Queen 'Anastasia' froze, her expression serious.

"Who did you say is coming?"

"Your Majesty, you are the envoy of the Dragon Clan, applying for the use of the teleportation array." The lizard man below repeated.

The queen's expression became more and more serious.

The dragon clan and the lizard people have never had any contact.

Coming at this time, I subconsciously thought of Fang Hao.

Could it be that Fang Hao was found out by the Dragon Clan?

No, even if you find it, why are you here with me?

Obviously, the Dragon Clan discovered something.

After weighing it in his mind, he continued to ask: "How many applicants have been approved?"

"Four people."

"Open two teleportation slots for them, and then take them to the living room."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The lizard businessman withdrew, and the queen also stood up. Under the service of her attendants, she changed into solemn clothes and walked toward the living room unhappily.

In the living room, I waited for a while.

Then they saw a silver-haired girl with dragon horns and a blond human.

"Dragon Beate."


"I have met Her Majesty the Queen." The two of them bowed slightly.

Both actions and words give people a superficial sense of respect.

The Queen didn't care and said casually: "Sit down!"

The attitudes of both parties are somewhat lukewarm.

After the two sat down, the queen asked directly: "You two are coming here this time. Is there anything you want to do?"

The silver-haired dragon man, Beate, said fiercely: "During the Merchant Alliance auction, your dragon clan was attacked by a time traveler."

The Dragon Clan is under attack?

They, the Dragon Clan, just bullied others and were attacked.

Thinking in his heart, the male king 'Anastasia' still looked angry, "You were also present at the time and saw the fight between them."

"Oh? The male king is also here?" the silver-haired dragon man asked curiously.

"I just saw it from a distance."

The silver-haired dragon man pondered for a while and then said: "Does the male king recognize this person's identity?"

"It's recognition."

"Oh?" Long Man's face turned solemn, he leaned back under the chair and said again: "You have obtained some information, saying that this time traveler is attached to the lizard man!"

The male king's eyes instantly narrowed, and his cold vertical pupils scanned the seven people present.

It seems that I am thinking about teaching you some lessons.

In the end, it was a wonderful answer, "Does this time traveler have anything to do with the Holy Dynasty?"

"Oh? Did you see the lizard man here?"

"The companion of the time traveler seems to be a lizard-killer, right? Based on that alone, I would like to come to you as a foreign dignitary. The Dragon Clan is being reasonable. Isn't it to that point yet?"

The male king of the lizardmen, a dark gold level four hero.

Just one kick away from becoming a demigod hero.

Any person or force would dare to talk to you like that.

But the Dragon Clan was still worried, and she was a big orange girl who came to ask for people directly.

And Fang Hao really has nothing to do with you.

At least it doesn't matter now.

Faced with the fullness of the male king's words, the silver-haired dragon man was not timid at all.

He glanced at 'Shao Xinggang' beside him with a normal expression.

The former nodded and immediately said: "Your Majesty, the name of the time traveler is 'Ai Rui'. Can you confirm again whether he is the time traveler on your side."


The male king was stunned.

After a long time, you guys even found out their names.

That's easy to say, and I really don't have that person there.

The male king nodded and said to the attendant: "Invite the 'Tiktata' priest over."

The attendant replied and left.

When he came back, he was followed by this lizardman priest wearing a narrow robe.

"Your Majesty!"

The male king nodded and spoke loudly, "Aren't there any rosters for the time-travelers supported by the Holy Dynasty?"

"No, Your Majesty, there are no detailed records of his name, position, or the work he is good at." Tiktata replied.

"Okay, there's no one named Ari out there."

Tiktata took out a roster from his pocket and started comparing them one by one.

It seems that there are still a majority of travelers in the Lizardman area.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Tiktata finally answered, shaking his head.

That made the seven dragon clan members frown instantly.

That's right.

The silver-haired dragon man continued: "Let me see the roster."


The male king slapped the back of the chair hard and shouted angrily, "You have to take a step back."

The internal information of the race is all secret.

Are they from the Li tribe who just want to see it?

"Your Majesty, that matter is very important to the dragon clan." The silver-haired dragon man said again.

The male king's chest heaved with anger, but he asked the dragon clan to give up the idea, fearing that they would harass him in the past.

Before taking a deep breath, Hesheng said: "We can't let them read it again, but before we confirm that it has anything to do with you, we will have to worry about it again."


The male king nodded and winked at the priest above.

The former took the next step and handed the roster into the hands of the Dragon Clan.

Long Nan and Shi Binke finished opening the roster and looked at them one by one.

Check one by one to see if there really is a name ‘Shi Bin’.

Judging from the list of initiated arrangements, there are traces of alteration and erasure.

Of course, it is impossible that the lizard people have not recorded Shi Bin's name at all, but the possibility is small.

Could it be that I thought wrong?

Is it the lizard people from the South, or these guys from the North?

I checked it twice before.

He closed the list and returned it to the priest.

"How about it? No clues?" the male king said sarcastically.

The silver-haired dragon man stood up directly, "Since we are lizardmen, you should go back first."

"see a visitor out!"

The lizardman attendant left with seven people.

Return through the teleportation array.

Silver-haired Duo Nan and Shi Bin Gang both looked ugly.

"What should I do?" Shao Xinggang asked.

Finding a time traveler is so difficult, it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

When I went to the lizard people, I thought I could find some clues.

But at this time, the clue was broken again.

Long Nan said: "Go back first and tell the clan about what happened there."

the other side.

Small cemetery in Otis.

Sen'jin Valley.

Once upon a time, the 'Ang Asseti Kingdom' was still ruled by the gold-eating king.

Senjin Valley is an important grain production base in the kingdom.

It's harvest season.

The golden valley is as sparse as the forest.

At a glance, the small ground is covered with gold.

At this time, at a glance.

Smoky vines, dead branches and rotting bones.

Li Yin'er sat on the back of the 'Wind Demon'.

His eyes surveyed the desolate scene around him.

"Is that outside?" Shi Binyun looked aside.

The traveler, Fu Lei, immediately opened the map and confirmed, "It's over there, the location is right."

Fu Lei is the subordinate city lord under Zhang Bin.

Assigned a task by 'Amanda', he accompanied the cavalry general 'Liner' to Sen'jin Valley to gather information and supplement it with a broken map.

I followed the map and came all the way, but I arrived in front of the place.

I have seen the scene in the description, but it looks like I have retreated to some ghost land.

A dark and desolate place.

Shi Binyun looked at the sheepskin map outside his hand again to confirm whether he had gone out of the direction.

Waving his hands slightly, "Let's go, keep going backwards."

Hundreds of skeleton cavalry in front of him walked back together.

After walking for more than seventy minutes.

A ruined village appears in the background.

In the ruined well and ruined walls, I saw a person.

"What a ghost!" Fu Lei murmured.

Just left the village.

Then he heard the faint sound of crying coming from the center of the village.

With a group of people approaching quickly, the sounds of begging for mercy and crying became increasingly turbid.

Walk through rows of run-down houses.

Finally saw the scene in the center.

In an open space, a group of young and old men and women were being dragged to the center by a group of undead and pushed to the ground.

"Let your child go. I'm only one year old. I'm of no use."

An elderly man was kneeling on the ground, his head smashed into the ground like a pound of garlic.

Behind the man, an undead man with blue soul fire flashing in his pupils lowered his head and held up a struggling and crying girl.

Seeing that the man's pleas were fruitful.

The rest of the people also closed their eyes reluctantly.

Don't talk about that child, we are all going to die there today.

Just as the man was kowtowing, his head was bruised and bleeding, and his body was so weak that he fell to the ground.

And when the undead is about to throw the girl to death.



A sharp arrow whizzed out from one side and penetrated directly through the undead's head.

The undead and humans looked to one side at the same time.

Suddenly, a cavalry brigade composed of humans and undead appeared in the originally empty street.

The undead pulled out the arrow from under his head.

The girl threw it aside.

The empty pupils were staring at the nearby team.

"Kill us." The undead ordered.

The seven weeks of white-bone undead all raised their weapons and charged towards that side.

Fu Lei trembled in his heart, turned around and was about to run away.

When I think about it, it’s right.

There are orange heroes around you, and there aren't that many soldiers. Why are you running?

Li Yin'er also pointed to the back and said, "Kill those undead."

Wow! !

The skeleton cavalry in front of him rushed out, and as soon as they met, they chopped down small pieces of enemy undead.

But that is not suitable for cavalry combat.

Before charging, the skeleton cavalry mounted their horses and fought with the skeletons on the opposite side.

If each other is wearing the same equipment, they can basically tell who is who and which side has the advantage.

Liener also joined the fight.

Before killing the undead he commanded, all the remaining undead were also killed.

Shi Bin also got on his horse and let the skeleton help up the human man and woman who were kneeling on the ground.

This is an elderly mother.

He was lying on the side covered in blood, holding his child in his arms.

Shi Bin took out herbs and bandages from his backpack.

I bandaged the man's wound and barely managed to stop the bleeding.

Have you ever thanked the men and women outside the village?

His expression was less confused and numb.

Amanda, sitting on horseback.

Fu Lei asked directly: "Does any of them know how to get to Senjin Valley?"

The human women and men looked at me in confusion, and someone answered.

It was the injured man who stood up and said, "What is he looking for in Sen'jin Valley?"

"Of course you're fine. If he wants to know, he'll tell you." Shi Bin said immediately.

The man looked at me and said, "Your family originally called Senjin Valley, but in later years it was renamed 'Chenhuang Valley'."

"You Cao!" Fu Lei exclaimed.

What about the fertile land and the valley where the spread has no end?

It's desolate inside, as if it's haunted. Is there Sen'jin Valley outside?

Are there only a few people left outside the village?

The humans living outside are really miserable.

"Is he also from Otis?" No one else asked.

"Yes." Fu Lei asked, "Why did these skeletons kill them?"

The rest shut up again.

It was the rescued man who spoke again, "The undead are fighting. Maybe the troops are insufficient. We plan to kill everyone to replenish the troops."

Fu Lei frowned and suddenly turned his head to look at Shi Binyun.

The former also frowned.

In the war against the northern federation, it is possible to replenish troops from there, but the distance is too far.

The only thing that cannot be explained is that 'Odis' has not yet learned that the vampires are retreating from north to south.

Because the fortress in the distance has enough troops, it stops killing people and expands its troops.

Even if they are undead, that kind of approach is not a sure thing.

Even if that battle has passed, no living thing has survived before.

Shi Binyun continued: "Pass the news to the male king 'Amanda'."

"Okay." Fu Lei nodded, opened the Book of Lords, and finished delivering the message.

At the same time, Amanda also got on the horse, "You need to launch the map and information of the fortress. If they are vague, they will tell you."

It’s still the same man, “You know something.”

"He is very cowardly." Liener praised, opened the sheepskin map, and asked the man to mark all the routes, villages, towns, fortresses, and gathering points he knew.

It’s important to make mistakes accurately, as long as the direction is right, start.

When the time comes, let the traveler ride the bone dragon and fly around in the direction, and the map will be automatically marked.

The man nodded and pointed out everything he knew.

Wait for anything not marked before starting.

Li Yin'er nodded with satisfaction, quite appreciative of that cowardly man.

"Where is the child's father?" Shi Binyun asked.

"Dead." The man replied, but there was no trace of sadness.

That dead person is too unusual.

"Take his child with you. He and his child will have a better life here." Liener said solemnly.

The man was stunned for a moment, then reacted very slowly and knelt down with the child in his arms, "Thank you less, thank you less."

Fu Lei supported you and sat down on the bone horse.

The man's good luck made everyone else outside the village envious.

But my own indifference just now seems to be taking us away.

After the cavalry left.

Liyin'er continued to whisper: "The gold-eating king is conquering the lost land, rebuilding the 'An Asseti Kingdom', trying to find a way to survive, and waiting for the defeat of the war."

After saying that, he carried the cavalry under the horse's belly and walked away slowly.

A group of villagers were left behind, not only confused but at a loss.

"What did this person just say?"

"You said that the gold-eating king is back and wants to rebuild the 'Ang Shi Bin Yun Kingdom'."

"Who is the gold-eating king?"

"Do you know that? You heard my grandfather mention that it was once called the 'Ang Asseti Kingdom', and the gold-eating king was not the king of the kingdom."

"Can you live that long? Are you also an undead?"

"No matter who you are, no matter how bad you are, you are still weaker than Otis."

"What should we do?"

"Let's go, pack your things, hide in Qianshan for a while, and come back when the war starts."


Wailing Fortress.

An important fortress built before the fall of the 'An Asseti Kingdom'.

Level seventeen, comparable to the level of the main city, made the fortress look towering and indestructible.

Inside the fortress.

Rows of white bones and skeletons carried various utensils to the wall.

Old and rusty wall equipment were also urged to be repaired and replaced.

All the undead were as relaxed and busy as if they were facing a small enemy.

A skeleton hero with short bones, wearing heavy armor and carrying a heavy sword on his back.

He was quietly urging the skeletons to work.

Last night, new news came from the main city.

It is said that the vampire army has not yet invaded the territory from the north, and the next stop is the fortress.

And the order Odis gave me was also very complicated.

Hold on to the city until reinforcements arrive.

That news almost scared the fire out of my soul.

At this time, the fortress looked low and solid, but in fact it was more like an empty shell.

There are only 20,000 defenders in the city, and the rest of the troops are supporting the war with the Human Federation in the south.

Therefore, I arranged for the soldiers to go out early this morning.

Later, he launched the missing villages and killed the missing creatures.

There are many men, women and old men. One of them is to stay.

No matter how you say it, you can gather a few thousand troops.

I have been in contact with the leader of Blood Castle.

Called Red Duke, a feminine orange hero.

Even if the Vampires can fly, it should be difficult for us to defend a city and stop the Vampires from retreating.

thinking in mind.

I feel that it is not difficult to complete the persistence task.

King Odis will definitely reward me with less resources when the time comes.

Boom! !

Suddenly, I was awakened by the sound of the bronze bell.

"What's going on? Who rang the bell?"

"There are no enemies in the sky, wait, prepare to defend." No Undead shouted in a low voice.

The skeleton hero looked to the sky.

I saw bone dragons swooping up from the clouds in an almost vertical direction.

"Damn it, how come the vampires don't have bone dragons? There are so few bone dragons."

"Slow, attack!"

Roar! !

White beams of light covered the entire fortress.

In the blink of an eye, there was no one in the city.

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