Seeing this, you already know the origin and use of the [Wriggling Spine].

In the chat channel, someone mentioned it.

Building a barracks is not an unlimited recruitment of troops.

The human faction will drop a consumable called soul crystal, which is a necessary material for recruiting troops.

Just like Fang Hao summoning skeleton soldiers, he needs 300 animal bones.

However, animal bones are slaughtering materials that can be used to recruit undead troops, but they are not the main recruitment supplies for the undead camp, and are more like a temporary substitute.

[Wriggling Spine] is the main recruiting material for the undead tribe, and it has the same function as the soul crystal.

Skeleton soldiers clean the battlefield fairly quickly.

Materials have been collected.

[Harvest: 21 iron daggers, 8 wriggling spines, 1 flatbed, 2 unicorn sheep carcasses, and 1 giant horn deer carcass. 】

There are more than 20 kobolds, but there are only 8 wriggling spines that have fallen.

It seems that there is a certain chance of falling, not every corpse will have it.

Fang Hao did not make the next move, but fell into thinking.

Obviously there is a kobold stronghold nearby, or camp, otherwise there will be no hunting kobold team.

Detecting the opponent's location and military strength has become a crucial thing.

Fang Hao picked up an iron dagger and pinned it to his waist.

【Iron Dagger (White)】

【Category: Dagger】

[Attribute: First-order damage. 】

(Description: The wooden handle can be used as a weapon by inserting an iron piece? Is it really a method that came out of your brain?)

"Change your weapons." Fang Hao picked out twenty uninjured soldiers and replaced the stone axe in his hand.

The quality of the stone axe is also (white), but the effect is not the same.

Although the stone axe has damage, it does not reach the first-order damage, and its main function is to cut wood.

In combat, the damage is not as good as the iron dagger.

Hearing Fang Hao's order, twenty soldiers immediately came up and changed their weapons.

"Okay, follow me." Fang Hao continued.

Now is not the time to go back, to find out the location and number of kobold camps.

Waiting for the opponent to attack him, he is more willing to find out the situation and be ready to take the initiative to attack.

The location of the opponent is not difficult to find.

Except for the rut marks left on the ground.

In the dense woods, you can also see a paved road.

Passing through the deepest part of the woods, you will see a defensive wall surrounded by logs and a towering sentry tower.

There is no significant difference from the human village.

Many kobolds come and go, logging and quarrying, collecting various basic resources.

If not there is no protective cover.

Fang Hao will think that this is also a human territory with a special race.

Unfortunately, this is not.

Other kobold hunting teams also came back, and in addition to the corpses of beasts, there were also human beings on the flatbed.

Fang Hao roughly calculated that there were about five or six hundred people in this camp.

In addition to the large number of stone throwers, there are also kobold warriors with iron knives and kobold warriors with iron axes.

"Let's go back." Fang Hao said, and slowly retreated with the soldiers.

This camp must be removed, but not now.

To prepare enough manpower, can launch an attack.

Return to the outside of the woods, and return to the territory with the flatbed truck and food that were captured earlier.

When we returned to the territory, the sun was just right.

"You continue to patrol." Fang Hao said.

Pushing the flatbed into the protective cover, the skeleton soldiers returned to their posts again, patrolling to protect the labor skeletons from beasts.

Of course, it would also be good to have beasts to increase food reserves.

[First-order monster unicorn sheep*2,

First-order spotted deer, slaughtered? 】


[The slaughter is completed, and the meat is 1200, the hide is 90, and the bone is 60. 】

In addition to getting the [Wriggling Spine], the trolley and meat are also good harvests today.

The most important thing is to discover the kobold camp near the territory.

Thinking of the large number of kobolds so close to his territory, he unconsciously became nervous.

This is not a game, this is reality.

People die every day from various causes.

He was not a hesitant, and immediately came to the barracks.

【First-class burial ground】

[Available to recruit: Skeleton Soldiers]

[Skull Soldiers: Creeping Spine 1. 】

(Note: You can recruit troops of your own faction in this building. Raising the building level can unlock new soldier types and higher ranks of troops.)

[Materials required for upgrading: wood 500, stone 720, leather 80, hemp rope 240, shadow stone 5. 】

Before recruiting skeleton soldiers, you need 300 animal bones.

Only 1 wriggling spine is needed now.

In other words, for a wriggling spine, one is worth 300.

[Recruitable: Skeleton Soldiers, Consumption: Creeping Spine 8, is it recruiting? 】

Confirm recruitment.

The system beep sounded again.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, successfully recruited 808 Skeleton Soldiers. 】

Swish swish! !

In addition to the place where the bones were buried, the 8 skeleton soldiers who climbed out, the territory is flashing with light.

filled up all the camps.

Fang Hao has seen this kind of scene a lot, so it's nothing unusual.

Proceed to build 808 Wooden Shields and 808 Stone Axes and give them to them.

"You guys go hunting, look for food, and the rest go to carry the supplies, and transport the resources collected by the labor skeletons to the warehouse." Fang Hao gave an order.

A group of skeleton soldiers, after receiving the order, turned rigidly and walked out of the territory to complete their tasks.

After explaining.

Light the extinguished fire, use the iron dagger to start slicing the meat, and prepare the roast.

He had made up his mind to get rid of the kobold camp.

Before that, settle for lunch.

Eat and drink well.

Compared with yesterday, the pieces of meat chopped with a stone axe and the pieces of meat cut with a dagger are more suitable for barbecue.

Just missing seasoning, and happy water.

Otherwise you will be happier.

Soon, the aroma of meat came out, whet your appetite.

Enjoy the tender roasted meat.

Open the chat channel and see what everyone is talking about.

"Which of you has soul crystals, there are undead outside my territory, and resources are exchanged for soul crystals."

"I am here too. A farmer was killed by something, and the rest of the farmers were afraid to go out to work."

"Resources are exchanged for weapons, are there any weapons for sale?"

"Everyone is a stone tool, where is the weapon."

"I am Ren Yongning, whoever can take me home, I will let him be the CEO of the company."

"I haven't heard of it, who are you, the CEO of the noodle shop?"

"I'm so hungry, Mr. Fang Hao doesn't put food on the shelves at noon. The farmers and I have saved a lot of resources and are waiting for food."

"Call Fang Hao."

"Call together."

"Same call..."


Fang Hao looked at the channel, swiping the screen, and smiled bitterly.

The essence of human beings is indeed repetition.

Even if the opportunity to speak is very valuable, it should be used for repetition.

Today is the second day of the crowd crossing.

It can be seen from the speech that there are differences in the development of the territory.

Most people are still in the initial stage, logging and quarrying, and collecting resources.

Some people also set up barracks because of adventures or personal abilities.

Begin to realize the importance of soul crystals.

Humans can recruit troops in the barracks only if they have soul crystals.

But whether it is recruiting troops, or only farmers.

Food is just needed.

Unable to provide sufficient food, the territorial people will reduce their loyalty, and even defect in severe cases.

The greater the population of the territory, the greater the demand for food.

So food is a very popular item right now.

Thinking of this, Fang Hao directly put 2,000 units of food on the shelves.

At the same time, all the discussions in the channel came to an abrupt end.

After two seconds of stagnation, there was an exclamation.

"The boss has put food on the shelves, who said that something happened to the boss and his mouth is so stinky."

"Fang Hao is awesome!"

"Fang Hao is awesome!"

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