A flame spread backward along the body of the giant bull.

The oxcart began to grow rapidly along with the body of the oxen.

The carriage shattered into pieces and turned into an ancient chariot covered in bronze rust.

The old priest, still old, looked extremely small standing on the chariot.


The giant ox looked up to the sky and screamed, lowered his head, pulled the chariot, and started running.

With a kick of his feet, the chariot suddenly rose up from the ground and rushed into the sky.

Behind the car body, a slender red tail flame was left.

The chariot quickly reached the top of the charging orcs, the priest's staff waved, and the orcs' morale was high again.

Like the wild beasts descending from the mountain, roaring, the sword struck the shield with a bang.

Whoosh whoosh! !

All the hanging silk threads were put away, and a large number of orcs fell down like wheat.

The orc army has a large distance between them.

Coupled with the interference of the sword.

The ability just now only killed about half of the people.

Including a large number of infantry and flying units hovering in the air.

Looking forward again, I saw a huge fire bull, pulling an equally huge chariot, directly stepping into the sky and rushing towards this side.

The oxen pulls the cart and goes to heaven.

This scene was still quite shocking.

But on the chariot, the bright divine light was still dazzling.

Since the other party wanted to fight, Fang Hao no longer cowered and directly ordered, "Dimitra, organize an infantry attack. Beate, Lanzlit, you lead the two-headed corpse dragon to stop the ox in the sky."

Lanzlit is the dark gold hero of the Dragon Clan and an ice-attributed female dragon.

He has short hair and a tall and straight posture.

Perhaps it was because Fang Hao had his head chopped off at that time, so he became cold and unwilling to talk to him after he arrived.

"Oh, okay!" Beate agreed readily, and Ice Dragon said nothing more.

Fang Hao quickly explained a few more words, and then said: "Okay, attack, leave no one behind."


Everyone responded and dispersed.

Boom, boom, boom! !

The drums of the undead beat, and a gray-white halo covered all the undead.

Immediately afterwards, the city gate opened.

Groups of four-armed generals holding shields high strode out of the city gate.

Quickly form layers of iron walls and shield walls.

"Prepare for thunder and lightning strikes~, let go!"

Whoosh whoosh! !

Dense thunder spears fell all over the sky, clattering into the ranks of charging orcs.

The orcs who were halfway through the charge immediately raised their shields to defend themselves, but a large number of the orcs were still infected by the lightning.

Falling to the ground.

After one blow, the strange-looking skeletons in the distance began to move forward in formation, and the orc army also lowered their shields and began to move forward.

The orcs never expected that the other party would take the initiative to open the city gate and come out if they had a city they couldn't defend.

Could it be that all the brains of these vampires are muscles?

However, the appearance of this enemy is indeed a bit strange.

Play against each other and get close.

They all took off the axes from their waists and threw them forward.


Throwing axes intensively, spinning forward.

It landed on the shield with a crackling sound, not even leaving any scars.

The armies of both sides are getting closer and closer.

The blood of the orcs boiled even more, and bloodthirsty excitement appeared on their faces.

In the leader's roar.

The orc's body sank slightly, and he started to charge with his shield on his head.

Bang bang bang! !

The two sides collided.

The shields collided with each other, and the weapons slashed or stabbed towards their enemies in the gaps between the shields.

The two armies were instantly squeezed together.

Screams and fighting sounds filled the entire battlefield.

Behind them, huge mammoths slowly walked out of the city gate, their black muzzles facing forward.

In the sky.


There was a sound of breaking through the sky, and two dragon heroes, with thousands of two-headed corpse dragons, rushed towards the oncoming giant bull and chariot.

The Dragon Clan considers itself the overlord of the sky.

Seeing a cow flying up to the sky, I only have the will to fight in my heart, without any fear.


Several dragon breaths were spit out directly with terrifying energy.

The dragon's breath covered the giant bull and the chariot, emitting huge energy fluctuations.

However, before the two dragon heroes could be happy,

Wow! !

The deafening sound of iron chains suddenly sounded.

Countless iron chains shot out from the bronze chariot, instantly entangling the two-headed dragon that was running away.

The two heroes quickly dodged, but the two-headed corpse dragons around them were all entangled in chains.

The smoke from the chariot cleared.

I saw the old priest holding iron chains in his hands and pulling hard.

More than a thousand two-headed corpse dragons were pulled together by chains and knocked together.

The priest waved the wooden staff in his other hand.

Puff puff! !

The sword light appeared out of thin air, and a thousand double-headed corpse dragons had their heads cut off.

Heads and dragon corpses fell all over the sky.

It was like a rain of dragon corpses.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the two dragon heroes' eyes widened.

This..., what kind of power is this.

Killing dragon-type soldiers with just one wave?

Before the two dragons could react, the chariot had already arrived in front of the 'Ice Dragon' in the blink of an eye.

He casually waved the wooden stick again.

A terrifying sword light erupted and appeared out of thin air again.

The ice dragon's huge vertical pupils revealed the emotion of fear.

The next second, strong ice energy erupted from his body.

His whole body was instantly enveloped, forming a huge block of ice.

Ice barrier!


The moment the ice formed, a huge crack appeared on the surface of the ice.

The sword light not only left a mark on the ice.

Inside the ice block, there was also a deep scar visible on the ice dragon's body.

It is conceivable that if this barrier is not released in time, the entire dragon body may be split in half.

The huge ice block suddenly fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust.

Immediately afterwards, the giant bull pulled the chariot and ran towards Beate again.

The old priest's wooden staff had just been raised.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The blood spear and moon blade roared from below.

Aiming at Beate, the sword instantly changed direction and faced the roaring bloody magic.


Magic and sword light collide.

Make a huge roar.

Due to the air wave generated by the explosion, Beate quickly retreated and returned to the city.

On the city.

Dragon Queen and An Jia appeared next to Fang Hao.

Seeing the tragic battlefield and the dragon corpses falling all over the sky, his face instantly turned ugly.

"Is there another war? It's the smell of blood from the vampires and the stench from the orcs."

A voice sounded from An Jia's waist. It was the voice of a three-headed dog.

After the dog head in the middle finished cursing, the dog head on the right immediately said: "I will not allow you to insult Laurana and Miss Anjia."

The dog head on the left also said: "Anjia, why did you bring us here? Do you need us to show our strength?"

"We're not fighting gods again, are we? What unlucky guy has provoked Fang Hao." The dog head in the middle spoke again.

"It looks like we have another gem on our scabbard."

"What's the use of that thing? It's not as good as those scented rabbit maids."

"Shut up." An Jia covered all three dog heads with one hand to prevent them from continuing to talk nonsense.

The giant bull and the old priest in the sky also looked down.

[Bighorn Blood Slaughter-Gabriel (demigod)]

[Orc Priest (Seventh Level Soldier)]

The attributes in front of him surprised Fang Hao.

This cow pulling the cart is actually a demigod.

That is the master in the mouth of the negotiating orc.

Orcs, at least they have a character, they are completely beasts.

The person sitting on the chariot behind him exudes divine light, and must be some god of the orcs.

However, when the system looks at attributes, it can only see the attributes of the body.

It is impossible to see through the divine light and see the message of the spirit behind it.

"Claire Latin, you have the guts to stand in front of me today." The old priest sneered.

Fang Hao was stunned and immediately understood what the other party meant.

This is the ability that he releases through himself, thinking that he is the God of Deception.

He still doesn’t know that the God of Deception is dead?

But perhaps, the followers of the God of Deception are a group of people who hide in the dark all year round and rarely appear in the public eye.

"The word "hiding one's head but showing off one's tail" does not suit me. If you use the word 'forsighted' to describe me, it would be more appropriate." Fang Hao replied.

"Haha-haha! It's interesting, I even doubt whether you are 'Claire Latin'."

Fang Hao ignored him and continued: "Stop laughing, go away, you won't be able to get through if I stay here."

The old priest looked down again, swept past Laurana, and finally landed on the Dragon Queen.

"Dragon demigod, are you sure you want to wade into this muddy water?"

The Dragon Queen, even a demigod, is indeed one-sided in every aspect.

Whether it was the deceitful god at the beginning or the unknown orc god now, when a war begins, he must have a word with the dragon queen.

It's not like I'm afraid, but I also have the feeling that if you want to leave, I won't embarrass you.

The Dragon Queen shrugged and did not answer directly, but she also made her intention clear.

The old priest's smile gradually faded, and his face became more and more ugly. He tapped his wooden stick on the chariot and said, "Kill them."


The giant bull puffed out bursts of white smoke.

He kicked his hooves in the void, and then suddenly swooped down from the sky, rushing towards several people with terrifying power.

Fang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly: "Gabriel, you can't fly."

no effect.

"Gabriel, you can't stay in the air."

The giant bull still swooped down with the chariot, getting faster and faster.

Seeing that he was getting close, Fang Hao immediately changed his words, "Gabriel, I'm below you."

The giant galloping bull froze suddenly in its movements, and its body instantly slumped downwards.


With a loud roar, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com The giant bull went directly from top to bottom, penetrated the front city wall, and plunged its entire body into the ground.

The old priest on the chariot jumped into the air with his feet a little lower, and slashed at Fang Hao with the wooden stick in his hand.

"I'm on your left!" Fang Hao said casually while retreating.

The direction of the waving wooden staff changed.

A sharp blade flashed through, and the skeleton engineer and artillery on one side were instantly split in half.

The old priest's eyes flashed with surprise.

As if he didn't expect that the power of the God of Deception would affect him.

At this moment, the Dragon Queen stood in front of Fang Hao, shooting out several golden rays, turning her right palm into a dragon claw, grabbing the priest's head.

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