Fang Hao was still sitting calmly on the chair, watching the old man stop, then turn around slightly stiffly, and sit back in his seat.

This is the importance of intelligence.

According to the succubus' information, the old man has a complete blueprint of the 'Valkyrie Construct' in his hands, and he is also facing difficulties.

A large amount of debt will be repaid in the near future.

Compared to the undead with low desires, humans are too easily influenced by the outside world, especially when facing difficulties.

I heard that Fang Hao offered 30 million war coins, otherwise he would find someone else to buy it.

The old man sat back in his seat with an ugly expression.

He was persuaded, and he also believed that if he went to other technicians in the store with this number, they would probably sell it directly.

"Ahem! We have regulations. The drawings cannot be disclosed, otherwise you will be held accountable." The old man took a sip of wine and said.

Fang Hao looked at him, "No one else will know except you and me."

An Jia on the side nodded in agreement.

The old man looked down at the wine glass on the table and was silent for a long time. Then he patted the table with a bang and said, "Okay, but you have to promise not to reveal my information, and you can't sell constructs in the Merchant Alliance. .”

This is because they are afraid that they will compete with merchant alliance stores for business.

But Fang Hao still shook his head and said, "I can promise not to disclose your information, but regarding the sale of constructs in the Merchant Alliance, I can only promise not to sell them at the moment."

After another long period of silence, the old man gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll sell it. When will the transaction..."

"I brought the money, and we will hand over the money and deliver the goods."

"Okay, I'm going to get the drawings now. You wait for me for a while."

After saying that, the old man stood up and left, leaving the room directly.

In the private room, Fang Hao and Anjia were left alone again.

While chatting, listening to Anjia talk about his quarrel with the three-headed dagger, he waited for the old man to come back.

About half an hour later.

The old man opened the door sneakily and walked in, taking out a blue design from a leather bag.

The blueprint is so big that even if you spread your arms, you can barely open it.

[The overall production blueprint of the Valkyrie construct]

[Valkyrie Construct: Energy Core 1, Valkyrie's basic head production drawings, Valkyrie's basic body production drawings, Valkyrie's basic arm production drawings, Valkyrie's basic leg production drawings, and the fine iron Valkyrie Long Sword production drawings. 】

A blueprint is a set of drawings.

From the body to the limbs, everything is included.

He was also given a blueprint of the 'Fine Iron Valkyrie Long Sword', but he had obtained this blueprint in an exploration mission before.

"This is a complete blueprint, which records the production methods and materials of the Valkyrie construct." The old man continued.

The production of constructs involves many disciplines.

Even if ordinary people get it, they will never be able to make a stable and functioning construct.

But the emergence of time travelers broke this rule. As long as there are sufficient materials, they can be made directly.

Therefore, the old man also knew what selling this blueprint meant.

Fang Hao nodded, but frowned and asked, "Why is there no construct armor on this drawing?"

He himself has a 'Gargoyle Structure Blueprint'. On this blueprint, there are body drawings and stone armor drawings.

"Hmph, that's the construct you mentioned earlier, and now it's all one piece." The old man snorted.

"Oh, no wonder!"

"Okay, I've given you the picture, but where's the money?" the old man continued.

Fang Hao directly took out stacks of war cards and filled the entire table.

The old man counted them one by one, and then put them into the backpack he brought with him with a happy face.

Wait for the transaction between the two parties to be completed.

The old man had no plans to stay any longer.

He just nodded, turned around, took his backpack and left.

After the door was closed again, Fang Hao recorded the drawings.

"Now, what are we doing?" An Jia asked from the side.

"Eat, then go home."


Return to the main city.

An Jia left, and Fang Hao went directly to the 'Energy Core Production Workshop'.

In a workshop with various large pipes, workers are carrying out the "energy core" of finished products.

A separate warehouse nearby has stored a large number of energy cores.

"Sir!" At this time, a skeleton merchant came over.

Skeleton merchants are not responsible for production and transportation, but they are responsible for the statistics of all warehouses in the city.

After all, in addition to ordinary skeleton warriors in the city, there are maids.

Not many people can read and count words, and they are prone to making mistakes.

Therefore, these statistical work are all carried out by skeleton merchants.

"Well, how many energy cores are there in the warehouse?" Fang Hao asked directly.

The skeleton merchant took out a bookkeeping clip, looked at it and said, "In the past few days, the factory has produced a total of 43 'energy cores'. The original quantity purchased from the merchant alliance was 72, for a total of 115."

So much.

Previously, Heshang Alliance ordered some energy cores, but I didn't put my mind on it at the time, so I didn't pay much attention to them.

Now I have accumulated a lot.

Fang Hao continued to ask: "How many can this factory produce in a day?"

"Almost 8 energy cores a day."

It takes an average of three hours to produce one.

"Well, I understand. Be careful with these energy cores to avoid any danger." Fang Hao instructed.

"It's my lord."

Leave the factory location.

Fang Hao came directly to the open space outside Dongcheng.

Open the Book of Lords and view the structure blueprint information.

Now, a total of three construction drawings have been collected.

[Gargoyle Construct (Level 5)] [Iron Hound Construct (Level 6)] [Valkyrie Construct (Level 10)].

The first two are nothing to see, they are all blueprints obtained previously.

The most important thing is the tenth level, the Valkyrie construct.

[Basic head of the Valkyrie: cast iron block 120, white steel ingot 85, copper ingot 75,..., fine iron 35, mithril 25, metal parts 52, precision parts 35, perfect essence 5.]

[Basic torso of Valkyrie: cast iron 550,..., fine iron 120, mithril 85, metal parts 320, precision parts 180, rich essence 8.]

[Basic arm of the Valkyrie: cast iron block 225..., refined iron 82, mithril 50,..., essence of destruction 5.]

[Basic legs of the Valkyrie: cast iron block 352..., fine iron 102, mithril 72,..., rich essence 5.]

The required materials appeared in front of me.

There are really a lot of these consumables, and they are more than large constructs like the Gargoyle construct.

In particular, there are a lot of fine iron and mithril.

If it weren't for the fact that I could recycle materials now, I would really be reluctant to do so.

I reconfirmed the materials and planned to make one to try first.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain the basic head of the Valkyrie 101.]

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain the Valkyrie’s basic torso 101.]

【………………, obtain Valkyrie’s basic arm 101.】

【………………, get the basic leg of Valkyrie 101.】

With a crash, large pieces of mechanical limbs fell all over the sky.

The Valkyrie is not as big as the Gargoyle, and its overall height is only about two meters.

All kinds of limbs are piled together like a mechanical garbage dump.

There was a lot of crackling and movement.

Skeleton soldiers from all around rushed over to see if there was any danger.

Fang Hao dispersed the skeletons and continued making them.

Look at the parts.

101 sets of parts, if further produced, would be more than 10,000 finished structures.

In fact, as long as the 'energy core' is sufficient, the troop strength will not be lower than that of normal troops.

Take a deep breath and move on to the final step.

The quantity is still adjusted to 1.


[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain Valkyrie Construct 101.]

Boom boom boom!

A construct was assembled, and patches of light lit up all around.

A slightly taller Valkyrie wearing iron armor appeared.

[Valkyrie Construct (Tenth Level)]

Valkyrie Construct,

He is nearly two meters tall and his whole body is covered in metal armor.

The head has three identical faces, looking in three directions at the same time.

The figure has female curves, and the cold armor is engraved with fine patterns such as feathers and curling grass.

It looks very gorgeous.

The 101 constructs landed on the ground and automatically stood in a row, as if they were in a standby state, with their arms hanging down naturally without any movement.

[Valkyrie Construct (Tenth Level)]

[Category: Construct]

[Physical Strength: Level 6 Strength]

[Ability: Constructed body, physical resistance, magic resistance, master swordsmanship. 】

[Constructed body]: Activated construct, will not collapse, immune to all negative states such as fear, silence, etc., will enter an unstable state when the body is damaged (Construct technician, can repair the construct and restore combat capabilities) .

[Physical Resistance]: Valkyrie's external armor stomach reduces physical damage by 50%.

[Magic Resistance]: The Valkyrie's external armor is engraved with special runes, which reduce magic damage by 30%.

[Master Swordsmanship]: The Valkyrie has fixed advanced swordsmanship proficiency.

(Description: Beneath the gorgeous appearance of a handicraft, it contains terrifying power.)

Good guy, this tenth-level construct is really powerful.

The body's defense has reached level six. The previous Gargoyle construct only had level four defense.

In terms of ability, there are four.

The first three, none of which are special, increase physical and magic resistance.

The fourth one is actually quite good, possessing advanced swordsmanship.

Adding this ability to the construct can also show how powerful this construct is.

Finish viewing the properties.

The number of eye sound energy cores was also confirmed.

There are 114 left.

Fang Hao thought for a while, and there was no place to use these cores, so he made them all.

After thinking about it, start large-scale production directly.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, obtain Valkyrie Construct 11514.]

Bang bang bang!

Another large number of Valkyrie constructs appeared from all around.

There were dense crowds of people standing all around. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.comm

Fang Hao continued to make the 'Fine Iron Valkyrie Long Sword' and equipped each of them with one.

This construct is quite simple.

After it was made, there was no need to make any armor or helmets, and the weapons were only the same.

Can't use anything else.

Arrange all 11,615 structures into the Tibetan Soldier Cave.

Returning to the territory, Fang Hao added five more 'energy core processing plants' and started running them at the same time.

At the same time, they also went to some hidden cities such as Shangsheng Golden City and Blood Castle, and also built 'manic energy reactors' and 'energy core processing plants'.

Used to increase the production quantity of energy cores.

Satisfy this period of time, there is no gap period in the camp.

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