Special type of spell?

It seems that a new spell type has been unlocked, which is related to sound.

Otherwise, the property of sound propagation will not be added to the equipment.

Thinking about the previous 'Oath Believers' who relied on the aura generated by making sounds, this should be this skill.

And, judging from the description.

This scroll provides basic abilities, which are prerequisite skills for related skills.

After mastering the ability, you can learn the corresponding skills in the future.

Fang Hao thought for a moment, and no matter how he thought about it, he felt that this skill was unusual.

After learning, will you be able to influence the enemy with your words like the male protagonist in the animation?

It brought tears to their eyes and repented of themselves.

To win without fighting.

The more I think about it, the more useful it becomes.

Continue to check out the rewards below.

Behind is a set of blue suit blueprints called [Oathkeeper].

[Set effect: Magic recovery +5%, sound transmission +5%, spiritual magic +3%. 】

Judging from the name, it was also the equipment worn by the black-robed believers before.

The equipment itself is a three-level defense, and the set effect provides three increases.

Magical restoration, sound transmission and spiritual magic.

It can be said that these are very targeted increases.

After checking the two rewards, there was nothing left.

The quality of this golden treasure chest is too average.

This skill scroll is good, but this blue suit is useless at all and is closer to the reward of a silver treasure chest.

He handed the two trophies to 'Kelly Orlando' and looked at them.

After studying the attributes, the latter handed it back again and said, "Mr. Fang Hao, these are your trophies."

Fang Hao nodded and took it.

He wasn't interested in the blueprints, but this skill scroll was a rare reward.

The books outside need to be studied and understood. Wherever there is a scroll like this for time travellers, it can be learned by confirming its use.

"Well, I'll take it first. If we get something later, we can divide it up." Fang Hao said directly.

Kerry Orlando smiled and said nothing. She was really embarrassed to talk about the distribution of equipment.

This time she specially brought her own elite.

But looking at the current situation, his elite are standing guard, cleaning the battlefield and carrying items, creating a logistics department.

Of course, she doesn't think this is a bad thing.

The intensity of the battle below can be seen from the trophies brought back and the remains of the construct.

She has seen the ferocity of the tenth-level constructs, and they can be beaten like this. When her own troops are reduced, they are just cannon fodder.

Come to think of it, it would be nice to follow the elder.

It's not dangerous, and you can still have a sip or two of soup.

Therefore, she would not ask for an equal share of the spoils, but even if Fang Hao gave it to her, she would consider whether she should take it.

This thigh needs to be hugged tighter.

"By the way, do you need these masks or something?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

"It's useless, and it's so ugly that I don't even want to eat when I look at it." Kerry Orlando said with a grin.

Fang Hao nodded, and then suggested: "Then give all these to me, and then I will compensate you with some of the 'Sandstorm' suit from last time."

"No, these are your trophies." Kerry Orlando shook his head and said.

Fang Hao didn't say much. He opened the gate again and moved the masks and body fragments back into the gate.

At the same time, a large number of skeleton shooters were mobilized.

A dense crowd of skeleton shooters came out carrying rifles.

Kerry Orlando's eyes widened again, full of surprise.

Don’t tell me, isn’t it from the undead camp?

Why are so many skeleton shooters coming out again, and are they rifles?

Have the rifles been developed?

Fang Hao ignored the surprised 'Kerry Orlando' and said directly: "Amalagh, take these skeletons to the third floor. There is a battle over there."

"Yes, sir."

The black-armored warrior on the side nodded in agreement and led the skeleton soldiers down the stone steps.

The dim cave entrance looked like a broken ant nest.

A large number of 'Disaster Skeletons' poured out of the cave entrance like skeleton spiders and spread along the walls.

Even if they are well prepared, it is difficult for the construct to completely resist with such a large number.

Beate, stretched out his hand.

A floating thunder ball shot into the dim cave entrance.

While killing a large number of skeletons, it also briefly illuminated the scene inside.

Densely packed spiders covered the walls, the roof, and the stone steps going down.

This stairwell seems to be made of bones.

The skulls that kept turning back and forth, and the dense sounds of kah, kah, kah, came from inside.

"Wow, there are so many." Anjia exclaimed, hammered several skeletons to death, and turned around and said, "Beat, if you turn into a dragon and spit on them, wouldn't they all be solved?"

Beate looked at Fang Hao. Fang Hao looked up at the roof of the shed where dust and gravel kept falling due to the fighting.

Still shaking his head, "Goodbye, it will be over if this place collapses."

If it really collapses, not to mention the dungeon rewards, everyone may get into trouble.

It's not like he can't beat him, so he won't take this risk.

At this time, the black-armored ‘Amarag’ came down with the skeleton shooter.

Fang Hao immediately constructed his body and gave up his position.

The skeleton shooters dispersed and formed a fan shape to surround the entrance of the cave.


The construct immediately retreated, and dense bullets shot into the doorway instantly.

Large swaths of skeletons began to scatter quickly, turning into white bones.

Some fish that slipped through the net were directly handed over to the constructs for hunting down.

Densely packed bullets kept shooting into it, and the skeletons like spiders also crackled and fell to death.

over time.

The number of ‘disaster skeletons’ pouring out is getting fewer and fewer, and they are becoming more and more scattered.

In the end, the few that didn't dare to rush out were killed directly by Beate's long-range skills.

The space became quiet again.

"Let's go down!" Fang Hao ordered again.

The passage leading to the fourth floor is even darker and longer.

Bones were stepped on underfoot, and the sound of cracking was heard continuously, echoing in the empty stairwell.

The long stone steps are longer than the previous floors.

When he was halfway there, there were no bones under his feet, only the sound of stepping on the stone steps.

The entire stone staircase is like a passage leading to the depths of hell.

Beate covered her nose and complained, "It stinks out front!"

"It's the smell of blood, so strong that it stuns." An Jia also covered her nose.

At this time, the two women spoke.

Fang Hao is now a demon doll and has no sense of smell, but he also knows what the bloody smell in the mouth of the two women means.

More travelers and soldiers may have been brought to this level.

"Be careful!"

Follow the stone steps to the end, and you will see a huge bronze door in front of you.

Different from before.

This time the door is on the other side.

In other words, the previous three floors were more like the upper and lower floors of a building.

The location of this bronze door has become the location of the neighbor across the door.

The bronze door is painted with intricate reliefs.

With the help of the light of the luminous stone, the relief pattern can be easily identified.

The tall and shining gods, as well as the believers who knelt down and paid tribute.

"Is it really a tomb of a god?" Fang Hao said in surprise.

But it’s impossible.

God cannot die.

God has endless lifespan, and death is an emergency.

Therefore, God will not build a tomb for himself because he feels that he is going to die.

Isn't this a tomb?

Or is it that those who are floating are not gods, but some leaders?

After thinking about it for a while, I stopped thinking about these things.

Does God have anything to do with him? He is not very interested in the background story of the map.

"Open the door!" Fang Hao said directly.

With a harsh creaking sound, the bronze door was opened little by little.

As the gap gets wider and wider, the scene on the other side gradually comes into view.

A huge and spacious temple.

First of all, the ones closest to here are tall skeleton soldiers, almost as tall as a troll. In addition to the normal skull, there are three other skulls growing on the empty abdomen.

There are four arms on the shoulders, holding swords, shields, spears and axes respectively.

[Xing Ming Corpse General (Tenth Level Soldier)].

Another tenth level soldier.

Whose tomb is this? I met three types of soldiers, and they were all tenth level.

"What are those men in black robes doing?" An Jia asked again.

Fang Hao looked behind the tall skeleton soldiers.

Then I saw groups of black-robed believers, kneeling and forming a circle, seemingly performing some kind of ritual.

In the middle, a huge sarcophagus can be vaguely seen.

Surrounding the sarcophagus were piles of corpses, like bodies melted and glued together.

The white flesh and blood fascia extended out a series of flesh and blood vessels, connecting the sarcophagus.

The soul fire in the devil doll's eyes beat violently.

He had seen a similar scene like this last time in the valley where the demon appeared.

Collect the corpses of living beings and use them to 'conceive' a person.

Connecting the sarcophagus at this time is more like a resurrection.

They want to resurrect the people in the sarcophagus.

However, among the undead, there is no such thing as resurrection.

Aren’t they all pursuing immortality and transforming into undead?

The harsh sound of opening the door alerted the enemies in the hall.

The tall 'Xing Minggui General' all turned their heads and looked at the door.

Some of the men in black robes who were kneeling in the distance also stood up and looked here.

When he saw the strange intruder clearly, the man in black robe let out a harsh roar.


"New sacrifice."


"Kill them..."

In addition to the curses, there were also strange notes.

Various apertures, through musical notes, blessed the body of the tall skeleton.

And those tall 'Xingming Corpse Generals' also turned around and began to charge towards this side.

The black-armored ‘Amarag’ and Beate, one each, quickly opened the heavy copper door.

Fang Hao also directly ordered, "Construct, kill all enemies in front."

The construct enters combat status, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Before the enemy blocked the doorway, he rushed out and charged towards the taller skeleton.

Change the source app to view the latest chapters of this book on multiple sites at the same time. 】


The construct's long sword was swung out, and while Xing Minggui raised his shield to block, the other three weapons stabbed and slashed, attacking the construct from three directions.

The construct kicked off its feet and retreated quickly.

But the shoulder was still stabbed by a spear, which broke the surface armor and exposed the internal mechanical structure.

Fang Hao's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

How about such a shameless fighting method?

The shield is blocking it, and the other three hands are attacking.

So sexy!

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