Ma Tianyi stood behind the undead army.

It looked like a dome, constantly throwing magic bullets towards the opposite side.

At this time, I no longer know how to express my feelings.


It was scarier than he originally expected.

This demon army, under the attack of the undead army, is like an adult beating a child.

The legendary demonic disaster, is this it?

These are a bunch of little wild monsters!


The City Lord's Book sounded again.

Ma Tianyi opened it, and it was still the alliance channel.

" @Ma Tianyi, Brother Ma, are you still alive?"

"I'm so worried too, I can't sleep."

"Yes, Alliance Leader, how is the situation? Who has the advantage in the battle?"

It was late at night, and suddenly, it was like an explosion in the alliance, and everyone came out to speak.

Regarding whether to stay or go, no one must be worried!

Ma Tianyi glanced at the demons who were being suppressed and beaten, thought for a moment, and said, "Everything went well. Now Fang Hao's army has the upper hand. If nothing else, everyone can go back to their homes tomorrow."


The channel is even more explosive.

"Really or not, this gives you the upper hand?"

"Leader, are you sure your account has not been hacked?"

"Is Fang Hao so powerful?"

"What's going on? Fang Hao is going to win, right?"

One message after another kept appearing.

Even though I was hoping that Fang Hao would win, I still couldn't believe it.

A few hours ago, Ma Tianyi said that they were on the road, and while they were setting up camp, they suppressed the demons and fought?

Can you still see that you can go home tomorrow?

This is progressing a little too fast!

Ma Tianyi also smiled.

Continue to reply, "Okay, just trust me. I will inform everyone if anything happens. Have a good sleep tonight!"

"Oh well."

"Leader, be careful. If it doesn't work, run away first."

"Get me an autograph from Fang Hao..."

"Di Ningning, you're not crying anymore, are you? Now is the time to chase stars!"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

After hanging up the chat, Ma Tianyi looked back at the battlefield ahead.

The walls of the devil's camp had long been turned into ruins.

The collapsed gravel became a stepping stone for the undead to attack, and they launched an attack directly inside.

The mage behind stopped attacking after several rounds of magic bullets.

The skeleton shooter also stopped shooting.

It turned into a dazed look, waiting in place.

And more melee skeletons, led by the bone giant, poured in like a flood.

A fight with the devil began.

in the air.

Skeleton giant bats and skeleton vultures covered the sky like dark clouds.

In addition to the 'Buzz Demon' that makes a 'Buzz' attack, there are also some demons with demon wings trying to fly into the sky to fight.

He was also surrounded by swarms of giant bats and vultures, eating a pile of meat in the blink of an eye.

Fang Hao controlled the 'Warrior Doll' and entered the center of the devil's camp.

After casually dealing with the two demons that rushed over, he climbed onto the collapsed ruins and looked into the depths.

In the middle of the camp, the demon hero who was almost killed by him was killing the undead that rushed towards him.

From this distance, Fang Hao finally saw his appearance clearly.

The monster is five to six meters tall, looks like an assembled orc, and has a pair of devil horns.

He was wearing an armor made of bones, with sharp bone spurs protruding from his shoulders, elbows and other locations.

He held a huge dark red sword in his hand.

Every time the sword is swung, it will set off swarms of flaming blades, killing swarms of approaching undead soldiers.

Fang Hao was shocked.

I didn't realize it, but this demon hero is really fierce.

One person is still persisting in dealing with so many undead around him.

"Thunder strike, attack him."

Fang Hao said to the skeleton warriors around him.

Immediately, the surrounding skeleton warriors all had thunder spears in their hands, throwing them at the demon hero in the middle from all directions.

The crackling sound filled the surroundings.

Circles of thunder spread, causing the demon to moan continuously.

The dark red skin suddenly burst open.

Dense wounds appear.

The devil's body is indeed rough and thick, and it recovers very quickly.

After the thunder and lightning strike, the surrounding undead pounced on the demon hero again.

Start the ancestral tactics, and the number of people piles up.

The densely packed skeletons pounced from all directions, slashing, biting, pulling away, and using all possible methods to attack the demon hero.

Outside, Fang Hao also called in a large number of shooters and began to climb up the high ground and shoot continuously inside.

Wave after wave of undead kept pouring into the demon.

If you can't kill them all, you can't get out.


The demon hero roared in pain, and the long sword in his hand suddenly stabbed the ground.


The next second, the ground in front began to collapse, and streams of flame magma spewed out from beneath the collapsed ground.

Forming a pillar of fire all over the sky.

The flames containing terrifying energy swallowed up all the undead soldiers in the area, and the powerful high temperature turned them all into ashes in just a few seconds.


Just at this moment, a vacuum zone was formed in the area of ​​more than ten meters in front, and not a single bone survived.

Fang Hao stood far away, but he could see clearly.

So awesome!

This demon hero showed great strength.

Even if Dimitga goes in, he may be in danger.

"Quick, continue the attack and kill him." Fang Hao waved his hand, beckoning the skeletons behind to continue in.

There was a vacancy for the undead in front, and the demon hero also got a brief respite.

He immediately roared, holding the heavy sword in his hand to kill in several other directions. The undead soldiers who approached also died in pieces under the flames.

Fang Hao looked at it for a while and felt something was wrong.

He was so powerful that he couldn't run away or retreat, but he just stuck there and killed the undead.

It's more like guarding the stone gate behind.

Is there anything else inside that needs to be protected?

Pay attention to the stone door behind.

But I also found some differences.

Unlike what Ma Tianyi said, the stone door was only opened with a gap. Now the stone door has been completely opened by the demon.

The demon of death, like 'Tai Sui'-like pieces of flesh, covered the ground and extended into the back of the stone door.

The closer to the stone gate, the 'Tai Sui's spread on the ground squirmed slightly as if they were still alive.

It's like there are blood vessels beating up and down underneath.

"There can't be any back-up plan!" Fang Hao was even more shocked.

This demon hero is so difficult to deal with, but a more powerful monster is coming out of it.

Isn't it possible that there is danger?

Divine consciousness, immediately returned to the rear, outside the camp.

Fang Hao opened a gap in the carriage and said, "Call Demitja."


Soon, Demitga came over and said, "Sir, are you looking for me?"

"There may be a greater danger behind the stone door inside. Let the giant skeleton bat carry a detonator and blow up the demon blocking the door directly." Fang Hao said directly.

"Understood, sir." Demitga agreed, turned and left.

Soon, a swarm of small giant bats took off from behind the team.

Entered the sky above the camp.

The target is locked below, killing the undead demon hero, and swooping down.

Thousands of giant bats.

A pillar of white bone light descended from the sky and directly enveloped the demon hero.

Boom boom boom!

The demon hero howled in pain and flapped his wings in an attempt to fly away.

But the giant skeleton bats were more like 'guided tracking' bombs, and another group of them pounced on them to bomb.

The demon hero's body was severely damaged and he fell from the air.

Groups of skeleton giant bats poured down, forming a continuous falling group of bones.

Cover him layer by layer.

Boom boom... boom boom boom!

There were explosions one after another, and they were connected into one piece.

The explosion continued for several minutes before finally stopping.

Didn't even wait for the smoke to clear.

The surrounding undead soldiers pounced on them again, and there was a burst of hacking without explanation.

The sound of swords chopping floated in the valley.

The sky is already bright.

A battle raged from night to dawn.

In the devil's camp, the sound of fighting gradually stopped and slowly fell into silence.

Demitga walked over quickly again and reported in a low voice, "Sir, all the demons in the camp have been cleared."

Fang Hao has a demon doll following him, and he can see what's going on inside.

"Are there any bodies left behind?"

"I was about to tell you, sir, that once these demons die, their bodies will immediately decompose, but we found some materials."

"Oh? Let me see."

The skeleton behind him came over and took out several items.

[Wriggling Spine] [Devil's Fang] [Hard Hooves] [Devil Essence] [Forgotten Soul].

There is no need to check the squirming ridge bones, they are recruitment materials dropped after battles in the camp.

【Devil's Fang】

[Category: Material]

(Description: The teeth used to tear apart flesh and blood now seem to have a special purpose.)

In addition, [Hard Hooves] and [Devil Essence] are also materials, and the description does not indicate any special uses.

Then ask Nelson if he has seen anything like this.

After all, in terms of knowledge, Nelson caught up with half the library.

Continuing to look back, Fang Hao's eyes lit up again.

Off-white beads!

So familiar.

[The Forgotten Soul] is indeed the Forgotten Soul.

This kind of material was only obtained in the Devil's Orphanage last time.

He used it in the recruitment of 'Nisbet'.

Nisbet is one of the few arms that can continue to advance through recruitment.

Now all Nisbitts have advanced to become heroes.

But Fang Hao wanted to continue recruiting, but he lacked this kind of material.

If you can get the 'Forgotten Soul' here, you can meet Nisbet's recruitment conditions.

Recruit more of this type of troops and advance to become a hero.

At that time, an army composed of heroes can be formed.

"How many white beads are there?" Fang Hao picked up the beads and asked.

"We have only found one in the periphery so far. If we clean the entire battlefield, we should be able to find many more." Dimitga replied.

Fang Hao nodded, it would be good if he could find a few.

"Well, don't worry. Let the army gather in front of the stone gate. After the inside of the stone gate is finished, we can clean up the battlefield."

"Yes, sir." Demitga retreated again, calling to the teams to gather in front of the stone gate.

It was pitch black behind the stone gate.

Like an entrance to hell, looking for Shuyuan is dark and terrifying.


The owl 'Thunder Spirit', composed of thunder and lightning, flapped its wings and quickly flew into the dark stone door.

After a brief period of darkness and disorientation, sight returned to my eyes again.

And the next second, Fang Hao's heart suddenly tightened.

The condensed thunder spirits almost dispersed.

This is a huge space, with corpses hanging in the air like upside-down grapes.

The squirming blood vessels connected the whole body and kept twitching.

It seems to be absorbing some nutrients.

"Damn, what's going on here..."

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