There was a lot of movement in the cave.

The sound of "dong dong" came out, as loud as muffled thunder.

The dragon's wail could also be heard clearly, floating in the valley.

Fang Hao didn't even look at the reaction outside and directly released the realm gate.

The ancient stone door opened, revealing the cabin behind which was crowded with bone dragons and upside-down bats.

Standing at the front of the gate was Laurana in a purple dress.

Last night, he had reconnected the boundary gate to the cabin instead of the hidden soldier cave in the main city.

"Are you okay?" Fang Hao looked at Laurana, originally planning to let her rest.

"Okay." Laurana stepped out first.

Fang Hao didn't say any more. Realm gate consumes one's own magic power.

Directly order, "All come out!"

Hurrah! !

Densely packed skeleton giant bats and thousands of bone dragons rushed out.

And the moment it flew out of the realm gate, streaks of crimson fire suddenly rose in the hollow eyes of the undead.

Soon, these giant bats and bone dragons covered the sky with black waves.

It made the already dark sky even darker.

Fang Hao continued to order, "Skeleton giant bats, attack all caves with carts at the door. Bone dragons block the giant dragons outside."

Upon hearing the order, the giant skeleton bats dispersed quickly.

With the detonator in their chest, they poured into the caves in batches.

Boom boom—boom!

Thousands of deafening explosions sounded one after another.

Almost at the same time, a loud alarm bell also sounded in the valley.

But the sound of the bell was masked by the explosion.

The whole mountain was shaking like the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

It was as if the mountain was about to collapse.

Dragon troops began to approach from all around. In addition to the giant dragons, there were also a large number of pseudo-dragons and pterosaurs.

The number of giant dragons was not high to begin with, and these two battles against Fang Hao consumed a lot of them.

There are only more than a thousand giant dragons in the entire mountain.

Flying towards the top of the mountain menacingly.

Just halfway through the flight, more bone dragon eyes were seen swooping down with red light.


Ho ho ho!

Black and red dragon's breath kept shuttling in the air.

Blood and corpses were falling down with crackling sounds.

Then a chase began in the air.

The building of the dragon clan's business alliance.

There were two people sitting in the luxuriously furnished hall.

One is a dragon hero wearing green robes, and the other is a goblin in black overalls.

"Elder Bishop, Fang Hao is an important member of the Merchant Alliance after all. If the Dragon Clan has any requests, feel free to put them forward. We will try our best to resolve this issue through negotiation," the goblin said.

The dragon clan known as 'Bishap' wears a dark green robe and has a pair of green dragon horns on his short brown hair.

His whole body was glowing green.

The dragon clan looked at the goblin with contempt and said, "The headquarters doesn't care. Why do you, a regional leader, care so much?"

The goblin who came was none other than the person in charge of No. 032, ‘Kutt Thor’.

After this period of walking around, I finally had the opportunity to meet with the senior officials of the Dragon Clan to help Fang Hao move around.

If possible, he really didn't want anything to happen to Fang Hao.

Whether it's for business or personally.

The goblin did not pay attention to the sarcasm in the other party's words, but said: "I am also aware of the conflict between the Dragon Clan and Fang Hao, so it is better for the Dragon Clan to give a number and let Fang Hao show enough sincerity to resolve the misunderstanding between them. "

"Ha!" Bishop sat sideways with his legs crossed and one arm resting on the back of the chair, pretending to be helpless and said, "Then you're a little late."

"It's not too late, it's not too late, there's still time to discuss everything."

"A few days ago, the Dragon Queen led his troops out. Yesterday, news came back that the enemy's city had been captured." Bishop looked at him with a smile and asked: "He is already dead, how can you help?" He mediates this matter?"

"This..." Kuktitor froze on the spot, a little hard to accept for a moment.

Fang Hao is dead?

How could he die so quickly? Any battle requires planning and operation for a period of time.

It is impossible for the Dragon Clan to go to Fang Hao so quickly.

How could it be possible to kill Fang Hao so quickly.

"This is impossible." The goblin still refused to give up.

"Hmph, how is it impossible? The Dragon Queen is personally leading the team. Do you think he can still survive? A trivial matter..."


Before he finished speaking, a huge roar suddenly came from the top of the mountain.

As it approached, there was a continuous roar, as if the whole mountain was about to fall.

what the hell?

The two quickly rushed out of the room.

Looking up to the top of the mountain, his expressions all changed.

I saw dense crowds of undead covering the sky. Bone dragons and giant dragons were chasing each other, and groups of skeleton bats were pouring into caves.

On the mountain road, there are still humans running down in panic for their lives.

The mountain shook, and falling rocks passed through the smoke.

The whole place was in chaos.

Bishop, not caring about the goblin beside him, kicked off his feet, transformed into a green dragon, and flew towards the top of the mountain.

at the same time.

Demitga led the undead army and began to attack from the bottom of the mountain.

Hundreds of thousands of troops formed a long, thin snake on the winding mountain road, and bullets shot into the sky, killing all visible enemies.

Facing them, Erigon happened to be escaping down with a group of human guards.

Looking at the undead army, everyone was stunned at their feet and almost turned around and ran back.

"Mr. Demitga." Erigon saw the leading general clearly.

"Where are you going?" Demitga looked at him.

"Mr. Fang Hao asked me to lead people to guard the foot of the mountain and prevent other forces from coming in." Erigang explained immediately.

When he ran away, he forgot about it.

Now that I was asked about it, I immediately remembered that it happened to be a rhetorical statement.

"Where is the Dragon Tribe's Hero Altar?" Demitga asked.

"On the mountainside, there is a square over there, and the buildings of the Dragon Clan are all there." Erigang turned around and pointed.

"Okay, you go down and guard the entrance. No traversers or other forces are allowed in."

"Yes!" Erigang nodded hurriedly and ran down the mountain with his men.

Inside the cave.

The giant blue dragon struggled violently and let out angry roars from its mouth.

Four against one.

Four dark golds were beating up a dark gold dragon.

The unpretentious movement is like a human hammering an eagle caught in a bear trap.

No matter how hard it struggled and resisted, it couldn't break free.

This only made the four of them swing their hammers harder and keep hitting him.

The scales fell off and blood splattered all over the surrounding walls.

Roar! !

The blue dragon that was struck shook its head and spit out a stream of light blue dragon breath.

The blue dragon's breath swept across the cave entrance and walls, leaving behind a thick layer of ice.

Ice Dragon?

Sure enough, it is different from the dark blue dragon.

After the dragon's breath, there were all kinds of ice-based magics, and the entire cave was covered with thick ice.

He even sealed himself with ice cubes during the journey.

But the four sisters are all born with fire attributes, and fire and ice appear constantly.

The war hammer in his hand was still hammering the dragon's body.


In the cave, the battle soon ended.

The mountain wall was spattered with blood, and a thick layer of ice was still frozen on top of the blood.

Four dark golds fight one dark gold, and in this kind of space, it is simply output suppression.

After a burst of hammering, the dark gold dragon on the ground was already dying, with broken bones and blood all over its body.

Only half-closed eyes prove that it is not dead yet.

Fang Hao kept staring at the situation outside. He turned around and saw the fighting here and said, "Kill him directly."

The blue dragon's expression was condensed and he wanted to struggle again.

The giant hammers all around had already been smashed down on the head.

Amidst the deafening smashing sounds, the blue dragon's head was smashed and he died immediately.

Fang Hao opened the gate again, and someone had already prepared barrels and some tools behind him.

The four women worked together to throw the dragon's body into the realm gate.

It ended in the cave, and the five people walked out of the cave.

The battle between the Bone Dragon and the Dragon Tribe continued in the sky, and the sky was filled with fireworks, extremely colorful and intense.

Soon, Fang Hao's attention was attracted by two figures.

Laurana was fighting fiercely with a giant dragon with dark green scales.

The green dragon's breath and magic are extremely corrosive.

Any target hit, whether it is a mountain rock, a bone dragon or a giant bat, will be completely corroded, which is very terrifying.

But Laurana's fighting power was not weak. She held a heavy sword in her hand, and with the cooperation of a group of bone dragons, she chased the green dragon and fought fiercely.

And the bigger it gets, the more fierce it becomes, and the green dragon starts to fall into a disadvantage.

Another dark gold?

Didn’t you say there is only one dark gold here?

Fang Hao was shocked. Fortunately, Laurana recovered from her injuries and came to help. Otherwise, if this dark gold green dragon fell down, it would be really difficult to fight in the air.

"Don't worry about them for now, let's clean up the cave first." Fang Hao said immediately.

The four girls nodded and quickly ran down the mountain.

Fang Hao followed his eldest sister 'Arun Lager' into the nearest cave on the mountainside.

A large area of ​​the cave has collapsed, and beneath the rubble lies a giant red phosphorus dragon.

The giant dragon was in a very bad condition, covered in blood, and kept shaking its head.

I don’t know if he was stunned by the bombing, or if he got sick from the bombing.

[Dragon Lord-Lester (Orange Level 7)]

"Kill, hurry up!"

Alan Lager quickly moved forward and threw the warhammer in his hand directly.


There was a muffled sound, and the war hammer hit the dragon's head like a meteor.

While blood was splashing everywhere, Alan Lager had already rushed to his side, and in his giant form, he clamped the dragon's head under his arm.

After gradually tightening, lift hard.


With a crisp sound, the dragon's neck was abruptly severed, and its head hung down weakly.

"Throw it in." Fang Hao opened the door.

Arunrag pulled the body out and threw it into the boundary gate.

Then, the two walked out of the cave again.

Alan Lager continued to search for new targets, while Fang Hao went to the location of the other three sisters to collect the dragon's body.

Several people went all the way down and quickly cleaned up the stunned heroes who were bombed.

As for the heroes who were not seriously injured and had joined the battle in the air, it was left to Bone Dragon and Laurana.

Clean all the way from the mountain to the mountainside square.

The battle in the sky ended with Laurana cutting off the green dragon's head.

We fought from morning till afternoon.

The sky began to clear up, and the fresh air was filled with the smell of blood.

Fang Hao rode the bone dragon and flew to the top of the mountain.

Entered the huge palace.

The palace is unusually tall and spacious, and the decoration is also very luxurious.

On the high platform, there was a simple stone chair, with two dragon-horn-like decorations extending out from the back of the stone chair.

It seems that this Dragon Clan's palace also holds meetings in human form.

Otherwise it wouldn’t be this kind of seat.

Fang Hao walked directly to the main seat and took his seat safely.

[Longding Mountain has become your affiliated city. You can 'rename' the city here, and you can control all the resources of the city and affiliated villages. 】

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