Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 772: What will happen if we fight against Longding Mountain?

On a giant ship.

The figures of Fang Hao and An Jia appeared on the ship and immediately attracted the attention of the others.

The ancient blood god's servant jumped onto the deck from the sea, "Sir!"

"Wait a minute." Fang Hao stopped the other party.

Put Laurana on the ground and drink two bottles of recovery potion.

"Anjia, take Laurana to the room to rest."

"Well, you..., don't worry, it doesn't matter, we just want to be together." An Jia ordered, holding Laurana and walking towards the room.

Fang Hao said nothing and watched An Jia leave silently.


I lost the city that I had just upgraded to level 15, so I naturally felt bad.

But do you have any regrets?

Fang Hao must think that he has no regrets.

The Dragon Clan has never been a reasonable race. When they faced off against the Dragon Clan, there was no way out.

The regret is that I have developed too slowly and do not have the strength to fight against demigods.

Take a deep breath and calm yourself down.

Then immediately release the realm gate.

The ancient stone door opened again, revealing a kind of hero and a large bone dragon behind it.

"Frederick, tell everyone to come out and move faster. Maybe the Dragon Clan will find out soon." Fang Hao said immediately.

The skeleton dwarf hero, Frederic, is also in the cave.

There are also a large number of Nisbitts and spirit-binding guards leaving.

"Yes!" 'Frederick' nodded, "Quick, take all the bone dragons out and speed up."

Everyone walked out from behind the boundary gate.

Then the Bone Dragon flew out quickly and landed on the surrounding decks.

After everyone came out, Fang Hao immediately closed the gate.

"Frederick, do the head count!"

"My lord." Frederick answered again.

Finished dealing with the boundary gate matter.

Fang Haocai looked at the Ancient Blood God Attendant, "Where are Beate and the others?"

"Sir, Commander Beate is leading the army to attack Rainbow Pearl Island. Do you need to call her back?"

"In which direction?"

"Over there!" The ancient blood god servant pointed.

Fang Hao took a look and found no island.

Snapping his fingers, an owl named Lei Ling appeared and flew to the top of the mast to look into the distance.

I did see an island in the distance.

"Okay, nothing's wrong."

After confirming this matter, Fang Hao took out the [Fire of Faith] and blew lightly on the wick.


Red flames rose, and all the skeleton soldiers also instantly rose in red soul flames.

"Arrange your defenses and strengthen your vigilance!" Fang Hao shouted.

"Yes!" All arms responded in unison.

The sky over the sea has begun to darken.

Beate and others still haven't sent back any news.

Fang Hao continued to walk to the back of the ship and stood in front of the hero altar.

Open the building page.

[Red Flame Martial God-Alan Lage (Level 3 Dark Gold Hero): 5 Traces of Creatures, 100 Mithril, 5 Giant Essence, and 10,000 War Coins. 】

[Red Flame Martial God-Alan Lage (Level 3 Dark Gold Hero): 5 Traces of Creatures, 100 Mithril, 5 Giant Essence, and 10,000 War Coins. 】

[Red Flame Martial God-Amarager (dark gold level 3 hero): 5 traces of life, 100 mithril, 5 giant essence, 10,000 war coins. 】

[Red Flame Martial God-Allag (dark gold level 3 hero): 5 traces of life, 100 mithril, 5 giant essence, 10,000 war coins. 】

[Corpse Witch-Nelson (orange level 7): Traces of Death 4, Mithril 60, Shadow Stone 60, War Coin 6000. 】

[Desert Death-Nisbitt (green level 7): 1 trace of death, 20 mithril, 20 shadow stones, 2000 war coins.],

【……. 】

Numerous resurrection reminders were lined up in a long row.

The leaders were the four sisters who died in the battle.

In addition to the heroes who actually died in the battle with demigods and dark gold, more of them were affected by the demigods' ultimate moves.

In the last mission of 'God's Domain', Fang Hao obtained 34 'Forgotten Souls'.

All of it was used to recruit the tenth-level soldier, Nisbet.

Before the dragons attacked, there were also people who had the word "Nisbet" written in their characters and became heroes one after another.

Increased the number of ‘Desert Death Gods’ to 880 people.

At this time, most of the more than 800 people were inside waiting to be resurrected.

What's even worse is that Nisbitt didn't become a hero. He was dead without even a chance to be resurrected.

Fang Hao pulled it from beginning to end, and his heart suddenly sank.

The name ‘Spencer’ was not found in the list of resurrections.

I immediately clicked on the building prompt and checked again.

The above description made him feel even more uncomfortable.

It is mentioned in the resurrection requirements that ‘transformed, crafted, summoned and other heroic units cannot be resurrected. ’

And Spencer is the hero of the production and cannot be resurrected at all.

"Damn it!" Fang Hao cursed.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he looked at the densely packed resurrection materials again.

I chose resurrection directly.

The city is gone, what can we do with the materials?

Use it now while it's available.

The first to come out were the four sisters in black armor.

Since it is a resurrection, the equipment and weapons on the body will not be there.

Red hair, golden eyes, and a fair, slender body appeared in the center of the altar.

The four of them covered important points with their hands and bowed slightly, "Sir!"

"Well! Put on your clothes first." Fang Hao made some clothes and piled them aside.

One after another, Nelson and many Nisbets all walked out of the altar.

Undead is actually better.

It doesn't matter whether he wears clothes or not, he is just a pile of skeletons.

Seeing Nelson, Fang Hao asked: "Bachelor Nelson, Spencer's name is not on the altar of heroes. Is there any other way to resurrect him?"

Nelson put on an ordinary linen robe and said, "Adults, don't be too anxious. These production heroes are consumables. If the body is kept intact, it can be revived as long as it is repaired."

At that time, Spencer was shot with a large hole in his chest and torn in half.

In terms of funeral priest skills, as long as it is not completely missing, it can be repaired.

It shouldn't be difficult to put the two halves together, right?

There should still be no problem.

After asking ‘Spencer’ questions.

After arranging for people to wait here for the rest of the resurrected people, Fang Hao took several important heroes to the conference hall.

There was silence in the hall.

Fang Hao sat in the main seat, and the two sides of the lower seat were filled with heroes wearing coarse linen and linen clothes.

Different from the previous meetings, today was more like a group of civilians studying how to revolt.

"Frederick, how many more bone dragons are there?" Fang Hao asked.

Frederick replied, "My lord, there are more than 2,700 skull dragons left."

Of the more than 7,000 skull dragons, only about 2,700 were left after they were sent back to the Tibetan Soldier Cave.

It's really a bit miserable.

Fang Hao nodded, his eyes fell on everyone again, and said: "Everyone, tell me, what should we do next?"

The loyalty of the heroes present has basically reached 100 points, and it can be said that they are completely trusted.

He will not defect because of the loss of the main city this time.

"Sir, we will capture the island tonight and continue to develop based on the island." The skeleton dwarf hero 'Frederick' spoke first.

Frederick is a city defense hero. He is mainly responsible for commanding the defense of the city wall and dispatching troops during battles.

Therefore, it was not greatly affected during the battle.

Fang Hao ordered a retreat and led his men directly to the Tibetan Soldier Cave.

The idea of ​​occupying the island and continuing to develop is actually somewhat similar to Fang Hao's.

The Sea Clan doesn't seem to be very powerful. They are always arguing with the Federation over trivial matters. If you threaten me, I will threaten you.

But the power is very rich, and he has his own store in the alliance headquarters.

This is not something that ordinary forces can do.

Just when Fang Hao was about to nod, the eldest sister of the four sisters, 'Arun Lager', suddenly said, "That's inappropriate!"

"How to say?"

Alan Lager continued: "Beate's appearance is too obvious and it is difficult to say that it will not attract the attention of others, so the Sea Tribe is not suitable for development as the main city at this time."

Her meaning is also very simple.

The Silver Dragon has attacked the main city of the Sea Clan, and it is very likely that the news will reach the ears of the Dragon Clan.

Then they will face another dragon attack.

There is no improvement in strength, and it means little to defend the city again.

"What Ms. Alenlage said makes sense. The giant ship we are standing on is a mobile base. In its current situation, it is more suitable for our development." Dimitga also said.

"Well, indeed."

"The Lord of the Territory set up this huge ship before, wasn't it just for this situation to happen?"

Everyone still agreed with this plan.

A mobile base, again on the vast sea.

Don't say that the Dragon Clan people don't know, even if they know, they may not be able to find him in this vast sea if they send out all the Dragon Clan to find him.

Fang Hao did not speak, but frowned in thought.

Suddenly he had another thought.

A fixed base is a burden, while a movable base becomes a hidden target that is not easily discovered by the enemy.

So, can you try a special kind of 'guerrilla warfare'?


He coughed twice and the whole place fell silent instantly.

Fang Hao said softly: "The Dragon Clan is in our territory. What do you think will happen if we attack Longding Mountain?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this sentence.

As night fell, torches were lit in the city lord's mansion.

Erigon sat at the head, and below him were several alliance members who were not too far away.

"Leader, where have you been during this time? Why is your avatar gray?"

"Yeah, it looks like I'm a lot stronger. Is there any opportunity to go to study?"

"Leader, what should we do next?"

Erigang looked at the people below, took a deep breath, and said, "I will tell you what happened before when I get the chance. Let's discuss how to deal with the Dragon Clan."

Several people's expressions suddenly became solemn. Even in the room, they still looked around worriedly.

Said: "Leader, just say it. We have already done it if we have an idea. Whatever you say, we will do it."

Erigang nodded and continued: "It is not unusual for the indigenous people to suppress the time-travelers. The Dragon Clan is even more powerful. It is not easy to defeat them."

"Yes, yes, what should we do?"

Erigang looked at the people nearby again and said solemnly: "I have joined Fang Hao's forces to defeat the Dragon Clan and rescue the suffering brothers."

Angli Yin'er, the Holy Golden City.

Boom, boom, boom!

A deafening alarm bell rang throughout the city. Find Shuyuan

The guard ran in quickly, saluted and said: "Queen, there are dragons approaching this way."

Amanda's heart sank. It seemed that the main city had failed.

With a gesture of his hand, the gold filling the hall turned into liquid and flowed into the storage necklace. The entire hall became empty and unusually plain.

Not long after, a woman in a gold skirt walked in with two elders.

"Dragon Queen!" Amanda saluted immediately.

"Did you die in the battle?" The Dragon Queen looked at her with a pair of cold eyes.

"Yes, all of them died in the battle and were resurrected through the Hero Altar. They are planning to gather troops to rush to your side."

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