Return to the Lord's Mansion.

Fang Hao immediately checked the attributes of 'Axiburn'.

The attributes of dragons are actually roughly the same.

The difference lies in their attributes and powers.

Ashborn is a hero promoted by the dragon, possessing several characteristic skills such as "Dragon Power" and "Dragon Breath".

There are differences in attributes from Beate's 'terrible majesty' and 'lightning breath'.

From the perspective of a time traveler, Beate's skills are numerically higher.

At the same time, Beate has the attribute of thunder and lightning, which will bring diffusion and paralysis effects.

This is something that the dragon hero does not possess.

However, even if 'Ashborn' is not as skilled as Beate, it does not mean that he is not strong.

The dragon orange hero also has absolutely fierce fighting power.

Check out the properties here.

At the door, Xiaobai walked in with a child in his arms, relaxing gently.

This is He Yueyi's child, already six months old.

Usually when He Yueyi is busy, the city maids help take care of her.

"He Yueyi is busy again?"

"Well, let's go to Mr. Duo Jin's place." Xiaobai walked in with the child in his arms and paced back and forth in the hall.

Seeing her skillful appearance, Fang Hao smiled and said, "Now, everyone in the city knows how to take care of their children."

"Hmph, light is of no use, you have to work hard." Xiaobai rolled her beautiful eyes and glanced at him.

"Uh..., I've worked very hard!"

Maybe the talking disturbed the child.

First he twisted, and then he cried loudly.

Xiaobai hurriedly coaxed softly, lowered one shoulder and fed the child.

The next second, I stopped crying.

"This way I won't cry anymore, I don't know why."

Seeing Fang Hao looking at her, his face was a little red, he held the other side in his hand and moved it forward, "Here!"

Fang Hao smiled and shook his head, "The child is here, at night."

Return to the room.

Start going over in your mind what you have learned today.

First of all, his relationship with the fish-men has improved again.

After selling tens of thousands of sets of equipment to them, he was also regarded as a 'son of god'.

In the murloc area, a statue of himself was set up.

You can gain the faith of the fishmen through statues.

Although it is only a deputy position, the fishman's father god has disappeared, so there is no difference between the main position and the deputy position.

The second point is to obtain the treasure on Bai Xuan's treasure map, the giant ship 'The King's Palace'.

A city that can serve as your second base.

Whatever you are doing at sea, or taking refuge later can help.

"Go over tomorrow and repair some parts. Use the materials you need. You still have to spend the money."

The last item.

It was Beate and Ashborn who joined.

Two orange aerial heroes, this is still a huge improvement to the territory.

But you should also pay more attention to the use of these two heroes.

Although the 'Mark of Law' has been imposed, it is best not to let them directly go to war with the dragons. After all, they are not like undead with 100 points of loyalty like 'Spencer'.

It's easy for things to go wrong.

At that time, you can assign them some tasks on the open map.

As a dragon, no race would dare to provoke him.

There was a squeak.

The door was pushed open.

Yin'er and Xiaobai walked in one after another.

He glanced at Fang Hao, who was leaning on the bedside, and got into the thin quilt.

Two days later.

Fang Hao brought several heroes and skeleton merchants with him.

Through the teleportation light curtain, he appeared directly on the giant ship 'The King's Palace'.

The hull of the ship was unusually stable, and only slight shaking could be felt.

When we came to the deck, we saw a large number of skeleton soldiers holding various tools and doing cleaning work.

The shovel removed the barnacles and covering organisms on the surface, and piled them together with the silt into a hill.


The ancient blood god's servant jumped onto the deck from the sea and said: "Sir, you are here!"

"Well, I brought the goods for the murlocs. Later, you and the skeleton merchants will deliver these equipment to the murlocs." Fang Hao ordered.

"Yes, sir."

Opening the gate, purple suits were thrown out one by one.

The ancient blood god immediately called to the soldiers, took the equipment and the skeleton merchant, and swam towards the bottom of the fishman's sea.

After the last transaction, they both became familiar with each other.

The ancient blood god servant can also directly complete the transaction between the two parties if he takes the skeleton merchant down.

From now on, even if Fang Hao doesn't come, the transaction can continue.

After explaining the transaction with the fishman.

Fang Hao immediately opened the attributes of the sea ship.

‘The King’s Palace’, this should be a systematically translated name, which is somewhat arrogant.

Think about it.

Changed the name of the ship to 'Haicheng'.

[Sea Ship: Haicheng (Dark Gold)].

The name is simple and easier to remember.

Then, continue to open the repair page.

[Repair of wheelhouse: 782 hard tough wood, 224 cast iron blocks, 71 copper blocks, 11 mithril, 178 metal parts, 79 precision parts, 1 finished rudder.]

[Conference Hall Repair: 850 hard tough wood, 552 stone bricks, 371 fine stone bricks, 127 cast iron blocks, 78 metal parts.]

[Repair of Mana Supply Room: Iron 171, Cast Iron Block 78, Copper Ingot 27, Precision Parts 121, Mana Essence 3. 】

[Main mast repair:…. 】

Fang Hao confirmed the repairs one by one.

Rays of light enveloped the dilapidated buildings all around.

As for the collapsed houses at the back, they are completely beyond the scope of repair.

Those will then clear the location and rebuild the building.

Fang Hao took Dimitga along the stairs and walked into the cabin.

Except for the vacant rooms.

On the third floor below, there is a huge magical device that covers the entire cabin.

The center of the device is a spherical facility with a diameter of nearly seven or eight meters, surrounded by densely connected various lines.

But most of the lines are damaged, probably cut off by fishmen and used as resources.

The entire cabin was immediately filled with a magical sense of technology.

The light of restoration enveloped the facility.

Started repairing the surrounding lines.

After walking around for a while, the repairs have been completed.

Fang Hao also found out its information.

【Magic Supply Room】

[Category: Conversion Core]

[Placement: Magician 0/2000 (Mage with the same attribute). 】

[Effect: Can be converted into power to drive ships. 】

(Description: The ‘magic slave’ is imprisoned under the dark deck with heavy shackles, providing energy to the core day and night until death.)

After seeing the introduction of the transformation core, Fang Hao also understood the purpose of the device.

Somewhat like the magic tower in the city.

A mage can be placed to transform magical energy.

However, the magic tower converts attack magic, and the device in front of it converts the kinetic energy of the ship.

The person who designed this device dared to think and do it.

Enslave a large number of mages.

In today's federation, the Mages Association can turn over the table and start a direct war with you.

Moreover, the number of magicians placed has reached 2,000.

This is enough to participate in a large-scale battle.

But these are not problems for Fang Hao.

He doesn't need to capture any slaves, and he has no place to capture them. He can just transfer the necromancer over when the time comes.

Not to mention 2,000 people, 20,000 people can be satisfied.

After visiting the core device, Fang Hao continued to look around every room in the cabin.

Most of the rooms are empty and have been vacated by the fishmen. Judging from the traces, it is possible to identify storage rooms, weapons depots, kitchens, lounges, etc., and many rooms.

After visiting the cabin, Fang Hao walked onto the deck and walked toward the back half of the ship.

The buildings on the deck are more like modular construction.

Fixed roads are divided, with square open spaces on both sides of the road.

Can be used to construct buildings.

Although it has limitations, it also saves time thinking about layout.

Fang Hao looked at the empty space that had been cleared.

Construction begins.

[Bone Burial Ground] [Skeleton Transformation Field] [Firing Range] and other buildings in the undead camp gradually formed silhouettes in the light.

Not only that, Fang Hao also tried to build a [Business Alliance Building] in the empty space on the side.

Although it was just an attempt, it was still built in the light.

This is still exciting.

At that time, we can build a teleportation array to connect the merchant alliance here.

Watch as all the buildings slowly take shape.

Fang Hao nodded with satisfaction and waited for all the construction to be completed.

If the environment of the ship is improved, Yin'er and the others can come over.

Decorate the central castle and it will become a completely movable city.

By then, whether you are enjoying the sea here or serving as a second backup city, this giant ship can meet the conditions.

"You can bring Queen Anastasia here to have a look. The air and humidity here should be very suitable for lizard people." Fang Hao said softly.

Dimitga on the side nodded, "Thank you, sir. I will convey your kindness. I believe she is also willing to come over and relax."

Demitja followed Fang Hao during the day and would go back to live with the lizard people at night.

It’s almost like going to work.

"Yes!" Fang Hao nodded.

At this time.

An Jia was not far away and ran over quickly, shouting loudly: "Fang Hao, the fishman leader is here."

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look."

Several people walked over and saw the fishman lord standing on the deck with several fishmen.

He also looked at the ship curiously.

After the hull was repaired and constructed, it was no longer the dark sunken ship.

The changes are still huge.

The fishman lord said, "We are very satisfied with the equipment you brought. Your people are also counting the goods we have prepared. According to your requirements, we have prepared various corals, pearls and sea scales."

Fang Hao also smiled, "Even if the fishmen bring out other items, we are willing to trade with you normally."

The fishman lord nodded.

He continued: "In the future, we will continue to trade with you to replenish the items needed by the clan. Whatever you need, you can also buy it from us."

"No problem at all."

Skeleton soldiers moved the seats.

Fang Hao and the other two sat down and chatted while waiting for the skeleton merchant to count the fishmen's goods.

the other side.

Deep Reef Outpost.

As the first outpost guarding the north of the 'Giant Clamp Island', it bears a very important significance and role.

As long as this outpost remains intact.

It means that the Giant Clamp Island of the Sea Clan will not be in any danger.

And once it is captured, it means that the enemy has the ability and strength to launch an attack on Giant Clamp Island.

And threatens the security of the entire Haizu Islands.

Xu Yuanhang stood on the deck of the airship, covering his head with his hands and looking down.

When I saw the sea clan standing guard on the rocks below, as well as several sea ships flying the flags of the little devils.

He immediately shouted excitedly: "The target has been found, load the shells and prepare to attack."

On the deck, all the soldiers took action and started loading cannonballs.

The airship no longer moved forward at full speed, but began to adjust its direction and point its muzzle at the target.

These two airships were assigned tasks by Hubbard.

Detach from the team and directly follow the map to go to the Sea Clan defense line at the 'Deep Reef Outpost'.

Whatever Hubbard gave them was simple.

Destroy all buildings and objects in the target.

The momentum should be strong and the voice should be loud.


In the sound of the muzzle turning.

Pointing far down.

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