Fang Hao's eyes widened a bit when he saw the mission appear.

This mission came somewhat suddenly.

A second ago, I was still thinking about the relationship between various races and the threats posed by the gods, but suddenly the mission came out.

It is estimated that Savannah was interrupted by a system prompt as soon as she entered the bridal chamber with the Elf Prince.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Hao opened the Book of Lords again and looked carefully at the recorded records.

The name of the mission is called Lost Battlefield.

Anything with the word "battlefield" in it is basically a combat type.

It's either a legion battle or a siege battle.

However, this time is different from before.

In the past, battlefields were fought between individuals and tasks. To put it bluntly, they were more like single-player battles, fighting enemies in the system space.

The content of the mission this time is a battle between camps.

According to the task description, the lord can freely choose his camp.

One is to guard the camp, defend the city, and protect the resurrection of a god, and the other is to attack the party.

This forces the time travelers to fight among themselves.

At the beginning, when the time-travelers were teleported here, the living conditions were difficult and internal fighting was serious.

Now it is gradually developing, and it is gradually becoming peaceful.

As soon as some bad situations are exposed on the channel, their reputation will instantly become bad.

It's okay to be criticized verbally and written down, but it's unbearable for a group of people to gather their troops to fight you.

Therefore, the relationship between the time-travelers is basically in a peaceful state now.

Now, the system has begun to create a camp mission again.

No one has a good temper. After finishing the mission, it's hard to say that he doesn't hold a grudge when he leaves.

Below the mission, the options of 'Guardian Camp' and 'Resistance Camp' are also displayed, indicating that you can choose.

Fang Hao looked at it and was not in a hurry to choose.

Instead, he turned on the regional channel and took a look.

The topic of the elven wedding was discussed before, but it all turned into a discussion of the mission.

"The PVP battlefield has appeared, and the time travelers are fighting."

"After death, you will enter the spectator mode again, just like last time. I hope the bosses have not turned off the live broadcast function."

"Have you noticed that I didn't mention the troops and cities I brought this time?"

"Oh shit? You won't let us go up and fight hand to hand, will you?"

"Have you mentioned the previous missions? Death punishment includes hero punishment and troop punishment. You should be able to bring troops in!"

"Previous missions all mentioned troop types and cities."

Fang Hao was also stunned when he saw everyone chatting.

I looked at the mission description again and discovered the details the other party mentioned.

In previous battlefield battles, it will be mentioned that the "city" is transported to the mission space, and the heroes and units that need to be carried must be within the scope of the city.

At that time, for this rule, he even sent Yin'er and the skeleton craftsmen away.

Looking at it now, this mission really didn’t mention this.

Do you really want the time travelers from the two camps to fight on their own?

That's not called a lord mission anymore, and what can a time traveler do?

Most time-travelers don't have high combat abilities, and they can get away with it by just playing swordsmanship.

Letting the time traveler fight would probably be a bit difficult.

Looking at the Book of Lords again, everyone has begun to discuss the choice of camp.

"Of course it's the guardian camp. It can't be wrong to have a relationship with the gods."

"That's wrong. Judging from the description of the mission, this is obviously a plot about mortals rebelling against gods. Of course, they have to fight for justice."

"Your mother..., this is a mission. It is easier to defend the city. If there are no troops and heroes, who can attack the city with time travellers?"

"There should be a lot of people in the guardian camp, and it should be easier, but they all chose justice."

"I***, who are you with?"

Seeing that there was going to be a quarrel here, Fang Hao turned to the World Channel again.

Dense information rolled through quickly.

Here, you absolutely can't curse. You send a message and you don't know who you are scolding.

Fang Hao pressed down on the scrolling screen and looked at it carefully.

The contents of the discussion were similar, and they were divided into two major camps, analyzing the pros and cons.

But the only difference is.

There are people constantly flooding the screen in the name of Savannah, allowing more people to choose to defend the camp.

Guard the city together and resist foreign enemies.

If there are no troops and heroes to follow into the mission space, the defense of the city will actually be more powerful.

You ask the time traveler to climb the siege ladder and try it.

I dare to give you two pestles when I turn around.


Soon, the private chat prompt sounded.

Ai Ruigan, Li Rong, Dong Jiayue and others all sent messages one after another.

"Mr. Fang Hao, which camp do you want to choose?"

"Brother Hao, which camp do you choose? Maybe we can meet."


Everyone asked the same questions, all about choosing a camp.

Fang Hao first replied to Arrigon, "Savanna didn't invite you?"

Erigang, "Invited, her people all chose the guardian camp, thinking that the guardian camp would make it easier to pass the level."

Sure enough, the people on the World Channel who advocated choosing the guardian camp were Savannah's people.

You are already married, why don't you have sex and worry about these things.

Are you so competitive?

Fang Hao thought for a while, and when it came to choosing a camp, he definitely couldn't choose one with the other party.

Otherwise, there will be differences in command authority, with some listening to her and some listening to themselves, which is likely to hinder the completion of the mission.

It's better to just choose the opposite camp.

If there were really no arms and heroes, it would be a bad thing for ordinary time travellers.

But for my level 6 god, it is actually a good thing, and the task will be simpler.

After thinking about it, he sent a message to everyone, "Choose the resistance camp and inform all your subordinates to choose the resistance camp. Don't fight against your own people."

Erigon: "Okay."

Dong Jiayue: "Received..."


Everyone responded and sent out: received.

Fang Hao also directly chose the second option 'Resistance Camp'.

[The camp selection is completed and will be transferred to the mission space after 11 hours and 25 minutes. 】

The countdown is still the same as before.

It all gives time to prepare. Whether you buy equipment or stock up on some medicine, be prepared.

Don't start, nothing happens.

After explaining a few words to several subordinate lords, he stood up from the throne.

I didn't go to the hot springs with the Yin'ers, nor did I punish the succubus.

Instead, he walked directly towards the barracks area.

The night is hazy, and the light of the luminous stone illuminates the surrounding area.

Halfway through, I happened to meet the Dragon Queen who was wandering around at night.

"Where to go?" Dragon Queen asked casually.

"Go to the barracks to recruit some troops. Why are you here?" Fang Hao looked at her.

The Dragon Queen walked over slowly, "Is something wrong?"

The two walked side by side towards the barracks area, and Fang Hao replied: "It's time for the time traveler mission."

"Isn't this a good thing!"

From the Dragon Queen's point of view, the time traveler mission is a good opportunity to earn rewards.

As long as you go in, you will get more or less benefits when you come out.

"Forget it, we may not be able to bring heroes and troops in this time." Fang Hao roughly told her the matter.

This means that she will go on a mission tomorrow, and the main city will need her to take care of it.

There was no need to make any decisions. If there were enemies, she could just deal with them.

The Dragon Queen nodded, "Okay."

The two of them came to the [Blessed Archer Burial Mausoleum] together and opened the building page.

[Bless Longbowman: Lost Ancient Stone 10, Tiger Talisman 12, Trace of Death 10, Star Silver 5. 】

Fang Hao immediately checked the reserves of lost ancient stones.

972 pieces.

The Lost Ancient Stone is different from the Tiger Talisman.

Tiger Talisman can be dropped by killing ordinary soldiers and even wild beast bandits.

The lost ancient stone needs to be obtained from the treasure chest of the 'Treasure of the Gods'.

In other words, if you want to possess the Lost Ancient Stone, you must participate in a battle at the demigod level or above.

These are the materials that have been found in the treasure chest of the ‘Treasures of the Gods’ several times before.

It's hard to get, and you can't use them all at once.

Think for a moment.

Then the number of recruits was adjusted to 400.

Confirm recruitment.

[Triggered by a hundredfold increase, recruit 40,400 blessed long archers. 】

The strength of 40,000 troops is actually not much different.

It's enough to generate a rain of arrows for suppression.

A large ray of light lit up, and densely packed bone archers appeared in front of them.

Unlike the dwarven Thunder Musketeers, this longbowman's bone structure is more like a human body type.

It's just that the arms are extremely long, reaching below the knees.

I don’t know if this kind of arm length is good for archery or if there is something special about it.

Let all the longbowmen walk out of the city gate, and then make a corresponding number of 'peck-eye bows' and archer suits that can no longer keep up with the level of the arms.

After everything is done, let the troops enter the hiding cave before returning to the lord's mansion.

However, the original plan to train the succubus was disrupted, and he was dragged by the dragon queen to chat in the pavilion all night.

Early the next morning.

After Fang Hao had breakfast, he started preparations early.

His own dragon armor, storm longbow, thunder eagle blade, rifle revolver, and a lot of bullets.

Especially rifles.

This time, there is a high probability that you will meet one of your own people when you go in, so I brought more rifles.

If the time traveler really goes up to fight to the death on his own, having a rifle can still bring a lot of security to the time traveler.

He explained everything to Yin'er and Long Hou.

He sat on the throne and waited for the system time to arrive.

Time passed little by little.

When the gold watch on my wrist reached eight o'clock, a system prompt rang in my ears.

[The lost battlefield, the mission begins! 】

【Transferring you to task space. 】


There was a blur in front of his eyes, and when his vision became clear again, he was no longer in the Lord's Mansion, but appeared in a strange space.

Fang Hao immediately looked around.

Sure enough, look for Shuyuan www. zhaohhuyuan. com The main city didn't come, the troops didn't come, and the Dragon Queen who was standing by didn't follow.

Just himself, standing on the ground.

Sure enough, everyone's literalist analysis on the channel was correct. The mission did not mention arms, so it really did not send arms and heroes.

It's really a battle between time travelers and bayonets.

How terrible!

At this time, the system prompt sounded again.

[You have entered the Lost Battlefield. 】

[Rebel camp: Please gather your separated companions, pass through the tightly defended fortress, and prevent the gods from resurrecting. 】

[During the mission, the trading function and store function will be closed. 】

[Mission countdown: 7 hours and 59 minutes…. 】

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