Ding-ding-ding-ding! !

The sound of weapons clashing filled this space.

A head-on battle is more brutal than imagined.

The ancient blood god kept waving the battle ax in his hand, and the masses of undead were chopped into two pieces and scattered into white bones on the ground.

While chopping, the ancient blood god servant was also releasing powerful water magic.

Water jets kept falling from above.

The water dragon was like a vortex of wind, raging around, and wherever it passed, the skeleton soldiers were caught in it, torn apart and shattered.

Fang Hao was a little surprised by the strength shown by the Ancient Blood God Servant.

Fortunately, it is within this limited area.

Otherwise, if he is left in the vaster lake and sea outside, no matter how many troops he has, there will be nothing he can do to him.

"Skeleton giant bat, attack its head."

"Skeleton shooter, shoot him in the upper body."

Fang Hao crowded at the back of the team and gave orders loudly.

The entire space was now crowded with skeleton soldiers, and the skeletons behind just stood silently.

Wait for the skeleton in front to die, then rush forward and continue the attack.


Bang bang bang! !

The order was given, and swarms of giant skeleton bats rushed towards the huge 'Ancient Blood God's Attendant'.

Because above the head, there is an upside down lake.

Height is severely restricted.

The giant skeleton bat could only rush towards the giant head-on.

The Ancient Blood God Attendant noticed that the densely packed giant bats were approaching, and immediately stretched out his left hand connected with the 'flesh web', pointing at the swarms of giant bats.

In an instant, a water column surged out again and shot into the giant bat.


The giant bat that hit turned into bones and fell from the sky.

And more giant bats flew around the water column and flew to the top of his head, and began to bite the rotting flesh on it.


The bullets of the skeleton shooter were densely shot into the body of the 'Ancient Blood God' in a burst of gunfire.

But at this time, the Divine Attendant was obviously in a state similar to that of an undead spirit.

The bullet penetrated the flesh, but there was no pain.

Crackling! !

The battle before him was still fierce.

Rainstorm arrow, water column, water vortex.

All kinds of water magic condensed in the sky and on the ground.

Killing and rushing towards the undead skeleton.

However, the densely packed skeleton warriors relied on their numerical advantage.

They gathered at the feet of the 'Godly Attendant' and kept slashing at his body with the weapons in their hands.

More skeletons climbed directly up the legs of the 'Ancient Blood God Attendant'.

He clung to his thighs and waist, held the iron sword behind his back, and kept stabbing.

The giant bat entrenched above the head of the 'Godly Attendant' also wrapped its head tightly.

Looking from a distance.

The huge body is already covered with skeletons.

The Ancient Blood God's Attendant kept tearing the bat off his head with one hand, and with the other hand, he waved the battle ax in his hand randomly.

Waving around like crazy.


Suddenly there was a breaking sound.

One of the ancient blood god's feet was directly broken under the chop of the undead army.

The body also lost its balance and fell to one side.

boom! !

With a huge roar, the divine attendant fell to the ground, and the entire space trembled violently again.

"Quickly, kill him, don't let him get up." Fang Hao shouted immediately.

The undead around him immediately pounced on him, covering the fallen body in the blink of an eye.

He kept making stabbing and slashing movements.

The ancient blood god servant was still struggling, waving his arms wildly, sending large swaths of undead flying backwards.

But more skeletons still covered him.

Blood gushes out like a fountain, spraying on all the skeletons around.

The demon doll controlled by Fang Hao has no sense of smell, but looking at the thick dark red blood, he can still imagine the smell of rottenness.

"No! You lowly souls dare to desecrate the dwelling place of God."

"You will be punished by God, and your souls will be tortured for eternity..."

In an angry roar.

The tall ancient blood god's neck was cut off.

A huge head rolled to the side, overwhelming rows of skeleton warriors.

The skeleton warriors chopped again.

Only then did they all stop moving and stand ready.


Fang Hao looked forward.

The originally muddy ground was covered with a layer of bones.

These are skeleton soldiers who died in battle.

I'm afraid it has reached tens of thousands.

There is no way, this dark gold hero is proficient in both melee and ranged combat.

Again, in this area at the bottom of the lake, there is sufficient water element, which is a great advantage for the release of water magic.

Push away the skeleton in front of you.

He looked towards the dead 'Ancient Blood God Attendant'.

Even the dark gold hero, with his physical toughness, still cannot withstand the slashing of this human sea tactic.

The death situation at this time was a bit horrific.

Not to mention the bloody mess, the legs, arms, and even the neck were cut off, and the whole person was dismembered.

After confirming the real death.

Fang Hao also breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over.

At the same time, I felt a little happy.

Because this corpse did not quickly decompose and disappear after death like a rotting corpse.

But it was retained.

In this way, after transporting it back, you can get another dark gold hero.


Just when Fang Hao was feeling happy.

A huge voice sounded from above the head.

Suddenly looking back, he saw a huge gap in the upside-down lake above his head, like glass.

The dark red lake water flowed down like a waterfall.

Fang Hao was shocked, this place was going to collapse.

"Quickly, clean the battlefield and transport this body out. You guys follow me." Fang Hao said loudly.

There is still some time, so we need to look for any treasures as soon as possible.


Upon hearing the order, all the skeletons took action again.

A group of skeletons began to carry the body of the 'Ancient Blood God' away, while more skeletons were picking up weapons and armor from the pile of skeletons.

Fang Hao also brought several skeleton warriors with him.

He quickened his pace, climbed directly onto the stone steps, and rushed towards the ruined temple.

Go all the way into the temple.

There was no more danger, and no enemies appeared.

The hall was empty, a bit like the temple where I met the 'Lord of Thunder' last time.

Luminous stone chandeliers and wall lamps are hung on the ceiling and surrounding walls.

On the stone pillars and walls, there are carvings of ritual scenes of fishmen and various races worshiping the gods.

In the center of the hall is a altar.

On the altar is enshrined a statue that looks like a fish-man.

There were already cracks in the body of the statue, and half of its arm fell off and fell to the side.

All the objects in front of the statue were identified, and no attributes appeared.

"Quickly, move out all the things that can be taken away from here, and move quickly." Fang Hao urged loudly.

The skeletons immediately took action to pick up the chandeliers and luminous stones above.

Fang Hao didn't care anymore. He climbed onto the altar and touched the statue up and down.

Let’s see if there are any treasures left by the ‘Murloc God’.

When my palms reached the waist of the stone statue, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

I immediately went to check behind it and saw a scale the size of my palm, half embedded in the stone statue.

Fang Hao used force to pull out the scales.

[Scales of God (Orange)]

[Category: Props]

[Effect: Water element is filled. 】

[Water Element Filled: Filled with strong water element, within the covered area, water element practice +75%. 】

(Description: The scales left by the old gods can have unexpected effects after being placed.)

A piece of scale can increase the learning and practice of water magic.

The effect is very good.

He put it away first and continued to touch the statue two or three times.

Still nothing gained.

Fang Hao exerted a direct force, and the statue instantly fell backwards. There was a loud bang and it shattered into pieces.

But there are still no treasures inside.

He immediately called to the skeleton and moved out all the gold and silver objects on the altar.

Then take all the skeletons and run outside.

The upside-down lake has already opened three or four holes.

Water poured down.

The dark red blood had already covered the calf.

"No need to search for equipment, everyone get out, quickly!" Fang Hao continued to order.

Still searching, the skeletons who had dropped their equipment when killed in battle all straightened up.

Rushing towards the outside of the water curtain.

When everyone is undead, they all exit.

Click! Wow~!

The lake above his head was completely shattered.

The turbulent lake water fell into the sky.

Boom! !

Fang Hao just walked out of the lake holding the 'Scale of God' and the 'Fingerbone Staff'.

I only felt that my feet were unstable and the ground was shaking.

Waves several meters high suddenly rose on the calm lake.

Shoot towards the shore.

The dead souls of all the people who were photographed were turned upside down, and the neat trophies were also swept back into the lake.

Fortunately, the huge wave only appeared once.

He gradually regained his composure.

The skeletons began to salvage artifacts again.

Soon, the loot was rearranged.

In addition to various gold and silver, dozens of luminous stones.

There is also a platinum treasure chest placed in the middle.

Li Rong's eyes widened a bit as she looked at the platinum treasure chest.

It was as if he was already guessing what good things would be found in the treasure chest.

Regarding the treasure chest, Anjia and Biyehu focused their attention on the body as huge as a hill.

"What is this?" An Jia asked.

"That's the dark gold-level fish-man I mentioned." Fang Hao answered while commanding the skeleton.

The other people's eyes widened when they heard this.

"You call this a fishman?" Li Rong also came over and exclaimed.

"That's right, this is no fish-man." An Jia agreed.

"Where does the head come from? It's exactly the same as a fish-man. What is it if it's not a fish-man?" Fang Hao pointed to the head not far away.

The head is a fish-man head.

If anything, he is really a fishman.

Anjia looked at the snake girl "Biyahu" aside and looked for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com "Is there such a fish-man?"

Biyehu also shook his head, "I've never seen one before. The fishmen I know are all of the normal size I've seen before."

She has never seen a single member of the Sea Clan.

You also said this is a fish man.

Fang Hao waved his hand and said: "What's so strange about this? There are schools of fish, small fish and whales. If they are bigger, they are no longer fish."

"Damn, what you said makes sense." Li Rong said.

Next, no one continued to stay here.

Open the gate and command the skeletons to carry everything in.

Then, he took a few people back to the main city.

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