The arrival of a group of undead cavalry.

Caused a brief period of chaos in the pig-headed village.

Standing on both sides of the road, he whispered in panic.

Fang Hao walked directly into the village under the leadership of Bolton.

It can be seen that the pig-headed village is not rich, and the scale is similar to the previous kobold camp.

There are two or three hundred people.

"Sir, wait a moment, I'll go to invite the patriarch." Bolton said respectfully.

"No, find me a grass hut and don't let anyone disturb us," Fang Hao said.


Bolton found a grass hut in the corner of the village.

"My lord, is this okay?" Bolton said, for fear that the other party would be dissatisfied.

"Yes, during this period, don't let anyone approach." Fang Hao warned again.

"I will tell the patriarch that no one will come near here."

"it is good."

After Bolton left, Fang Hao let one hundred cavalry enter the grass hut, and he immediately released the state of God's presence.

The consciousness returned to the body.

Fang Hao sat up from the bed.

Go out of the lord's cabin and move around in the open space.

After about half an hour of rest, the next plan began.

Open the Book of Lords and turn to the [Crafting] interface.

Find the previous [Torch] blueprint.

[Torches: wood 1, thatch 2, leather 1. 】

The torch is the blueprint obtained by killing Zhuang Hong before.

Before again, there has been no chance to use it.

Make 100.

[Triggered by a hundred times increase, get 10100 torches. 】

Ten thousand torches appeared in front of Fang Hao.

Let the skeleton push a few carts and bundle them all into the cart.

With everything ready, Fang Hao returned to the room again and cast Shen Lin.

[God is on the target, skeleton soldiers, 88% fit. 】

When he opened his eyes again, God had already come to the skeleton soldiers.

Eight thousand skeleton soldiers, two thousand skeleton spearmen, and one hundred skeleton giant bats were counted.

A total of 11,000 teams, carrying prepared torches, headed to the abandoned mine again.

a few hours later.

Fang Hao led the team to the abandoned mine again.

The mining area is still desolate, the grass and trees are dead, and there is no living thing.

"The spearmen line up, and the skeleton soldiers put down their shields and pick up torches." Fang Hao gave the order loudly.

The skeleton spearmen began to form an array to form a shield wall, and the spears in their hands protruded from the gaps between the shields.

The skeleton soldiers put down their shields and picked up the prepared torches on the scooter.

Use flint and flint, ignite one, and then ignite the torches in the soldiers' hands one by one.

Fang Hao's idea is very simple.

These insects are small and difficult to catch, and it is not convenient to cut with a sword.

On the contrary, the burning torch, using the burning tip, press and kill it.

All the torches were lit, and a fire was lit.

"Go forward, kill all the creatures." Fang Hao ordered again.

The skeleton army entered the mine area, and in the dim mine, a large number of manipulated animals and orcs appeared again.

Attacked the skeleton army.

The Skeleton Spearman continued to advance, and the spear protruded, piercing all the attacking corpses.

Iron-eating worms emerge from the corpse and start looking for a new host.

Noisy! !

But in the next second, a torch pressed it firmly to the ground and baked it into a scorch.

Eight thousand skeleton soldiers followed closely behind the spearmen.

Chasing the worms fleeing all over the place.

In the face of the dead souls, these parasitic insects have no choice but to be burned and trampled to death after the host body dies.

Soon, in the middle of the mine, hundreds of carcasses of various animals were piled up.

And scorched, crispy worm carcasses.

The battle outside is over, and the next step is the mine.

"Okay, ready to enter the mine."

Fang Hao began to arrange.

The width of the mine is limited, and only three people are allowed to pass side by side.

Fang Hao then arranged for three skeleton spearmen to act as the first and second factions, and the back three rows were skeleton soldiers holding torches.

The rest of the soldiers stood by the door.

After everything is arranged.

Start lining up according to the plan and start entering the mine.

Fang Hao arranged himself in the third row, holding a torch in his hand, and followed closely behind the spearman.

The inside of the cave was dark, and the gloomy wind was blowing, making the torches keep shaking.

With the help of the weak firelight, it can be seen that on the wall of the cave, there are all kinds of artificial scratches carved with mines.

It seems that these bugs did not exist in the early days of mining, but only later appeared and occupied the mine.

Continue to go deeper, the bones of various animals have begun to appear under the feet.

The density is like a mass grave.

Soon, a large number of parasitic animals began to appear in the depths of the mine cave ahead.

Against the undead team, launched an attack.

In this narrow mine, a fierce battle was launched.

The parasitic animals launched an attack fearlessly.

The Skeleton Spearman kept stabbing the spear in his hand, piercing the target in front of him and stabbing it into a honeycomb.

And Fang Hao and others who followed closely behind were also very busy.

Use torches and feet to kill the escaped worms completely.

After clearing a few waves of attacks, the team continued to push deep.

Finally came to the end of the mine.

In the deepest part of the mine is a lair made up of many bones.

The building style is somewhat similar to the swallow's nest.

But inside the nest, it was not a swallow, but a giant worm.

The bloated stomach is like a spider, constantly surging and squirming.

【Iron-eating worm female worm】

[Ability: Reproduction]

I rely on, it turned out to be the mother of worms.

No wonder no forces have been able to clean up these worms for such a long time.

The worms have formed their own social system, and as long as the mother worm does not die, these iron-eating worms will not be eradicated.

when! !

The iron sword in the hands of a skeleton soldier slammed into the wall of the cave, and the crisp sound echoed in the mine.

Originally closed eyes, countless eyes suddenly opened, and they looked at several people with bloodshot eyes.

At such a close distance, Fang Hao could feel the anger in the eyes of the female insect.

The body of the female worm began to wriggle violently.

The tail faces the skeleton team at an odd angle.

I saw the huge belly of the female worm, squirming faster and faster.

next second.

The tail is like a cuttlefish ink jet, spewing out a large number of iron-eating worms, shooting overwhelmingly.

Fang Hao stood in the third row.

Seeing the swarm of insects sprayed like a high-pressure water gun, his face changed instantly.

Skeletons are not afraid of these bugs.

But there was a feeling of disgust in the bottom of my heart.

"Raise your shield to defend."

The spearmen in the first and second rows raised their wooden shields.

clap clap!

The insects hit the wooden shield, and a dense collision sounded.

"The spearman will kill the female worm, and the rest will clean up the worm." Fang Hao avoided the jet attack meeting and began to order.

The spearman, regardless of the worms around him, began to attack the female worm.

The rest of the people used various methods to clean up the iron-eating worms around them.

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