late at night!

The territory is still bright.

The collected luminous stones were made into street lamps and set up on both sides of the road, as well as in important areas such as tailor shops and organ museums.

The bright noctilucent stone made this city of the first scale covered with a faint light.

Lord's Chalet.

Fang Hao was sleeping soundly.

Boom! !

Suddenly, a thick bell rang throughout the territory.

Fang Hao woke up suddenly, his heart pounding.


The bell rang again.

It was the bronze bell in the territory that was tolled.

Fang Hao rolled over and got out of bed, not bothering to put on his clothes, put on the armor with his gloves, picked up the Starfire Staff on the weapon rack at the bedside, and walked out of the room.

When the territorial bronze bell rings, it means that there is an enemy.

Just walked out of the lord's cabin.

Then I saw a figure flying above the territory, and the huge bat wings spread out, covering the bright moon in the sky.

"Batman?" Fang Hao said subconsciously.

I almost thought that I had crossed again, but fortunately, Nelson walked towards him, and he was still in the territory.

It's just that this image is too similar to what Batman looked like when he appeared.

"My lord, this should be the vampire of the Yongye family." Nelson came over.


Fang Hao instantly thought of Yinfeng Castle.

In Yinfeng Castle, I got a lot of information about vampires.

It also made him understand that the Yongye family represented vampires.

Could this vampire have something to do with Yinfeng Castle?

Fang Hao thought in his heart, and also checked the other party's attributes at this time.

[Blood Hunting-Giovanni Hamidon (Blue Fifth Order)]

It's actually a blue fifth-order hero.

No wonder he dared to force his way into the territory alone.

At this time, the Necromancer in the territory, the Mage Defense Tower, has already started a battle with the opponent.

Magic missiles all over the sky, black lightning of defense towers.

The scene was extremely shocking.

And the blood hunter Giovanni, relying on his flexible flying ability, and the defense in the territory, fought back and forth.

"It seems that he is more difficult to deal with." Fang Hao commented softly.

Fang Hao recruited 10,000 necromancers in order to cope with the mandatory mission.

This number of mages attacked at the same time, and the density of the missiles was like a large net flying towards the vampire.

But the opponent can always easily avoid it by virtue of its flying ability and efficient maneuverability.

Then wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

The necromancer team can't help the vampire, and the vampires can't hurt the necromancer and magic defense tower below.

And below there is a skeleton hero holding a long blade, and a dense number of skeleton melee arms.

The vampires dare not fall down and engage in melee combat.

The two sides are so connected, and neither of them can do anything to each other.

After Giovanni in the air avoided a fiery sword light, he suddenly caught a glimpse of two figures talking in the territory.

A human, and a skeleton that looks crumpled.

Standing in front of the ruling hall means that the two have a special identity, and may even be the administrator of the city.

It's useless to kill these low-level, huge numbers of skeletons by yourself.

It is better to kill the leader directly, and then use the advantage of his own flight to leave.

Thinking of this, after avoiding magic.

Giovanni closed the bat wing, and the whole person swooped down from the air and attacked the location of the two.

Seeing the vampire rushing towards him, Fang Hao felt a little nervous.

Raise the staff, and summon the amulet to protect yourself.

Nelson reached out to stop Fang Hao at this time, "It's good for adults to watch the battle."

Saying that, the staff in his hand hit the ground heavily.


The next second, Nelson's whole body aura suddenly changed.

Fang Hao, who had a foundation in magic, could feel that terrifying magic fluctuations erupted from Nelson's hunched body.

The magic elements in the surrounding space quickly converged on his body.

The ground beneath his feet also began to change, and the rested and flat ground continued to churn like boiling water.

Nelson's withered fingers pointed at the vampire who was rushing in quickly.

Suddenly, the earth rose up like a tsunami and rushed into the sky.

The blood hunter Giovanni rushed in quickly, and his face changed instantly when he saw the mud rushing towards him like waves.

The bat wing opened again, slowed down, turned his head and wanted to escape.

But it's all too late.

The mud had already wrapped around his ankles and spread rapidly throughout his body.

Like a cocoon wrapped by a spider, it wraps the whole body.

This is Nelson's skill, thick burial.

Boom! !

With a muffled sound, the clod fell and landed in front of Fang Hao and Nelson.

The soil at the top squirmed to the sides, revealing a pale face.

When Giovanni saw the two, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

He never thought that there was such a powerful undead hero in this undead territory.

A pair of blood-red eyes looked around.

Looking at the human beings in surprise, he also looked at the undead corpse witch.

When did humans mix with the undead?

So powerful, why did the undead corpse witch that can kill him in seconds appear in this small city.

All this is revealed to be inconsistent with common sense.

At the same time, I regret even more in my heart, why did I come here alone.

But it was too late to say anything at this time, and he could only find a way to deter the other party.

"I don't care if you are undead or human, I am Giovanni Hamidon, a pure nobleman of Hamidon. If you don't want to die, let me go immediately." Giovanni broke free and said loudly.

Fang Hao was stunned for a moment, and looked at Nelson with a puzzled face.

Listening to the other party's tone, he revealed his own family, which seemed to have a lot of background.

It's a pity that I met a lord like Fang Hao who just came here. Don't talk about a family, even if it is a king, he doesn't know who it is.

"Stop talking nonsense with me, I don't care what family you are, whether it is pure or not, why did you force your way into my territory." Fang Hao said loudly.

What is pure or not.

In my hometown, the purity of the variety is only checked when breeding.

This kind of words won't work for him here.

Giovanni snorted coldly, glanced at Fang Hao and said, "Boy, pay attention to your identity, you are not qualified to question me."

He is very clear.

The powerful one in the territory was the undead corpse witch on the side, not the weak human being in front of him.

I only think that this human is just a vassal or servant of the undead.

Fang Hao frowned, "Nelson, let him be more honest."

"Okay, my lord." After Nelson said a word, his body waved again with magical power.

The next second, the soil wrapped around Giovanni's body began to tighten little by little, and there was a sound of crunching and breaking of bones.

"Ah! You're crazy, you undead, what are you doing to listen to what humans say." Giovanni screamed in pain, and looked at the undead corpse angrily.

Compared with undead and humans, vampires and undead are closer.

He couldn't understand why a powerful corpse would follow a weak human being.

"Finally, I'm asking you, why did you attack my territory." Fang Hao narrowed his eyes and his voice was gloomy.

Giovanni also suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and a trace of fear rose in his heart.

He can be sure that if he keeps his mouth shut, the other party will definitely shut him up forever, even if he has already reported his family.

"Cough! You don't pretend to be garlic. Did you take the things in my ancient castle? You are so immoral. You stole things and smashed the house." Giovanni became more and more angry, and subconsciously began to growl .

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