Thinking in his mind, Lan Yang's face became increasingly ugly.

The City Lord's Book was taken away, and they had no choice at this time.

Just as his mind was racing.


The iron door at the end of the corridor was opened.

The sound of footsteps came from far away, and soon, a dungeon guard walked in with several guards.

The dungeon guard pointed at the blue ocean.

"You come out!"

Lan Yang's expression changed, and the other heavy sword infantrymen who were imprisoned together immediately blocked Lan Yang behind him.

"I'm from Lysis City, you can think about it." Lan Yang said loudly.

The dungeon guard sneered.

Those who return to Lysis City, as long as they have some connections, will not be sent here directly.

"Come out, otherwise we wouldn't mind just shooting your men and dragging you out." The dungeon guard said coldly.

Several guards behind him immediately reached out to touch the crossbow arrows behind them.

Lan Yang was silent for a moment, then stood up.

"Sir, don't go out. It's more dangerous if you are walked."

"Yes, my lord, you cannot go with them."

A group of epee infantrymen opened their mouths to stop him.

They were also suffocating in their hearts. Those guys who were looking for trouble obviously had no ability, but they had these people supporting them.

Lan Yang looked back and said, "Don't do anything stupid, wait for someone to come and save us."

Several heavy sword infantrymen were silent.

Lan Yang walked towards the front of the iron cage.

The guard opened the iron cage and made way.

The few people who came in next to him had wary expressions on their faces.

This little girl is not easy to mess with. There are no fewer than four or five people who fell into her hands outside.

After getting out of the iron cage, Lan Yang followed a few people and walked out.

Jinmastu, the city lord's palace.

On the spacious bed, the city lord Ezekiel was spreading his excess experience on the maid.

Just as I was getting excited, suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door.

Ezekiel turned a deaf ear and continued to swing his fat body.

Drenched in sweat.

After finally raising his head and letting out an angry roar, he heard a knock on the door.

He pulled up his pants and put a leather cloak on his bloated body.


He slapped the maid on the butt and said, "Don't pretend to be dead and open the door."

The maid quickly got up, ran to the door and opened the door.

A neatly dressed butler stood outside the door.

Not paying attention to the strange smell emanating from the room, he took two steps forward and said, "Lord City Lord."

Displeasure was written all over Ezekiel's face.

He hates it most when someone interferes with him and affects his performance at this time.

He moved his bloated body and sat down aside.

I poured a glass of fruit wine and tasted it carefully before asking, "What are you so anxious about?"

The old housekeeper bowed slightly and glanced at the disheveled maid beside him.

"You go out first."

The maid glanced at Ezekiel, saw him nodding, picked up the clothes scattered on the floor and ran out.

Wait until there is no one else in the room.

The butler then said: "Lord Ezekiel, news just came from Silver Wing City that we have captured a time traveler. She is a very important person. We must ensure her safety."

Captured people from Silver Wing City?

Isn't he crazy?

There are only a few forces that can pass the Silver Wing City to deliver messages to hundreds of cities around the world.

The Hall of Justice and the church, or maybe related to a big shot in the city.

Although he is the local emperor of Jinmastu, he is also unwilling to provoke Silver Wing City.

Ezekiel put down his wine glass, "Who is that time traveler from Silver Wing City? What did he do to arrest her? Have you investigated clearly?"

He planned to ask first.

As long as there is nothing serious, he will let people go directly.

Silver Wing City has been preparing for a war with the undead recently, so don't direct the finger at yourself.

The housekeeper just wanted to speak.

There was an attendant outside the door, striding in, and reported in a deep voice: "Your Majesty the City Lord, the Merchant Alliance has sent someone over, saying that they have something important to do with you."

Not far behind the attendant, stood a goblin wearing a black dress.

No one would ignore a goblin because of his short size.

Because he represents the Merchant Alliance. Although the Merchant Alliance is a neutral force, it acts as a merchant.

But its power and financial resources are far superior to those of the Hundred Cities Federation.

Ezekiel frowned and motioned to the butler to wait aside.

"Please come in, sir from the merchant alliance."

The attendant stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation.

The goblin pushed up his glasses and strode into the room.

After a slight salute, he said calmly: "Lord Ezekiel, I am here to represent the Chamber of Commerce. Please ensure my safety."

Hearing this, Ezekiel's heart suddenly moved.


"Lanyang, a human time traveler, was arrested in Jinmastu City today. The Merchant Alliance will not interfere in the internal affairs of each city, but please ask the city lord to ensure her personal safety before confirming this person's guilt."

Ezekiel glanced sideways, and the butler nodded slightly.

It was confirmed that what he was about to say was also this person named Lan Yang.

At this time, Ezekiel was even more shocked. What was the origin of this time traveler, and why Silver Wing City and the Merchant Alliance wanted to protect this person at the same time.

He didn't dare to offend Silver Wing City, and he was equally unwilling to offend the Merchant Alliance.

The development of Jinmastu also relies on the channel of business alliance.

Ezekiel did not dare to delay any longer.

He immediately said: "Butler, go check on this time traveler named Lan Yang."

"Yes, Lord City Lord."

The butler left in a hurry, and Ezekiel said to the goblin: "Sir, please go to the hall and wait for me for a while. I will sort it out and give you an answer then."

The goblin nodded, "Okay, Lord Ezekiel."

The goblin was taken down, and Ezekiel quickly put on his clothes.

He also hurried to the hall in a hurry.

In the hall.

The goblin, the steward, has been waiting for a long time.

In the middle of the hall, there was a soldier in armor standing.

Ezekiel glanced around and knew what it meant.

He sat down above and asked, "Who did you catch?"

The captain lowered his head, but felt a little anxious, and sweat began to appear on his forehead.

"Yes, sir, these people were setting up stalls in the city market. Because they did not pay the stall fee, they had a conflict with the new market management official Li Zhenhu and his subordinates. At that time, his subordinates led a patrol and arrested the people."

It was obvious that this matter was a big deal, and the captain did not dare to make up any lies.

There were many people present at that time, and it would be easy to find out with just one investigation, and there was no way to hide it.

Moreover, both sides showed their weapons at that time, and he also acted in accordance with the regulations, so no matter how he was counted, it was not his fault.

After hearing this, Ezekiel's body trembled with anger.

This Li Zhenhu, he remembered, gave him an idea of ​​market charging to increase his income.

Unexpectedly, something happened so soon.

Moreover, because of the stall fee, there was such a big fuss.

Even Silver Wing City and the Merchant Alliance were found. Isn’t this idle!

Ezekiel stretched out his hand and said immediately: "Go and let me go. If they lose one finger, I will bury you alive."


The captain trembled.

But his feet didn't move.

"What are you doing standing there? Go quickly." Ezekiel urged.

The captain raised his pale face and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty the City Lord, just now 'Li Zhenhu' requested that the woman be handed over to him. Now I'm afraid she will be taken away by him."

Ezekiel immediately became angry and shouted: "Then you are still stunned, go and save people, go find Li Zhenhu to save people."

"Oh, yes!"

The captain ran out rolling and crawling, looking extremely embarrassed.

The shackles clattered.

Lan Yang was pushed out of the carriage and entered a room.

In the dim room, Li Zhenhu was wearing the noble brocade robe and sitting on a chair with a golden sword.

One foot on the chair, holding a wooden stick, shaving his teeth.

Behind Li Zhenhu, there were more than 20 young men standing, most of them were injured, and several of them were wrapped in gauze.

At this time, Lan Yang was staring at Lan Yang coldly, his eyes full of anger and hatred.

"Sir Li Zhenhu, we've brought him here." The man behind him said.

Li Zhenhu waved his hand, and the younger brother behind him immediately stepped forward and stuffed some money into the escorting guard.

The guards happily picked it up, turned around and left, closing the door behind them.

The door was closed, and the whole room became darker.

Li Zhenhu looked at Lan Yang with interest and said with a smile: "How about it, Lan Yang, did you expect that today, the identity would change, and the hunter would become the prey."

Lan Yang's eyes were full of anger, but there was no fear.

She led her men to fight with Li Zhenhu's gang of bandits for a long time, and she once thought about being killed by them.

Now I just regret that I miscalculated and fell into the hands of Li Zhenhu.

After looking at it, Li Zhenhu, whose face was full of joy, said: "How long can you laugh? Someone will avenge me. The difference between us is just to die earlier and later."

"Haha, you have the guts. You are really like a lioness suppressing her anger now." Li Zhenhu flicked the toothpick and said, "You mean Fang Hao? It takes at least half a month for him to come from Lysis City. time, I don’t think he would come to me just because you are a dead person, and even if he comes, this Jinmastu is not his home, what can he do to me?”

At that time, he was indeed panicked when he discovered that Lan Yang was sending messages.

He was afraid that Fang Hao would come and kill him directly.

But now that I have calmed down, I have figured it out again.

Would Fang Hao come all the way to kill a dead man like Lan Yang?

Even if it took him half a month to come here, would he be able to kill an official like him in the city?

Even if it is a small official who only manages the market, he buys one.

It's not like you can just kill anyone.

"Hmph! How do you know that Brother Hao doesn't have the ability to teleport?"

Li Zhenhu was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter the next second, "You're so fucking funny, you're still teleporting. Do you think it's a teleportation ring for playing games?"

Seeing that the other party was not afraid at all, Lan Yang said again: "Li Zhenhu, do you dare to challenge me alone? You, a great man, are not afraid of a woman like me."

Li Zhenhu raised the corner of his mouth, patted his chest in a panic, and said jokingly: "Oh my, my, I'm really scared. What will you do if you beat me to death? I'm scared to death."

The younger brothers behind him also started laughing.

Lan Yang's face became more gloomy, and his eyes became more murderous.

But the more she behaves like this, the better Li Zhenhu's mood becomes.

When he was a bandit, he had seen this look a lot, and there were people who wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Lan Yang is nothing like this.

"Ouch! This is really scary." Li Zhenhu looked at his younger brother, "Is the shackles okay?"

"Don't worry, boss, it must be strong. Even if she breaks free, the brothers can hold her down so that you can play with peace of mind, boss." said the younger brother on the side.

"That's good!" Li Zhenhu stood up, opened the bed on the side, revealing various weapons underneath, took out a whip and said: "I heard that you like whips, I have one here too, it will be fun then. Don’t worry, I won’t let you die. Our brothers will play with you until you have no strength, and then you will starve to death and die of thirst. Alas~, it’s a pity that you are so dark, you are not my type.”

"Boss, you don't like it, but we do."

"That's right, boss, you play first, don't play to death. She whipped me several times, and I want to pay it back to her."

The younger brothers booed for a while.

Lan Yang looked at the various weapons hidden under the bed, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

Death may not be scary.

But being tortured all the time and not being able to die is still quite scary.

Calculated according to time.

After Fang Hao received the news, he immediately teleported to his city and then rushed here directly.

Even so, there is not enough time.

As Li Zhenhu said, is Lai Lai capable of intervening in Jin Mastu's affairs?

Even if Fang Hao comes to rescue her later, after being tortured by these beasts, he will be useless even if he is not dead.

Thinking of this, Lan Yang bit his silver teeth.

He lowered his head and hit the wall on the side, intending to hit himself to death.

But Li Zhenhu on the side had been paying attention to her while she was talking, and stopped her as soon as she made a move.

Press the person firmly to the ground.

"Want to commit suicide? It's not that simple. If you don't have fun playing with your brothers, it's impossible to die."

Li Zhenhu looked back at his subordinates and said, "Hold her up and let me feel good first, then come one by one when you are done."

"I am Cao Nima, Li Zhenhu." Lan Yang cursed loudly.

"Haha! I like you like this." Li Zhenhu laughed wildly.

Laughter echoed around the room.

Just when Li Zhenhu started to undress.

Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps outside the door, as if a large number of people rushed in.

Without waiting for the reaction of several people in the room.

The door was kicked open, and a group of armored soldiers rushed in.

The leader was the patrol captain who captured Lan Yang.

The captain glanced at Lan Yang who was being held up. His clothes were intact and there was no blood on him.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Take the person away."

Li Zhenhu frowned, "Captain, what's the situation? I agreed to deal with this person."

The captain glared at Li Zhenhu, reached into his arms, took out a few gold coins and threw them on the ground.

"If you want someone, go and ask the city lord for it. Find Shuyuan If you want to die, don't involve us."

Li Zhenhu looked at the money on the ground and was even more surprised.

Fang Hao is here?

No, impossible.

It couldn't be him at such a long distance, and if Fang Hao came, he would definitely come in person with his hatred-filled temper.

That was because Fang Hao had someone intervene in this matter.

Let the city lord's palace personally order the release.

This Fang Hao is so powerful that he can interfere with Jinmastu even when no one is around?

How can this be!

The captain glanced at the men beside him and said coldly: "Are you deaf? Invite Miss Lan Yang to the carriage and let's go back."


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