Laurana and Rebecca chatted.

Fang Hao was on the other side of the screen, putting the exchanged items into his backpack.

Soft armor, magic scrolls, revolvers, detonators, potions, teleportation scrolls and other items.

These are for Rebecca.

Although the possibility of danger is low, as Laurana said, Rebecca has offended many people, so she must be prepared just in case.

Finally, the leather bag became bulging.

"City Lord..." At this time, a soft and waxy voice sounded from behind.

Looking behind, I saw the personal maid Eleanor standing behind her with her head lowered.

"Do you want Eleanor to come too?"

"Well, I'm going to take care of Madam." After saying that, he took a step forward, raised his head and looked at him with big eyes, "I won't be able to see you during this time."

Elinor is Rebecca's personal maid.

Knowing too many secrets, she is not allowed to marry anyone else.

It can be regarded as handed over to Fang Hao.

According to Fang Hao's understanding, she looks a bit like an ancient dowry maid.

"My lord, I will miss you." Eleanor said softly.

Fang Hao also felt warm in his heart, this little girl.

He pinched the other person's little face and said comfortingly:

He held up her white cheeks and kissed her red lips heavily. "Just go out for a few days and take care of your wife and yourself. When you come back, I will take you to live with me for a few days."

Eleanor's face turned red, "Yes, sir."

The two came out from behind the screen.

Laurana kept telling her what to pay attention to.

Fang Hao said: "I have prepared a magic scroll, a detonator and a revolver for you in my backpack, as well as a teleportation scroll. The one marked is Lysis City. If there is any danger, come back directly."

Rebecca smiled and nodded, "Okay, I understand. You can also take care of this for me. When you come back and find something is wrong, I will fight you tooth and nail."

"Okay, don't worry here."

At this time, the guard's voice came from outside the door.

"Madam, everything is ready and ready to go."

"Yeah, I understand." Rebecca responded, and then said to the two of them, "Okay, we're leaving."

Several people opened the door and walked out.

Boarded the prepared airship and headed towards Silver Wing City.

Fang Hao and his two men also returned to their own cities.


Fang Hao went to the 'Kenrewa City' in the orc area.

When sitting on the throne of the city lord.

The system prompt appears immediately.

Kirinwa City]

City level: Eleventh level city]

Attributes: Animal Husbandry +25%, Orc Reproduction +35%. 】

Description: A city with attributes can bring various benefits and accelerate the construction and development of the city.

Level 11 cities are actually not too low in the orc area.

Just additional attributes, some are too single.

The only thing that is more is that reproduction increases by 35%.

With so many cities unlocked, it is the one that encourages fertility the most.

Unlock blueprints: Slave shack construction blueprints for Orcs, hunting shed construction blueprints for Orcs, orc canteen construction blueprints for Orcs, raider den construction blueprints for Orcs. 】

After the occupation, several architectural blueprints were unlocked, but they were all for the orc camp.

Based on the current territory, no one can use it.

Fang Hao checked briefly.

There are four drawings, three of which are barracks-type buildings.

Slave Shack] Recruiting a unit called ‘Slave Death Squadron’.

The Hunting Shed recruits slave-trading warriors, while the Marauder Den recruits a type of soldier called Marauders.

The remaining one, the Orc Canteen, is a special building and is a place where soldiers eat.

This time's camp drawings don't seem to belong to the orc orthodoxy, but more like a slave trader classification.

Just like, in the human camp, there is also the bandit camp.

Belongs to the unpopular branch.

Apart from these drawings, there is not much to gain.

After all, the entire city is still relatively backward.

At this time, Ma Tianyi walked in quickly with several human soldiers.

"Boss, you are here."

"Today seems to be going well." Fang Hao said.

"Well, the siege went very smoothly this time. We basically took control of the city without consuming any troops."

Ma Tianyi briefly recounted the process of today's attack.

In one morning, a city was captured.

This is faster than handing over work.

Without waiting for Fang Hao to speak, Ma Tianyi continued: "By the way, boss, there are several time travelers participating this time. They are all leaders of nearby alliances. They all know about the undead siege. I have temporarily detained them. How should we deal with it?"

Fang Hao thought for a moment and said: "Go ahead and tell us. If you are willing to join us, you can just accept them. If you are not willing, just tell them to put them back."

At this time.

People from special camps also appeared one after another.

Many people have also guessed that Fang Hao is from the undead camp, so there is no need to deliberately hide it.

If you don't want to join, just put it back.

"Understood." Ma Tianyi continued: "There are also a large number of slaves in the city. According to preliminary statistics, there are nearly ten thousand people. How should we deal with these?"

This time is when slave traders do business.

The number of slaves is naturally large.

Fang Hao said: "Don't release it yet. The heroes I arranged will come over tomorrow and let them handle it then."

Tomorrow the Tongniu will come with the tauren and take over the city.

When the time comes, the orcs will be able to manage the orcs better than humans.


"Where's Aslaag?"

"Oh, Miss Aslague, she is sitting in the barracks, watching the soldiers." Ma Tianyi said immediately.

This Red Flame Martial God was so fierce that it could frighten Ma Tianyi.

The Slave King is the most vicious hero in this area.

In the opponent's hands, he was like a chicken, unable to take any of his moves.

It was hammered and flying all over the room, and it looked so miserable when it was finally dragged out.


After the report was finished, Ma Tianyi continued: "Boss, let me go and talk to the other alliance leaders first to see what they mean."

"Well, go ahead!"

Ma Tianyi led the people away and walked towards the building on one side.

Soon, An Jia came out from behind with a pile of trophies.

These slave traders are really rich.

With more than two million war coins saved, few orc cities could save so much money.

Among the loot, there is also a gold treasure chest.

After opening.

Obtained: Green blueprint for making Slaver's thick bast leather helmet, green blueprint for making Slaver's thick leather armor, Slavetrader..., blue blueprint for making white steel cage, blue blueprint for making iron and wood shackles, animal tooth stone + 22, War Coin +185.】

The light flashed and the reward appeared in front of me.

The equipment blueprint is a green slaver suit.

Perhaps, the equipment requirements of slave traders are not high, they are all green leather armor.

It is relatively rare for green suits to appear in golden treasure chests.

It's not of much use. After taking a look, I included it directly.

The latter two are blue drawings.

White steel cage: iron 220, cast iron block 180, white steel ingot 150, metal parts 85.]

Ironwood shackles: 8 ironized wood, 150 cast iron blocks, 7 metal parts. 】

Both are blue prison tools.

Especially the ironwood shackles have been made of ironwood.

This is a material for building a territory at level 15, and it is actually used in prison equipment.

Slave traders, this is the direction of development, focusing on catching slaves.

Get it all taken care of.

Fang Hao temporarily handed over this place to Ma Tianyi and 'Asilage'.

Tongniu will bring soldiers over in the next two days and continue to take over the city here.

Return to the main city.

The skeleton merchants began to count the trophies they brought back.

“Isn’t there still no sales for those giant troll equipment?”

"No, with the current market, it is difficult to digest such a large amount of weapons and equipment." Duo Jin sat aside and answered.

There is nothing we can do about this.

The God's Domain mission completely destroyed the balance of the market.

A large amount of troll equipment flooded the market.

The traversers of the troll camp were able to get a bargain, but they were unable to consume everyone's equipment.

The entire market is basically unsaleable.

"By the way, pay attention to the air troop buildings in the undead camp. If the price is not outrageous, buy it." Fang Hao thought of the Dragon Clan and asked.

The biggest enemy at present is still the Dragon Clan.

I heard from the goblins of the Merchant Alliance that the Dragon Clan is still exerting pressure on the Merchant Alliance.

It’s hard to say when it will be blessed.

Once the location of his territory is revealed, the next step will be a battle with the dragon clan.

It's also impossible for the orange hero to come.

I'm afraid they will all come out in force.

"Okay, sir, I will pay attention to these." Duo Jin nodded.

At this time, there were slight footsteps on the second floor.

Looking up, he saw Laurana standing on the stairs.

He said, "Fang Hao, come here. I have something to tell you."

"Duo Jin, you go ahead and finish counting and write it down and send it to the cellar."


Fang Hao nodded and went upstairs to follow Laurana into the room.

Close the door.

He took Laurana's hand and asked her to sit on his lap.

"What's wrong? Rebecca will be back in a few days, don't worry."

Laurana hesitated for a moment and then said: "I plan to go back to Yongye City. After all, I haven't been back for some time."

Last time, Laurana mentioned going back to take a look.

But at that time, the Dragon Clan was about to attack, but Fang Hao did not agree.

"I'm afraid that if you leave, your family won't let you back."

"Oh, no, I also want to tell my mother about you. She should accept you."


"But what?" Laurana was a little unhappy.

"Isn't your mother a demigod? She knows that I deceived her daughter, so what if she comes to kill me?" Fang Hao said seriously.

It's not impossible for this to happen.

The Vampires are not good people, and they are even more reckless than the undead.

Maybe he thought that he had been deceived by him because he had not heard from him for decades, so he just came over and killed him.

But there is no room for reasoning.

Laurana was amused and smiled, "Don't worry, I will make it clear to her. You saved me and we love each other again. Nothing like that will happen."

Fang Hao thought for a moment, but couldn't stop Laurana from going back to see her relatives.

Moreover, Laurana's mother is a demigod and can be regarded as her mother-in-law.

As a demigod mother-in-law, it will be of some benefit to herself to handle this relationship well.

No amount of money can buy this.

"That's okay. I'll have someone prepare some gifts tomorrow and you can take them back directly. I can't act too shabby!"

Laurana grabbed the hand that was under her skirt and said, "Speak as you say, and be more honest with your hands."

"Okay, let's lie down and talk."

With that said, he took her to lie on the bed.

Before he could speak, he blocked his mouth tightly.


Laurana's eyes widened, and she reached out and patted his chest.

Night falls. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com

On a rock not far from the sea area of ​​Spiny Fin.

The ancient blood god and the skeleton fishman priest commanded the skeleton soldiers and continued to clean the giant ship.

Suddenly, the sea in the distance rolled like boiling water.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Iron spears flew out from under the sea.

Ding ding ding! !

Nails were driven into the hull of the ship and the body of the skeleton warrior.

The ancient blood god's servant jumped out from under the sea and looked at the sea in the distance.

I saw countless sea tribesmen looking here from a distance.

"Beat the drums and prepare to meet the enemy."

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