The dragon queen rose up from the ground and rushed towards the sky.

The tree canopy, entangled in a web, swelled and exploded like a balloon.

The golden dragon soared into the sky, looking down at the earth below.

Everywhere you look is an endless sea of ​​trees.

There is no end in sight and nothing different.

Avoid the branches shooting from below.

The Dragon Queen stopped observing her surroundings. After pulling away for a while, her figure grew taller again.

The next second.

A golden sun rises overhead.


Dazzling lights and a huge hum filled the entire space.

The golden light disappeared and everything returned to calm.

The crown of the trees above had turned into ashes, and the sky was bare.

The golden dragon did not fall, but flew to one side, spitting out golden dragon breath along the way and cleaning up the strange trees on the ground.

Fang Hao looked up, pointed in the direction of the golden dragon, and directly ordered, "Go in this direction and rush out."


All the soldiers began to take action.

The four-armed skeleton will open the way in front, leading the musketeers to charge outward.

Above the head, a few dragon breaths fell from time to time, which also played a big role.

They kept on pushing forward against the dryads, and finally entered the area opened by the Dragon Queen.

When I rushed out of the woods, I saw a huge open space in front of me. There were no flowers, grass or trees, only dry and cracked ground.

A bare patch.

The army rushed directly out of the dense forest and reorganized its defense in the dry open space.

Started to resist the tree demons, still attacking crazily.

There are no trees around to interfere, and there is no need to worry about enemies falling overhead. The two-headed corpse dragon follows the golden dragon and hovers in the sky, spitting out streams of dragon breath to destroy the enemies that rush out.

The fighting method suddenly became fixed-point tower defense.

Fang Hao looked at the situation around him and opened the gate again. Two black-armored warriors walked out first, followed by tall war mammoths.

No order was needed, the cannon barrels on the mammoth were already pouring artillery fire in all directions.

Boom boom~boom.

There were explosions, and explosions and flames lit up the forest.

The situation reversed instantly. No matter how many tree demons there were, they could not break out of the dense forest and were killed almost near the edge.

The equipment of the four-armed skeleton generals has actually reached a certain level. Not to mention that these tree demons are only tenth-level troops. Even if they are mythical troops, they may not be the opponents of the four-armed skeleton generals.

The fighting continued, and the sound of fighting and artillery turned the surrounding area into ruins.

Seeing that the battle was almost over, Fang Hao continued: "Amarager, Alrag, set the mountain on fire!"

"Yes, sir."

The two black-armored sisters strode forward and began to release magic around them.

Various fire magics rose in the woods.

Spread quickly.

Even though the forest is saving itself, the firefighting is still a little slow as some people keep setting fires.

Looking at the fires burning all around, Fang Haocai looked at the Dragon Queen, "Did you find anything in the sky?"

"Which one do you mean?"

"Whether there is a special building or not, we have to have a goal. We can't go on from here." Fang Hao continued.

"Let me take a look..." The Dragon Queen flew into the sky again, looking around.

It is still an endless green sea with no end in sight.

After looking carefully for a while, finally in the east direction, there seemed to be a city covered with trees.

Only the top of the tall building is exposed.

It should be there.

After falling from the sky, the Dragon Queen immediately said: "To the east, there is a city. I am not sure if it is the target you are looking for."

Fang Hao nodded, "Line up and advance towards the east."

The army took action again, and the four-armed skeletons would advance in front. The mammoths bombed all the way and began to re-enter the jungle, heading east.

Pushing hard all the way, without any skills, he just forced his way out.

Finally, when passing through a dense forest.

In front, the city that the Dragon Queen talked about appeared.

A city completely entangled with roots and trees and covered with branches and leaves.

There are only gaps where roots and trees intersect, and some walls covered with moss can be seen.

What a city.

An abandoned city that has been covered in vegetation.

It seems that, as I guessed, this is a lost plane.

Although it is unclear why it became what it is now, there must have been a god who was no less than the god of deception here.


The plants surrounding the city began to shake violently.

The entire tree rose from the ground, and a human-like face appeared from the top of the tree, looking resentfully at the few people outside the city.

[Lord of the Sacred Tree-Hollin'er (demigod)]

It turns out that there is indeed a boss here.

However, this boss is quite stubborn and will only appear when you really find him.


The tree man pulled out its roots and soles from the soil, and the tree body surrounding the city slowly straightened up, turning into a huge tree man, even taller than the giants.

The tree crown blocks the sky, like a green sky.

If we compare it with the giant form of the black-armored sisters.

The height of this giant tree man is probably close to 20 or 30 meters.

It is also the highest enemy so far.

The giant tree man stood up, with holes shaped like human eyes, staring down.

Immediately afterwards, the tree crown shook.

The pale green light spread to the surrounding forest, and the forest boiled again. More tree demons rushed out of the forest and pounced on the sudden intruder.

The giant tree man roared again, moved the tree's feet, and rushed towards this side.

"What kind of strength?" The Dragon Queen stood aside.

"Demigod, let's kill him together. If he dies, the level will be cleared." Fang Hao said in a low voice.

These tree demons are obviously endless to kill.

The best way to end this battle is to kill the boss in front of you.

The Dragon Queen nodded without hesitation.

As soon as he stepped down, his figure jumped up into the sky, transformed into the form of a giant dragon and rushed out.

The Dragon Queen was originally a giant dragon, but compared to the giant tree man in front of her, she was much smaller.

The golden dragon came forward.

The giant tree man raised his palm and patted the golden dragon head-on. The huge palm blocked the sunlight in the sky and even covered the golden dragon's body.

At the same time, countless thick branches shot out from the rat man's body, shooting like tentacles.

"Hollin'er, the enemy is on your right."

The voice sounded, and the tree man's palm suddenly deviated to the right, and the thorn branches also shot to the right.

Jinlong rushed directly in front of him.


The golden dragon's breath poured down the body of the sacred tree man.

Wherever the dragon's breath passed, the body formed by trees began to collapse, and then a fire broke out.


The tree man let out a cry of pain and raised his hand to pat the golden dragon again.

"Hollin'er, your enemy is behind you."

In the surprised eyes, the palm that was shot deflected again, and the golden dragon's breath poured onto his body again.

A large part of the body was ignited with flames, spreading towards the rest of the body.

Giant tree men with thick branches began to chase the golden dragon.

The legs took root in place, and the destroyed parts of the body began to grow buds quickly, rewinding into a new body.

Under the watchful eye of everyone, restore the original appearance.

After the injury recovered, he pulled out his legs again and began to look for the target who was disturbing him.

After searching around, I finally landed among the crowd below.

I don’t know who it is, but it must be one of them.

Without hesitation, he took a step forward and rushed forward.

No matter what, kill the person who keeps talking first.

Just as he took a step forward, the annoying voice sounded again, "Hollin'er, you can't move."

The tree man who had just taken two steps suddenly froze up.

His legs stopped in place uncontrollably, his body lost balance and fell forward.

Just as he was about to reach the end, threads suddenly fell from the sky.

He forcibly hung his huge body in the air without falling directly to the ground.

The golden dragon swooped down again, its huge dragon head spitting out golden dragon breath towards the crown of the tree and the position of its head.

The two black-armored warriors also turned into giant forms. Fire rain fell from the sky, and the war hammers in their hands also hit the body of the giant tree.

Under various intensive attacks from the three people.

The upper body of the giant tree collapsed instantly with a bang.

The lower body, which was still dropped in the air, began to extend several roots downward, trying to penetrate into the ground.

The two black-armored sisters who were driven over used their war hammers to smash all the roots extending downward.

There was another roar.

The lower body also suddenly collapsed.

The whole body turned into a ray of light and disappeared in all directions.

And a godhead emitting green light slowly fell from the sky.

battlefield area.

The tree demons that were swarming over in dense numbers froze in place at the moment when the giant tree man died.

Maintaining a running and attacking posture, his body rooted in place and turned directly into trees.

The skeletons that entered combat status also became on standby.

The noisy and chaotic battlefield fell silent for a moment.

The Dragon Queen picked up the godhead and looked at it, although her eyes were still full of desire and longing.

But he threw it over casually without saying anything more.

The godhead with this attribute is not suitable for her.

There may not be any benefit from absorbing it.

Fang Hao put away his godhead and looked back at the abandoned city ahead.

The order was given: "Get into formation and enter the city."

The army moved forward mightily, passed through the collapsed city gate, and entered the city directly.

The city has long been dilapidated, the surfaces of the buildings are covered with moss, and plants are growing in the cracked gaps.

But in some buildings, you can still see some traces of life.

Seeing that there was no danger, Fang Hao ordered the battlefield to be cleaned.

All the skeletons quickly dispersed and began searching every building in the city.

As for Fang Hao, Long Hou, and Hei Jia, the two sisters.

Then he entered directly into a temple in the middle.

In the middle of the temple.

There is a huge stone statue. The body of the stone statue has cracked, but there are a few vines wrapping the stone statue, so it has not broken directly.

The stone statue is a tall man with two horns on his head and huge bone wings on his back.

He was holding a strange-looking tool in his hand.

It looks like a torture device commonly used in some prisons.

"There is a name here. Look at what's written there." The Dragon Queen said to the side with his hands behind his back.

Fang Hao walked over and saw that there were indeed words, but they were different from those on the mainland.

The time traveler has a translation function, so he can recognize it.

[The God of Cruel Officials], the god in charge of punishment.

Looking again at the prop in the stone statue's hand, it turned out to be a torture instrument.

"It's called the God of Cruelty, the one in charge of punishment."


Soon, the Four-Armed Skeleton General also began to search the place. They pushed the stone statue but found no props.

The four of them left the temple.

In the open space outside the door, a hill has already been piled up.

They are all metal appliances that have been severely corroded. It has been too long and there is basically nothing left.

Among them, there is also a treasure chest.

Platinum Chest.

The difficulty here is not low, but the task only gives platinum treasure chests.

It's somewhat inappropriate, and it's like a demigod.

Fang Hao took one look and opened the treasure box in front of him.

In an instant, a dazzling light appeared.

[Obtain: The blueprint for making iron hoof fine iron armor (purple), the blueprint for making iron hoof fine iron lower body skirt (purple), the blueprint for making fine iron hoof iron helmet (purple), the fine iron long-handled mace (purple), and the soul-binding chain (Red), Sacred Wood Amber +4, Theocratic Barracks Fusion Blueprint +3, Lost Ancient Stone +245, War Coin +1021.]

Fang Hao scanned it roughly.

When I saw the 'red' rating, my eyes suddenly lit up. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com

It doesn’t seem like it’s a loss.

[Soul-binding Chain (Red)]

[Category: Treasures of the Gods]

[Sturdiness: level six strength]

[Effect: Soul-binding, active prop. 】

[Soul restraint: The target dies while being restrained. The soul cannot escape and cannot be resurrected in any form. 】

[Active props: can maintain the restrained state through the target's body shape. 】

(Description: Under suppression, never recover.)

Seeing the introduction, Fang Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Once bound, death cannot be resurrected.

I am Cao…….

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