Although Aerigan is Fang Hao's subordinate lord.

He is also the third time traveler in the world rankings, and is now the second time traveler.

It is enough to represent the top combat power of the time traveler.

But at this moment, when I saw the heroes and soldiers coming out of the curtain of light, I still felt strong horror in my heart.

Six dark gold and more than ten orange heroes.

There are flying dragons and mythical troops...

Level 10 is the most common unit here.

This is simply too scary.

At that time, when he was still a prisoner in the main city, Fang Hao definitely did not have this kind of troops.

After a short period of time, he actually reached such terrifying strength.

A steady stream of troops is still coming out of the light curtain.

Several heroes have gathered together.

Xiaoyou asked Eregon, who was stunned, "Is there a map of this place?"

"Yes!" Eregon immediately found a map and sent it over.

Arlag immediately pulled up the stone table buried in the ground and moved it over.

The map was laid out flat on top and displayed in front of everyone.

The location of this territory is really not far from Beast King City.

Erigon said it would take five hours to march, but he was afraid that the ordinary living soldiers he was talking about were all undead. Without baggage, the time could be reduced by half.

Alan Lager looked at the map and said softly: "According to the intelligence, the fifteenth-level main city of Beast King City will follow the previous plan. The heroes will be dispersed and the four walls will be attacked at the same time."

During this battle, neither Fang Hao nor Long Hou came.

However, more heroes and more troops were mobilized to attack a city wall alone, and they had to line up during the attack.

Therefore, the plan designated in advance is to attack from all sides simultaneously.

Even if the opponent has demigods sitting in charge, they cannot take into account the defense of the four walls.

With so much dark gold, he could be piled up to death.

Capture the orc main city as quickly as possible.

Give them a hard blow.

No one spoke, Alan Lager looked at the green dragon aside, "Elder Bishop, what do you think?"

Bishop is an elder of the dragon clan. Although he has the strength of the fifth level of dark gold, he represents the dragon clan.

So, be respectful in your attitude.

Bishop nodded, "Just follow the plan."

"Well, let's set off quickly without further ado!" Alan Lager continued.

Everyone nodded and quickly dispersed, leading their troops separately and leaving the city.

Xiaoyou waved, and the three-headed dog dagger flew back into his hand.

The three heads were just about to speak.

Then he was stuffed directly into the void.

The army left the city in a mighty manner, and Erigon stood there in surprise for a long time.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and I shivered before waking up.

Immediately build defensive towers for the city wall. If the orcs counterattack, you may need to rely on the city wall for defense.

The border of the Vampire Clan, Black Wind Castle.

Around three in the morning.

Dots of stars still hung in the sky, and there was a light mist in the air. Under the weak morning light on the horizon, they looked like clouds falling on the ground.

Outside the city wall, the area where the orcs camped was glowing with faint firelight.

The orcs guarding the area were trying to keep their spirits up, but they were also a little sluggish.

Laurana listened to the news sent back by the sound-transmitting conch and looked back to the lower part of the city.

The densely packed troops were already lined up and waiting for orders.

The skeleton soldiers showed no emotion, but the vampire soldiers became extremely tormented while waiting.

The pale face was even more nervous.

He took a deep breath and said in a cold voice: "Open the city gate and attack. The immortal orcs will not retreat."


A harsh sound sounded, and the heavy city gate was slowly opened.

Tap tap tap! !

The blood heavy cavalry composed of black knights rushed out first, like an arrow from a string, piercing the area where the orcs were.

At the same time, the blood flag of the Vampire Clan was waving, the smell of blood filled the air, the eyes of the Vampire Clan soldiers were red, the blood energy was rising from their bodies, and the war drums of the undead were beating, and the thunderous drums gave the undead a gray-white halo.

The army rushed out of the city gate without any tactical coordination and attacked directly in the area where the orc army was camping.

Above the head, the two-headed corpse dragon and the bloodthirsty manta wolf of the Vampire clan passed by the wall.

He immediately caught up with the Black Knight and rushed to the front.

The earth was shaking, and the roar was like thunder.

Flooded throughout the area.

The moment the city gate opened, the orcs had already sounded the alarm.

A loud horn sounded.

The orcs also entered a state of fighting.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Dense arrows roared out, shooting at the incoming two-headed dragon and bat wolf in the sky.

But the flying troops already had the advantage, and this time they didn't dodge or dodge. They rushed directly into the range, dived and breathed out the fiery dragon's breath.

Although the bat wolf can fly, its attack method is close combat.

Claws and sharp teeth were needed to attack, so they pounced directly from the sky, smashed into the orcs, and fought together.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Knight heavy cavalry, like a sharp sword, pierced the orcs' defense.

Behind them are Wuyangyang's undead and the vampire's infantry legion.

Without any tactics or skills, it is just the most direct and violent exchange of human lives for human lives.

The vampire's sudden attack caught the orcs by surprise.

The entire orc army fell backwards in an instant, as if being knocked down by a wave of bones.

Directly, he was already at a disadvantage.

at this time.

Wow! !

Several chains shot from the ground to the sky, entangling dozens of hovering two-headed corpse dragons in the blink of an eye.

The next second, a sword light that destroyed the world fell from the sky.

Puff puff! !

The dragon head and dragon corpse fell from the sky and smashed into the fighting crowd.


As soon as this attack came out, the momentum of the orc camp instantly rose, and they all let out angry roars.

Begin to launch a counterattack against the undead camp.

At the same time, one after another, the sword light was swung out, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, forming huge ravines.

The armies of the undead and vampires were as fragile as ants under the light of the sword, turning into pieces in pieces.

The two sides are fighting each other, biting each other to the death.

There was constant fighting, and people kept falling.

On the city wall, Laurana looked at the sword light shooting out.

He picked up the sound-transmitting conch and said, "The opponent's spirit is on my side, and you can attack on your side."

Beast King City.


The whistling sound broke through the air, causing the orc who was taking a nap against the city wall to slightly open his eyes.

He scratched his head and looked at the sky in confusion.

dark clouds?

At this time, the sky was slightly brighter, but not as dark as late at night.

However, the sky should get brighter this time.

Why is it getting darker?

It seems like a large dark cloud is quickly coming over here.

Only occasionally exposed gaps can still see the white sky.

Before the orcs could figure out what was happening, they heard the orcs on the side shouting: "Enemy attack, sound the alarm."

The orc suddenly woke up and looked into the distance again.

My heart was suddenly shocked.

This is not a dark cloud, but a large group of dragons. The dragon group that covers the sky and the sun is approaching here.

In the end what happened.

Are the Dragon Clan going to war with the Orcs?

Directly hit the main city of the orcs.

Boom, boom, boom! !

A heavy alarm bell was sounded, instantly resounding throughout the city.

Immediately afterwards, the alarm bells on the remaining three city walls were sounded one after another, indicating that enemies appeared on all sides.

The orc main city responds to emergencies very quickly.

The moment the alarm bell rings.

A large number of troops began to pour out from all over the city.

The dim city was lit up by dense torches, and swarms of troops quickly shuttled through the city.

Bundles of crossbow arrows were carried onto the city wall and placed on the crossbow bed.

All the crossbows began to adjust their directions, pointing far away at the group of dragons approaching like black clouds in the sky.


The orc leader gave an order.

Bang bang bang! !

The sound of the crossbow string sounded, and large swaths of crossbow arrows were shot into the sky.

The dragons still approached and entered a certain range, and the crossbowmen began to attack.

The dense arrows were like a giant net, covering the sky.

Some were blown down by the air current, and some hit the dragon's armor.


Just when arrows were shooting out all over the sky, everyone was preparing to attack the dragons.

An orderly and dull hammering sound came from four directions again.

The orc defenders on the city wall were shocked.

He stopped staring at the dragons in the sky and looked down at the distance outside the city.

The next second, my heart suddenly sank.

In the orderly footsteps like drums, the dense army of undead formed a shield array and began to surge towards this side.

What's this?

All the orcs were in horror.

Not only was it the number of undead, but what was even more horrifying was why such a huge army suddenly appeared near the main city.

The group of dragons appeared here, perhaps flying at high altitude and coming under the cover of night.

But how could such a huge undead infantry appear here.

The main city is in the middle of the orc area.

Don't wait for the orcs to figure it out.

Behind the undead holding a shield, there are humanoid constructs holding huge swords, skeleton shooters carrying firearms on their shoulders, and a huge elephant-like monster.

There are so many types and huge quantities.

Even if it is a battle with the desert undead, the scene will be like this.

The orcs on the city wall all swallowed their mouths and stopped shooting arrows in their hands.

"Keep shooting. Quick... bring up the artillery, stones and logs."

The orc leader urged loudly.

He raised his leg and kicked the stunned soldier aside.

All the orcs were busy again, with the black muzzles pointing into the distance.

Some orcs even picked up black bombs, preparing to resist the siege of the undead.

The impression left by orcs on foreigners is that they are rude and barbaric.

Especially that sentence, "act first, think later", made other races laugh at the orcs who only think about muscles.

However, the development of the orcs is not as barbaric and primitive as the rumors of various races.

Artillery bombs and fighting heritage are no less than those of foreign races.

Otherwise, it would not have become the big family it is now.

The dragons are getting closer.

The sound of the howling wind became even more harsh.

"Flying units..., attack!" The next order came from the rear again.

The flying beast nest cages in the city were opened one after another.

Groups of flying orcs flew out of their cages and circled overhead.

Then they dispersed instantly in the air, divided into lines, and pounced on the flying dragons.

The flying beasts approached quickly and rushed towards the group of dragons.

Among the dragons.

The green dragon glanced at the groups of flying beasts, and then at the city wall below.

"Go and lure away those flying beasts." The green dragon said to the rear.

The two dragon heroes nodded, immediately left the team with some of the flying dragons, and jumped directly into the group of flying beasts.

While using the dragon's breath to kill, he led the flying beast out of the way.

The group of dragons is nearly a hundred meters away.

The green dragon elder roared angrily and swooped down with the dragons.

Arrows and crossbows poured into the air for free.

The two-headed corpse dragon began to be shot into a hedgehog, falling from the sky and smashing into the city.

And more dragons, including the green dragon, were already approaching the city wall.

Roar! !

The green dragon's breath swept across the city wall.

Different from the flaming dragon's breath, the green dragon's breath is more like thick venom.

Wrapping the orcs on the city wall, the venom began to corrode the armor, and the skin and flesh inside, more like melted hot wax, began to peel off downwards.

The shrouded orc did not die immediately, but instead fished for his fallen flesh and blood in horror, trying to wipe it back on his body.

In the constant struggle, even the bones turned into a pool of blood.

The solid stone surface of the city wall was corroded into large potholes, leaving a thick green liquid that kept popping bubbles.

More and more dragons rushed into the city.

The dragon's breath was raging in the city, and it began to charge and kill regardless of the cost, disrupting the rhythm of the city.

Outside the city wall, the undead army was getting closer and closer.

Three hundred meters away, the mammoth construct's magic cannon began to charge.

Boom boom! !

Ray-like gunfire hit the closed city gate.

A violent explosion sounded, and the entire city wall began to swing violently.

The infantry began to attack the city.

Beast King Hall.

Two orc guards quickly ran into the hall.

He shouted loudly: "Outside the four city walls, a large number of undead troops and structures appeared, and they began to attack the city."

All the orcs present looked shocked.

Not only are there dragon troops, but there are also undead armies and constructs.

Such a big hatred for orcs?

Why does it appear directly here in the main city?

"How many people are there?"

Sitting on the rough-looking throne was a tall orc wearing iron-gray thick armor.

Huge fangs, red skin.

At nearly five meters tall, he looked more like a demon depicted in a picture book.

[War Flame-Maledice].

The demigod leader of the orc tribe, the demigod orc king.

"The number of people reported from the front is close to one million..."


At this moment, the hall suddenly became noisy.

An army of millions….

How can this be.

Whether it is the undead or any major force, if they want to mobilize millions of troops, the news will definitely spread.

How is it possible that such an army suddenly appeared?

It's like..., it's like a demonic invasion.

Suddenly appeared in this continent.

Regarding the noise below, the Beastman King did not express any opinion. A pair of scarlet eyes closed slightly and fell into deep thought.

Others don't know, but he knows some information.

The previous battle against Black Wind Castle also featured a large number of flying dragons and skeleton troops.

This has to bring both sides together.

It seems that this is the blood clan's army.

After pondering for a moment, the Beastman King opened his eyes.

He said directly: "Go to the Temple of Heavenly Father and ask the priest to come forward..."


The guards left quickly and rushed towards the temple.

In the shadow of the corner, an ink-like black shadow quickly merged into the shadow of the guard and followed him towards the temple.

The orc city was in chaos, with constant fighting in the distance, and various corpses falling from the sky above.

The guards kept walking through the rows of buildings.

He went straight to the temple.

The hall was dark, and several priests in robes were standing in the hall.

He also looked at the fighting scene outside with some curiosity.

For many years, the enemy has not attacked the main city.

"What's the matter?" In the main hall, look for an old orc priest from Shuyuan and asked softly.

White robe decorated with purple and gold embroidery.

He is holding a brown wooden staff with a prismatic blue gem on the top, which looks like a short-handled spear.

"Master Priest, the undead and dragons are attacking the main city, and the Beast King asks you to come forward..."

"Okay, I understand. You go back and tell the Beast King that I will ask Father God to protect the main city." The old priest said.

The guard saluted again, turned and left.

After the guards left, the old priest knelt devoutly in front of the tall statue and began to mutter words, trying to communicate with the great Father God.

At this moment, the shadow behind him began to solidify.

A figure of a human woman formed, holding a dagger and slashing at the old priest's neck.

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