Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 570, Fighting against the Dragon Clan

The silver-haired girl's words made Fang Hao and others feel their hearts tightening.

The Dragon Clan is famous for protecting its shortcomings due to racial and demographic issues.

The extent of protecting shortcomings has reached the point of being unreasonable.

Every force that takes action against the Dragon Clan will be retaliated by the entire Dragon Clan group.

This is also the reason why all races keep a respectful distance from the Dragon Clan.

Even if he hits you and you hit him back and hurt him, you will be retaliated against.

Fang Hao looked at the girl and asked with confusion on his face: "Are you talking to me?"

The silver-haired girl 'Beate' raised her head and said, "Have you ever drank dragon blood, or the mixed potion? Where does the dragon blood come from?"

"Miss, do you have any misunderstanding? I have never been in contact with the Dragon Clan."

Beate's face suddenly turned cold, and she scolded: "Humph! Looking for death."

Before she finished speaking, the silver-haired girl suddenly took action.

The five fingers of his right hand were pressed together, like a spear, flashing with lightning, piercing Fang Hao's jaw.

Fang Hao was already on guard, turning his head to dodge, and raised his elbow to hit the piercing palm.

at the same time.

Demitga struck from his side, his fist whistling and hitting the girl's head.

The middle-aged dragon tried to protect the silver-haired girl, but just as his right fist hit the lizard man, a sound of breaking through the air was heard in his ears.

Immediately give up the offensive and bend your arms to block.

Anjia's waist turned sharply, and the wind of the fist was coming.

The middle-aged dragon's figure was slightly shaken, but he was not injured at all.

"Seeking death!" The middle-aged dragon clan was furious and shouted loudly.

Erigang realized it later and yelled, just about to punch.


A kick that came from nowhere directly knocked the person's body into the air and hit the wall of his body.

Immediately afterwards, black magic bullets flew over and exploded in the middle.

The dark attribute made the bright elevator suddenly go dark.

The magic bomb exploded, and the energy caused three magic lamps to explode. The erosion of darkness left corroded holes on the wall.

In the elevator room, there was only one magic lamp left, flickering on and off.

In the small space, everyone was fighting together.

Fists, wind, legs, shadows, you come and I go.

Bang bang bang! !

The iron plate deformed, and the impact of magic made the entire elevator tremble.

It also caused the last burning magic lamp to be completely extinguished.

A closed space, shrouded in darkness.

The fist wind roared, thunder, lightning, flames, and dark magic collided continuously in the space.

The elevator, which was already one floor high, began to sway like a swing.



in front of the counter.

The gray dwarves were standing in front of the counter, arguing with the teller with angry faces, trying to find out who had sold an extra hundred cannons.

On the side, after confirming that the merchant alliance would not disclose the seller's information, the time traveler 'Vadiye' reassured Gray Dwarf to ask.

I was chatting and laughing with a wheat-colored female time traveler.

"You are so beautiful. If you were in the world of humans or elves, you would have achieved higher achievements." Wadiye said with a smile.

The female time traveler smiled slightly, "No way, the elves are the most beautiful race in the world, how can I compare with them."

Wadiye looked regretful, "It's a pity that you actually made a sound in the land of the desert undead. Your beauty is of no use to them."


The woman was amused and smiled, "What's the use of looking good? Ability is the most important. If you can reach the level like Fang Hao and Ai Ruigan, you can ensure your own safety."

Vadier nodded, "Erigon also came to the auction, did you see it?"

"No, how does he look?"

Wadiye immediately said, "He's very handsome. He wears much better clothes than us, and he's surrounded by two dragon heroes. I feel like if we really get into a fight, his combat ability is better than Fang Hao's."

"Can you? Fang Hao's points are several times higher than the second place."

"Of course, the Dragon Clan is the most powerful race, and Erigang's camp also changed to the Dragon Clan a few days ago. All the troops recruited in the future will be related to the Dragon Clan. Defeating Fang Hao shouldn't be a problem." Wadiye said firmly. said.

The woman nodded after hearing this, "According to what you said, it is indeed possible. Points do not represent combat effectiveness."

"that is!"

Just as the two were talking, a huge roar suddenly came from upstairs.

Everyone looked up in horror.

Then the elevator going downward suddenly exploded, and then the flat metal elevator exploded one after another.

Marks suddenly bulged out on the flat surface of the elevator, as if some wild beast was imprisoned inside, trying to beat the iron wall and break free from the cage.

The people below exclaimed and began to avoid it quickly.

He hid far away and continued to look this way.

The staff shouted loudly: "Someone is fighting inside, go and call the garrison commander."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone watching around was shocked.

If you dare to fight at the Merchant Alliance's auction, does that mean you don't want to live anymore?

Someone went to call the guard, and the elevator became more and more dilapidated with the harsh sound of metal tearing.

The entire elevator began to deviate from the fixed track and shook violently in mid-air.

Under the violent swing, bang! The top cable snapped and the entire elevator fell.


After a loud roar, the elevator landed and the elevator door suddenly opened.

Several figures rushed out, and thunder, explosions, and dragon roars filled the entire hall.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

In the smoke, a figure slowly crawled out.

While crawling out with difficulty, he gasped for breath.

"It's Erigon..." Vadier exclaimed.

The woman next to him cast a questioning look, and Vadier said to the figure crawling out in embarrassment, "That's Erigon."

"Isn't he from the Dragon Clan? Who started a fight with the Dragon Clan?" the woman exclaimed.

Wadiye frowned, then looked intently at the two sides fighting each other in the smoke, and his eyes widened instantly, Fu Lei?

The hall was filled with smoke and dust.

The silver-haired girl's body flashed with lightning, her eyes swept across the four people opposite her, and her voice was cold, "Dragon scales are looming under the skin. This is a phenomenon caused by taking the magic dragon potion. What else do you have to say?"

Fang Hao shook his head and looked at the girl, "What about that?"

While the two were talking, Fang Hao took out weapons and distributed them to several people.

Demitga didn't say much.

Holding a long sword in hand, he dragged out a golden afterimage on the spot. Relying purely on the strength of his body, he shot up and slashed at the middle-aged dragon clan member with one sword.

Demitga was taciturn. There was no connection between lizards and dragons in this world.

He was also an orange hero, but he was marked by a lizard man. He didn't dare to take any direct action, so he wanted to dodge.

However, the middle-aged man felt his ankle tighten, the white jade slab on the ground tilted up, and the soil below wrapped his ankle like mud.

More and more soil spread upwards, like a huge palm, dragging him tightly.

Just such a delay.

The lizard man's sword light has reached in front of him.

With nowhere to hide, the middle-aged man made a quick decision, bowed his body slightly, and faced the sharp blade with his back.


The sharp sword cut open the brocade robe, revealing the inner armor that shone with golden light.


At this time, the girl's silver electric spear stabbed the skeleton Nelson behind.

Nelson hurriedly dodged, and the soil under the middle-aged man's feet began to disintegrate, and he began to fight back against the lizard man.

Anjia took the opportunity and quickly approached the silver-haired girl, trying to get close again.

Fang Hao followed closely, also condensing a thunder spear in his hand, and threw it directly at the silver-haired girl.

The thunder spear was resisted by the transparent energy in front of the girl. At the same time, the girl stretched out her white jade arms and pointed to the sky. In an instant, lightning strikes struck down from the sky.

Silver snakes spread all over the ground, and the earth and rocks exploded.

Demitga swayed at his feet, then suddenly attacked and killed the girl.

The middle-aged dragon tribe spit out a red fireball and blasted it towards the skeleton corpse witch behind him. Nelson was blocked by the thick earth wall in front of him.

A silver thunder snake sprang out from behind and bit Fang Hao's crotch.

Fang Hao turned around and swung out the Thunder God's Blade, cutting the thunder snake into pieces.

At the same time, the condensed magic accelerated again, and a two-headed fire python appeared in the middle and began to spit out fireballs at the two people opposite.

Joint attacks, changing targets along the way.

The six people kept trying their best to attack and defend.

The scene was chaotic.

Figures shuttled through the smoke, and there were roars of thunder, lightning, and flames.

The magnificent hall no longer exists, and the broken scene is still being destroyed.

Fang Hao threw the thunder spear in his hand again, his face became a little gloomy.

There are four people on his side, but the only one who can really compete with the dragons is Dimitga.

Nelson is an auxiliary hero. His abilities and characteristics are knowledge and making undead, not combat.

Although An Jia and Fang Hao also have some fighting ability.

But compared with the Dragon Clan, they are far behind.

Now it seems that both sides are evenly matched, but in fact the Dragon Clan has not yet transformed.

Four against two, there is still no chance of winning against the Dragon Clan.

boom! !

There was a huge roar, and air waves swept away the smoke and dust.

The troops from both sides were divided into two sides and faced off again.

The silver-haired girl's face became even more ugly, and she said coldly: "I didn't expect that you still have some abilities, but you can't even think about walking out of here today, 'Axiburn' will kill them."

The middle-aged dragon clan member nodded, "It's Miss Beate."

After saying that, his body began to expand rapidly, bursting out of his brocade clothes, revealing his scaly skin, and began to grow into a huge and ferocious dragon shape.

The huge dragon body occupies most of the hall.

Fang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.

He made a gesture to the people around him and punched the ground with the 'Thunder God's Blade' in his hand.

call! !

[Cloud Mist] was released, and the mist with thunder and silver snakes instantly confused the entire hall.

Cut off everyone's sight.

"Humph, now you know you're afraid?" The silver-haired girl glanced at the giant dragon beside her and said, "Dispel the fog and kill them directly."

The huge dragon nodded slightly and flapped its wings vigorously.

A majestic wind suddenly roared out, instantly blowing away the fog in the field.

Revealing a hall full of devastation.

The fog dissipated, the silver-haired girl gathered her thunder spears, and the dragon prepared its breath.

But there was no one in front, and there was no trace of those four people anywhere.

Both of them were stunned! !

The teleportation scroll isn't that fast, right?

"Miss Beate, they ran away." The dragon mouthed human words.

"damn it!"

The silver-haired girl's face turned even colder.

Halfway through the fight, he was about to use his big move, but the opponent walked away.

It felt like being teased.

Tap tap tap! !

In the distance, a large number of footsteps sounded.

What followed was a roar like thunder, "Whoever dares to cause trouble in the alliance is seeking death..."

Alliance guards arrived.

The dragon quickly shrunk in size and returned to human form.

The original brocade robe was broken, and now he was wearing a piece of golden armor.

"Miss Beate, today is the auction. The leader of the merchant alliance should have reached the dark gold level. Why don't we retreat first." The middle-aged man said in a low voice.

Beate's chest heaved violently, and he glanced coldly at the place where those people disappeared.

He said coldly: "Let's go back first."

After saying that, he took out a scroll.

The middle-aged man immediately jumped aside, picked up the injured 'Erigon', and approached the girl again.

The girl opened all the scrolls, and the golden magic circle quickly took shape.

The figures of the three people also disappeared on the spot.

A large number of people rushed into the ruins-like hall.

Well-equipped guards and countless 'Valkyrie' constructs.

The guards surrounded the scene, but there was no sign of them.

At this time, an unusually handsome elf slowly walked out from among the guards.

Long silver-white hair, delicate facial features.

I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl at the moment.

[Forest Guardian - Tyrion (Dark Gold Tier 3 Hero)].

Dark gold level hero.

Behind this person were people of various races, many of whom were orange-level heroes.

With such a gorgeous lineup, the two sides who just fought may not be able to escape unless they leave.

Tyrion's cold eyes scanned the ruins, his expression gloomy.

It took less than 10 minutes from getting the notification to arriving here.

The scene became like this.

The guard ran over and said, "Sir, everyone on both sides used teleportation to leave."

"Hmph! You dare to cause trouble in the Merchant Alliance, how brave you are!" Tyrion put his hands behind his back and continued: "Disperse the crowd and ask the person in charge of the auction to garrison the hall with information about the two fighting parties."

"Yes, sir."

The guards quickly dispersed to clean up the mess.

Wadiye looked at the ruins in front of him dumbfounded.

When he came here, he met a total of three time travellers, two of whom had just demolished the auction.

"Then, who is that time traveler? He actually got into a fight with the Dragon Clan." The time traveler woman asked at this time.

Wadiye opened his mouth to say 'Fu Lei', but the next second he said, "I don't know him."

The battlefield just now was very obvious.

'Erigon', who was rumored to be about to fly into the sky, lay dead throughout the entire journey. When he came out of the elevator, he was seriously injured.

But ‘Fu Lei’, who seemed to know nothing and still needed to popularize some knowledge, fought several rounds with the Dragon Clan.

"What's the matter."

Driven by the guards, the stunned crowd was dispersed.

Wadiye and the woman also left the scene along with their respective races.

Merchant Alliance, stationed in the hall.

A group of people were sitting around a long table, all looking very ugly.

At the end of the spring auction, the auction hall was smashed, which was a very serious matter for the merchant alliance.

It hasn't happened in more than a hundred years.

At the head of the long table sat an old goblin wearing a black frame.

After listening to the reports of everyone present, he said: "You mean, it's the Dragon Clan who is causing trouble this time?"

The garrison commander, Tyrion, immediately said: "Yes, Beate from the Dragon Clan, and the other is a force of time travelers, from Station No. 032. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm"

The leader of the goblins did not speak.

The rest of the people have already started talking.

In the content of the discussion, you can hear that the Dragon Clan is getting more and more excessive and causing trouble.

Obviously, this is not the first time that the Dragon Clan has fought at the Merchant Alliance headquarters.

After a while, the leading goblin continued to ask: "Tyrion, as the garrison commander this time, what do you think?"

Tyrion thought for a moment and whispered: "The power of the Dragon Clan is huge, so we still need to deal with it in a gentle way. As for the time traveler, I think we can be tougher. At least one person needs to bear the cost of repairing the entire hall. .”

The leader of the goblins nodded, "I'll leave it to you, Tyrion."


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