The army moved forward in a mighty manner, getting closer and closer to the fortress camp.

The fortress is not large in size, more like a large walled village.

A simple flag hung on the wall, fluttering in the wind.

There were soldiers standing guard, watching them from a distance, without giving any warning, and allowed them to approach the fortress.

The time travelers looked at each other and then at the surrounding troops.

According to what we have seen along the way, whether it is the resistance army or the guardian army, it is actually a battle within the human race.

But at this time, there were undead, orcs, and the most conspicuous two-headed corpse dragon in the army of time travellers.

The NPCs on these walls are not surprising at all.

His eyes just glanced at him without any intention of asking.

Even if the time traveler and the NPC on the city wall looked at each other, the other party would nod and give a friendly gesture.

"They don't care about us at all~!" Di Ningning said.

"We should be considered a part of the system's tasks, so the NPC here is familiar with us." Dong Jiayue explained his guess.

"Even so, it's a bit weird to see undead in the team!" Jin Zhihe also said from the side.

Drawing comics also requires plot.

Although her picture book does not focus on logic, it still requires basic logic.

In the human civil war, forget about the appearance of orcs. When such a large number of strange undead appear on the battlefield, the plot becomes a bit unreasonable.

If this were put in a picture book, people would complain about it.

"Perhaps in the plot, they just want the two sides to confront each other, without considering the relationship between the camps." Dong Jiayue continued.

While walking and chatting, they got close to the city gate.

The guard guarding them took a moment to look at the crowd and the soldiers behind them.

He immediately let everyone in.

There are not many buildings in the fortress. You can see blacksmith shops and tanning workshops along the road, which should be places that provide weapons repair for the army.

Finally, everyone's eyes fell on the location of the recruitment flag in the distance.

You can now recruit troops.

"Let's go and recruit soldiers first."

Everyone walked directly to the recruiting flag.

Just after taking a few steps, a resistance soldier suddenly ran over quickly from behind.

"May I ask who is the leader of this team? Our Lord invites you."

After hearing this sentence clearly, both the time traveler and the soldier all looked at Fang Hao's position in the middle.

Without any introduction, the guard walked directly through the queue of undead and came to Fang Hao. After saluting, he said: "Your Majesty, our Lord, please come over."

Needless to say, this is part of the mission.

Everyone was still looking at Fang Hao, waiting for his decision.

Fang Hao nodded, "Jiayue, please accompany me there, while the others go to the recruitment flag to recruit troops. I will tell you when there is any action."

"Okay, then let's line up to recruit troops first."

Everyone continued to move towards the recruiting flag.

On the way, Di Ningning pulled the real Fu Lei and said, "Why does Fu Lei call Dong Jiayue so close? They are in love? Not to mention that Fu Lei has a girlfriend and already lives together!"

Fu Lei's eyelids jumped and he held it in for a long time before he said, "Are you, are you intimate? Don't talk nonsense."

"Yes, she called Jiayue directly, and Dong Jiayue didn't resent him at all, and they were walking close to each other. There must be something wrong with them." Di Ningning relied on her own intuition, and she was very sure that there must be something wrong here.

Several lords affiliated with the territory on the side also came over.

He looked like he was about to eat something.

"You will know in the future that what you see may not be true, but the truth is right in front of you." Zhen Fulei said.

"What are you talking about? The truth is not the truth."

After Di Ningning finished speaking, he turned to the side and said to Jin Zhihe: "Actually, I think your 'The Dragon Servant Marries' should not be discontinued."

Fu Lei pinched his eyebrows, looked at the chubby girl in front of him, and thought to himself, you are really not afraid of death.

Guardian city.

Savannah and the others stood on the city wall, looking at the army of time travelers entering the fortress in the distance.

There was a murmur of surprise behind him.

"What's going on? The rebels are coming so soon."

"There is a dragon, it's Erigon's team."

"No, I have seen those four-armed undead, they are the soldiers under Fang Hao's command. Fang Hao is not dead, he has entered the dungeon."

"Stop farting, your name has been missing from the rankings for a long time, how could it suddenly appear here?"

"Then tell me, what's going on..."

The guardians, who originally scolded those who chose to rebel as being mentally retarded, began to argue fiercely.

Although I still don’t think that the resistance has a chance to win.

But that confidence in victory was somewhat shaken.

The enemy may actually have a chance to make a comeback.

Savannah also looked at the fortress where the army entered, staring carefully, seemingly looking for some figure.

It's just that the distance is too far, and the outlines of the arms can be seen clearly, but the details of the appearance cannot be seen at all.

But that uneasy feeling became stronger and stronger in my heart.

what happened?

Could it be that under this situation, the rebels still want to make a comeback?

"How far is the mission progress?" Savannah asked behind her.

The leader of Angel Dust said: "I just came here and it's 69%."

"So slow?" Savannah asked in confusion.

When I first saw it, the progress of the spirit's awakening reached 67%.

After such a long time, it actually increased by two points.

The leader of Angel Dust said helplessly: "Yes, the progress of the mission is too slow. According to the mission, it may only be faster when people are killed in the battle."

People died in battle….

This is the time to speed up the progress until the resistance and the guardians confront each other head-on.

In fact, it’s not a big problem.

I rehearsed the subsequent plan in my mind.

He said softly: "Mobilize your high-level troops and focus on defending this side. There is still a large amount of gunpowder and artillery shells in the warehouse. Please mobilize more."

Angel Dust and the Reborn Thirteen, the leaders of the two alliances looked at each other.

I felt it was a bit premature to mobilize troops now, but I still nodded and agreed, "Okay."

Rebel camp, central command hall.

Fang Hao took Dong Jiayue and strode into it.

The layout of the command hall is very simple.

A few ordinary wooden chairs and a wooden table in the middle.

It looks very crude.

In the middle of the hall, a middle-aged man with a thick beard sat.

Wearing a rebel uniform, he has a very strong figure.

[Chivalrous Pioneer-Gallup (Purple Level 5)]

Purple level five hero.

In the temple mission, an orange hero appeared in the guardian army, and the one blocking the way was a dark gold hero.

When we arrived at the resistance, the leader actually only had purple.

This gap is quite big.

Seeing Fang Hao and the others coming in, the middle-aged man Gallup smiled and stood up to greet them, "Haha, welcome to friends from the coalition forces. Welcome."

Fang Hao and Dong Jiayue glanced at each other, with a sense of understanding in their eyes.

No wonder, the resistance NPC here did not stop other arms.

It turns out that his identity is that of the coalition forces with external support.

In other words, they do not belong to the orthodox resistance forces, but are the support invited by the resistance forces.

In this way, whether it is undead or orcs, it can be said that it is past.

"Commander Gallup..." Fang Hao also smiled.

Ha ha!

The middle-aged man smiled heartily and said, "Sit down, sit down and chat."

Fang Hao and the other two also sat down beside them.

Gallup introduced himself and said: "My name is 'Gallup'. After Commander Whitley died in battle, I took over his position and led the resistance to continue fighting. What do you call me?"

Fang Hao nodded and said, "My name is Fu Lei, and this is our deputy commander, Dong Jiayue."

"Yeah." Gallup nodded and continued to ask, "How many people did you bring?"

Very direct, not even a few polite words.

Fang Hao estimated in his mind that there were actually nearly 500 people in the team. Each person originally recruited 100 soldiers. After two battles, he received two recruitment orders each.

If all were recruited, it would be about 150,000.

Of course, a lot of soldiers were lost in the previous battle, so this is just a rough calculation.

"Less than 150,000."

Gallup was startled and asked with some suspicion: "How many people?"

"With less than 150,000 people, there are a few people, but the combat effectiveness is definitely not low."

"Really? Thank you so much to the brothers in the coalition forces." Gallup stood up excitedly and said loudly.

Fang Hao was stunned, uh..., he seemed to think there were too many people.

"How many people are there specifically on the resistance side?" Fang Hao also asked in response.

Gallup smiled helplessly and said: "Our number, after several battles, can continue to participate in subsequent battles is less than 20,000. If you don't show up, we will consider cooperating with other camps." Army, attack again."

"Other camps?"

"Yes!" Gallup waved to the side, and two guards immediately moved the wooden table in the middle of the hall.

Then, spread out a map.

The map is very crudely drawn and does not even have the specifications of Jin Zhihe's paintings.

But the above content can still be expressed clearly.

The middle position is the guardian city to be attacked, and in the four directions on the periphery, there are several camps established by the rebels.

Gallup said: "After the support from the other four camps arrives, we will attack this city together, which will be our last battle."

In other words, if the camp has traversers for support, it will be retained.

If the travelers who choose to rebel on this side fail, the camp will disband, join other camps, and continue the attack.

If you put it this way, with the number of time-travelers, there should be some teams of time-travelers coming.

"Oh, then what time is the plan to start the attack?"


Walk out of the command hall.

Dong Jiayue asked: "Why did they choose to attack at noon? In that kind of weather, attacking has no advantage."

Fang Hao said: "It may be the time to take care of our mission, or it may be that the battlefield is like this, and it is more difficult for humans to attack at night."

"Well, that makes sense."

The two returned all the way to the place where the travelers gathered.

Under the recruiting banner fluttering in the wind, several time travelers were recruiting soldiers.

"Mr. Fu Lei, is there any news?" someone asked, and the others also looked at him.

Fang Hao said: "There is a purple hero over there, who is the leader of the resistance army. According to him, at noon, he will launch an attack together with several other resistance army camps."

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