Fang Hao was also surprised when he heard about the mithril mine.

The value of mithril mine is like digging an oil field. The money is only part of its value, and more is needed for war preparation.

Unexpectedly, a new mineral vein was found in such a remote location.

"You're looking for me? Aren't you afraid of any danger?" Fang Hao looked at the other party curiously.

After all, he is an outsider, and he is not from the elves.

It’s better to find anyone than yourself, right?

Yugenel looked at his guards and said helplessly: "To be honest, I haven't found any trustworthy partners. Now that I have met a few, I think of cooperating with them."

Having a strong hero will naturally give you a certain advantage in negotiations.

Not to mention a mine, even in a power war, one of the standard criteria for measuring combat effectiveness is the level of the opponent's hero.

Fang Hao thought for a moment and felt that this was a good thing that came to his door.

If the mithril mines can really be divided according to shares, money is a trivial matter, and it is mainly good for one's own development.

"What do you want us to do?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

Yugenel thought silently for a moment and said, "You guys come with me, act as my hero, and be tougher during negotiations."

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"Does the other side have any heroes?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

"They are just a local branch of the big family. Even if they have heroes, they are only blue-level heroes, otherwise they will not negotiate with me."

Fang Hao looked directly at him, making sure that his words were all true.

There is no reason to refuse a piece of fat that is offered to your mouth.

He said directly: "Okay, let's go in, and we will make a decision based on the situation."

"Okay!" Yugenel was overjoyed and strode into the camp with Fang Hao, the others and two guards.

The main city, the Lord's Mansion.

The Dragon Queen, Tiralt, sat on a throne made of white bones, her golden dress hanging down, revealing her fair and round calves.

The poisonous gas in the city has dispersed very thinly, and it has no impact on the dragon clan's body.

Everyone finally entered the city.

This seemingly ordinary city still brought quite a surprise to the Dragon Queen.

Rows of warehouses are filled with densely packed weapons and equipment, and there are a large number of dwarf equipment in the armory.

Not to mention the treasury that has not been searched out, these things in the warehouse are an astonishing wealth.

It is enough to make up for the loss of Longding Mountain.

This time traveler really becomes more surprising the more we learn about him.

Tap tap tap!

At this time, the dragon clan elders and dragon clan heroes walked into the hall one after another.

After saluting, one of the elders said: "I received news that Fang Hao is married to the female city lord of a city in the Human Federation."

"Female City Lord? Husband and wife?" The Dragon Queen frowned.

This guy with a city full of skeletons and undead actually maintains close ties with the Human Federation.

"Yes, the location of this city has been determined. Do I need to go there?" said the dragon elder.


The Dragon Queen was silent for two seconds, but did not get up after all. Then she said, "Inform the city and ask the female city lord to come here to meet me tomorrow. If she doesn't come or runs away, the Dragon Clan will attack the city."

All the people from the Dragon Clan became prisoners of Fang Hao.

Even if the Dragon Queen is still strong now, she still needs to consider the measures she will take.

The elder nodded and took two steps back.

Another elder took a step forward again, pondered for a moment, and said: "Dragon Queen, Beate connected with outsiders, which led to Longding Mountain being attacked and the tribesmen killed and captured. We must punish Beate severely for this matter. Punish one policeman and punish a hundred.”

Hearing these words, the Dragon Queen narrowed her eyes slightly and her expression became grim.

She believed that the location of Longding Mountain had nothing to do with Beate.

But so many people from the dragon clan died, and the remaining ones were captured by the other party, so it was impossible not to vent their anger on Beate.

Taking a deep breath, the Dragon Queen said: "When she comes out facing the wall, she will be convicted and severely punished."


Ratchet Forest.

Negotiation is much simpler than imagined.

In the middle of the battle, Laurana killed two of the opponent's heroes, when Demitga's sword was placed across the opponent's leader's neck.

Everything became harmonious.

Both parties expressed their thoughts to each other and finally worked out a more reasonable plan.

The three of them are responsible for the mining of this vein.

Eugenel accounts for 40%, and is responsible for some road administration work such as roads and thorn forest treatment in the surrounding area. The Xerian family, which is the family currently negotiating, is responsible for manpower mining and equipment, accounting for 30%.

Fang Hao doesn't have to worry about anything. If a powerful enemy intervenes, he needs to arrange for someone to coordinate and deal with it, which accounts for 30%.

It was only during the conversation that Fang Hao found out that ‘Yugenel is the new city lord of Russelan.

After everything was discussed, the three parties signed an agreement.

Fang Hao's signature was Laurana's name.

It's just a piece of paper anyway, and there are no rules.

After the three parties had negotiated, they left the camp directly without stopping too much.

When the others left, Anjia also took away some of his lost horses.

On the way, Yugenel said: "I didn't expect the other party to give in. Thanks to your care, I can be responsible for this. I will calculate the income from the mine and give it to you."

"Are you planning to sell these mithril mines to the elves?" Fang Hao asked.

Yugenel shook his head, "Neither Xerion nor I have the ability to protect the mine. Now we are mainly mining while keeping it secret. We should give priority to selling it to the Merchant Alliance."

"Well, actually I have a way. Let's discuss it when we get back and see if they can take over this batch of mithril mines." Fang Hao said as he walked.

He wants the ore.

And trading is also very convenient. As long as one traveler remains, the ore can be traded there.

"That's great, even if it's cheaper than the market price, as long as it's safe."

"Well, I'll ask when I get back."

Yujenel nodded, had someone bring a sound-transmitting conch, and said, "Here is this for you. We can use it to contact him if there is anything we need."


Several people walked out of Ratchet Forest, and Fang Hao did not return along the road.


He randomly found a reason to separate from Yugenel, and when no one was around, he released the teleportation light curtain and left.

The light curtain flashed.

Several people have returned to the giant ship.

"Sir, you are back!" The ancient blood god servant asked in a deep voice.

Fang Hao nodded and said, "Go back and leave here."


After a reply, the giant ship began to return.

Leave this sea area and return to the Fishman Rainbow Pearl Island.

In the hall.

Several heroes gathered together.

Fang Hao first summarized the operation and then discussed the mithril mine.

After everything was said, he looked at the lizard man and said, "Demitga!"

"grown ups!"

"Contact the Queen and tell her that I need to order a batch of glazed tiles and ask her to prepare some for me as soon as possible."

"About how many are needed?" Demitga asked.

Fang Hao thought for a moment, "Let's prepare for 10,000."

"Okay, I'll contact them right away."

After explaining Dimitga, Fang

Hao's eyes fell on Laurana again.

Laurana was not very interested in this kind of meeting and was listening to Anjia whispering to her.

I don’t know when it started, but the two of them are so good.

Fang Hao was afraid that Laurana had led Anjia astray.

"Ahem! Laurana."

"Well, what's wrong?" Laurana looked up at him.

"Make an appointment with your mother. I have something to ask her." Fang Hao continued.

"What are you asking? Sometimes it's hard for her to communicate." Laurana said directly.

"Um, something about demigods."

Laurana frowned, feeling that she really couldn't answer the demigod's matter, so she said, "Then I'll go back and tell her?"

"Okay, if you agree, let me know and we will meet at the Merchant Alliance."

"okay, I get it."

After the meeting, Laurana brought some gifts and used the teleportation on the pendant to return to Evernight City.


Everyone left, and silence returned to the hall.

Anjia also went to the cabin to see the horses brought back.

Fang Hao counted the loot.

Then he took out the sound-transmitting conch and contacted Domina, Queen of the Fateweaver Spider.

After learning that there was nothing wrong with her, he released the light curtain and Domina walked out of the light curtain.

"My lord." Domina looked around, wondering where this was.

The unfamiliar hall and the shaky ground were obviously not in the former main city.

Understanding the confusion in Domina's eyes, Fang Hao explained: "This is a ship. The main city is occupied by the Dragon Clan. We can't get over yet."

Domina is also aware of the grudge between her and the Dragon Clan.

But Fang Hao was still a little surprised when he was driven out by the Dragon Clan with so many troops.

"Sir, go to my side. Floating on the sea is not an option," Domina said.

Fang Hao smiled and said: "It's okay, I have my own plan. I asked you to come here this time because I have obtained some 'crystals' to improve your strength."

As he spoke, Fang Hao placed all the crystals on the wooden table beside him.

Gradually it piled up into a hill.

Domina's eyes widened, "Sir, these..."


"These are stimulated crystals. I'll have someone prepare a bathtub and cold water later. You can use them all directly." Fang Hao said directly.

There are more than 200 ‘stimulation crystals’ obtained this time.

It's enough to raise Domina to the orange level.

Domina looked at him with wide eyes, shining, "Thank you, sir."

Fang Hao ordered to go down and a bathtub and a bucket full of cold water were prepared in an empty room at the back of the hall.

It’s not the first time I’ve taken crystals, so I know what to do.

Fang Hao placed all the crystals on the table aside, while Domina stood in front of the tub and gently stirred the water with her hands.

"Okay, let's go in."

Domina blushed and looked for Shuyuan The black insect beetles covering her body faded slightly, revealing skin as white as a shelled egg.

This time, all the insect beetles on the buttocks were removed, and all the skin was exposed to the air.

It's quite scary in giant spider form.

But in human form, Domina's skin is unusually white.

"Sir!" Domina tilted her head shyly and shouted softly.

Fang Hao came to his senses, took her hand and helped her step into the tub.

When her body was completely submerged in the water, Fang Hao just wanted to turn around and leave.

The hand being held did not let go.

"Sir, if you have nothing to do, please come with me!"

angry piranha

, I will update it next time so that you can continue reading more conveniently. I look forward to continuing the exciting!

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