.

Fang Hao touched his face. Is he so scary?

"What to plant?"

"Moonflower grass, Sister Yi'er asked me to plant some." Edith explained immediately.

Moonflower grass?

I seem to have heard of it.

"What are you doing planting grass? Do you still need to plant it?"

Edith immediately explained: "Master, although moonflower grass is called grass, it is actually a kind of flower. It just blooms at night. When the flowers open, they will emit beautiful fluorescence, which can be found in places where there are no street lights. This could be planted to provide some low light.”

Oh, Fang Hao understands.

There are still a few luminous stones, and street lights only cover residential areas and undead industrial areas.

The rest of the place is actually still dark.

If there is this kind of moonflower grass, no matter how weak the light is, it can actually provide some illumination.

You can plant some along the road.

"Okay, you go ahead and plant it!" Fang Hao nodded and said.

"Okay, Master."

Edith waved to another fawn in the distance, hiding behind a building.

Went back to the roadside again to plant this moonflower grass.

Return to the Lord's Mansion.

Fang Hao stood in front of the door, looking up at the tall building.

[Level 12 Lord Stone Castle].

"Level 12, there are still three levels left." Fang Hao whispered.

Of the three rewards, the organ jar can be used directly.

The other two are props that look awesome but cannot be used for the time being.

It seems that we need to increase the intensity of collection.

Otherwise, the drawings can only be viewed and not used, which would be too uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Fang Hao called Demitja and released the teleportation light curtain to go to the Bloody Mountains.

Continue to recruit more miners.

Build more large quarries to increase mining capacity.


A light curtain lit up in the square of the main city.

The figures of Fang Hao and Dimitja walked out of the light curtain.

Had lunch.

Book of Lords received a private message from Li Rong.

"Not bad. Number one in the world. He is indeed the man I like."

Fang Hao replied, "Sister, is it a bit inconsistent for you to be a middle school student at your age?"

"You are the eldest sister, and everyone in your family is the eldest sister."

"have no choice/!"

Li Rong continued: "The Mage Association asked me to follow the Silver Wing City army to the east to confront the undead army of Otis."

In the hall, Fang Hao paused slightly as he was preparing to drink tea.

His brows also wrinkled.

He knew that Li Rong became an apprentice of the Mage Association, and he also gave Li Rong his magic book [Many-Headed Fire Python Mystery 1].

But after all, Li Rong is still an apprentice, so it's still too early to join the war.

"Let you go? Are you, a young apprentice like you, going to kill someone?" Fang Hao replied.

"Yes, but the president personally told me today. I didn't refuse directly. I just said I would go home and discuss it with my husband."

Didn't pay attention to the hint in the words.

Fang Hao thought about it seriously and realized that it would actually be beneficial for Li Rong to go.

Now it seems that the Mage Association has begun to pay attention to time travellers, and Li Rong is the first time traveler to be cultivated.

This also means that Li Rong has the opportunity to occupy a certain high position.

Just like Xu Haide's status as a saint, it would also be good to have a Dharma girl or something.

At the same time, after passing through, you can also monitor the situation on the eastern border.

Tell yourself the information simultaneously.

When the war starts, each other can also cooperate with each other according to the situation. These are all things that are powerful for them.

The only thing to pay attention to is safety.

Seeing that Fang Hao didn't speak for a long time, Li Rong sent a message, "What are you doing, are you asleep?"

Fang Hao replied, "I just thought about it. Under the condition of ensuring safety, going to the east will be of great help to us. At least we can convey the situation in the east."

"Cry loudly/, are you going to kill your wife and cheat her bail?"

"It's okay to lie to your sister and ensure safety. Moreover, the current weather is not as bad as winter. You can consider it." Fang Hao said.

This was his idea, but Li Rong really resisted and didn't plan to go there.

He won't force it either.

The other side remained silent for a while, three or two minutes later.

Li Rong's message was sent again, "Please ensure my safety and I can go there."

"No problem. I will assign a hero to protect you when the time comes. If it is really dangerous, I will teleport to bring you back."

"Okay, I agree. I will return to the city in half an hour. You can pick me up and explain to the factory and store."

"Ok, no problem."


Half an hour later.

Li Rong walked out of the light curtain.

Different from the leather armor she once wore, Li Rong now wears a slim-fitting mage robe.

The cuffs and hem are embroidered with flame patterns, representing the identity of the fire mage.

She really looks like a cold female mage.

Li Rong looked around and saw Fang Hao and a purple-skinned woman.

He frowned.

His attention went directly past Fang Hao and he observed this woman carefully.

The face is small and the facial features are exquisite.

Long black hair and pointed ears.

Wearing leather armor, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com, and a weird-looking dagger hangs from his waist.

So beautiful!

No wonder Fang Hao doesn't fall for it no matter how much he teases her.

The quality of the women around me is so high.

Especially the ones with purple skin. Could it be that they were specially painted with some kind of paint?

"Sit down!" Fang Hao motioned.

Li Rong didn't say much and sat silently aside.

Fang Hao continued: "This is Li Rong, the city lord of the city affiliated with the territory. She is in charge of Xianmeng Tower."

Then he said to Li Rong: "This is the hero of the territory, Morse."

The two nodded to each other, indicating that they knew each other.


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