[Organ jar (purple)]

[Category: Magic Container]

[Ability: Wild running, hunting]

[Wild running: Get on all fours and run like a beast, with movement speed +50% and limb strength +10%. 】

[Hunting: Pounce action, bounce +10%.]

(Description: Time to hunt the weak.)

Appeared, a purple organ jar.

Since the organ jars are unique to the undead camp, they are rarely seen on the market.

Not to mention the ones with good attributes and high level and quality.

If it can reach purple, it is a very rare organ jar.

The organ jar in front of me mainly increases its movement speed.

But the running and attacking movements of its four limbs should be suitable for beast-type soldiers.

Otherwise, this organ tank equipped for ordinary soldiers will be running on all fours. What will happen to the weapons and equipment?

But it's hard to say. After all, when climbing stairs, ordinary skeleton warriors still know how to bite the weapon with their teeth, and then pick up the weapon after climbing up.

You can equip it then and see the effect of this organ jar.

Put the jar of organs aside and pick up the rest of the items.

There is nothing that I can use.

After putting away several large vases.

The incense, gold tooth ornaments, and rib hanging chains were all used by the undead, so Amanda was left to deal with them by herself.

Moreover, he felt that the fashion line of the undead was a little off.

Why would you think of drilling a hole in your collarbone and hanging a gold chain?

The idea of ​​putting bone nails in the ribs.

If it rains one day, will water enter through this hole?

I don't understand what the undead are thinking.

in the regional channel.

The topic of 'Undead War', which had gradually become silent, was discussed again in the area.

The person who sent the photo last night didn't show up.

Instead, some new names popped up.

"The undead side is over, Black Point City has fallen, and there will no longer be a necropolis of Otis."

"Holy shit, it's over? Where is Noire City? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Odis Necropolis, is it the one that started the war with the Human Federation? Why are the undead fighting among themselves again?"

"Did the attacking side win? Who is the leader of the attacking side?"

"Odis, I know, King Odis! The leader of the entire necropolis, a very awesome person."

"Tch! Little trash, an orange level 5 soldier, was hung up and beaten by us."

"You're bragging, Orange Level 5 is still a piece of trash, you have such a bad tone."

"It's really rubbish. The soul fire has been extinguished. I have a picture of Otis, [picture] [picture]."

"Damn it, which of your alliances is so ruthless that it directly conquers regional forces?"

"That's it, what kind of alliance do you need? I want to join too."

"Whoever posted the picture just now, don't pretend to be dead. Please reveal which alliance it is from."

The time-travelers who had eaten and drank enough had time to show off their combat results on the channel.

Although it has nothing to do with them whether Otis dies or not, it does not prevent him from making his presence felt in the channel.

It's quite a sense of accomplishment to be called something like "big old cow b", "666", etc.

But everyone also remembered Dong Jiayue's instructions.

No information about the territory was revealed, and the most important thing was Fang Hao.

In fact, everyone is not stupid. Who would challenge the internal rules just because of bragging?

Those who didn't have enough IQ were actually eliminated in various ways during the time they traveled back in time.

The conversation was lively.

The door was pushed open with a bang.

Dong Jiayue walked in directly.

Seeing Dong Jiayue's figure, everyone stood up one after another, regardless of age, and shouted, "Sister Jiayue."

Dong Jiayue nodded and asked, "Don't even mention matters related to this when chatting in the channel. There are many hostile forces waiting for us to reveal the news."

The person who was bragging on the channel just now looked suffocated.

Apparently Dong Jiayue also saw some of them bragging in the chat channel.

There are still hostile forces among the time travellers.

It's just a little scary.

"Okay Sister Jiayue, we won't talk anymore." Several people immediately made their attitude clear.

That's good for offline.

If you know you are wrong, you will correct it. Your attitude will be relatively good, and there won’t be any quarrels like online.

Dong Jiayue nodded and continued: "Okay, everyone has finished eating. Now we will divide into three teams and go to the city wall to help with the on-site military production tools."


Everyone put down their things, walked out of the room, and divided into three teams.

Go to the location of the three collapsed walls.

Finished opening the treasure chest.

Amanda, accompanied by various guards of honor, accompanied Fang Hao out of the palace.

Let’s walk together towards the Organ Museum.

The battle is still quite strong.

On the contrary, he, the lord, was like a guest received by the queen, respected, but incompatible with the surrounding environment.

"How's it going? Did you get anything in the treasure chest?" Amanda asked casually as they walked.

"It's not bad. There are some harvests. There are still some incense, sculptures and other objects left in the backyard of the palace. You can arrange for someone to clean them up when the time comes." Fang Hao said.

Two golden parasols were erected above their heads.

Blocked, the sun overhead.

Glancing back, he saw a skeleton attendant behind the two of them, holding it high.

Undead, do you need this thing?

"Yes." Amanda agreed, glanced at him slightly, and continued: "By the way, I want to discuss something with you."

"Oh? Tell me."

Amanda slowed her pace and said, "I feel that the Golden City is more suitable for the life of the undead. It is better to let Bachelor Nelson stay with me, so that he can be more useful."

Fang Hao looked at Amanda's golden mask in surprise.

Good guy, this is Nelson's idea.


Fang Hao suddenly realized a problem.

From the very beginning, when Amanda woke up from the sarcophagus, she began to take great care of Nelson and other funeral priests.

Except for the most basic gold utensils.

I also spend time in the Organ Museum on weekdays.

Thinking about Amanda's character of being good at strategizing, I am afraid that she has been planning this step since then.

This bitch is plotting against her own people.

Nelson was the first hero to join the territory, and he played a very important role in the early days when the territory was still very fragile.

It is even said that he can hold such a large territory.

It’s all thanks to Nelson’s ability to make undead heroes.

Otherwise, what is the use of taking down the city? Without generals to guard and deter them, they will be beaten back.

After thinking about it in his mind, he said: "The Golden City is now only a part of the overall territory. The core area is still the main city. Nelson must stay in the main city and take care of the overall situation."

Amanda said: "In the entire territory, only the Golden City has the largest number of undead. Only by staying here can it play its greatest role. I think it is better to stay here."

"It can't be calculated like this. There are skeleton generals stationed in all the affiliated areas of the territory. Only by staying in the main city can we take care of the undead in other areas." Fang Hao continued.

He did understand what Amanda was thinking.

Corpse witches are very important to the undead forces.

Especially Nelson, a high-level corpse witch who can create living corpses.

No corpse witch in the entire Golden City can do this.

But understanding does not mean agreement.

Now the undead heroes are assigned to the entire territory by Fang Hao, guarding various areas.

If something goes wrong, Nielsen can respond accordingly.

But it's different in Golden City.

Amanda's focus is on the development and planning of the 'Anli Inn' area, and she cannot take care of the entire territory.

When the time comes, if any problem does arise, it will be difficult for Nelson to respond immediately in Golden City.

Moreover, there are corpse witches around her, and Fang Hao also wants to transfer those around her to the main city.

Amanda continued: "This place is more like a city of the undead, while the main city is actually transforming into a city of the living."

"Nilson will stay in the main city for now. If anything happens to you in the future, it will be convenient for me to pick you up via teleportation. These are not problems." Fang Hao said.

Seeing that he wouldn't let go, Amanda had no choice but to persist.

All I can say is: "Okay, just follow your wishes."

Fang Hao was also relieved that Amanda's loyalty was not affected.

The two of them walked forward.

On the way, I saw undead soldiers who were assigned to work and walked through the streets.

Among them, the giant skeleton who helped clean the city wall was noticed from a distance.

Needless to say, we also know that he is a soldier bone giant.

He was at least ten meters tall, with thick bones and an unusually large body.

This huge size is the largest type of soldier that Fang Hao has ever seen.

It still has a strong sense of shock.

In future sieges, perhaps siege ladders will not be needed.

As soon as the bone giant lay down there, the ordinary skeleton stepped on it.

However, the empty and dull holes mean that they have no soul fire.

This is actually a bit of a pity.

I glanced at each other as I walked by.

Soon, several people arrived at the Organ Museum in Golden City.

Entering it, a cold aura immediately enveloped the whole body.

"Lord, Your Majesty the Queen..."

The current title is still a bit confusing.

In terms of status, Fang Hao belongs to the king, and Amanda belongs to the lords under his command.

But all the time, the heroes called him Lord Lord.

And in the Golden City, Amanda's identity as queen is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and she may not be able to change it for a while.

Fang Hao didn't care about these, it was just a title.

Moreover, he felt that it was quite majestic to have a queen as his subordinate.

After saluting, several undead people straightened up.

Fang Hao glanced at the opposite side.

In addition to Nelson standing in the front row, there were two 'purple' level corpse witches behind him, as well as a group of funeral priests.

Those two corpse witches were indeed much worse than Nelson.

"Sir, come with me. All the organ jars owned by the museum are stored here." Amanda said.

Taking Fang Hao, he walked towards the stone chamber on the side.

According to the rules provided by the Organ Museum.

There are two differences: the main city and the auxiliary areas.

The function of the organ jars in the main city will be attached to the troops recruited by Fang Hao, no matter where this troop goes.

If an organ jar is installed in the Golden City, its effect will be attached to the troops in the Golden City.

To put it bluntly, Amanda now relies on Fang Hao's military strength to maintain her political power and the security of her territory.

Organ jars must be used first in the Organ Museum in Fang Hao's main city.

The rest are placed in the museum in Golden City.

Enter the stone chamber.

On the stone platform covered with runes in the center, there is a row of organ jars.

Fang Hao stepped forward directly to check.

[Nourishing the Undead (Orange)] [Soul Drinker (Purple)] [Stone Statue Form (Blue)] [Magic Torrent (Blue)] [Tough Bones (Blue)] [Super Arm Strength (Blue)] [Corrosion Sword (green)] [Evil Ghost Withered Pattern (green)].

There are quite a few organ jars, especially the two organ jars at the front.

One orange and one purple.

It was also wrapped in leather, and it looked like it was afraid of being bumped.

Without too much hesitation, Fang Hao stepped forward to check the attributes.

[Organ jar (orange)]

[Category: Magic Container]

[Ability: Death Nourishing]

[Death Nourishing: Allied troops are killed. For every ten units killed, body recovery +1%. 】

(Description: Nourished by death, we will become stronger and indestructible.)

Looking at the properties of the organ jar, Fang Hao frowned.

Teammates offering sacrifices to heaven?

What a good teammate on the battlefield.

The number of friendly troops killed will increase the speed of body recovery.

But I have to say that the ability of this organ jar is really what Fang Hao needs.

Every battle was won by sheer numbers, and many soldiers died in battle.

Doesn't this mean that his own troops are immortal?


If ten units die, the recovery rate is 1%.

In other words, ordinary skeleton warriors cannot exert the effect of this kind of organ jar at all.

If you put this organ jar on the skeleton warrior.

Evenly divided, there is no recovery effect at all, and the body is too fragile, even if it starts to recover, it will not have much effect.

Suitable for special soldiers with strong physiques.

[Organ jar (purple)]

[Category: Magic Container]

[Ability: Soul Drinker]

[Soul Drinker: The speed of devouring souls is increased by 30%. 】

(Description: Tormented souls make the most delicious pastries.)

Increases the speed of devouring souls.

Which skill does this require?

Fang Hao asked: "What building were these organ jars originally blessed on?"

Amanda glanced outside the door.

A purple-quality corpse witch walked in.

After bowing first, he introduced: "Sir, the 'Death Nourishing' is placed in the wilderness mausoleum, the 'Soul Drinker' is placed in the Wailing Ghost Mansion, the 'Stone Statue' is placed in the barracks, and the 'Magic Flood' is placed in the Undead. The Mage Tower, ‘Super Arm Strength’ is the shooting range.”

With this introduction, Fang Hao became much clearer.

The original organ jars were matched according to the characteristics of the camp, but Fang Hao was spared and continued to think about it.

With a wave of his hand, all the organ jars were put into the storage space.

After returning to the main city and blessing the remaining organ jars, the rest will be sent back to Amanda.

Anyway, he has teleportation, so it won't be a problem.

Walking out of the Organ Museum with Amanda.

Later, Amanda accompanied Fang Hao and took a look around the buildings in the city.

Met with several important officials in the city.

It wasn't until night fell that Fang Hao took Dimitga back to the main city.

Night falls.

The city of Lysis.

After a busy day, Rebecca dragged her somewhat tired body back to her bedroom.

Since the alliance with the vampires was formed, there have suddenly been more things coming to Lisis City from Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com.

The parliament arranged several waves of investigation teams to investigate here.

To confirm Rebecca's loyalty to the Human Federation and the Parliament.

Of course, these things are not difficult for Rebecca, they are just a little more troublesome and need to be careful.

Enter the bedroom.

Suddenly seeing the figure lying on his side on the bed, he was startled for a moment, and then felt happy in his heart.

"Laurana? Are you back?"

Laurana was wearing a short nightgown and her straight long legs were covered with black stockings.

He leaned against the bed and smiled, "Yes, I asked Fang Hao to send it back to me first."

As he spoke, he patted the place next to him.

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