As soon as these words came out.

The generals on the city owner's side immediately echoed and agreed with this statement.

Mapel sneered, "Peace negotiation is the result we humans want to see, but it may not be for the undead, otherwise they wouldn't keep delaying it."

"Of course we must give priority to trying to resolve the situation peacefully. Otherwise, what do you think we should do? Fight? Can we fight?" said another local minister.

At this time, the bishop of the church also said: "Concession is nothing more than giving money to the undead to better arm themselves. By then, they will only become stronger and stronger."

The church opened its mouth, but none of the city's ministers spoke back.

Unlike the Mage Association, a force that rarely shows up, it would be really fatal if it offended the church.

City Lord Fu Binen wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked, "What should we do?"

There was silence on both sides.

At this time, the leader of the Hall of Justice said: "It is best if we can negotiate peace. If we can't negotiate, we are not afraid of them. The dwarves' artillery and the supplies of each city are all on the way. Don't worry."

The commander of the Hall of Justice is named Needham.

He is a burly, middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a righteous chainmail armor to defend against enemies. He holds the hilt of his sword with one hand, and is full of intimidation.

Hearing the artillery and supplies on the way, he could obviously breathe a sigh of relief.

The leader of the Hall of Justice continued: "For this negotiation, I, the Mage Association, and the church will go together. The rest can stay in the city and wait for news."

outside the city.

At the junction with the Otis necropolis.

A huge tent was temporarily set up.

At this time, in the tent, humans and undead were on one side of each other, and the fifth negotiation was ongoing.

The representatives of the human side are the leader of the Hall of Justice - Needham, the Mage Association - Mapel, and the church's Xu Haide.

Representatives of the three parties, with Needham as the core.

The church did not arrange for a bishop to come forward. It was also because of the relationship between the church and the dead that it asked the saint Xu Haide to come forward.

On the undead side, there is the undead corpse witch ‘Yarlin’.

"King Odis, have you considered the federation's opinion? Retreating troops to maintain border stability is the prerequisite for peace." Commander Needham said in a deep voice.

Corpse Witch Ya'erlin, holding a wooden staff in his hand, spoke softly, "Lord Otis's meaning is very simple. If you want us to withdraw our troops, should the Federation withdraw its troops first?"

Several people looked at each other, and the undead didn't mention the matter of losing money at all.

"Human beings yearn for peace. As long as you withdraw first, we will naturally withdraw." Needham continued.

Corpse Witch Ya'erlin sat motionless on the chair and just said calmly, "You guys retreat first."

"Impossible, the undead will withdraw their troops first," Needham said.

The Corpse Witch spoke, "You retreat first!"

Look at the two of you, you withdraw first, you withdraw first, there is no second sentence.

Mage Mapel interrupted, "Mr. Corpse Witch, the execution ability of the undead on the battlefield is far superior to that of humans. Only if you withdraw your troops first can the two sides return to a peaceful situation."

The battlefield execution ability she mentioned refers to the ability of the legion among the undead clan.

The undead do not need to consider baggage, support, weather and many other factors. With one order, all members charge.

It is more decisive and faster than human attacks.

Of course, when humans are ready for everything, their reaction speed is not slower than that of the undead.

However, living beings are still affected by emotions and are prone to various problems in times of war.

Corpse Witch Yaerlin glanced at her, and then said calmly: "Humans retreat first."

Everyone on the human side looked ugly.

Behind the mage, Li Rong, acting as a transparent person, almost sprayed out.

She had not participated in the previous few times, but the negotiation in front of her was just like the scolding on the channel.

One side is aggressive, the other is cutting flesh.

Fang Hao also has a corpse witch over there. Could it be that they also have this kind of hob meat?

If the characters were like this, it would definitely be fun.

The more I think about it, the funnier it becomes.

Needham snorted coldly and shouted angrily: "Do the undead really want to start a war? Do you really think your necropolis can be an opponent of the human federation?"

The Corpse Witch still didn't move much and gave the same answer as before.

The following time was spent wrangling back and forth between the two parties.

The human side requires the undead to withdraw the troops placed at the border to the previous number.

The undead said that they could, but they wanted humans to withdraw their troops first.

The Federation originally sent troops on a large scale because it discovered that the undead were stationed at the border.

How could it be possible to withdraw first?

Noisy for a while.

Corpse Witch Yaerlin stood up directly and said, "I will relay today's content to Lord Otis. I will inform you of any news."

After saying that, he led a group of undead souls and walked out of the tent.

The human side looked even uglier.

If there is anything I can tell you, the only question is who will withdraw the troops first. This is what I said before.

Wait for the undead to leave.

Several of them also left the tent and left, fearing that the undead might have some back-up plans, so they took them away in one fell swoop.


Get on the horse.

Under the escort of the army, several people began to return to Fort Santajo.

The faces of several people on the way were not pretty.

The negotiations have been going on for so long without any progress, which makes everyone feel extremely depressed.

Mage Mapel said: "The undead are just stalling for time. Those idiots in Fu Binn are planning to pay compensation or something. How can the Federation hand over the border to such people?"

Fortunately, they got the news in advance.

Otherwise, if the undead suddenly attacked, it would be a joke to expect people like Fu Binn to resist.

Needham looked at Saint Xu Haide, "Saint Xu Haide, do you have any new news over there?"

Xu Haide had placed an informant in the Cemetery of the Dead, and several people already knew about this.

I am also getting information about the necropolis through that hidden line.

Of course, these were arranged by Fang Hao and Li Rong.

Xu Haide puffed up his chest and said, "Last night I got the news from the eyeliner that the cemetery is speeding up the production of equipment and has started working overnight."

Upon hearing these words, Needham and Mapel's expressions instantly became even uglier.

It's really stalling for time.

"Have you notified the church?" Needham asked seriously.

Xu Haide shook his head and said, "Before coming here, I already reported the news to the Archbishop."

"Yes!" Needham nodded.

Mage Mapel on the side glanced at Li Rong beside him, "Li Rong, please inform President Geglia of this news as well."


Li Rong rarely talks, and has been acting as a messenger since arriving.

Send the news back to Silver Wing City, and then let your younger brother bring the news to the Mage Association.

The City Lord's Book is much easier to use than the Sound Conch.

There is also a camera function to better express the current situation.

For the rest of the journey, several people became silent.

The situation at the border has become increasingly tense, putting them under tremendous pressure.

War is no joke. Once a war breaks out, there will be corpses everywhere.

Likewise, their safety is also an issue.

Return to Mount Joburg and return to their respective residences separately.

In a beautifully furnished room.

Li Rong first sent what happened today to his younger brother and asked him to send it to the Mage Association.

Then, another copy was given to Fang Hao.

Fang Hao, on his side, focused on emphasizing the layout and arrangements on the human side, as well as the increasingly tense situation between the two parties.

Fang Hao only sent back a message.

"I understand, please be safe."

After Li Rong replied, "Yeah, okay," she exchanged some food and placed it on the dining table.

Wait until the table is filled with everything.

Li Rong and Dark Elf Morse chatted while eating.

In fact, coming here didn't have much impact on her.

Eat and drink when you should, and the quality of life has not declined at all.

I'm just a little worried about whether there will be any danger to me if the war starts.

Boom, boom, boom! !

At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door.


The door opened, and Xu Haide, who had changed into an ordinary saint's costume, walked in directly.

Li Rong frowned.

She thought it was the mage Mapel, but she didn't expect it was Xu Haide.

"Miss Li Rong." Xu Haide smiled and saluted, like a young gentleman with a sunny face.

"Well, Xu Haide, what's the matter?" Li Rong asked calmly.

"Miss Li Rong, the war may break out at any time. We are all time travellers, that is, a family. We must help each other when the time comes." Xu Haide showed a soft smile and glanced at the purple hero-Mo ers.

Li Rong noticed the other person's gaze and understood what he was thinking.

He saw that Li Rong was protected by the purple hero and came to get closer.

Whether it is the church or the Mage Association, the heroes assigned are all loyal to the forces.

Once a war breaks out, the safety of the travelers will not be prioritized.

The heroes recruited are different.

The first priority is to protect the safety of the lord.

The war was about to begin, and he was worried about his own safety, so he came to Li Rong to get close to her.

Li Rong smiled and said, "Of course, we are all time travellers, so we should naturally support each other."

He said this with his mouth, but in his heart he scolded all eighteen generations of his ancestors.

Before, before the two of them had any contact, Xu Haide arranged for Cao Zhengzhi to harm him.

If she hadn't gotten the cannon, she would have been tortured to death even if she wasn't alive now.

Still want me to save you now?

I didn't stab you a few times by then, so you ran fast.

But there was still a kind smile on his face.

Hearing this answer, Xu Haide felt relieved and continued: "The matter is not serious. If there is any movement of the undead, I will be the first to get the news and I will notify you in advance."

Li Rong still smiled, "That's great, you still have a way, you actually arranged the eyeliner a long time ago."

"Of course, when we come to this strange world, we must plan for future development in advance so that we can stay ahead of others." Xu Haide said.

"Well, you men still think too far."

The two chatted for a while. Seeing that Li Rong hadn't finished her meal, Xu Haide didn't stay any longer.

He said goodbye directly and left.

He continued to walk upstairs, not knowing who he was looking for to establish relations with.

After the footsteps completely disappeared, Morse said: "He is not as friendly to you as he appears."

Li Rong sneered and said softly: "If you have the right opportunity, help me kill him."

Morse was stunned.

The two of them were chatting happily just now, but now the next sentence is about killing someone, which is even more ruthless than her, a killer.


main city.

An open space outside the city was specially used to gather troops.

Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords and found the blueprint of the Hare Airship.

After a day of production, the tanner has completed the production of 62 pieces of Hippogriff soft leather.

You can try making an airship instead.

Open the Book of Lords to find the blueprint and start making it.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain the original hare airship 101.]

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain Hare Airship Hull 101.]

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain Hare Airship Deck 101.]

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain Hare Airship Building 101.]

[Triggered by a hundred-fold increase, obtain Hare Airship Sail 101.]

With a crackling sound, large pieces of the ship's hull were scattered in the open space in front of him.

Otherwise, the hull is covered with various precise structures, and the parts scattered around look more like parts of a seagoing ship.

Fang Hao continued to produce.

[Small Hare Airship Blueprint: Energy Core 1, Hare Airship Original 1, Hare Airship Hull 1, Hare Airship Deck 1, Hare Airship Building 1, Hare Airship Sail 1. 】

After thinking about it, I decided to adjust the production quantity to 1 first.

Currently, there are only two ‘energy cores’ in hand.

Let’s take a look at the performance and practicality first, and then it’s not too late to make one.

Confirm production.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain ‘Small Hare Airship’ 101.]

Hoo ho ho! !

The parts in front disappeared, and huge airships fell from the sky.

This frightened Fang Hao, and he left behind with a few maids and earth spirit girls who were watching the fun.

But the expected drop did not happen.

When the airship was still two meters away from the ground, it suddenly stopped falling and floated in mid-air as if it had resumed its drive.

It stirred up a wave of air and smoke.

Fang Hao breathed a sigh of relief and then began to look at the finished airship.

The shape of the hull is close to that of a fishing boat, but the shape is more sci-fi. There are fin sails on both sides of the hull and a sturdy roof on the top.

Above the roof of the shed, there are two slender hot air balloons on the left and right that look like rabbit ears.

Presumably, this is also the origin of the name of the airship.

At this time, more and more people came out to watch the fun.

"Wow, this is an airship. It's so handsome!"

Below, a group of maids exclaimed in surprise.

Even Demitga and Arsetti saw this kind of goblin technology flying in the air for the first time.

"If it really flies up, will it fall down?"

"Probably not. It can fly with such a big hull, so it shouldn't be a problem to carry a few people."

A group of people gathered together and discussed in low voices.

For those who have lived on the ground for a long time, the sky is both a yearning and a fear.

Fang Hao looked at it for a while, then said to the meat fist behind him: "A cannon, an organ cannon, and by the way... Blacksmith Ku Lin is also here."

"Okay, sir." Rou Fist nodded and left quickly.

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