Xu Haide smiled, sat down in his seat, looked at Shi He Ming, and asked: "Come here, do you have anything to do?"

He knew the origins of these people. They were sent by the Sea Clan to discuss matters with the parliament.

However, I have no contact with these people, nor do I know them.

Coming over suddenly, I was still curious about the purpose of my visit.

Shi Heming looked back, and the person behind him immediately placed a brocade box wrapped in silk on the table and untied the silk outside.

"I heard that Mr. Xu Haide has become a parliamentary representative. I have long wanted to make friends with him. This is a sea item I obtained by chance. The 'Morning Blue Coral' is just for Mr. Xu Haide. Don't dislike it."

The brocade box opened, revealing the sparkling blue coral inside.

Under the sunlight, it is extremely dazzling and beautiful.

Morning blue coral?

Xu Haide's eyes lit up instantly.

Although he didn't know the value of this thing, he had seen it in the archbishop's study.

If it can be placed in the archbishop's room, it is definitely a rare treasure.

Now, I am a little tempted.

It's not that he likes this thing, but it's a nice gesture to give it to the Archbishop.

Although Xu Haide was tempted, he didn't look much further.

After just a quick glance, he looked away.

He continued to ask: "What's the matter? Let me tell you and see if I have the ability."

He is not stupid, and his current status was not easy to come by.

Naturally, I won’t randomly collect other people’s things.

"Mr. Xu Haide misunderstood. We really intend to make friends with you. We have no other special ideas." Shi Heming said immediately.

Xu Haide frowned and looked at him, somewhat confused as to what he meant.

Come to give gifts for no reason, the value is not low, just to make friends?

When did I become so domineering?

If he hadn't died two days ago, he would have really believed it.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, otherwise I won't dare to accept this thing from you." Xu Haide said again.

Shi Heming still kept smiling.

After thinking for a while, he said: "If we talk about things, we really need Mr. Xu Haide's help in the future!"

"tell me the story!"

"You also know that the place where we were born is the island of the Hai Clan. That kind of place cannot support subsequent development at all, so if there is a chance in the future, we may come to settle in the Federation. I hope Mr. Xu Haide will take care of us then." Shihe Ming said softly.

This early morning blue coral was given to Xu Haide because of his status as the 'traveler representative'.

With this time, I can make some connections for myself.

In the future, there may be a connection.

Hearing these words, Xu Haide smiled again, put away the brocade box without leaving a trace, and said, "Come here, this tea has gone cold. Let me change it for you."

Valley of Dust and Mud.

The air around was hot and dry.

If this place were not a rocky and bare mountain, it would probably cause a wildfire.

Anjia and Biyehu both hid behind the team.

Demitga, as a lizardman, had shed a thin layer of skin on his body due to the heat and dryness.

"Sir, the battlefield has been cleared. This is the harvest."

Carts were pushed over one after another, with the collected materials placed in categories.

[Wriggling Ridge Bones] 3211, [Devil's Fang] 572, [Hard Hooves] 123, [Devil Essence] 75, and [Forgotten Soul] 5.

There are more than three thousand squirming spine bones.

In this way, the losses in the battle were completely compensated, and even the harvest was exceeded.

Devil's Fang, Hard Hooves, and Devil's Essence, it's unclear what they are used for.

But it should also be a rare material, after all, demons themselves are rare.

In addition, every strength is not low.

The value of the materials is definitely not low either.

What makes Fang Hao most happy are the 5 [Forgotten Souls].

With these 5 stones, it means that you can recruit 505 Nisbitts and upgrade Nisbitts into heroes.

By then, it will really be a team composed of heroes.

It was simply a battle of great harvest.

"Sir, there is also this weapon, which was dug out of a deep pit." Demitga sent over another dark red and ferocious giant sword.

The hilt of the sword was covered with raised dense scales, and the blade was also glowing with traces of fire.

[Fangs of Hatred (Orange)]

[Category: Epee]

[Damage: Level 5 damage]

[Ability: Burning Flame, Hatred]

[Burning Flame: Each attack carries an additional 150% flame damage. 】

[Hate: Every ten minutes, the 'burning flame' effect is increased by 5%, and the holder's 'sanity' is reduced by 5% (stop fighting and gradually recover). 】

(Description: The sword emerges from the furnace of hell, carrying hatred and malice, making every owner who holds it get lost in the battle.)

It was the giant sword used by the demon hero. At that time, he was wielding this sword and blocked the attacking undead by himself.

There is quite a bit of a posture where one man is in charge and no one can stop him.

This weapon has reached orange color.

It was him who got the highest quality weapon besides the 'Thunder Eagle Blade' in his hand.

Its own level five damage also comes with a very overbearing skill.

The second skill also increases damage, but also reduces sanity.

The lack of reason will make people like wild beasts, only pursuing fighting.

It's also very troublesome.

Even after stopping fighting, it will gradually recover.

But once you don't control well, like today, the enemy will forcefully hold you back.

Also very dangerous.

"Well, didn't you find anything like a treasure chest?" Fang Hao put all the materials and the orange weapon into the storage space.

Demitga shook his head, "Not yet, maybe in a cave."

"Well, then let's wait until the fire becomes smaller!"

"Yes, sir."


Ma Tianyi opened the City Lord's Book again.

In the alliance channel.

Someone else was asking him about the progress of the war.

" @Ma Tianyi, leader, what's going on on your side? Which side won?"

"Yes, there are a lot of mosquitoes here. Should we move or go back?"

"I calculated with my fingers. Fang Hao should have won. It's been such a long time."

"Xuan, it's hard to tell the outcome until the end."

Ma Tianyi glanced at the fire in front of him.

Input said: "Go back, Fang Hao has won here and is doing the final finishing work. Don't spread the fighting situation here to avoid any special situation."

"Damn, I really won."

"It's true, leader, don't lie to others."

"Is Fang Hao so scary now?"

Ma Tianyi deliberately avoided the undead soldiers below, took a photo of the collapsed demon camp and sent it over.

Although it was different from what they had seen before, they could still recognize the 'Dust Mud Valley' at a glance.

"It's the Dust and Mud Valley. The demons have really been cleared away."

"So powerful, so domineering."

"Okay, I can go home now, no need to leave."

Ma Tianyi also sent a message saying: "The deputy leader will lead the team back and send everyone back to their respective cities."


The fire burned into the afternoon.

It calmed down a little.

After all, in the heart of the mountain, once the corpses were burned, there would be nothing left to burn.

It will be destroyed very quickly.

Just the residual warmth left in the entire valley was like standing on the Flame Mountain, sweltering and uncomfortable.

Fang Hao controlled the demon doll and directed the undead to carry out the final work.

Standing in front of the stone door.

After taking a look inside, he led the soldiers and strode in.

The cave was burned into darkness.

Those corpses and tentacles of flesh and blood have all disappeared.

It had already been burned to the ground.

After leading the soldiers to the end of the cave, only a cracked mass of embryo was left, hanging there like bacon.

But the information prompt has disappeared, and he must be dead.

Such a big fire didn't even burn it down.

Pretty solid.

"Chop this into minced meat." Fang Hao ordered.

The skeleton warriors behind him immediately stepped forward and started slashing randomly.

Judging from the appearance, it was indeed solid and not like flesh, but it was still chopped into pieces.

After making sure there is no danger.

Fang Hao continued: "Okay, swish around in the cave to see if there are any trophies, and pay special attention to the treasure chests and so on."

After receiving the order again, the skeletons spread out again and started searching everywhere.

Fang Hao also focused on the stone platform at his feet.

The covering layer of 'Tai Sui' flesh membrane has been burned away by the fire, revealing the original appearance underneath.

This is really a huge altar.

Even though it is completely unrecognizable, some remaining symbols can still be seen.

It seems that Ma Tianyi and the others have reopened the place that others had sealed before.

Fortunately, it didn't cause too much damage.

After looking inside for a while, Fang Hao walked outside the door and waited for the skeletons to search.

Soon, the skeletons who were searching the cave came out one after another.


With a dull sound of landing, a gold treasure chest was thrown at his feet.

After the entire treasure box was taken out, a burst of white smoke instantly rose.

This kind of treasure chest should belong to the system.

Fire cannot burn it.

Otherwise, this temperature would have been burned out long ago.

Without too much hesitation, he opened the treasure chest directly.

[The blueprint for making the Prince Regent's battle flag (purple), the blueprint for making the Chaos War Armor (purple), 182 War Fire Coins, and 23 Demon Stones. 】

There are not many varieties, but the quality is pretty good.

Two purple drawings appeared at once.

[Battle Flag of the Prince Regent: 1 Hardwood, 5 Leather, 12 Linen, 22 Thread, 5 Silk, 12 Metal Parts.]

(Description: A battle flag that increases the morale of the army.)

Drawing of the battle flag.

It really hasn't happened before.

Every city and place has its own flag.

For example, Silver Wing City has a blue background with a silver sword and a winged flag. The Hall of Justice and the Church also have flags of their respective forces.

It can be said that the flag represents identity and allows people to identify which team you belong to at a glance.

It is also very important.

With this blueprint, you can also create a battle flag if necessary.

However, it is useless for the undead to gain morale.

Unless used by living creatures.

[Chaos War Armor: Thick Leather 15, Cast Iron Block 12, Refined Iron 5, Metal Parts 22, Demon's Fang 1.]

(Description: A battle armor that represents chaos and disorder. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshhuyuan.com )

The Devil's Fang was originally used here.

What looks like a beast's fang is actually a material for making armor.

Just incomprehensible.

But the Chaos Armor is actually pretty good.

Purple armor, but unfortunately it's not a suit.

Then we will see how big it is and whether it can be used for foreign trade.

Putting the drawings away, I was about to shout to retreat.

Then he saw another skeleton warrior and squeezed over.

Holding a page in hand.

[The remaining pages of the Devil's Book].

"The Devil's Broken Pages..."

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