Fang Hao sat up from the bed after he was released from the state of imminent presence.

Straight out of the lord's cabin.

There were more than 50 Tier 7 arms, which was beyond Fang Hao's expectations.

It is no wonder that there is not a single tribe near the ogre stronghold.

I'm afraid they've all been wiped out.

Become food in the belly of ogres.

Even Fang Hao was a little hesitant at this time.

If you want to destroy the ogre stronghold, you will have to suffer a lot of casualties.

Is this worth it.

Just as Fang Hao was thinking about it, he saw a worker skeleton passing by with a newly completed cast iron block in his hand.

Seeing the cast iron block, his eyes lit up.

By the way, there are new equipment blueprints in hand.

After all the soldiers have changed their equipment, the defense of the soldiers has been improved, and the loss may not be in the eyes of their imagination.

Thinking of this, Fang Hao's confidence rose again, and he planned to touch these ogres.

See the production column.

There are three new equipment blueprints.

[Plate armor (green), gauntlet (green), iron round shield (green). 】

There are a total of three green-level blueprints.

Among them, plate armor and gauntlet are obtained from copper bulls.

I haven't gotten the iron plate blueprint before, and I haven't replaced the arms.

Yesterday, in the treasure chest obtained by attacking the mine, I obtained the blueprint of the small iron round shield and the blueprint for the production of iron.

[Plate armor: leather 12, iron 6, iron plate 4. 】

[Gauntlets: Leather 5, Iron 3, Iron Plate 2. 】

[Small Buckler: Wood 12, Metal Parts 5, Iron Plate 2. 】

There are 54,000 skeleton soldiers responsible for the security of the territory, and they are arranged to patrol the perimeter of the territory.

In Fang Hao's hands, there were 18,867 wriggling spines that were not used.

As long as Fang Hao is willing, he can summon the sea of ​​undead and destroy all the enemies.

Of course, so far, it is not enough to use all the peristaltic spines, so first equip these 54,000 skeleton soldiers.

Including the troops arranged in Pigman Village and Yinfeng Fort, 60,000 sets of equipment will be produced.

There are 174 cast iron blocks in the warehouse.

Make the iron plate first.

[Iron plate: cast iron block 2. 】

All made, the quantity is 87.

[Triggered by a hundred times increase, get iron plate 8787. 】

Sufficient materials, continue to make equipment.

Plate armor, gauntlet, and small iron round shield, the number of production is adjusted to 600.

[Triggered by a hundred times increase, get 60600 plate armor. 】

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain 60600 gauntlets. 】

[Triggered by a hundred times increase, obtain 60600 small iron round shield. 】

In an instant, it was like the sky was falling, and countless green rays of light appeared in the territory.

Pieces of equipment were piled up in every corner around Fang Hao.

The number is far greater than the number of previous doublings.

Even Yi'er, who was in the wooden house, heard the sound of the iron armor colliding and rubbing, and the probe carefully checked.

Fang Hao picked up the equipment on the side and checked it.

Plate armor and gauntlet are wrapped in a layer of iron armor on the outer layer of leather to increase the defense of the armor.

The small iron round shield is wrapped in iron on the outer layer of the wooden shield.

It can be said that the increase of these three kinds of equipment.

The soldiers' overall defense more than doubled.

Play a higher combat effectiveness in battle.

The equipment is completed.

Fang Hao cast Divine Appearance, attached himself to the skeleton cavalry, and called back all the soldiers near the territory to replace the equipment.

After all the soldiers replaced their equipment, Fang Hao directly counted 30,000 infantry soldiers, and 2,000 skeleton soldiers replaced two-handed light crossbows.

A total of 32,000 troops.

Fang Hao returned to the room and cast Divine Presence on a skeleton soldier.

Leading an army of 10,000 people, they left the territory mightily and marched towards the ogre stronghold.

three hours later.

The team is close to the stronghold, and the beasts and animals that often haunt are nowhere to be seen here.

Except for the sound of the leaves shaking when the breeze blew, there was no chirping of insects or birds at all.

"These ogres are really hard to mess with, even birds don't dare to approach." Fang Hao muttered softly while looking at the surrounding situation.

Indeed it is.

Rank 7 is the highest-ranked unit that Fang Hao has seen after crossing over.

Neither the orc tribe nor the ordinary tauren warriors in the Manim market have reached this level.

Coupled with the ogre's brutal and gluttonous temperament, the surrounding area has literally become a isolation zone, with no strongholds of beasts and villages.

The team continued to advance rapidly, and the iron armor on the soldiers made a rubbing sound.

Soon, they had already advanced to a position not far in front of the stronghold.

The scale of the army of tens of thousands of people also attracted the attention of the ogres.

They all stood up from the ground and picked up huge wooden sticks in their hands.

During the roar, more than 50 huge ogres launched an attack.

The earth trembled and the leaves flew.

"Bowmen shoot freely." Fang Hao ordered loudly.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The dense iron arrows roared out, but the ogres also tightly covered their heads with their arms, and the steps under their feet did not stop at all.

Immediately there were several ogres, their bodies and arms full of arrows and blood flowing.

When the ogre was still 500 meters away, Fang Hao gave the order for an all-out attack.

"Everyone attacked and killed them."

At the same time, Fang Hao sounded the horn of war.

Circles of faint ripples enveloped all the skeleton soldiers, and their movement speed and attack were increased.

Whoa, whoa! !

The 30,000 skeleton army moved.

The pace of his steps gradually accelerated, and finally he ran in big strides, killing the ogre that was ushering in.

boom! !

A loud bang.

The skeleton soldier who rushed to the first place was hit by the ogre's giant stick.

Like a kite with a broken string, it flew out and fell back to Fang Hao's side.

Fang Hao looked at the skeleton in front of him, and stood up staggeringly.

And the plate armor on his body has sunk into a shocking pit.

The skeleton soldier didn't seem to be injured, he shook his head, stopped for two seconds and continued to kill the ogre.

It seems that the plate armor played a big role.

If it was the simple leather armor before, the skeleton that was hit would definitely be shot into pieces.

Bang bang bang! !

Every time the ogres swung their bat, several skeleton soldiers were sent flying and shattered.

But the number of skeleton soldiers rushed forward like locusts and attacked the target in front of them.

Fang Hao was not watching the battle either, he pulled out the iron sword from his waist, and killed him.

puff puff! !

The skeleton soldiers slashed out the weapons in their hands with all their might, but the ogre had thick skin and thick flesh, and although only wearing a covering cloth, it was difficult to inflict fatal damage.

On the contrary, the ogre waved the wooden stick again and again, and skeletons kept flying upside down and were smashed into a pile of broken bones.

Fang Hao slid down and flashed to the side of the ogre.

He slashed two swords in a row, leaving two sword marks on his thick, hairy thighs.

"It doesn't work like this."

Seeing that such consumption is not the way, Fang Hao also began to think about other countermeasures.

At this time, the ogre's covering cloth caught Fang Hao's attention.

Then, there was a sneer.

"You have thick skin, I don't believe you are thick too."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Hao stabbed the ogre in the crotch with a sword.

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