He winked at Laurana.

There was a slight blush on Laurana's cold face.

With an angry look, he turned aside.

Fang Hao looked at Rebecca, who was looking down at the desk and didn't know what she was writing, and asked, "When will we set off?"

"Leave now. You put these away first. You may need them later." Rebecca pointed to the wooden box beside her.

Fang Hao went over and opened it, and there was a flash of golden light, which made his eyes hurt.

It was filled with gold coins, and on the top layer, there were several War Cards.

The amount is 10,000 pieces.

I'm afraid Lysis City will be able to come up with all the cash.

Fang Hao didn't care, after all, he was also a rich man.

When large customers purchase equipment in bulk.

The one-time income can reach the amount of one million war coins.

He was also prepared, but the cards he prepared were larger amounts of war cards.

Rebecca, these gold coins can also be used as change.

After all, the amount of War Cards is huge.

This time, in order to enter the House of Lords, I had to suffer some losses and spend some money.

Buy yourself an identity.

This will lay the foundation for having a voice in the Hundred Cities Council in the future.

Put this box of gold coins into the storage space.

Rebecca handed the written letter into the hands of the officials waiting outside the door.

Four remaining Lionheart Knights were transferred from outside.

After acting as an accompanying guard, he returned to Fang Hao and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Fang Hao nodded.

Released the teleportation light curtain and disappeared directly with several people.

Appearing again, several people had arrived in Li Rong's city.

Li Rong is still staying in Mount Fort.

It is estimated that he will be directly transferred back by the Federation in the near future.

After all, she is not a member of the army, and her ability is only that of an apprentice.

After the war was over, there was no use for her to stay there.

After explaining clearly to the guards who came around.

I got on the carriage and rushed along the road to Silver Wing City.

Li Rong City is used as a teleportation point, which saves time spent on the road.

Before dusk.

The carriage entered Silver Wing City and stayed at the mansion where they had stayed before.

Night falls.

The two set off again, carrying the gifts they had prepared, and headed directly to the mansion of Rebecca's best friend 'Olivia'.

On the way, on the carriage.

Fang Hao sat on the soft seat, and Rebecca sat on his lap.

Wrapping one arm around his neck.

The soft buttocks wrap the thighs.

As soft as cotton.

"Olivia is my best friend. She will definitely support entering the House of Lords, so let's go to her side first." Rebecca explained softly.

Last night, before leaving, Rebecca contacted ‘Olivia’ through the sound-transmitting conch.

As her best friend, Olivia naturally welcomes Rebecca to find her.

Fang Hao hugged his slender waist and asked: "Olivia is not a congressman, so what's the use of her support or not."

When Rebecca heard the man talking about her only good friend, she turned around and patted him angrily.

Said: "Although she is not a congressman, there are congressmen in her family, and her husband is also the leader of the Hall of Justice."

Well, it turns out that Olivia’s family is quite powerful.

"I understand." Fang Hao said.

The carriage creaked and the road was bumpy.

The aroma filled the carriage, and I didn't feel tired from the journey.

Finally, we arrived at ‘Olivia’s’ mansion. Under the guidance of the servants, we passed directly through the courtyard and entered the mansion.


As soon as she entered the hall, she saw 'Olivia' in a red dress quickly came up to her and gave Rebecca a big hug.

It can be seen that both of them look very happy, not the superficial manner of ladies at a banquet.

After hugging Rebecca.

Olivia then looked back at Fang Hao and Dimitga who followed.

Smiling at Fang Hao, "Mr. Fang Hao, we meet again."

"Yes, Mrs. Olivia, you are younger and more beautiful than the last time we met." Fang Hao also smiled.

Then, without waiting for Olivia to reply, she said something.

The body took a step to the side, and several followers behind him came in holding packages one by one.

"This is a gift Rebecca specially prepared for you. I hope you like it."

Olivia looked at the gift curiously.

You can see the cosmetics, dress and stockings that Rebecca promised her last time.

Seeing that it was really just a gift between best friends, I smiled with satisfaction.

Let the servants behind him all take over.

After all, there are not a few people who want to get close to their husbands through her.

After receiving the gift.

Olivia pulled Rebecca and sat down on the sofa nearby.

He asked softly: "Why do you suddenly think of Silver Wing City? Don't say you miss me anymore. Since you got married, you have rarely contacted me."

As he said that, he glanced at Fang Hao.

Fang Hao on the side was also wronged. The number of times he saw Rebecca was also limited.

Sometimes we just communicate in the evening, and we are very busy the next morning.

"You don't know?" Rebecca looked at her curiously.

"what do you know?"

"The city of Lysis has been nominated to the House of Lords."

"What, that person is you?"

According to the rules of the parliament, the person nominated to the Upper House was the Lord of Lysis City, that is, Fang Hao.

But in everyone's eyes, the power is still in Rebecca's hands.

Fang Hao is just a little husband to support.

"Why, can't I do some big things and solve problems for the Federation?" Rebecca puffed up her chest to express her dissatisfaction.

Olivia smiled and said, "I'm just surprised. I didn't expect that the person nominated would be you."

"It's my husband." Rebecca took Fang Hao's arm and pulled him towards her.

Olivia rolled her eyes and ignored their display of affection.

The two women started chatting.

From the recent changes, we talked about how many wives so and so had recently, and which two families got married...

The two of them talked about gossip that was often mentioned among ladies.

In fact, it can also be heard that Olivia never mentions things like federal decision-making and political power.

This is a smart woman.

Neither of the two girls talked to him, and they were chatting happily.

You can't chat with the servants on the side.

Fang Hao had no choice but to stand aside, take out the Book of Lords and start reading casually.

Watching everyone bragging and chatting on the regional channel, I found it interesting to listen to the gossip between the two.

After all, the names of the people they were chatting about were unknown to me.

I don't know how much time passed, but the two women were still chatting happily, and it seemed that they were talking about the haunted house of an old nobleman.

In short, not a word of the official business was mentioned, and all other matters were discussed.

At this time, the door of the mansion opened again.

A strong man wearing aristocratic robes walked in.


The Hall of Justice, the leader stationed in Silver Wing City.

Seeing Fang Hao and Rebecca there, Dougherty was stunned, obviously a little surprised at the speed of these two people coming over.

Olivia, with a smile on her face, stood up and took Doherty's arm, saying, "You're back. You didn't see them sitting there holding hands. It's so intimate."

Dougherty looked at Rebecca and Fang Hao with cold eyes, showing an air of calmness and self-importance.

Only when he heard his wife's words, a smile appeared on his face.


"No!" Olivia leaned closer to him again and said, "Rebecca and I have something to talk about quietly. If you have nothing to do, take Fang Hao to visit here."

Dougherty glanced at the two of them again.

In the end, he did not refuse his wife's request, nodded and said: "Fang Hao, come with me!"

Fang Hao glanced at Rebecca, stood up, and followed Dougherty upstairs.

Climb the spiral staircase and walk through the corridor.

Stop in front of a room.

The door opened, and the servant went in first, put down the luminous stone chandelier, lit a stick of incense, and brought hot tea and cakes.

A very proficient set of procedures.

"Okay, come in."

Demitga stayed outside the door, and Fang Hao entered the room.

In the room, Dougherty sat down at the desk, and Fang Hao also sat on a chair nearby.

[Heart of Valor-Dougherty (orange level 8 hero)]

I had seen Dougherty in Parliament several times before.

Sitting far away on the high platform of the House of Lords.

From this distance now, we can also see the attributes of Dougherty, the leader of the Hundred Cities Federation, but he is only orange level 8.

In terms of fighting strength, he is about the same as Demitga.

Dougherty was a tall, unsmiling man.

Invisibly, it gives people a kind of pressure.

"Are you here for matters related to the House of Lords?" Dougherty said, his tone low and cold.

Fang Hao replied, "I came to Silver Wing City for matters related to the House of Lords. I came here to accompany Rebecca to visit 'Olivia'."

Dougherty raised his head curiously and looked at the young man again.

It's not because of the answer just now, but because of the tone of the other person's words to him.

In this federation, the old nobles and congressmen were very cautious when talking to me, and they were not very confident.

And in front of me, he was only in his twenties.

When his wife spoke of Rebecca's little husband, her tone was calm, and no trace of restraint or nervousness could be heard.

After carefully looking at Hao Xiahao, Dougherty continued: "You are very calm."

Fang Hao nodded, not interested in chatting with him about being cool or not.

It was a rare thing to see Dougherty alone.

Fang Hao said: "Lisis City has entered the House of Lords. I want to know the attitude of leader Dougherty."

"Can you decide on this matter?"


Dougherty opened his eyes again.

It doesn't matter whether his words are true or false. After all, the other party is a guest and he always wants to find something to talk about.

After thinking for a while, he continued: "The Hall of Justice has not yet decided on this matter and needs to discuss it further."

Not expressing his position at this time already represents his thoughts.

It is also conceivable that if the five members of the House of Lords did not directly join the House of Lords, but there was a discussion in the middle.

This means it is difficult to enter.

Not to mention the parliamentary vote, the veto power of the five members of the House of Lords is enough to prevent the city of Lysis from entering.

Who wants to let their rights be divided up continuously?

Fang Hao didn't mince words with him and said directly: "Chief Dougherty, just tell me directly, what kind of contribution do you need to make to the Hall of Justice so that the parliament can fulfill its promise?"

Dougherty frowned.

The words were ridiculing him for not keeping his promise.

Whoever solves the problem of the undead will be admitted to the House of Lords, it is his own words.

Now that it's happening again, it's really annoying.

But what he was talking about at that time was nomination to the House of Lords, not direct entry.

"Contribution to the Hall of Justice? You are not old, but your tone is not small..." Dougherty leaned back, a little funny.

"Ten dwarf wind pipe cannons!"

"What do you mean?" Dougherty frowned.

"I have ten dwarf five-pipe organ cannons here, and the Merchant Alliance sells them for 50 million war coins." Fang Hao said calmly.

Dougherty frowned more tightly and looked at the other person's face seriously.

Make sure he's not joking with you.

The dwarf organ cannon is not a matter of money, but the dwarves usually don't sell it.

There are wind pipe cannons in Bafeng Mountain, but humans and dwarves are allies.

You can only buy ordinary artillery, and you can't buy wind pipe guns.

Only the Merchant Alliance's auction requires all forces to provide valuable instruments.

Only dwarves can sell a limited amount of organ cannon.

As soon as it came out, it was divided up by various forces.

Can he take it out?

Or ten doors?

If so, why not place it in the city of Lysis?

In these several investigations, no information was obtained that the organ cannon was placed in Lysis City.

"This is no joke," Dougherty reminded.

Fang Hao continued: "I obtained them at the Spring Auction of the Merchant Alliance. How about it? As long as you agree to allow Lysis City to enter the House of Lords, I will give these ten to the Hall of Justice."

He was talking about the Hall of Justice, not the Parliament.

It was already obvious that he wanted to bribe Dougherty.

"Ha! Do you think I will believe that you can take out ten organ cannons?" Dougherty asked tentatively.

"Hey! Chief Doherty, look, the layout is too small. It's just an organ cannon. It's not a rare item. If it weren't for the Hall of Justice, I would have given a few to Queen Anastasia. , again, if you agree that these ten doors are yours, I will let the time traveler trade them over directly." Fang Hao said again.

There is also a benefit exchange with the lizard people, so naturally they will not really give away a few organ cannons.

Just say it to increase your own worth.

"Anastasia? Which queen?" Dougherty said coldly.

"Queen Anastasia of the Holy Dynasty, humans like to call them lizard people."

"Do you know them?"

"I have indeed cooperated with the lizard people several times, and the relationship is relatively close." Fang Hao picked up the tea cup, took a look at it, and saw that it had no negative attributes, so he took a sip to moisten his throat.

Dougherty narrowed his eyes slightly, but it became increasingly difficult to see through Fang Hao.

At the beginning, whether it was news from the parliament or revealed to him by his wife.

Fang Hao is a handsome boy with good looks and tender skin. He relies on Rebecca to support him.

But now it seems that Fang Hao is far from being as simple as the surface rumors.

Dougherty thought for a moment and said, "Just because the Hall of Justice agrees, it doesn't mean the other four will agree."

Fang Hao nodded, "Don't worry about this, Chief Doherty. I will naturally talk to the other four companies. As long as you represent the Hall of Justice and vote in favor."

Dougherty fell silent again.

Fifty million war coins, buy your own vote.

It's really a big deal. This money is enough to rebuild an entire city area.

After a short silence, Fang Haozi finished a cup of tea.

Doherty then said: "I can agree to you temporarily, but we still need to discuss it within the Hall of Justice and give you an answer in a few days."

"Okay!" Fang Hao nodded calmly.

Next, the two did not discuss the matter of the parliament again.

Dougherty made some insinuations, asking about the location of Fang Hao's territory, how he was qualified to participate in the Federation's auction, and other questions.

Fang Hao also perfunctory if he can, and if he can't, he just says Rebecca won't let him talk.

Suddenly he turned back into the pretty boy who was taken care of.

In the room on the second floor.

The lights are soft and the birds are incense-scented.

In front of a gorgeous dressing table, Olivia was wearing black silk pajamas.

Rebecca stood aside, teaching her how to use the cosmetics she had been given.

"Your little husband, how about finding Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com?" Olivia asked softly.

"How about what?"

Olivia smiled slightly, "How about that aspect? Isn't it great?"

Rebecca's face turned red and she glared at her, "I don't understand what you are saying."

"Tch, tell me... He's white and tender, and he doesn't look strong. He couldn't have been tortured by you, right?" Olivia grabbed a handful on her waist.

Rebecca twisted and retorted: "My man is naturally powerful and has a well-proportioned figure. I won't train like a gorilla."

"Then tell me how long he can last!"

Rebecca held up a finger.

"An hour? Normally!"


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