Fang Hao looked at the time, half past eight in the morning. According to the distance between the ancient tomb and the territory of 'Clea Orlando', he should have just rushed back.

The information is available so quickly, and the efficiency is still very high. Fang Hao replied directly: "Well, what happened?" With this reward, he was not that interested in what happened last night.

But 'Kerry Orlando' came here specifically to say it, and it was hard for him to show that he didn't care. The other person was silent for a while, probably editing the content.

Then, a longer message was sent.

"Late last night, all the time-travelers met a cloaked lizard man. Except for the few time-travelers who thought I had obtained a treasure and attacked me, the rest of them also believed similar content. I don't know. Without realizing it, just follow its words and attack others." Fang Hao frowned when he saw this message.

Everyone is bewitched, which is really scary. Moreover, this ability of all members to riot sounds so familiar!

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

"Do you know that lizard man? Is this incident aimed at us?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

"No one knows the lizard people, and the location of the ancient tomb is within the sphere of influence of the undead. The desert lizard people are also in the desert, but not here. Judging from the current intelligence, it is not like they are targeting us, but more like deliberately coming to cause trouble nearby. "Yes." Kerry Orlando said his guess.

According to ‘Kerry Orlando’. The desert lizard people are located very far away. Even if someone targets them, it is impossible to arrange for a lizard man to come all the way across the border.

This makes sense. If it was really the God of Deception who was causing trouble, he would have arranged undead followers nearby instead of lizardmen.

Moreover, if the war really started, it would probably be a big war. There was no way the scene would be so chaotic and they could break out so easily.

It's more like, meeting by chance and then going out to cause trouble for fun.

"What about the casualties?" Fang Hao continued to ask.

"After we left, it didn't take long for them to wake up, but many people died. The ancient tomb was also blown up. I claimed that I only conquered the second floor. The tomb collapsed, and they had no place. I've gone through the verification process." Kerry Orlando replied immediately.

The ancient tomb was indeed destroyed by these guys. If my group hadn't run so fast, they might have been buried underground.

There is teleportation, so it is not dangerous, but the loss is definitely not small. I didn’t continue to talk about the ancient tombs and the battle.

Fang Hao asked directly: "Well, by the way, what do you want this time? Is it still the sandstorm suit? In fact, there is a lot of equipment in my shop. You can match it according to your own ideas." This time the map was simply harvested. It's huge.

It can even be said that it solved the problem that he had been stuck in. In my heart, I am still very grateful to 'Kerry Orlando'. I have obtained several orange drawings, and I should give him more compensation.

It is also beneficial for you to be more generous. The other party has a good map and continues to look for you. If you dig and search, people won't be looking for you anymore.

"No need, I can't help you." Kerry Orlando added a wry smile.

Different from Fang Hao's idea, 'Kelly Orlando' was a little embarrassed to speak. In the end, she was not even used for cleaning work, but she was really a guide throughout the entire process.

Fang Hao thought about it for a while and then said: "Let's do this. I will give you five thousand 'Sandstorm' suits first, and you can choose from ten thousand blue weapons. As for the orange shield we obtained, I will make it when the materials are sufficient. Come out and trade it to you." Seeing this message, 'Kerry Orlando' who was having breakfast immediately spat out.

The attendants on the side were even more shocked, thinking that there was something wrong with the food and that they needed to be tested for poison. Kerry Orlando rubbed his eyes and reconfirmed the compensation promised by the other party.

Five thousand purple suits, ten thousand optional weapons, and an orange shield in the future. Oh my God!

Is Fang Hao trying to support himself? These are equipped with enough equipment to arm a city's army. Cooperating with Fang Hao was indeed the right choice. If she really gave her those orange drawings, the compensation in front of her might not be more suitable for her.

After pondering for a while, he sent the message: "Thank you Mr. Fang Hao for your support. Can I choose some rifles as weapons? Don't worry, I will only use them for myself and will not give them to others." The rifles were not sold in the store.

But the other party wanted it, and Fang Hao had no intention of refusing. Within the territory, ordinary members can also purchase rifles, but external sales and transactions are not allowed.

Moreover, as time goes by, many people must be developing such modern weapons. Those foreigners have more exposure to guns.

"Okay, let's see what else you need. I'll trade it with you." Fang Hao walked out of the lord's mansion and went to the equipment warehouse to make the corresponding equipment for her.

Kerry Orlando didn't say much. After thanking him again, he accepted it. For Fang Hao.

The only thing that is not bad now is the equipment, especially blue equipment, which has more and more materials. There will only be more equipment.

……Seal the deal. Fang Hao went directly to the territorial military camp area. In the open space planned in advance, find the synthesized construction drawings of [Mausoleum of the Corpse General].

No hesitation, just build. A large area of ​​light flashed, once again constructing the prototype of a dark castle and a dilapidated courtyard.

Construction time is two hours. Fang Hao went directly to the Blackstone Training Ground to watch the new maids training and also waited for the construction time to end.

Fang Hao bought the rabbit girls and fox girls from the orcs. People who have gone through hard times are more able to endure hardships.

Under the sun, I practiced very hard, punching and kicking, sweating profusely. Fang Hao sat on the wooden bench outside and watched for a while.

It's time to take a break. The maids walked out together, and when they saw Fang Hao, they all bowed in a reserved manner.


"Well, pay attention to rest and don't get exhausted." Fang Hao also nodded and said. This group of maids grew up much faster than Yin'er and the others.

There is a training ground and sufficient potions. Some people have reached level five now. The speed is quite amazing.

Of course, the level of promotion in this case is definitely not high in actual combat. But Fang Hao didn't expect anything, so he sent them directly to the battlefield to upgrade their levels first and then learn their skills slowly.

"Yes, Master." The maids agreed with blushing faces. For these maids.

Apart from the harder training, life is pretty good. There is no need to worry about food and clothing, you can soak in hot springs, and there is also a playground.

It's not heaven, but it's still a hundred times better than the life we ​​had before. Here, the sense of belonging has also improved relatively quickly, especially since they go to the temple every day to praise everything the lord has given them.

Loyalty is also increasing rapidly. As long as their loyalty reaches 100, Fang Hao will arrange for them to continue training at the ‘Wu Ji Auditorium’.

...[Barracks Building: The Mausoleum of the Corpse General is completed. 】【A new building has been built in your territory, and the recruitment conditions will belong to the current camp.

】【You are in a campless state, triggering a camp mission. ][Faction tasks: 1. Join any camp, and the new building will automatically match the corresponding ‘camp recruitment materials’.

】【2. Build your own camp. If the number of new barracks buildings is greater than or equal to 3, you can build your own camp. 】The maids leave.

System prompts sounded one after another, making Fang Hao stunned. When building a building, I didn’t expect so many prompts to appear.

After checking one by one, it turned out that a new building had been built, and because he was still in a campless state, he could not match the recruitment materials.

This was really beyond Fang Hao's expectation. The system also provides two solutions. One is to join a camp, and the corresponding materials will be automatically matched, but there is a bracket after it, saying that the excluded camp cannot be built.

The type of building is an undead building, which is definitely rejected by the living camp. Doesn't this still make him join the undead, and there is no second camp that is not living.

The second plan was to build a self-made camp, which made Fang Hao's eyes light up. It turns out that you can build your own camp.

The requirement is that three new barracks need to be built. Brand new..., never seen before.

I still have a [Barracks Synthesis Drawing] in my hand. Even if I synthesize it now, one is missing.

It seems that we need to think of a way to see if we can receive such drawings from places like the Merchant Alliance. As he quickly returned to the building, he saw a tall, dilapidated castle standing in front of him.

The style of the undead camp is like this, dark gothic, and full of a sense of corruption. Open the building properties.

[Skeleton General Mausoleum] [Category: Barracks Building] [Recruitable: Four-Armed Skeleton General] [Four-Armed Skeleton General: 10 Creeping Bones, 7 Traces of Death, 5 Star Silver.

】Fang Hao breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the properties of the building clearly. It doesn't mean that when there is no camp, recruitment of troops is not allowed.

Recruitment is still allowed, and the materials used are also materials from the undead camp... This is quite humane.

At least it's not blocked. Standing at the door, I thought about it carefully and decided to recruit a 'four-armed skeleton general' to see the effect.

Don't let anything go wrong by then. Open the recruitment section. The recruitment quantity has been adjusted to 1. Confirm recruitment.

[Hundred-fold increase trigger, recruit four-armed skeleton general 101] After the prompt, a figure walked out of the dilapidated castle, and a large light appeared on the side.

101 skeleton soldiers appeared. Fang Hao observed the appearance carefully. The bones are thick, and the surface of the bones is covered with a layer of armor that looks like mottled rocks.

It was like a layer of sun-dried mud had stuck to it since it hadn't been cleaned for a long time. He is about five meters tall. Judging from his body shape, he is closer to a troll.

The four arms are still there, but there is only one head on the shoulder. There is no appearance of the three heads on the abdomen of the 'Xing Ming Corpse General'.

Fang Hao looked around twice and felt quite satisfied. When you solve the camp problem, you can recruit on a large scale and reorganize the skeleton army.

Taking the four-armed skeleton general with him, he went to the warehouse to select equipment. Then he asked them all to enter the Tibetan Soldier Cave and wait for orders... After a busy day, it was already dusk when they returned to the Lord's Mansion.

After Yin'er prepared dinner, she took the maids to train again. It seems that they are going to upgrade some of the ninth-level maids to the tenth level in a short period of time.

Increase the playground facilities. We are tired of playing with the pirate ship. If we don’t add more facilities, the amusement park will be so big in vain.

Phew, a sound broke through the air. The succubus demon Lord ‘Jezebess’ is wearing a close-fitting leather armor and has a hot figure.

The wings set off a wave of air in front of the Lord's Mansion, and then slowly fell from the sky. First he looked around cautiously, and after finding no one there, he walked in with a face full of joy.

"Good evening, Lord Lord." The Demon Lord swung his waist, came to the center of the hall, and saluted. The look he looked over was full of flattery.

"Well, good evening, take a seat!" Fang Hao nodded and said. The Demon Lord sat down on a wooden chair nearby, his spade-shaped tail swinging gently.

"Sir, the followers of the God of Deception have begun to gather together, and all local forces are on guard. They even let them pass because there are too many people!" The Demon Lord reported the information, his face becoming more and more serious.

Fang Hao frowned, are those guys so fast?

"how many people?"

"According to the information, it has reached 10,000 people, or even more..." Demon Lord continued. Good guy, more than ten thousand people.

Moreover, the followers of the God of Deception gather from all over the world. Find Shuyuan This wave of tens of thousands, the other wave of tens of thousands, coming from all directions, there are quite a few.

Think about it too. As an old-fashioned god, he must have many believers. The more chaotic a place is, the easier it is for the belief in the God of Deception to spread.

"Well, don't worry about this matter. I will handle it when the time comes." Fang Hao said comfortingly. The devil nodded,

"Okay, sir." Fang Hao thought for a moment and then continued: "Make an appointment for me. What is the name of the old man who sells the construct..."


"Yes, meet Elro in the private room of the tavern tomorrow morning."

"Understood, sir." The Demon Lord nodded. Seeing that there were no other instructions, he continued to ask in a low voice: "Sir, would you like me to help you fall asleep at night?" Fang Hao was stunned.

"Um, don't be in a hurry, I'll wait until I finish this." The Demon Lord's skin instantly turned pink and red, and he said, "I understand, sir, I'll go down first." After saying that, he quickly stood up and left.

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