Information transfer in this world is slow.

Sometimes, what happened in a place cannot be told for a year or so, and it will gradually be forgotten.

The Federation and the Sea Tribe have now begun a cold war, sealing off the sea areas and cutting off contact with each other.

It is difficult to obtain any information about the other party.

Last night, Hubbard's airship team returned to the federal territory and docked at the 'Limat Port' for repairs.

With the successful docking, a large number of accompanying travelers and soldiers also disembarked and returned to their own cities.

Travelers do not belong to the army, and the methods of restricting the indigenous people do not deter them much.

In addition, no one reminded me of any confidentiality work.

Immediately, the experience of this voyage was learned by those who wanted to inquire, and it was reported back to Silver Wing City.

The specific plot is also less important.

But the noble men in Silver Wing City filtered out an important piece of information.

The fleet was attacked by the Sea Clan outside the Giant Clamp Island. After losing two airships, it began to flee eastward and hid for several days.

I only dared to come out recently. I fired a few cannons near Giant Clamp Island and then hurried back.

As soon as this news came out.

It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

In the parliament this morning, one by one began to question Palmer.

The scene was chaotic.

Hearing the rebuke below, even Dougherty and Archbishop Milton looked suspicious.

It seems that the people in the House of Commons got some terrible news.

Bang bang! !

Dougherty banged the table, silencing the room.

He asked solemnly: "Don't make any noise, explain the matter clearly."

Even though I asked this, I just heard enough.

Some people questioned that the Lysis City team was lying about their military exploits.

After all, the news from the Sea Clan has been blocked, and it is really Rebecca alone who has the final say on victory or defeat.

Lie about your military exploits!

With Rebecca's courage, I'm really not sure if she would dare to do it.

In response to Dougherty's inquiry, a member of the House of Commons said: "Chief Dougherty, Hubbard's fleet mostly uses traversers. When they docked last night, we arranged for someone to inquire..."

Then, the man publicly told what he knew.

The general meaning is that Hubbard's army did not achieve any military success at all and fled the battle at sea.

I hid in one place for several days and then came right back.

After hearing this explanation, both the people in the House of Lords and the House of Commons opened their eyes wide.

People do not believe that the human race has the ability to attack the sea tribe. When both sides insist on their own opinions, they are naturally more willing to believe in defeat.

The entire federation can't do anything to take down the Sea Tribe, but you just took over Lysis City, a small border town?

How can it be.

It seems that Rebecca is really brave and dares to fake such a thing.

If it is done, let alone whether it can maintain its position in the House of Lords.

Dougherty, would have cut Rebecca down.

The Federal Parliament has been deceived by you alone. If I don't kill you, the entire Federation will be embarrassed.

Dougherty looked more serious and said coldly: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Chief Dougherty, if I don't have a certain degree of certainty, I don't dare to bring it to the parliament." The man said loudly, his tone full of confidence.

Someone else said, "I have also received information that can prove this matter."

A famous member of parliament stood up and expressed the authenticity of the news.

The whole place became noisy again.

In his words, he was talking about the daring actions of Lysis City.

On the dais of the House of Lords.

Palmer frowned and looked down, with slight beads of sweat on his forehead.

The situation in front of him was obviously beyond his expectation.

I'm afraid it might end badly at this point.

At least, he had no evidence to effectively prove that Hubbard's army successfully attacked Giant Clamp Island.

"Palmer!" A solemn voice sounded from the side.

It was instantly quiet down below.

Everyone looked at Palmer.

"Chief Dougherty!" Palmer replied.

"Please explain this matter!"

Palmer straightened his collar, stood up, and said softly: "Commander Hubbard has naturally invaded Giant Clamp City. He will be back in the next few days and will give everyone a proof."

"Look, he has no evidence at all."

"Hmph! Palmer, stop pretending. Just find any of the traveling travelers and you'll know why you're so insistent upon asking."

"What suggestions does the Archbishop have?" Dougherty looked at the Archbishop.

Milton glanced down and said, "This matter concerns the entire federation. I didn't agree with Rebecca's plan from the beginning. Now that it has become like this, it is difficult to end it. You can first cancel the location of Lysis City, Wait until Hubbard comes back and ask more questions."

The archbishop had always disliked Rebecca.

Most of the councilors in Lysis City are also his people.

If you ask this now, Milton will naturally not let Lysis City continue to stay in the House of Lords.

"Come here," Dougherty said coldly.

Amidst the sound of armor clashing, two Palace of Justice guards walked in.

Dougherty glanced to one side and said coldly: "Take 'Palmer' into custody, suspend Lysis City's status as Lords, and stop all federal work."

Upon hearing the order, the guards strode forward.

Palmer, however, looked grim and said solemnly: "Chief Dougherty, this is the Parliament. We have to wait until Hubbard comes back. Just based on the words of a few members, we will cancel the House of Lords." As a member of the House of Lords, what is the use of the House of Lords?"

But what Palmer said makes sense.

Several people in the House of Commons sang and made accusations for a while.

Once the identity and position are revoked, then anyone can talk nonsense.

But Dougherty apparently didn't listen.

He recalled in his mind that Rebecca had talked to him about the plan to attack the Sea Tribe.

Now that I think about it, I was really fooled.

Dougherty didn't say anything, and the guards lifted Palmer up and dragged him down.

In the House of Commons, some people were full of sneers, while others were shaking their heads helplessly.

The whole hall was in chaos.

Various sounds mixed together.


At this time, the sound of door hinges sounded, and the closed main door suddenly opened.

The sunlight shines in through the door, and although it is dazzling, two outlines can be vaguely seen.

Who is so unruly?

Are you a fool for coming here at this time?

Even if you don't come, no one may actually notice you, but if you come here at this time, don't you remind others that you are late?

Wait for the footsteps to get closer.

When everyone saw the appearance clearly, their hearts tightened.

A woman wearing a blue dress and a cold and elegant face appeared in everyone's sight.

Rebecca is here….

Many people were targeting her, but it was undeniable.

This woman really has the appearance and temperament to make men's hearts flutter.

Following Rebecca was a guard in golden armor. Although his weapon had been taken away, he was carrying a brocade box in his hand and scanning the whole place with a pair of bright eyes.

Rebecca's sudden appearance caused the scene to become chaotic again.

Rebecca now is not what she used to be.

That was someone who dared to challenge Dougherty. He came here well prepared.

Could there be any changes in this matter?

Rebecca walked forward slowly until she was beside Palmer, and then slowed down.

"Let him go."

The two guards frowned slightly and held Palmer's arms, but tightened them again.

Palmer was a civilian official at best, and because of his age, he immediately started to suffer from pain and sweat on his forehead.

Rebecca turned her head slightly and glanced at the guard beside her.

The latter understood, and punched out, with two bangs, the two guards of the Hall of Justice flew out.

The accompanying golden-armored guard is the orange hero-Assetti.

Although his strength is riding, his orange attributes will not cause any problem when dealing with two guards.


A groan of pain came from the corner.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This bitch is so fierce. She beat up the people in the Hall of Justice as soon as she came. Is she looking for death?

Those congressmen who had previously criticized Rebecca suddenly felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

Will this woman take revenge on herself in the future?

"Rebecca, you are so brave. You dare to cause trouble here. I think you don't want to live anymore."

In the silence, Dougherty's roar suddenly sounded.

The roar echoed in the hall, making people's ears buzz.

Hurrah! !

Dougherty spoke.

A large number of soldiers from the Hall of Justice poured in, surrounding Rebecca and the others.

As long as Doherty gives the order, these three people will be captured immediately or directly executed.

Rebecca was also nervous, but she still kept a smile on her face.

"Dougherty, don't you want to hear how I explain things about the Sea Clan? It's not too late to deal with me afterwards, don't you?"

Dougherty's face was cold, but he finally put down his raised hand and said coldly: "Okay, since you are here, let's talk about it. I want to see how you explain it to everyone."

Rebecca secretly breathed a sigh of relief and strode onto the high platform.

In the city of Lysis, sat down in the seat of the Lords.

Arsetti and Palmer stood behind each other, one on the left and one on the right.

"Rebecca, don't delay, let's talk about the Sea Clan!" Archbishop Milton urged.

He also wanted to see what other reasons this woman could find.

Rebecca glanced down and spoke softly, "Hubbard has returned and brought back the news that he has attacked the central area of ​​Giant Clamp Island, which is enough to prove that the Federation has the ability and strength to threaten the Sea Tribe."

She came here this time to talk about this matter.

But the original intention was to take credit and stabilize his position.

However, I didn't expect this situation to suddenly happen in the parliament.

If she had known this would happen, she wouldn't have come here.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Rebecca's words.

This is no different from what Palmer said. If you repeat it again, does it make any sense?

Rebecca asked curiously: "What? Is there any problem?"

"Rebecca, you have to be responsible for your words." Dougherty paused and continued: "A congressman asked the accompanying travelers, which proved that 'Hubbard' did not attack Giant Clamp Island at all, but just hid. How do you explain that you only came back a few days ago?"

In this era, it is not uncommon for people to take advantage of their credit and seek rewards.

"Oh? Is this accompanying time traveler at the scene?" Rebecca asked.

Dougherty looked down, and the congressman who proposed shook his head.

"What do you have to explain?" Dougherty looked at Rebecca.

"Hmph! Dougherty, you didn't even investigate, but you arrested someone just after someone mentioned it. Then I can also say that he is a spy of the Sea Tribe to destroy the unity of the parliament. Arrest him!" Rebecca! Point to that person.

Dougherty started to turn blue.

This woman is messing around again.

"Hmph! You don't need to worry about what happens to the others. You can explain this matter clearly first!" Dougherty didn't have the patience to argue with her at this time.

Rebecca didn't want to be here and really piss off Dougherty either.

He continued: "What if I can produce evidence?"

"Produce the evidence and all the achievements I promised you will be valid," Dougherty said.

"Okay." Rebecca nodded, tilting her head slightly, "Open the gift for everyone to see."

Arsetti stepped forward and opened the cloth cover outside the gift box in his hand.

Facing the people below, pull open the wooden board in front.


In an instant, everyone's expressions changed.

Inside the brocade box is a human head with a strange shape and features of the sea people such as fish gills.

Everyone started talking again.

"Whose head is this?"

“What does a head alone mean?”

"How did she get brought in? Did the guards not care about her?"

Rebecca looked at Dougherty and said, "No one else knows him, but you should know him, Dougherty, right? Let me tell you who told it and see if you can prove what I said."

Dougherty's eyes were full of surprise and confusion.

He naturally knows this head.

The island owner stationed on Giant Clamp Island is Sirosh.

A purple hero.

How did Rebecca do it? She directly captured the other island owners and chopped them down.

Seeing that Doherty was still reluctant to speak, Rebecca said directly: "This person is called 'Shirosh'. He is the owner of Giant Clamp Island, and he is also the person who negotiated on behalf of the Sea Clan some time ago. He should be enough to prove everything. .”

Ah this….

It's even quieter down there.

Rebecca dared to say that she would definitely be able to prove the identity of the head.

There is a difference between winning and killing the enemy leader.

Killing the enemy leader is more difficult than winning some encounters.

It's like directly killing Dougherty of the Human Federation.

Rebecca said: "I know that many people have opinions about me and target the city of Lysis in everything, but I didn't expect that they would confuse right and wrong so much and use this kind of thing to slander me and the city of Lysis."

The whole place remained quiet.

Rebecca continued: "This time, the Sea Clan insulted the Federation and offered sky-high compensation. I didn't need the Federation to send a single soldier. I went to fight the Sea Clan myself. The airship was shot down and thousands of soldiers died for it. But I didn’t expect to be stabbed by one of my own people when I came back, I... what should I do?"

As he spoke, his beautiful big eyes were already filled with mist.

Everyone was stunned, looking at Rebecca who was full of grievances and had tears in her eyes.

I also feel that the council has gone too far.

They fought for the Federation, you just sit back and enjoy their achievements, and you lie about this to suppress them.

"Chief Dougherty, should we investigate these people and use this kind of thing to slander members of the House of Lords? If we don't punish them severely, why are we waiting for them?"

"Whether it's what the time traveler said or what the Sea Clan means. I think we should check it out carefully."

"We can't just let this matter go!"

Dougherty's face flushed.

He naturally knew that Rebecca's tears were fake, but it was true and the other party also produced evidence.

Shirosh was cut down, which means that they must have invaded Giant Clamp Island.

"Suppress these people and interrogate them strictly."

The guards came in again and walked towards the congressmen who had made the accusations.

"Chief Dougherty, we were wronged."

"We also heard what those time-travelers said, but we didn't know it was false."

Amidst pleas for mercy, he was dragged out of the parliament hall.

After calming down again.

Dougherty took a deep breath, calmed down, and continued to ask: "Rebecca, now that we have invaded Giant Clamp Island and proved the strength of the Federation, what are your next plans? Tell everyone directly. "

Rebecca stood up and said: "It's very simple. I will build a patrol team to be responsible for the safety of ships in federal waters and prevent the sea clan from harassing the waters."

"Patrol team? Federation ships cannot resist the Sea Tribe."

"I can. I already have a plan for this matter. As long as the implementation is completed, the Sea Tribe will no longer be able to pose a threat to the offshore waters."

Everyone looked up in surprise.

This woman is incredible, I am afraid she will change the situation of the entire parliament.

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Fang Hao took the four giants around the city.

The types of races in the city, the functions of each area, and several important generals and figures were introduced.

It also allows them to adapt to life here faster.

It's just that this body shape is really difficult to solve.

At the very least, the matter of residence is a problem.

Return to the Lord's Mansion and sit down on the throne.

With a little anticipation, I opened the attribute panels of the four people.

The same information from the four people appeared in front of Fang Hao.

[Red Flame Martial God-Alen Lage (Orange Level 10 Hero)]

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