The moon was on the branches, and the whole street was quiet.

The carriage slowly stopped.

Fang Hao and Rebecca walked into the huge courtyard in front of them with some gifts.

Rebecca held his arm and asked a little uneasily: "Do you think Olivia will blame me for taking her husband's position?"

Even though we are such a good friend, we are worried that there will be a estrangement due to this incident.

Fang Hao patted her hand and comforted: "Don't worry, she will understand you."

The two of them carried various gifts and walked straight through the courtyard and stone corridor.

Ahead, Dougherty's wife 'Olivia' was seen waiting at the door.

Seeing the two people walking over, their faces were full of joy and they kept waving.

Walking closer, Olivia first smiled at Fang Hao, "Mr. Fang Hao."

After saying that, without waiting for Fang Hao to return the favor, he carried Rebecca and walked into the house, "It's been a long time since you came to see me."

"I'll come see you as soon as I get back. Is there anything else I'm not satisfied with?"

"Yes, yes! You must have come here after you have had enough affection with your little boyfriend!" Olivia joked, not shying away from Fang Hao who was standing beside her.

Rebecca glanced at Fang Hao and raised her head slightly, "Well, I've been gentle all morning."

"Young, you are getting more and more bold now." Olivia said in surprise.

Several people entered the hall together.

Rebecca introduced the gift to ‘Olivia’.

Olivia kept talking about some recent scandals among the nobles.

Moreover, Rebecca was also very interested in these things and listened very carefully.

Fang Hao, sitting in the lobby for a while, saw Dougherty coming back.

As soon as Dougherty entered the door and saw Fang Hao and the other two, he was also stunned.

The House of Lords has been talking about these two men for two days.

Now, suddenly he came to his home.

Fang Hao stood up and said, "Rebecca, while you chat, Mr. Dougherty and I will go for a walk in the courtyard."

Rebecca turned back and nodded worriedly.

Doherty was already surprised by the sudden visit of the two people, and when he heard that Fang Hao obviously wanted to chat with him, he became even more curious about their purpose.

He didn't refuse, waved to his wife, and walked out.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Dougherty's voice was still low, with the aura of a leader.

"No rush, let's find a quiet place."

Fang Hao took him out of the courtyard and got into the carriage at the door.

This kind of noble carriage is very spacious, with more than twice the space of a normal carriage.

Dougherty frowned, but climbed up.

In the dark and silent carriage, there was a black-armored warrior sitting beside Fang Hao.

Dougherty didn't want to waste time with him by making excuses, so he said directly: "If you have anything to say, just tell me! My time is limited."

"Okay!" Fang Hao nodded and said directly: "Rebecca will be nominated as the leader of the Hundred Cities Federation in the next two days and will be appointed by the Hall of Justice. I hope you can support her."

Dougherty frowned for a moment, and after reacting for two seconds, he said as if he heard a joke: "Are you kidding me?"

"This is not a joke, I want to confirm your attitude towards this matter." Fang Hao looked at him seriously.

Dougherty was a little surprised by Fang Hao's momentum.

Facing him as the leader, there was no sign of cowardice.

Is this still the little lover?

It even made him doubt whether the previous rumors were true.

The time traveler has risen and has the strength to fight against the dragon clan.

He took a deep breath, glanced at the still bright mansion, and replied: "If it is an appointment to the Hall of Justice, I naturally have no objection."

"Okay, for the sake of Rebecca and Olivia, I hope we can maintain a friendly relationship." Fang Hao said, taking out the appointment letter from the Hall of Justice and handing it to the other party.

Dougherty still frowned and took it.

But with the help of luminous stone illumination, the content on it can be seen clearly.

His face was full of surprise, confusion, confusion and a variety of complex emotions.

Rebecca would really be made chief.

What happened during this time?

Don't wait for him to ask more questions.

At this time, the sound of wheels pressing on the road came again from outside the carriage.

The carriage stopped nearby.

After a sound of footsteps, a voice came from outside the door.

"My lord, Ms. Gloria has arrived."

"Let her in!"

The door opened, and Li Rong held Geglia's arm and helped her get into the carriage.

Gloria glanced at Doherty with a puzzled expression, and then asked softly: "Mr. Fang Hao, is there something wrong with calling me here so late?"

"No rush, just wait."

Soon, a figure came out from the end of the dim alley.

Wearing black armor, dragging a person behind him.

It was still the same voice, "Sir, the Archbishop is here."

The two people in the carriage frowned at the same time. The Archbishop is here too?

The car door opened, and an archbishop, who was tightly bound and with a ball in his mouth, was thrown in.

The awkward and inelegant posture was stuck between the two parties.

Dougherty and his two eyes widened a bit for a moment, unable to believe the scene that appeared in front of them.

What kind of strength does Fang Hao have?

He actually brought the Archbishop here in this way.

From the looks of it, the church hasn't reacted yet.

[Archbishop of Light-Milton (orange eighth-level hero)]

Fang Hao glanced at the Archbishop, whose chest was sunken and his face was covered in blood.

It turns out to be the eighth level of orange. No wonder it has such a high say in the city.

"The archbishop seemed to be uncooperative and some minor conflicts occurred." Fang Hao explained.

Geglia glanced at the archbishop and said, "Mr. Fang Hao called us all here. If you want to know what's going on, just tell us directly!"

Fang Hao smiled, "Well, the matter is very simple. Tomorrow and the next day, the Hall of Justice will appoint Rebecca as the new leader. The three are the most influential forces in the city. I think the three will be willing to carry out the orders of the Hall of Justice. , let’s do our part for the development of mankind!”

Gloria suddenly looked at Doherty, her eyes full of questions.

Even the archbishop, who was unable to move, turned his eyes and looked over.

Is Hundred Cities Federation going to change its personnel?

Or an appointment issued by the Hall of Justice.

What happened during this period, and why did a new appointment suddenly come about?

Dougherty nodded, then shook his head.

He had seen the appointment letter, but it had not yet been officially announced.

It’s hard to say whether this is true.

But..., the archbishop has been trained like this, this Fang Hao can really do anything for Rebecca.

Seeing that no one spoke, Fang Hao continued: "I have talked with Chief Doherty in advance, and now I want to hear your opinions."

Gloria's eyes were still full of surprise, but she and Fang Hao still maintained a harmonious state.

I rarely get involved in these things on weekdays, and I won't even try to stir up hatred at this time.

Pingtan's answer was, "Since the Hall of Justice has officially appointed him, our Mage Association naturally has no objections and is willing to support and cooperate."

Fang Hao smiled and nodded, looking again at the only Archbishop who looked more embarrassed.

Open his mouth.

"Fang Hao, you're crazy. How dare you treat me like this..." The archbishop let go of his mouth and shouted filial piety.

Fang Hao said with a smile on his face: "The Archbishop can be louder. Maybe I should drag you around the residential areas in the city and let everyone see what the Archbishop looks like after being tied up."


The archbishop's face turned purple with anger, and his eyes widened with anger, as if he wanted to kill him directly.

But he didn't continue shouting curses.

He is the Archbishop, represents the Church in every word and deed, and is the spokesperson of God.

He couldn't afford to lose face like this.

After a moment of silence, he said coldly: "Our church only has the responsibility to assist the Hall of Justice. Even if Rebecca does become the leader, she will not be able to control our church."

Fang Hao frowned and looked at him, "Milton, to tell you the truth, even if I kill you now, the Hall of Justice won't say anything. So, as a smart person, you should know what you should do?"

"You can kill me." Milton was not afraid at all.

"You have backbone." Fang Hao first praised him, and then said to the door: "Take off your clothes and take our archbishop around the city to show everyone whether the revered archbishop has a white butt."

The reason why he is not afraid of death is because he is bound to the Hero Altar.

Maybe the people he bound are not from Silver Wing City, but may be other human cities dominated by churches.

That's why I'm not afraid of death.

But if he is not afraid of death, Fang Hao doesn't believe that he, a high-ranking archbishop who conveys his faith, can still be unafraid of embarrassment?


The door was opened, and the black-armored warrior was about to drag him out of the carriage.

The archbishop's face changed drastically, and he shouted in horror: "You can't do this, Fang Hao, you are crazy. I am the archbishop of Silver Wing City. Aren't I afraid that the believers will be dissatisfied? When Rebecca becomes the leader, there will be no way to end it."

After saying this, Fang Hao didn't pay much attention.

But it startled Dougherty and Gloria.

If believers turn against the Hall of Justice, the human race will easily collapse.

Dougherty immediately said: "Mr. Fang Hao, the Archbishop is the representative of the Silver Wing City Church. It is not appropriate to be so true. If Rebecca really becomes the leader, I think the Archbishop will try his best to cooperate."

"The church has a very high status in the Hundred Cities Federation. It is really inappropriate to treat the archbishop like this." Geglia also said.

The carriage fell into silence again.

After a while, Fang Haocai said: "Archbishop Milton, as long as you promise to support Rebecca as the leader, I will let you go. How about that?"

The Archbishop looked extremely ugly, but he didn't want to be dragged out to parade on the street. He said, "We will respect the decision of the Palace of Justice."

This can be regarded as a kind of concession.

"Heh, thank you in advance for your support."

No more words were said.

With the support of Li Rong, Gloria changed a carriage and returned.

The archbishop was also loosened from his restraints, and his lonely figure slowly disappeared into the night.

Tap tap tap!

Not long after, Rebecca and Olivia walked out holding hands.

"Are you done talking?" Rebecca asked curiously.

Fang Hao opened the curtain and smiled, "We're done talking, do you want to go back?"

"Well, it's getting late. Olivia is taking care of her skin recently and can't sleep late." Rebecca said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go back then!"

Dougherty stepped out of the carriage and glanced at Rebecca and his wife, who were getting along well.

Recalling Fang Hao’s first words.

For the sake of Rebecca and ‘Olivia’, I hope we can remain friendly.

Rebecca got into the carriage and after waving goodbye, the carriage disappeared into the street.

The speed of the Palace of Justice is faster than imagined.

On the next day, Rebecca's appointment as the leader of the Hundred Cities Federation had been passed on.

In addition to the Hall of Justice, the Church and the Mages Association also issued similar orders.

We must cooperate with the new leader and avoid any conflict with Fang Hao at this critical moment.

Early in the morning.

The Federation held a meeting, and all members could not be absent without special reasons.

Dougherty read out the appointment letter in public.

Rebecca strode onto the stage with her emblem and stood in front of everyone.

This incident caused quite a stir.

Whether it's her appearance or her reputation in the Hundred Cities, Rebecca is too famous.

Countless people had speculated before that she would be revoked from the House of Lords after she returned, but they did not expect that she would find Shuyuan www. He immediately became the leader.

No one dared to raise any objection to Rebecca's identity and race.

Those who had a grudge against Rebecca lowered their heads and did not dare to raise them, for fear of attracting this woman's attention.

Rebecca's first order after taking office was to call back the large-scale troops guarding the border and begin to resume trade with surrounding forces.

The morning meeting ended quickly.

Councilors from all factions left the scene in a hurry to pass the news back.

In the afternoon, Fang Hao also sat on the throne of the leader of Silver Wing City.

The system prompts and appears next to your ear.

[Silver Wing City has become your affiliated city. You can 'rename' the city here, and you can control all the resources of the city and affiliated villages. 】

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