Hearing Fang Hao's words, Laurana frowned again.

He slapped the hand that reached from his shoulder to the collar and asked, "Rebecca?"

Fang Hao explained: "Rebecca planned to attack Giant Clamp Island to stabilize her position in the Federation. Some situations occurred during the process, and I needed to send troops to help her solve it."

Laurana also knew about Rebecca's time in the parliament.

Just by mentioning it like this, I understood the general outline of the matter.

He nodded and said: "Okay! I will take care of this place when you leave, but I will go to Lysis City to see her tonight and come back tomorrow morning." Laurana continued.

"Ah? You're leaving tonight!" Fang Hao took her hand and touched it.

Laurana yawned, glanced at the sky outside the window, and said, "You still have time before dark."

"Fuck, you heartless woman."

The evening glow reflected into the room.

Laurana, whose face was slightly flushed and annoyed, picked up the scattered clothes from the ground one by one and put them on again.

Fang Hao sat aside, drinking water, looking at her with admiration, and put it back on little by little.

It's quite pleasing to the eye.

Suddenly, I saw a white jade stone under a piece of clothing. I took it in my hand and looked at it carefully.

"I thought you threw it away!"

This was the safety buckle that Fang Hao gave to Laurana a long time ago, when she had just been rescued and her emotions were still in the shadows.

The meaning represents peace and security in the future.

It is the same material as the pendant given to Rebecca.

Laurana grabbed it and said with a cold face: "Didn't you say it means peace? Of course I will take it with me."

Fang Hao smiled, put his long legs that had just been covered with black stockings on his knees, and stroked them gently.

Laurana glared at him and warned: "If you dare to get these dirty again, see how I deal with you."

After letting the other party touch him for a while.

Stand up and continue to put on the last coat.

Said: "Send me to the city of Lysis and I will be back tomorrow morning."

"Before I leave, I have to pay some tolls."

Fang Hao walked up to him, hugged her slim waist tightly, and kissed her moist lips again.

Sending Laurana off.

Fang Hao also began to make preparations.

Someone called the heroes in the city and held a meeting to briefly talk about the matters regarding Giant Clamp Island.

The heroes in the city were divided into two groups.

One group is led by Laurana and is in charge of the main city, while the other group goes to the giant ship with Fang Hao and will attack the Sea Tribe.

Of course, there are giant ships, and they will attack with them during the day.

You can still come back through the teleportation light curtain at night.

I finally found a convenient transfer point.

Silver dragon Beate and Ashborn did not attend this meeting of heroes.

Just tell them what they should do when the time comes, and there is no need to explain too much to avoid the news being leaked.

After the meeting was over, all the heroes left and went to prepare.


The next day.

The giant ship Haicheng.

Fang Hao walked out of the light curtain with several heroes.

On the deck, skeleton soldiers were still cleaning up the mud.

On both sides of the ship, skeleton soldiers were hung on ropes, cleaning the various barnacle creatures covering them.

The entire giant ship is still under cleaning work.

There is no way, the hull is too big, and cleaning it is also a huge job.

Fang Hao took Dimitga to the construction area behind the ship.

Come to [Necromancer Tower] to recruit.

Recruitment can now be carried out on the giant ship, and there is no need to open the gate multiple times to transport troops.

[Recruitable: Necromancer, consumption: Creeping Spine 5, Traces of Death 1, do you want to recruit? 】

Adjust the quantity to 20.


[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruiting necromancers 2020. 】

A large area of ​​light flashed, and two thousand necromancers appeared everywhere.

Because the distance between the buildings of the giant ship does not leave open space like in the main city.

Many undead stood on the top of the building and looked at him blankly.

"Gather on the deck!" Fang Hao pointed.

Bang, bang!

The skeletons fell from the roof and walked towards the deck.

Then, Fang Hao went to the [Firing Range] and [Skeleton Transformation Field].

Recruitment took place.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruiting 10100 spirit-binding guards.]

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruiting skeleton shooter 20200.]

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruiting 5050 skeleton engineers.]

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruiting 10100 skeleton dragon guards.]

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruiting 30300 skeleton giant bats.]

During the transaction with the fishman tribe.

Including many marine military recruitment materials, sea scale stone.

It also happens to be possible to expand the number of troops.

A large number of troops appeared and went to the deck to assemble.

The stunned skeletons were densely packed all over the deck.

The body swayed slightly along with the hull of the ship.

Fang Hao continued to produce a large number of weapons and equipment, and directed the troops to equip them.

Wait until everything is dressed.

Fang Hao continued to order: "The skeleton dragon guards are led by the ancient blood gods and fish-man priests."


The skeleton dragon guards turned around and walked behind the ancient blood god attendant and the skeleton fishman priest.

"Dimitra, you take the 'skeleton engineer' into the cabin and assign the artillery."

"It's my lord." Demitga walked down with the skeleton engineer.

"An Jia, along with the skeleton shooter, also entered the cabin and stood by." Fang Hao continued.

An Jia nodded and entered the cabin with the skeleton shooter carrying a rifle on his shoulder.

Not to mention weapons.

Skeleton shooters are not suitable for waiting on the deck. If a big wave comes, they can miss several of them.

The dragon guards and skeleton fish can still keep up with the speed of the ship.

These land skeletons, after falling into the sea, will most likely still maintain the position of waiting for help, standing still in the sea.

Even if you know how to chase a boat, you can't catch it at its speed in the sea.

Continue to place the skeleton bat as well.

Fang Hao waved his hand, "Necromancer, follow me to the cabin."

The necromancers wearing robes and holding staffs followed Fang Hao and walked towards the cabin.

Come to the third floor.

Open the [Magic Energy Supply Room] device and place two thousand necromancers inside.

The remaining twenty people stood aside as substitutes.

After the placement was completed, the necromancers walked to a fixed area in an orderly manner and condensed balls of magic energy.

As if guided, the energy converges into the huge ball in the center.

The originally empty ball began to gradually accumulate energy.

The machinery started to run, and the ship's hull also vibrated slightly.

It seems that the energy aspect has been completed.

Deal with the Necromancer and go back to the deck.

After looking at the empty deck, Fang Hao released the realm gate and released the two hundred skull dragons he had prepared last night.

The bone dragon is huge and is not afraid of being knocked down by the waves.

Two hundred skull dragons, like large fighter planes, were arranged on both sides of the deck in an orderly manner, waiting for the next order.

"Make final preparations and tell the fishman lord that we are leaving temporarily and will come back after a while," Fang Hao said.

The ancient blood god servant nodded, "I understand, sir."

After giving two orders to the skeleton dragon guards, he went into the sea to inform the fishman lord of the news.


At this time, a private chat prompt came from the Book of Lords.

Bai Xuan: "Elder Fang Hao, Commander Hubbard ordered us to continue moving eastward. We will find a safe place to rest and recuperate and wait for your news."

After that, he also shared a map.

Fang Hao opened it and took a look. The location was indeed relatively east.

It has even left the borders of the Federation and the Sea Tribe.

It seems that the Sea Clan's pursuit of them is quite serious.

Fang Hao replied, "Okay, I can set off today and will notify you then. How is your personnel situation?"

Bai Xuan: "Several people were seriously injured and died last night. Herbal medicine and medicine have been used on the remaining injured. The situation has basically stabilized and there are no major problems."

"Well, due to some problems, you can't return to the Federation to show up yet. Let's rest for a while. You can go back then." Fang Hao continued.

"Understood, Commander Hubbard explained it to us, and we will persist until the end." Bai Xuan replied again.

"If you need anything, you can contact me in time."


After hanging up the chat, Fang Hao exchanged a large amount of ammunition, water and food from Zhang Bin through the trading channel.

Continue to direct the soldiers to transport the artillery shells to the weapons warehouse.

Busy from morning till noon.

At the helm is still Beyahhu.

On the watchtower, there is a clan of black-footed cats headed by Luo Li.

These small cats are better at climbing such slender masts and are more alert.

After feeling all the same.

Fang Haocai gave the order directly to set off.

After a slight shake, the hull began to move.

Amidst a burst of 'oh's' from Anjia and Luo Li, they rushed towards the direction of Giant Clamp Island.

After three days of sailing.

Finally entered the area of ​​Giant Clamp Island.

You can see the outline of the harbor in the distance.

Giant Clamp Harbor.

The architectural style has strong Hai clan characteristics.

However, the port at this time looked a little embarrassed.

The walls are full of cracks and collapsed ruins can be seen everywhere.

It must have been that Hubbard and his friends didn't have time to clean up after the bombing.


At this time, a dull drum sound came from outside the room.

Since the undead could not blow conches and horns, the warning signal was replaced by drums.

The sound of dull drums sounded, indicating that an enemy was approaching.

Tap tap tap!

The sound of rapid footsteps was heard immediately, and the spirit-binding guards strode in.

He said loudly: "My lord, we have seen a large number of enemies approaching in the air and under the sea."

Fang Hao nodded, not nervous at all.

Having already arrived here, the Sea Clan will naturally react.

"Inform the Ancient Blood God Attendant and ask him to lead the marine troops to resist the underwater enemies. An Jia, go and bring the skeleton shooters up to attack the enemies in the air." Fang Hao ordered quickly.

"Yes, sir." The spirit-binding guard responded and left quickly.

An Jia also nodded and ran quickly towards the cabin.

Fang Hao released two demon dolls.

The warrior doll entered the cabin, and the 'Priest' doll with bat wings walked straight onto the deck and looked towards the sky.

I saw densely packed gray eagles rushing towards this direction from the southwest.

[Sea Eagle (Level 5)].

It was indeed the Sea Eagle that Bai Xuan mentioned.

It was this kind of creature that caused serious losses to the airship.

"Do you need me to take the bone dragon to meet the enemy?" Beate came over and said.

"No need, these ordinary soldiers can handle it."

As he spoke, Anjia walked out from below the cabin with a large number of skeleton shooters.

Assemble on deck and get into 'steady fire' position.

When the Seahawks come into range.

"Shoot!" An Jia ordered directly.

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