In this season, the soil is not as hard as in winter.

A few Lionheart Knights went down and dug out the coffin buried in the ground with a few shovels.

Technicians still have a certain status in the village.

Although the coffin is simple, it is fairly sturdy.


The lid of the coffin was pushed open, revealing the body that had been pieced together inside.

Died due to explosion.

The body was obviously broken up into segments, arranged into a human shape.

From Fang Hao's point of view, the limbs are still intact.

If someone had just brought the coffin out, it would have turned into a mess.

"Check to see if the body is intact?"

A lion-hearted knight jumped down and pinched the clothes wrapped around it.

After checking it around, he said, "Sir, it's still intact."

"Okay! Close the lid of the coffin."

The coffin lid was closed again, and Fang Hao put it directly into the storage space.

Afterwards, the dug hole was filled back in, trying to make it look the same as before.

After all, digging a grave is not a glorious thing anywhere.

In the future, Zhang Bin may still have contact with the village here, and he will be labeled as a corpse thief, which will damage his reputation.

Wait until everything is processed.

Fang Hao and others rode away again, returned to Zhang Bin's territory, and cast a spell to teleport back to the main city.

Return to the main city.

Fang Hao immediately rushed to the skeleton transformation site.

Whether he can transform into a skeleton technician depends on this time.

He went straight to the transformation pool and threw everyone with coffins into the sand pool.

The sand in the pool began to boil, swallowing up the bodies dropped bit by bit.

The wooden coffin was still lying flat there without any changes.

The conversion time is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

The time is still not short.

Fang Hao looked at the time, 11:30.

Come over in a moment.

Return to the Lord's Mansion.

Li Rong sent another message.

"The undead attacked for a day and a night, and the federal army's defense line was forced to retreat under the offensive."

This is how the undead fight.

It doesn't know how to tire, and can fight with you day and night for a long time.

But human beings cannot do that. They need to rest and eat, drink and defecate.

The best way is to fight in shifts, but this still creates opportunities for the undead.

The Federation is already at a disadvantage, and in this case, the disadvantage becomes even more obvious.

"Been beaten back to the city?" Fang Hao asked.

"Not yet, it's just that the battle line has retreated and we are still holding on." Li Rong answered.

Fang Hao nodded, thought for a while, and continued: "On my side, I have also made a plan, intending to take this opportunity to attack the Odis Necropolis from Huiyue Highlands and capture this area in one fell swoop."

"That's great. If we count on the Federation, I'm afraid we won't win."

"But we can't attack rashly, otherwise our side will also be undead. If there is a fight, it is very likely that we will also fight with the Federation." Fang Hao continued.

Li Rong paused for a few seconds and then understood the meaning of the words.

"Oh, what should I do?"

Fang Hao continued: "I will let Huiyue Highlands and the Human Federation sign an alliance to attack the Odis Necropolis together. This way, they will have an idea."

"Then sign it."

"Do you think those nobles will see the situation as clearly as we do? If you take the initiative to sign it now, they will not agree."

"What should we do?"

"I need you to find a way to reveal some information to the Federation and let them know the danger they face."

"What fake news? As a businessman, I won't lie."

"Odis launched the attack at this time. He waited for the Merchant Alliance auction to end and bought the props he needed. He will use them in the battle immediately to directly defeat the federal army and capture Silver Wing City." Fang Hao finished his sentence and followed closely. The second sentence is, "That's it, you can use it to your best advantage. The more severe the situation, the better."

The other side fell into silence. After a while, Li Rong replied, "Is it true or false that you said that you would directly defeat the Alliance army and capture Silver Wing City?"

It was obvious from her tone that she was a little scared.

Fang Hao replied, "I made it up, but attacking at this time may actually have some back-up plan."

"Oooh! I want to go home!"

"Oh shit, I'll pick you up if you're in danger, don't forget to make it serious.


"I know, Dong Jiayue was the first to attack the dwarves last time. I'm risking my life to find out information for you. It's unjustifiable if I don't give you the first credit!"

"Don't worry, this first achievement is yours." Fang Hao immediately sent it.

Li Rong's situation is indeed very dangerous.

At the end of this time, she should be given credit.


the other side.

Li Rong hung up the chat and exhaled heavily.

She had just been replaced from the front line, and her whole body was exhausted, and her energy was exhausted from the continuous casting of spells.

But she couldn't rest yet.

Re-opened the chat, found Cao Zhengzhi's private chat, and sent it with added embarrassment about what Fang Hao had just explained.

Let him, a close confidant, relay it to Xu Haide.

He leaned on the bed and thought for a while.

He washed his face with cold water again and said to the dark elf on the side: "Let's go, Fang Hao has given us another mission."

Dark Elf Morse didn't say much, stood up and followed her out.

Out of the room.

Li Rong went to the room of water mage Mapel.

The mature mage, who was wearing silk with a large expanse of snow-white exposed, was yawning with a look of exhaustion on his face.

Li Rong didn't turn around and said directly: "I got some news that Odis plans to arrange an army to use the territory of the blood clan to attack the city of Pruul in the north in a roundabout way."

The mature mage, who was yawning profusely, frowned and his eyes became solemn.

"Where did you get the news?"

Li Rong replied, "From the time traveler side, we have the time traveler channel. There are usually many people chatting in it. I see it occasionally, but I don't know whether it is true or not."

Mage Mapel frowned and thought, but the more he thought about it, the uglier his face became.

The other end of the undead is connected to the vampire clan. If you borrow the road from the vampire clan.

They really just attacked Purul City directly.

"Has this news been informed to President Gloria?" Marpel asked.

Li Rong shook his head, "I'm not sure if it's reliable. I'll come over and talk to you first."

Mapel immediately said: "Whether it is true or not, please inform President Geglia first."


Half an hour later.

Silver Wing City, Hall of Justice.

The leader of the Hall of Justice - Dougherty, the Archbishop - Milton, the Master of Mages - Gloria.

The three of them came together again.

But everyone's face was filled with solemnity.

Dougherty spoke softly, "Boy, is there any news?"


Milton and Gloria spoke at the same time, and both of them were stunned.

Gloria motioned for Milton to speak first.

Milton opened his mouth and said: "I just got the news from Xu Haide. There is new information from Otis. It is said that Otis participated in the auction of the Merchant Alliance not long ago and is making plans to break through the Federation in one fell swoop. Line of defense.”


The other two people looked a little ugly.

According to the timeline, Otis's attack indeed started on the second day of the Merchant Alliance's spring auction.

Most likely, they are waiting for the auction to end.

Now it seems that Otis still has a back-up, and the humans are in danger without the help of their allies.

Dougherty continued to ask: "Do you know what you purchased? When will Audis be eligible to participate in the auction at the Merchant Alliance Headquarters?"

Milton shook his head, "No one knows what was purchased, but the information is very likely to be true."

Dougherty nodded.

The information Xu Haide sent back these few times has basically been confirmed and is highly authentic.

It was of great help to the human side to make arrangements in advance.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Otis's army would have already broken through the defense line.

This time, even if the information is unclear, it still has high credibility.

I can't believe it either.

"It seems that we will continue to mobilize troops from various cities to support the front line." Dougherty said.

Milton nodded in agreement.

Dougherty looked at Gloria again and asked, "President Gloria, what did you want to say just now?"

Gloria took a deep breath.

He opened his mouth and said: "We have also received a piece of news, and the intelligence cannot be determined to be true or false."

"tell me the story."

"Someone among the time-travelers discovered that Otis's army intended to borrow a road from the Blood Tribe's "Glory Moon Highlands" and start attacking southward from Pruul City on the other side."

The whole place fell into silence again.

Compared with Milton's news, Geglia's news is more real and consistent with the situation of the two sides fighting.

Just now we said that more people would be deployed to support Mount Fort.

If the undead attack again from Purul City, even if they organize their troops now, it may be difficult to support Purul City and arrange defenses in a short time.

Both pieces of information are quite ruthless.

They also hit their vital points.

Moreover, these two pieces of information do not conflict and can be carried out simultaneously.

For vampires, vampires and undead are closer.

It is possible for both parties to join forces.

By then, the Human Federation will really be unable to escape this disaster.

"I will send people to find out these two pieces of information." Dougherty thought for a moment and continued: "I will immediately notify Pruul City and ask them to send more people to watch the border. At the same time, I will ask nearby cities to make arrangements immediately. Troops are coming to support.”

"That's all we can do for now." Milton nodded and agreed.

If these two pieces of information are true.

Even if you tell them now, there is actually no good way to deal with it.

We can only hope that the other party's plan will be implemented later, giving them some time to find a solution.

The atmosphere in the hall was somewhat depressing.

The three leaders discussed in low voices in this atmosphere.

Various conjectures and speculations are being made, as well as ways to deal with them.

main city.

After lunch, all the things that need to be explained were explained.

It’s almost time for conversion.

Technician, it depends on today whether we can succeed and whether we can use the airship in the next attack on the Necropolis.

Come to the transformation field.

At this time, a dull-looking human skeleton was already standing.

He is short in height and has a slight hunchback.

Seeing that there was no soul fire in his eyes, Fang Hao's heart tightened.

You know, the 'skeleton technician' he met at the Merchant Alliance headquarters before had soul fire.

Not only can he study constructs, but he can also inspect equipment.

Possess high intelligence and related skills.

Now, this skeleton standing in place, motionless, no different from an ordinary undead skeleton, does not look like the state a technician should be in.

With some anxiety, Fang Hao walked over.

[Skeleton Technician (Level 4)]

[Faction: Undead]

[Racial characteristics: undead, hollow skeleton, light weakness]

[Skill: Repair Technique. 】

[Inherent abilities: primary construct repair, primary construct manipulation. 】

[Repair Technique]: Possess certain knowledge of constructs and can inspect and repair damaged constructs.

(Note: Skeleton soldiers transformed from corpses still retain their characteristics and attack methods in life.)

Fourth level!

The skeleton technician I saw last time was at level seven.

Three steps behind.

It has a skill of its own, repair.

It can repair damaged structures, which is actually a useful ability.

Wait until the construct enters the battlefield later.

Such technicians can also repair constructs.

As for Fang Hao's desire to operate the airship, it's pretty much the same.

Among the inherent abilities is 'primary structure control'.

Not to mention how exquisite it is, you should be able to control forwards, backwards, and turns.

"Let's go out with me." Fang Hao ordered.

The stunned skeleton technician followed behind Fang Hao.

Walk outside together.

When we arrived at the location where a large number of airships were parked, we could see some maids and earth spirit girls taking some bedding to the airships to dry.

He chose an airship that was far away and had not been 'used'.

Taking the skeleton with him, he climbed directly up.

Standing on the deck, Fang Hao said: "Enter the cab and prepare to control."

After the skeleton technician was stunned for a second, he turned around and entered the driver's cab, holding on to the rudder of the ship and looking straight ahead.

Fang Hao wanted to give the order to move forward, but suddenly thought of the human technician who died in the explosion.

He climbed down from the airship, released the 'Devil Doll' and returned to the deck, standing next to the skeleton technician.

He said directly: "Control the airship upward."


The skeleton technician operates quickly.


The entire body of the airship began to tremble violently, and the internal body began to operate.

Immediately afterwards, the airship began to rise upwards with a special energy.

It works.

Fang Hao continued: "Fly forward!"


The technician took control again, and the airship began to fly forward, but the speed was very fast and the effect was very good.

"Turn left!"

"Turn right!"

"Go around in a circle!"

Fang Hao issued various orders one after another, and the skeleton technician could control them.

The only drawback is that someone needs to be on hand to give orders.

This technician without soul fire cannot control it on his own.

"Okay, let's fly back!"

The airship turned around and flew back.

Stop at the original location.

Only the landing was a little unstable, and the entire hull was shaking.

But overall, it's enough.

The devil doll flew down from the air, and Fang Hao put it away directly.

He turned around and returned to the Lord's Mansion.

Regarding recruiting a large number of technicians, please contact Shuyuan Don’t rush.

Recruit again when you need to go to Blood Castle.

In the afternoon, travelers began to arrive one after another.

Fang Hao asked Dimitja to give them some pre-war training, and at the same time, he also waited for the travelers who were a little further away.

Hall of Lords.

Fang Hao sat on a chair, and next to him was the merchant alliance goblin-Kutt Thor.

Kuktitor showed a smile and said in a high-pitched voice: "Mr. Fang Hao, the Business Alliance has conducted investigations and negotiated with the Dragon Clan in the past two days, but..., the situation is not going well."

"Oh? What do you say?" Fang Hao asked.

"The Dragon Clan is looking for your information and territory location through various means."

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