Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 980: Responsibility for racial continuation

The burning dragon's breath, like a waterfall pouring down from the sky, instantly covered the body of the poisonous god.

Pain and heart-rending wails rang out from the flames.

With a bang, the body of the Poison God collapsed again, drifting into thick fog, and began to flee close to the ground.

Countless silver-white arrows followed closely behind, like a shadow.

"Msugna, you cannot maintain the mist form." Fang Hao's voice sounded again.

The escaping poisonous mist instantly solidified into the image of a black robe.

The poisonous god in black robes glanced sideways at the arrows behind him.

He flipped his hand and threw out a puppet, which was like an upright straw man. It plunged into the ground with a thud.

The arrow that was chasing him was instantly choked, then immediately changed its direction and penetrated the puppet.

At the same time, the figures of the four black-armored sisters exchanged with the fire spear again and appeared in front of the poisonous god. While blocking the way, they swung or chopped the warhammer in their hands to attack the target.

The poisonous god spread in an instant and split into five parts.

Transformed into five smaller men in black robes, four of them had their arms inserted into the ground.

At the feet of the four sisters, countless venomous snakes emerged from the ground, densely packed like rising rice fields. The venomous snakes twisted and wrapped the four of them, and the sharp teeth of the snake's mouth bit at the entangled enemies at the same time.


The sound of armor being bitten through sounded.

call! !

At this time, a burst of flames exploded from behind.

The four black-robed clones were instantly enveloped in flames and burned out in the blink of an eye.

A black-robed body was left, fleeing into the distance again.

The four sisters broke free from their restraints and blocked the Poison God again, shooting out fire magic cubes one after another.

The Dragon Queen stood behind, swinging the hammer in her hand.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, the poisonous god raised his hands high, and the poisonous gas rolled forward like a wave, overwhelmingly rolling forward.

the other side.

The corpses of the swamp soldiers who fell to the ground and died quickly inflated like inflated balloons.

The next second, the corpse suddenly shattered, along with the bones and pieces of meat, and swarms of poisonous insects filled the entire area.

A deafening buzz rushed towards the area where Fang Hao was.

Fang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and casually released the 'Cloud Mist' to instantly wrap around the surrounding area.

In the clouds and mist, flashes of lightning hit poisonous insects in the air.


When thunder and lightning collided with poisonous insects, they exploded instantly as if they had touched a bomb.

Fang Hao was startled. A thread instantly connected his body, and his figure instantly retreated into the distance.


The poisonous insects exploded, and countless poisonous insects filled the sky, exploding one after another like a wave.

The whole world was illuminated by firelight.

Fang Hao left quickly, and behind him were explosions and heat waves filling the sky.

Even though the sound was terrifying, it didn't do much harm to him.

Side quickly reversed.

Turning his gaze towards the Poison God in the distance, he pulled the bone bow in his hand again, shooting arrows one after another.

Arrows flashed and flew away quickly.

The four black-armored sisters also rushed towards the Poison God again, blocking the way. The war hammers kept smashing the figures to pieces and reunited.

After a confrontation.

The Poison God's tricks became increasingly weak.

The reason why he can still be entangled until now is not because he really has an advantage in combat power.

More of them are weird and strange tricks.

At the moment of the fight, everyone was not familiar with him, but after a few rounds of fighting, the characteristics of his moves were already very familiar.

The dragon queen's whip legs pulled the black robe's body apart, and when it condensed again, the chain hammer in her hand shot out instantly.

With a bang, it hit the black robe's chest.

The body of the Poison God became more solid, and under the hood of rolling smoke, one could even see the face of a lizard-like frog.

The special effect of [Dictatorship] has taken effect.

Hitting the target will deprive the opponent of a characteristic.

It seems that the ability to turn into mist was taken away from his body.

The Dragon Queen continued to follow closely behind her, swinging and swinging the hammer in her hand, knocking the poisonous god's body away.

The blood and body were on the verge of collapse.

The Poison God was completely panicked at this time, and shouted loudly: "Tiralt, you have such a powerful power, why would you surrender to a time traveler? Your current strength has definitely reached the level of the upper gods. The orc camp has returned. You, I surrender to you too, how about that?"

The words contained begging for mercy and even more provocative thoughts.

The relationship between her and Fang Hao was described as submission, not cooperation.

Seeing the Dragon Queen's footsteps pause slightly, the Poison God suddenly felt a joyful expression in his heart.

It seemed that his provocation had worked.

Destroying their relationship would be of great help to his own survival.

However, just when he was thinking about what he should say next.

The murderous intent in the Dragon Queen's eyes was even stronger.

The next second, the body shot out again, and the hammer hit his head directly.

Just as the Poison God was about to dodge, the voice from the distance came again very well, "Msugna, you can't move your body."

boom! !

A heavy roar sounded.

The Poison God's skull was pierced by a hammer, and then the weapon's 'fire brand' effect instantly exploded his head.

The huge explosion covered the entire area of ​​several hundred meters.

The scorching flames shot straight into the sky.

The black-robed body was burned to ashes in the flames.


The four sisters quickly came over and stood beside the Dragon Queen, looking at the body burning in the flames.

At this time, Fang Hao also walked over from a distance.

Looking at the corpse.

There is indeed no attribute prompt, so he should be really dead.

But Fang Hao always felt like something was wrong and couldn't figure out where the problem was.

At this time, the charred corpse collapsed and turned into a pile of scattered black ash.

"Without godhead, he is not dead yet." The Dragon Queen said.

Fang Hao reacted immediately and whispered: "Msugna, your body is moving towards me."

Several people immediately looked around.

The next second, the soil under the ground began to stir, but the bulge immediately collapsed again.


The Dragon Queen nodded and said, "You guys retreat."

Fang Hao and the four Heijia sisters immediately backed up and stayed away from this direction.

The dragon queen's figure instantly floated into the sky, and a golden sun rose above her head.


After the dazzling golden light.

The earth turned into a magma lake, and the rolling and churning magma occupied most of the divine domain.

Heat waves will roll in, evaporating the surrounding swamps.

And in the center of the magma.

A small, worm-like creature struggled in the rolling magma and screamed, "Fang Hao, let me go once. I am willing to surrender to you like them, provide you with other information, and obtain other people's godhood." ."

"Tiralt, don't kill me. I blessed the green dragon, so you can't kill me."

The poisonous god kept shouting for mercy.

But the Dragon Queen and Fang Hao still acted very indifferently, watching him silently, struggling little by little in the magma pool, and finally burned to death.

When the body completely disappeared this time, a dark green light group emerged from the magma.

[Godhead (Level 5)]

Level five godhead, the godhead of the poisonous god, is actually not low in level.

Use silk thread to fish out the godhead.

Then he said to the people behind him: "Let's go back first and let others clean this place."


Several people immediately agreed, turned around and walked outside.

There was silence in the Tibetan Soldier Cave.

Through the light curtain, everyone saw what just happened.

Fight like a devastation.

Everyone's attacks were capable of overturning a city, especially the Dragon Queen's last attack.

It is no longer the original level that melted buildings and caused the earth to dry up and crack.

Instead, it burned the earth into magma.

Covering most of the divine domain.

This is a bit too exaggerated and terrifying.

With the skill performance of the Dragon Queen, the skills of the others are not so shocking.

When Fang Hao and others came back, An Jia immediately greeted him and said, "Dead?"


"What the hell is he?" An Jia asked.

Fang Hao thought for a while and then said: "It seems to be a kind of insect, I don't know."

"Is it a caterpillar?"

"You know Caterpillar, take people to clean up the battlefield. The temple there has been preserved and see if there is anything good in it." Fang Hao said directly.

"Ah, okay!" An Jia nodded, and immediately became excited when she heard that she was going to search for something.

Fang Hao thought it was wrong, and immediately stopped her and said, "Don't go, it's full of poisonous gas. Mad Lion, please take someone in and find the treasure box and the fallen weapons."

Before the mad lion could respond, Anjia shouted reluctantly: "No, I'm not afraid of poison."

Fang Hao glanced at her angrily.

Is that an ordinary poison? Even Arunrag and the others can't stand it. You, a purple hero, can you still stand it if it goes in?

After thinking for a while, he said: "What's the fun in searching for things? Take these two prisoners with you and let's go interrogate the prisoners."

As soon as he heard that the prisoner was finally going to be interrogated, Anjia immediately waved his hand and said, "Crazy Lion, go and search quickly. Search carefully."

Then he asked Xiang Fang Hao, "Where to go for trial?"

"Take it to the Lord's Hall."

"Okay." An Jia immediately walked over and said to the two of them, "Get up and follow me."

Through the light curtain, the two of them also saw the battle just now.

The God of War and the God of Poison both died in each other's hands, and there was no need for the two of them to resist.

At that time, life or death will still depend on the other party's decision.

They walked outside together until they arrived at the magnificent Lord's Hall.

The two orc prisoners stood in the middle, bowing their heads and saying nothing.

Fang Hao asked directly: "Are you a priest of the God of War?"

The orc priest just nodded and did not answer.

"I thought that devout believers would follow the Father God you serve." Fang Hao said.

If he died, he would not want his followers to make any impulsive actions.

But for believers.

The gods they serve are destroyed and disappear, and many people will die along with them.

Especially, the devout person who has attained the status of a devotee of the Godhead.

"I have other tasks. When this is completed, I will follow the footsteps of Father God." The priest said.

"What mission? It shouldn't be a secret."

The orc priest hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Find a new god for the orc tribe, and continue under the blessing."

Different camps have different ideas.

But each race does have its own beliefs.

For the continuation of the race, it is not surprising.

Fang Hao nodded, showing a little more respect for the priest.

This reminded him of Bolton, the pig-headed man he met when he first came here.

You can sacrifice yourself for the sake of the tribe.

He looked at the orc leader again, "Boyle, what about you? Do you have any unfinished tasks?"

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