In the city, Lord Boulder released his skills again.

A heavy force field was generated in the area in front of him, and a large number of skeletons rushed forward and were crushed to the ground.

Bang bang bang~!

In the sound of breaking apart, the fallen skeleton once again turned into powder everywhere.

Just when the 'Boulder Lord' got rid of the difficult skeleton warrior and wanted to kill the shooter on the city wall.

On the city wall, two huge figures suddenly shot up.

Two giant dragons, one green and one blue, rushed towards them. As soon as they got closer, two dragon breaths spurted out.

The boulder lord narrowed his eyes slightly and ducked to the side.

The dragon's breath swept past, leaving traces of ice and corrosion at its previous location.


Before the Stone Lord could stand still, four fire spears came one after another.

The space flashed, and the four fire spears immediately transformed into four black-armored warriors in the same giant form.

Sensing danger, the boulder lord turned around and struck out with his sword.

The figure of the third person in black armor, ‘Allag’, has just transformed.

Immediately place the warhammer horizontally above your head.


The two weapons collided, and the sound of metal colliding was heard sharply in everyone's ears.

After one blow, the giant sword in his hand swung again.

In an instant, he fought with four black-armored giants.

The weapons in each other's hands kept swinging and slashing, sparks bursting out, and air waves rolling.


The two dark gold dragons saw that the giant was entangled by four people, and swooped down again, spitting out dragon breath.

The Boulder Lord threw his shoulder, holding the sword in one hand to fight with the four people. The brown energy in his left hand gathered and he lifted it up.

A half-arc stone wall instantly rose up from the ground, like an egg shell, wrapping the body of the 'Boulder Lord' and blocking the two dragon breaths.

The Stone Lord's gesture changed again.

The shield suddenly became covered with spikes, forcing the dragon back.

Dang Dang! !

Two dull thumps sounded.

The mace hit the 'Boulder Lord' head on, his body leaned back, and the condensed shield disappeared instantly.

Two giant dragons came to kill here, breathing out.

The Boulder Lord covered his face with one arm to protect his important parts.

In an instant!

Huge blocks of ice formed on the giant's arms and shoulders, and the giant sword in his hand was frozen to the ground, keeping his face covered.

On the other side, under the green dragon's breath, the armor on his body was corroded with pitted scars.

The four sisters immediately stepped forward and smashed the giant's head with their maces.

Bang bang bang! !

The war hammer kept hitting with great power.

The body of the Boulder Lord was knocked to the ground.

The blue dragon breathed out blue dragon breath again and pinned its body firmly to the ground.

The green dragon is also breathing corrosive breath.

The four sisters began to hammer the iron crazily and kept hitting the head of the boulder lord.


The Boulder Lord's body began to struggle violently, and the frozen ice made a cracking sound.

Then, stone cones rose up from the ground.

Stab the bodies of six dark golds.

The 'Boulder Lord' also got rid of the ice and climbed up again with a sword in one hand.

"Thunder and lightning strike - prepare!" At this time, a voice sounded from above the city wall.

The six people heard the sound and quickly moved back while avoiding the stone cone.

The Boulder Lord had just stood up, holding the sword in his hand and about to look up to the sky and roar.


The silver sky lit up again and converged towards him.


In the distance, the falcon and brown bear, who had found a new viewing position, had their eyes widened.

Subconsciously, I held my breath until it became too uncomfortable, and then I let out a heavy breath.

Originally, I only planned to take a look at the situation in the city, but I didn't expect to see such a battle scene.

Shock cannot describe their feelings.

This power may have reached the power of a large missile.

Just when the two of them were still surprised that the giant was so powerful.

As he watched, the giant was knocked to the ground by the four newly charged giants and two giant dragons.

The four black-armored giants smashed the hammers in their hands like iron.

From such a distance, they could hear the banging sound.

By now, it has turned into four black-armored giants and two giant dragons, surrounding a giant.

"This is a bit bullying!" said the brown bear.

Falcon swallowed his spit and said, "What level of heroes are these? It's too scary!"

"Definitely above gold..."

"Aren't you talking nonsense!"

If they saw it with their own eyes, even if someone told them about today's battle, it would be impossible for these two people to believe that their personal strength could reach this level.

After all, they also know some about heroes. Even if the high-level heroes don't themselves, they have met some leaders of the elves.

But I have never seen a hero who can fight like this.

"Tell me, will these undead find our territory? How about we go out and hide for a few days." Falcon suddenly said.

Brown Bear said: "Probably not. If there is a large-scale march, they should also fight with the elven army."

"Then let's take some photos and tell them to the elves. Maybe we can get some benefits in exchange."


The two picked up the Book of Lords again and took a few photos of Kaka.

It's a pleasure to take photos and capture the wonderful moments.

Suddenly, a series of sounds were heard in the air.

Dozens of skull dragons surrounded the two of them.

The giant dragon with red scales turned into a middle-aged man and asked curiously: "What are you two doing here?"

The two of them shook their bodies and almost fell from the height.

It's over.

"I-we were passing by..."

There was a roar.

The lightning strike exploded from the body of the 'Boulder Lord' again.

The huge impact caused his body to take several steps back, swaying as if he was drunk.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a gap in the sky, and countless giant skeleton bats rushed into his arms carrying detonators.

Boom boom boom! !

There were dense explosions one after another, and the sky was filled with flames.

The method of equipping giant bats with detonators is relatively low-level, but the effect is as useful as ever.

This is the amount of explosives needed to blow up a city. Not to mention you are called the Boulder Lord, even a real mountain can be blown flat for you.

The dense explosion brought terrifying power.

As the earth shook and the mountains shook, the surrounding space was constantly distorting.

After the explosion, there was a deep pit several meters in diameter at the giant's feet, and the surrounding buildings were also spattered with rubble and dense holes shot out.

In the thick smoke and dust, the giant hero fell to his knees with his sword in hand.

The armor on his body was in tatters and half of his body was missing.

Judging from his appearance, he was already seriously injured.

The boulder lord did not fall down like that. He stood up suddenly and raised the giant sword in his hand above his head. A vast brown power spurted out along the giant sword.

The entire city was once again enveloped by a powerful force field, and the space became distorted and heavy.

Boom! !

House after house, under the heavy pressure, shattered into gravel and dust.

"Cao, hurry up, kill him..." Fang Hao shouted.

When the pressure in space becomes heavier and heavier.

The four fire spears finally arrived at the giant's side. After transforming into the figures of the four sisters, the war hammer in their hands suddenly dropped.


The top of the mace penetrated the giant's head.

The entire force field disappeared, and the body of the Boulder Lord slowly fell downwards.

When he fell to the ground, his body was scattered into ashes.

Won, finally won!

The whole place fell into a brief silence.

After waiting for a while, but no new enemies appeared, I was sure that the level was cleared.

Skeletons are now covering the entire city, and if there are any enemies left, they should also be triggered.

"Everyone enter the city, organize defense, and clean the battlefield." Fang Hao ordered.

"Yes, sir."

All the skeleton shooters turned their guns, no longer facing inside the city, but turned around and faced outside the city.

And a large number of skeleton warriors also began to collect trophies.

The loot in the city is relatively easy to find.

The skeleton warriors were crushed by that gravity skill. You only need to pick up the equipment that was crushed into a discus, and there is no need to rummage around.

Fang Hao led Laurana and others into the city by stepping on the stone bridge covered with bones.

The giant's city is so tall that it's scary.

Looking up is like standing at the bottom of a mountain, looking at the endless top of the mountain.

"Sir, this is the trophy found from that giant. His armor has been damaged, and only the weapon and this light ball are left." The eldest sister of the four black-armored sisters, 'Alen Lager', came over.

He holds two items in his hands.

One is the godhead, and the other is the generous giant sword over there.

It's just that the giant sword has shrunk and turned into a giant sword size that normal humans can use.

[Godhead (Level 0)].

Level 0 represents a demigod, while level 1 or higher represents a true god.

Just as Fang Hao was about to use his divine power to devour it, he suddenly thought of a question.

After devouring oneself, the godhead will unlock some of the godhead characteristics and skills, but one will never be able to upgrade to the second level godhead.

How long did it take to upgrade from level 0 to level 1? I still had the blessings of various buildings before I reached level 1.

Raising it to level 2 may not be possible within a few years.

Moreover, he is a fifth-level scumbag with only a godhead but not much fighting ability.

Swallowed, it won’t be of much help to the current territory.

But..., if you absorb this godhead to others, will you cultivate a true demigod in the territory, a demigod who can compete with the Dragon Queen?

Even if you can't defeat the Dragon Queen, it's still good if you can hold her back.

As soon as this thought appeared, his heart beat twice violently.

It feels very reliable.

But you still need to find someone who understands how to do it.

Putting away the divine light group, Fang Hao continued to look at the other giant sword.

At this time, the giant sword was already small and turned into a giant sword that humans could use.

【Qianjun Sword (Dark Gold)】

[Category: Great Sword]

[Damage: Level 7 damage]

[Ability: Earth power, critical weight, active equipment]

[Power of Earth]: Earth magic effect +120%.

[Impressive Weight]: Every time you slash with all your strength, the weight of the force field in the surrounding area will increase dramatically in an instant.

[Active equipment]: The size can be changed according to the user's requirements.

(Description: A weapon containing the power of the earth.)

No wonder!

It turns out that the reason why it can be enlarged and shrunk is because it has the characteristic of "active equipment".

He put away the two items and continued:

"Thank you for your hard work. You two are responsible for the city defense. The battle just now may have attracted some people."

"Yes, I'm looking for Mr. Shuyuan" Alan Lager turned and left.

Everyone moved very quickly.

Piles of materials were piled up, gradually forming a hill.

Recommend a new book by a great author "White Night Syndrome".

[Original/Ghost Story Rules/Unlimited Streaming/Suspense/Criminal Investigation/Escape/Grace]

Dear patient, hello, after multiple confirmations from our hospital, you have been diagnosed with "White Night Syndrome".

Please fill in the "Wish" and "Personal Information" in the following questionnaire. The symptoms of this disease are just hallucinations. If it has frequently affected your life, please see a doctor in time.

It is a male video authored by a female author, Tentacle Monster. It is said that there will be 100 updates on the day it is released. Fans of the above elements can check it out.

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