[Embrace of the Deep Sea-Biyahu (Purple Level 8 Hero)]

[Faction: Sea Tribe]

[Template: Purple]

[Racial characteristics: creature, amphibious, soul of the sea]

[Legion Skills: Source of Magic, Riding the Wind and Waves, Remote Command, Mage Commander. 】

[Skills: Wave-cutting sword, mirror image, appeasement, tsunami, water tomb, blizzard, summon water element. 】

[Fixed skills: Advanced strength proficiency, advanced swordsmanship proficiency, domain water proficiency, domain water proficiency. 】

[Soul of the Sea Clan]: Protected by the sea, in river and ocean environments, all attributes are +15%. It is naturally proficient in water magic and can quickly learn and master water magic.

[Riding the Wind and Waves]: The army led by this unit has a movement speed of +50% in rivers, lakes and ocean environments.

[Wave-cutting Sword (Active)]: Cuts the wind and waves, with an additional 80% water damage.

[Mirror Image (Active)]: Condensate up to four controlled mirror elements. The mirror elements inherit 30% of the main body's attack power.

[Appeasement (Active)]: Singing can charm all surrounding enemies, causing them to fall into a peaceful and sluggish state.

(Singing is affected by distance, the enemy's willpower affects the charm effect, and the charm fails after receiving damage.)

[Tsunami (Active)]: A huge wave hits the enemy, soaking all enemies and causing 180% magic damage. (Terrain conditions: rivers, lakes and oceans.)

[Water Tomb (Active)]: Gather a water prison to trap the enemy in it, causing continuous water pressure damage and suffocation damage. (Undead units are not affected by suffocation.)

[Blizzard (Active)]: Causes a 'blizzard' in the battlefield area, causing 270% magic damage to the enemy. The unit will be soaked and enter a frost state.

[Summon Water Element (Active)]: Can summon up to four water elements to assist in combat.

(Description: In taverns filled with dirty smells, there are stories about 'Byehu'. When countless sailboats enter the cursed cliff sea, the helmsman will be bewitched and slowly approach the cliff. between.

The notorious pirates, led by 'Byehu', rushed onto the sailboat, pierced everyone's hearts with cold spears, snatched all their goods, and then fed the corpses into the deep sea. monster.

If you want to go to sea, don’t forget that in addition to praying to the sea god, you should also be careful of ‘Biyahu’. )

After reading the hero attributes, Fang Hao's brows instantly wrinkled.

It can be seen that the hero in front of him is a water mage hero.

He is a member of the sea clan, and all his skills are related to the water system.

Especially [Sea Soul], protected by the sea, all attributes are +15% in river and ocean environments.

This racial characteristic is stronger than most races.

But here's the thing.

There is land on our side, and there is a river outside the city.

But the river is too small, just wash clothes and catch two fish.

There must not be any fighting in this river.

There is also the Danshui Lake near Fu Lei, which has now been turned into a fish pond.

In the Danshui Lake on land, there are no enemies and no need for a hero.

He needs a mage hero.

But this kind of mage is not needed. Mage can only exert its combat power on the ocean.

Suppress your complaints and continue looking at the skills below.

[Wave-cutting Sword] is a melee skill. Fang Hao guessed that it has something to do with her four hands.

One can use a staff, and the rest can use swords.

[Mirror Image] This skill is a clone skill. The four clones have 30% of their own combat power.

This is a very good ability, it can be useful in battle, and it can also help you escape when in danger.

[Soothing] is the song of the legendary siren, which can confuse people. According to the game, it is a control skill.

The following [Tsunami] and [Water Prison] are all water spells.

[Tsunami] has restrictions and needs to be released in rivers, lakes and seas. [Water Prison] has no such restrictions and does not require such a large amount of water. It traps the enemy and is a control plus damage skill.

[Blizzard] is more like a big move. The previous skills all have the characteristic of making the enemy wet. There is another one in Blizzard. If the unit is wet, it will enter a frost state.

It’s a matching skill.

The last [Summoning Water Element] was already familiar to Fang Hao, so he didn’t need to read more.

Finish studying attributes and skills.

Fang Hao still glanced at the character description below.

Looking at it like this, his brows furrowed even more tightly.

Let me go... What an unlucky fate I am, I have attracted a villain.

This is not the first time he has used recruitment rolls. He had also recruited heroes from various camps before.

But although the previous heroes were divided into camps, there was no clear distinction between good and bad.

Each is their own master, and they all fight for their own countries and forces.

It's hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys.

But the snake girl in front of me was different.

This is a bad guy, a pirate...a pirate leader who lures ships closer, then steals the goods and kills everyone.

Fang Hao raised his head at this time and found that the snake girl opposite was also looking at him.

In addition to interest, his eyes also revealed a kind of evil malice.

As if hesitating, how to deal with this person better and maximize his own interests.

"You..." Fang Hao just said.

Opposite the snake girl, the purple lips opened slightly, and a melodious hum suddenly sounded.

Fang Hao's mind went blank for a moment.

The body moved forward involuntarily.

He is also a mage himself, and with the addition of various potions to strengthen his body, he is comparable to the level of a hero.

He was only briefly absent-minded, and then he woke up instantly.

At that moment, I was shocked that she dared to use skills on herself...

Look across.

The snake girl swung her tail and was quickly approaching her.

Fang Hao was shocked and immediately stepped back.

Just as the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

A strong wind passed by beside him, and An Jia's figure was seen, crossing Fang Hao and facing the snake girl.

The Snake Goddess's expression changed, her body crawled on the ground like a snake, and she quickly distanced herself.

At the same time, reach out and make a move.

Four figures exactly like her appeared.

Stop An Jia who is chasing after him.

When the skill was released in person, Anjia could see clearly that it was a clone-type ability.

With a straight punch and a whip kick, the two clones were instantly shattered and turned into water marks all over the ground.

At this time, Snake Girl also took this opportunity to distance herself.

Gathering his magic power again, four water elements appeared in front of him.

Water bullets flew out of the water element and hit An Jia.

Anjia's body is also very flexible. While dodging, he quickly advanced the remaining mirror clones.

A straight punch and an elbow hit, blasting the clone's head.

Fang Hao looked at the scene in front of him and knew how dangerous this snake girl was.

He took out his staff and started condensing spells.

Multiple fire pythons and flame spiders appeared together and attacked each other.

At the same time, thunder spears and other lightning attribute skills were also blasted towards the opponent.

An Jia was entangled in close combat, and Fang Hao was bombarded with long-range fire, thunder and lightning spells.

In an instant, the opponent's offensive was suppressed.

At this time, dense footsteps came from all around.

Demitga, Frederick, and a large number of undead poured over like a flood.

It was surrounded by water from all directions.

An Jia stepped back and retreated to the rear.

"Sir, what's going on?" Demitja asked vigilantly, protecting Fang Hao.

Fang Hao looked at the snake girl in front of him and said coldly: "Take it down. If you dare to resist, kill her immediately."

Demitga waved his hand.

The skeleton spear-wielding hand holding the heavy shield formed a circular iron wall. The spear stretched out from the gap in the shield, facing the snake girl in the middle, shrinking the encirclement little by little.

There are also a large number of skeleton shooters on the periphery, loaded and aiming.

With just one command, the snake girl in the middle can be guaranteed to turn into a puddle of mud.

At this time, Snake Girl also realized the seriousness.

Looking around at the densely packed skeleton soldiers, I knew that I was overplaying my hand.

Don't dare to make too many moves.

Not to mention a few heroes, she was now on land, surrounded by these skeleton soldiers, who could kill her directly.

Standing there, he said loudly: "I don't mean any harm."

As he spoke, his body sank down, somewhat similar to the height of a human kneeling.

The shrunken shield formation stopped when the spear pressed against her skin.

Not moving forward, not moving away.

As for Snake Girl, her body was so tight that she couldn't even move.

Fang Hao glanced at Snake Girl and said coldly: "You want to kill me?"

"No, I don't dare!" Snake Girl replied.

"No? You didn't succeed, right?" Fang Hao's voice became even colder.

No matter how you think about it, unleashing your skills on yourself is not a friendly move.

Recruitment rolls and summoned heroes are not as demanding as signing a hero contract.

Therefore, Fang Hao had reason to suspect that this snake girl was planning to kill him.

"No, I just want to test your strength. I don't mean to kill you." Snake Girl spoke again and explained hurriedly.

I believe you, you pirate.

Fang Hao opened the Lord's Book and checked the hero's loyalty.

[Embrace of the Deep Sea-Beyehu, current loyalty points are 72 points. 】

Not too high, not too low.

When Demitga and Assetti were summoned, their loyalty was relatively high.

The previous lowest was Nielsen, which also had 80 points.

But Nielsen speaks politely and like an old scholar.

There is no such thing as releasing skills as soon as you come up and then rushing up.

If Anjia hadn't come out in time, he might have been in danger.

"Do you know your identity?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Snake Girl's body was still tense and she replied, "It's clear, it's your subordinate."

"So, do you think it is a reasonable explanation for his subordinates to attack the leader as soon as they met?" Fang Hao asked again.

The snake girl wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say, so she closed her mouth again.

Fang Hao glanced at Dimitga and Frederick on the side, and asked: "What do you think should be done with her."

The dwarf skeleton hero 'Frederick' touched his chin that had long lost his beard and said: "It can be killed. Let Bachelor Nelson make the corpse into a skeleton hero. This can avoid danger."

"It's a good idea..." Fang Hao nodded.

Demitga also nodded.

It seems that everyone thinks that this snake girl is difficult to control and prone to problems.

Hearing the conversation between several people, the snake girl who was surrounded felt tight in her heart.

Good guy, I'm surrounded by skeletons, and now I'm going to turn myself into a skeleton.

Are these people demons?

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