The black-armored boss suddenly appeared out of thin air, making Fang Hao's heart tremble.

There was no time to think too much.

The bat's wings flapped, and its body instantly rose from the ground.


The hammer suddenly struck down with fierce flames.


The skeleton horse beneath him was directly smashed into pieces, and before the broken bones were scattered, they were enveloped in flames and devoured.

Burned directly to ashes.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom! !

At this time, the nearby troops also reacted.

Bullets and magic missiles filled the sky, covering the black-armored boss like a big net.

The black-armored boss moves quickly.

While killing the undead rushing around, he tried to avoid various long-range attacks.

It's just that there are too many bullets and missiles.

Even though her figure is flexible, her body shape is as obvious as a hill.

Bullets and missiles were still hitting her body.


Intense flames swept across again, killing a large number of undead shooters below.

His cold eyes looked at the priest doll in the air again.

With a kick of his feet, his figure suddenly rose up.

With a terrifying momentum, he killed Fang Hao again.

She was sure that Fang Hao was the leader and killing him would solve the problem.

The warhammer that was nearly ten meters high in his hand slashed down with dazzling flames.

The dazzling fire wave once again illuminated the entire sky.


In the sky full of flames. The sound of metal colliding exploded.

Fang Hao drew his sword and blocked it.

It was just the moment when two weapons collided.

This body was directly knocked away.

He felt like he was hit by a meteorite and fell rapidly.

There was a loud bang as it crashed into the mud below.

This devil doll also has an orange body.

But he is a priest-type hero, and he is definitely not as strong as a melee fighter using a hammer.

Just once they had a fight, they instantly fell into a disadvantage.

Depend on!

Fang Hao cursed in his heart.

The armor on his body was scorched black by the flames, and the bat wings on his back were also severely damaged.

I'm afraid it will affect normal flight.

Moreover, this guy jumped too high.

Fang Hao turned over and stood up, but did not try to fly.

Instead, he ran directly towards the bottom of the city, where the skeleton army was densest.

If you can't defeat yourself, I can't defeat you with so many people?

The huge body of the black-armored boss fell from the sky.

Don't even look at the rest of the enemies.

Withstanding the bullets and magic that kept hitting them, he rushed in directly.

Fang Hao glanced back and saw the black-armored boss following him, so he turned around and continued to run away.

He rushed directly into the middle of the city where there were the largest number of skeleton warriors.

The black-armored boss waved his war hammer to clean up the undead that came over him, while continuing to chase the bat-winged skeleton.

Seeing that he entered the middle of the army.

Surrounded by endless layers of white bones.

Fang Hao suddenly stopped and shouted loudly: "Prepare for thunder and lightning strikes!"

The black-armored boss following closely behind him suddenly felt something was wrong.

All the crowded undead stood still as if the pause button had been pressed.

Lightning spears condensed in his hands.

A pair of empty eyes were facing towards her, and the shining silver lightning attribute spear gave her an extremely uneasy feeling.

She was like a target in the center, being aimed at by the densely packed skeletons.



The sky is full of silver thunder spears, like tightened fishing nets, thrown at the target from all sides.

There is no such thing as a failure for a huge body of six or seven meters.


Hundreds of thousands of thunder spears exploded on the black-armored boss.

It was like throwing countless flash bombs.

The entire sky emits a dazzling light.

The energy with the attribute of thunder was all concentrated on her body.

With so many people, even if they throw stones, they can crush the giant to death.

And the black-armored boss, no matter how fierce he is, cannot face such an attack.

After the body was hit, it began to twitch violently, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

The nearby skeleton warriors rushed forward in droves.

Fang Hao immediately shouted loudly: "Carry this giant hammer away as quickly and as far as possible. Come here and hammer her to death with the bone giant."

Dozens of skeleton soldiers lifted the boss's giant hammer, turned around and ran away.

Soon, it disappeared among the vast skeletons and disappeared.

Even Fang Hao couldn't tell which way he ran.

Don't miss it when you arrive, it might be an orange weapon.

The bone giants all around also rushed over quickly.

There were eight bone giants forming a circle.

He picked up the heavy iron chain in his hand and started hitting the black-armored boss on his body and head.

The shiny armor began to twist and deform.

Red blood also flowed from the gaps in the armor.

"Attack faster." Fang Hao urged.

Just when Fang Hao thought that it was all over and the boss was about to be hammered to death.

A low and angry voice sounded from the black armor.

"Damn blasphemers, you pissed me off..."

As the words fell.

The ground began to make a rattling sound.

The dark red mud began to dry out and crack.

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to burst, and tongues of flames shot out from the ground.

Straight out of the sky.

The tongue of fire covered a large area. Whether it was a bone giant or an ordinary skeleton, it was instantly submerged by the pillar of fire, and the body burned up quickly.

Fang Hao loudly ordered the nearby skeletons to begin evacuating outwards to minimize the number of casualties.

The black-armored boss in the flames stood up again while gasping in pain.

The soul fire in Fang Hao's eyes jumped, and the thunder and lightning strike went into cooling down.

He pulled over a nearby spirit-binding guard and whispered, "Let the giant skeleton bat carry the detonator and blow her to death for me."

"Understood, sir." The spirit-binding guard turned and left.

The black-armored boss searched around but couldn't find his weapon.

Looking at Fang Hao again, he kicked off his feet and chased after him.

The enemy city on the west side.

Golden pillars were inserted diagonally to block the half-closed city gate.

The skeleton soldiers simply gave up climbing the city wall.

Instead, they followed the city gate and poured directly into the city like a wave.

He knocked down the kneeling fire giant and covered the entire city.

In an instant, the sound of scuffles filled the entire city.

The city, which was originally quite spacious, became extremely crowded.

Not to mention making slashing movements, the skeletons and efreeti were next to each other, and there was a second and third layer above their heads.

Like stacks of Arhats, they are stacked up to the top.

Amanda, escorted by soldiers, approached the city.

Reach out and make a move.

The golden pillar behind him turned into liquid again and attacked the enemies in front.

The huge body made the efreet a living target.

The golden liquid kept flowing into their bodies.

Then they gathered in the brain and suddenly exploded.

Just crush their heads.

Ignoring the battle ahead, Aman led the soldiers and bypassed the main battlefield to a stone castle building.

Various patterns are embossed on the walls inside the stone castle.

It records the living conditions of the giants here, as well as some sacrificial customs.

Amanda didn't look carefully.

With a wave of your hand, the metal liquid covers the relief, and when it solidifies, the content on it is recorded.

Someone just carried the solidified metal away.

The crisp sound of 'kaka' rang in my ears.

Seeing the tall stone statue in the center of the stone castle, he slowly opened his eyes.

Revealing a pair of golden holes, he looked at her.

Boom boom boom! !

Groups of giant skeleton bats began suicide bombings.

With the detonator in hand, he kept rushing towards the black-armored boss.

Even if the black-armored boss releases a wide range of fire magic, it can't stop such an intensive bombing.

For a moment, the body was blown to the point of collapse again.

The area just cleared by the flames was once again occupied by the undead.

I don’t know where so many skeletons came from, it’s almost impossible to kill them all.

Cold eyes scanned the entire audience again.

In the corner, I finally saw the sneaky bat-winged undead who was half a body shorter.

Reach out and point again.


The flame giant spear appeared again and attacked the target.

When close.

The positions of both parties change.

The black-armored boss has already arrived in front of the opponent, "Die, blasphemer..."

Among the skeletons, Fang Hao's body suddenly jumped forward. While dodging the blow, he shouted without looking back: "Prepare for a thunder and lightning strike."

The black-armored boss felt nervous.

The surrounding undead were once again frozen in place, lightning spears flashing in their hands condensed into lightning arcs.



The dense thunder spears engulfed the black-armored boss again.

This time, the body of the black-armored boss flew backwards instantly.

It fell to the ground and plowed huge ravines.

The breastplate cracked directly, exposing gray-white skin.

The remaining bone giants rushed forward again.

The chain in his hand began to rotate and was knocked down with a bang.

This time, the black-armored boss didn't get up.

A large amount of blood flowed out from the gaps in the armor, and he looked a bit miserable.

when! !

A dull thump.

The boss's helmet was smashed and flew away, falling to the side.

Under the helmet, the face of a human female is revealed.

With gray skin, short red shawl hair, and golden chin, she looks like a very beautiful woman.

Apart from being too large in size, there is not much difference from humans.

At this time, the giantess had already suffered serious injuries.

Red blood flowed from the head and corners of the mouth.

She lay weakly on the ground, no longer struggling, and just glared at him fiercely.

The resentment in his eyes was like a dying beast.

Not a dead body?

Fang Hao was a little surprised at the difference between this boss and the previous Fire Giant and Blazing Bird.

Those are the undead souls of death.

But the boss in front of him is more like a living being.


In the air, there were several more cracking sounds.

The bone giant picked up the iron chain and smashed it on the head.

"Don't kill her!"

Bang bang bang...!

Five or six iron chains hit the open space nearby, sinking into deep pits.

Fang Hao glanced at the enemy on the ground who was unable to struggle.

He continued: "Tie her up and control her..."

Iron chains as thick as a human waist tied up the black-armored boss tightly, and several bone giants sat on her body without any image.

Not long after.

A spirit-binding guard came over on a bone dragon.

"Sir, you want something."

As he spoke, he brought over the golden square seal in his hand.

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