Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 739: Business alliance is so boring

The enemy took the lead, so Fang Hao naturally had nothing to say.

Directly order the entire army to attack.

There were bones everywhere, avoiding the area where the fire python fell, and began to charge forward.

There are no tactics and no coordination.

He just raised his weapon and moved forward like crazy.

Above the head of the army of bones, there was a mass of giant skeleton bats, carrying detonators and rushing up from behind.

Soon, they surpassed the pace of the infantry and rushed to the front.

Swarming and flying towards the target temple.

Above the giant skeleton bat, there is also a hovering bone dragon.

Alert, looking for opportunities to attack.

There was an army of black skeletons in the sky and on the ground, as if they were in hell.

Looking at the giant bat that pounced first.

The red giant didn't have any strange expression.

I saw a blazing red light rising from the long sword in my hand, and it suddenly slashed out in the direction of the giant bat that was flying in the air.


A half-moon red flame sword light swept upwards.


When the half-moon flames slashed through, it seemed to trigger a chain reaction.

Detonators all over the sky exploded in the air, and a whole row of explosions roared.

Extremely domineering.

This blow killed at least tens of thousands of giant skeleton bats.

Fang Hao's soul fire was shaking violently.

Is this a melee attack or a magic attack?

Why are your sword moves more like magic attacks?

After one move, the giant bats in the air exploded one after another like a chain reaction.

Even if the giant bats consciously separated to the two sides and were not involved in the explosion, they still lost a lot of numbers.

At this time, the skeleton soldiers also ran up the stone steps from below.

Bones crackled as he raised his weapon to kill the opponent.

The red giant slashed downwards with the sword blade in his hand again, and the blazing sword light appeared again.

The skeleton at the front was instantly engulfed in flames, struggling and turned into ashes.

Roar! !

Several death dragon breaths shot from the air. The red giant raised his head and stared, and pushed with his left hand.

A barrier formed in front of him.

Instantly blocks the dragon's breath attack.

The other hand grasped the long sword tightly and slashed repeatedly, killing the charging enemies.

After blocking the dragon's breath, he pointed his left hand forward again, and a fire rain as thick as a human waist fell from the air again and hit the ground in front of him.

One person versus thousands of troops.

But he also played well and did not suffer any loss.

Fang Hao controlled the doll, moved forward among the crowd, and quickly checked the opponent's attributes.

[Blood God Attendant-Adonis (dark gold level seven hero)].

Fang Hao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was dark gold.

In the second stage, four orange BOSS appeared.

In this third stage, the BOSS will definitely be stronger.

It's just dark gold. After all, although its power is terrifying, its attack output level is about the same as that of the Murloc's 'Ancient Blood God'.

Still not as powerful as a demigod.

After all, when fighting the 'Lord of Thunder', the opponent didn't have many skills, but the lethality was huge. At that time, one skill could kill hundreds of thousands of troops.

The power and range are much stronger than the dark gold level.

Fang Hao returned to the rear, and Laurana fell from his side and asked, "Is there a person on the other side?"

I've been fighting for a while now.

The stone steps on the opposite side were also covered with white bones and a layer of gray ashes from burning foreheads.

But there is always only one person fighting, there is no second person.

"Well, a hero of the seventh level of dark gold." Fang Hao got back on the horse.

Laurana's dark gold level 5 is lower than the opponent's.

"I'm going to kill him." Laurana spread her wings and was about to fly up.

Fang Hao grabbed her flying ankle and said hurriedly: "Why are you so anxious? Wait a moment and let the ordinary soldier consume his strength. You are injured now. I feel so sorry for you."

Laurana looked a little unnatural, looked around with vigilant eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Don't say this from the outside."

"Stop talking, just be obedient and wait a moment."

Laurana didn't say much, folded her wings and fell aside, watching the battle ahead.

Group after group of people rushed upward on the stone steps, and the low-altitude skeleton giant bats were also looking for opportunities to launch a self-destruction attack.

Above the temple, the bone dragon was constantly circling, exhaling one or two breaths of dragon breath from time to time to interfere with the opponent's rhythm.

The 'Blazing Blood God Attendant' was like a bright fireball as he kept waving his long sword.

Dense skeletons rushed into the fireball from all directions.

Business Alliance Headquarters, Succubus Hut.

The succubus demon Lord Jezebeth was lying lazily on the bed.

Wearing a golden crown, the body is covered with a thin and transparent tulle.

The flawless snow-white skin is clearly visible under the tulle, and the end of the exposed tail is tied with a golden bell.

As it swings, it makes a tinkling sound.

With slender fingers, he picked up the wine glass on the side, took a sip, and licked his lips with his bright red tongue.

Every move and every move is filled with a special kind of temptation.

Elegant and luxurious, yet sexy and enchanting.


The little succubus sitting below saw the appearance of his own demon king and couldn't help but make swallowing movements.

Even they find it difficult to resist the temptation of the Demon Lord.

The sound of swallowing attracted the eyes of the Demon Lord. He glanced at her with a charming look and said softly: "Come and press it for me."

"Yes, Sister Demon Lord." The little succubus stood up, knelt down on the bed, her face flushed, and gently helped to massage her.

The Demon Lord closed his eyes and enjoyed the service of the little succubus.

Then he spoke softly, "Is there any news about that person?"

The little succubus immediately replied, "I heard that I went to the Fire Hammer Shop a few days ago and went back after coming out. I have never been to the Merchant Alliance headquarters."

"A bunch of stinking dwarves." The Demon Lord cursed.

Then, he continued to ask: "Any interesting news recently?"

The little succubus thought for a while and continued: "There is a piece of news that I heard from the sisters this morning."

"what news?"

"In the afternoon, some time travelers came to dream. They participated in some mission today. The sister who was responsible for dreaming saw many huge giants in his dream, attacking the city."


"Yes, in that person's dream, the entire city went to a special place, where it was attacked by giants. However, after the time traveler was killed by the giants, the person came back again, and he did not Death was not injured, just like a dream." The little succubus told softly, but her brows were already wrinkled.

Dreams can be guided.

Even if your dream is a beautiful dream, under some special guidance, some secrets will be revealed deep in your mind.

It's just that these system prompts and challenge tasks are still a bit unclear to the succubus.

Only then can I say it, as if it was a dream.

True and false, very dreamy.

The Demon Lord listened carefully. They did not have their own territory and had been living in the merchant alliance.

I haven’t come into contact with many time-travelers, and I know even less about them.

After thinking for a while, he said slowly: "If any time travelers come here again, please pay attention to this matter. These time travelers are quite interesting."

In his mind, the time traveler who traded demonic materials with him still flashed through his mind.

A human time traveler was actually able to clear out a camp left by a demon. It was beyond her expectations, and it made her even more interested in this human being.

However, I don’t know why, but this human time traveler doesn’t seem to be very interested in succubus, but prefers the smelly dwarves who forge iron.

This had to make him wonder if there was something wrong with this person's sexual orientation.

"Yes, Sister Demon Lord." The little succubus responded, and then asked softly: "Is the strength okay?"


The little succubus massaged her gently, and the devil yawned from time to time.

The business alliance is so boring.

They have lived here for decades.

It seems that the headquarters of the Business Alliance is bustling and lively, but you can't go out and live in one place all the time, which is more like a cage.

Imprison them inside.

At this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door, "Sister, the shopkeeper, Mr. Clement from the Merchant Alliance is here."

The Demon Lord frowned slightly, and asked the little succubus to put down the gauze curtain on the bed, and said: "Let him come in!"

The door opened and a well-dressed goblin walked in.

He was holding a black briefcase in his hand and had one eye. As soon as he came in, he couldn't help but smell the aroma in the air.

His eyes also glanced at the gauze curtain in front of him from time to time.

The figure behind is faintly visible.

"Mr. Clement, don't you know why you are here?"

From behind the gauze curtain, a soft voice could be heard, as well as the faint sound of bells.

The goblin calmed down and immediately said: "Miss Jezebeth, according to the contract between you and the merchant alliance, this year is the 50-year term of the store."

"Ah~! You see, I have forgotten about this matter. I will prepare the money and send it to the merchant alliance as soon as possible." Demon Lord said.

"Miss Jezebeth, things have changed a bit. There are some changes in the rules of the merchant alliance stores this year. I still need to inform you." The goblin spoke again.

"Please say!"

"The store in the Merchant Alliance has become very scarce, so the store rules of the Merchant Alliance will also be adjusted accordingly. After the store expires, there will be two ways to obtain the lease contract."

The goblin paused slightly and continued: "First, the sales volume must be in the top 50 for ten consecutive years, and it needs to be the current ten consecutive years. The second one is the sales champion of the business alliance branch, and can participate in the bidding of the store. .”

In fact, it is not difficult to guess the reason for the change of the business alliance rules.

The rapid rise of time travellers.

The Merchant Alliance is in short supply of stores and cannot expand into the city for the time being, so they can only place certain restrictions on stores.

If you cannot reach a certain sales volume, you cannot continue to operate the store.

After all, the Business Alliance is a business platform after all, and the criterion for measuring qualifications is first and foremost whether you can bring benefits to the Business Alliance.


Behind the veil, silence fell.

Does Succubus Restaurant make money? Obviously earned.

There's nothing wrong with taking out the money to renew the lease, but if the rules change, it's hard to say.

Even though Succubus Tavern makes money, it is still a tavern that sells food and drinks and dreams.

It's incomparable to those equipment stores that sell tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of items at a time.

You can't get into the first fifty.

As for the second point, they live in the headquarters and have no contact with the branch at all. Moreover, the reputation of the succubi is not very good outside, so naturally they have no friends.

Therefore, the second clause cannot be satisfied either.

"Mr. Clement, isn't it a little bad to do this? After all, we are also old customers. We have been in a relationship for more than 50 years. We can't just change the rules and just change them, even if it means increasing some prices!" Behind the veil, the tone was a little bit. Get serious.

The goblin shook his head and said, "I have no choice. It's all decided by the superiors. There's still half a year left. Miss Jezebeth should think of a solution as soon as possible!"

After saying that, he stood up and left the room without waiting for the other party to react.

Wait for the door to close.

The little succubus asked with a somewhat uncertain voice: "Sister Demon Lord, there are still half a year left, what should we do?"

After a short silence.

The Demon Lord spoke softly, "It's really boring to live in this small place for 50 years. It's better to find a territory to live in."


A cold snort sounded in the sky above.

The densely packed skeleton giant bats instantly moved to both sides to make way for a passage.

A woman with bat wings swooped down, holding a scarlet ferocious giant sword, and struck the giant below head on.


The sound of metal clashing exploded.

The giant sword of the Blazing Blood God Attendant was placed in front of him, holding the sword in front of him.

One large and one small, the two giant swords burst into huge flames at the same time.

A powerful energy burst, and Laurana's body flew backwards for several meters. With a finger in the air, the giant skeleton bat instantly blocked the road and rushed down with a crackle.

The huge body of the Blazing Blood Divine Attendant also surged back three or four steps under the force before he could barely release the power.

As soon as he stabilized his body, a group of giant skeleton bats rushed into his arms.

Boom boom boom——!

The fire of the explosion shines.

The giant bat in the sky was like a torrent of water, crashing into it.

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