Quietly, the Ministry of Heavenly Dao announced an image.

The face of this figure is hidden under the hood, and the right hand holds a scale with equal weights.

With the exposure of the image, information about the Goddess of Justice is also being released.

After discovering that this was the content announced by the official account, Huaguo's channel exploded.

"What is this? Artificial intelligence? Is our country so awesome?"

"I don't care whether it's artificial or not, intelligent or not, I just want to ask what does it mean for this data to be entered!"

"Isn't the one upstairs worth 500,000 yuan? I didn't see the data black box. Unless there is a criminal case, no one can view it?"

"Do you believe what the Ministry of Heaven says? You don't have the ability to think independently, do you? Opening your mouth and keeping silent is half a million, but I think it's only half a million!"

Zhao Li had a headache looking at this information, but Li Changan was completely different from him, and he smiled happily as he read it.

Then he raised his head and glanced at Zhao Li, Li Changan said: "Old Zhao, why do you have this expression again? What's the matter? Your ability to withstand stress needs to be strengthened, Old Zhao."

"What does this have to do with stress resistance? I'm still a little too anxious. I should pave the way."

Li Changan was a little surprised when he heard this. He raised his head and looked at Zhao Li seriously and said, "Sometimes it's not a good thing to strive for perfection too much. And no matter how you set the stage for this matter, someone will jump out and make sarcastic remarks."

"They seem to be pursuing the truth, but in fact they just want to see the truth they want to see. In every official case of Aite, even if the official information is finally released, they will say that they do not believe what the official says. "

"So being too serious about some things will make you look very hypocritical. If you continue like this, I feel that the position of minister will be mine sooner or later."

Li Changan was quite serious when he talked to Zhao Li in joking words.

After all, a leader as tolerant and with a sense of justice as Zhao Li is really rare.

At least Li Changan doesn't feel as painful as before when he works under Zhao Li. If it were a different minister, he would be very sad.

"The official is not convincing and will make the public question. Isn't this what the official did wrong?"

He disagreed with Li Changan's statement. Zhao Li just felt that he could do better.

Since the people do not believe in the Ministry of Tiandao, then slowly increase their trust in the Ministry of Tiandao. The word authority must be linked to trust to show the meaning of authority.

Zhao Li's understanding seems to be somewhat different from what Li Changan wants to express, but...if the people in charge of China were like Zhao Li, then these so-called leveragers would not dare to speak.

Although many people are now criticizing these sarcastic people on national channels, this trend cannot be stopped.

It's as if...this kind of decision-making by the country will harm them.

"Minister, I think what you said makes sense. Is there anything we should do next? Or, is there anything we can do?"

The mood of dawdling in his heart dissipated a little, and Li Changan also put away his mobile phone and asked Zhao Li seriously.

At this time, looking at the noisy speeches, Zhao Li stood up after a moment of silence and said: "Do things. Now everything is just talk on paper. Only by doing facts can people be convinced."

"Really arrested or falsely arrested?"

Li Changan's pupils narrowed when he saw the person recorded in the information.

The president of the Manyo Chamber of Commerce, not to mention his extraordinary skills, also has a good relationship with the Security Bureau. He is also a person who is keen on charity and long-term poverty alleviation.

It's just that such a person actually has very close contact with the Yatuo family in private, and they are still in contact even now.

Li Changan had never dared to think about catching such a person before. Even if he collected the irrefutable evidence, Li Changan would not dare to touch it. It was too dangerous.

"Xiao Li. I remember that the reason why you have been working at the grassroots level for so many years is because you helped a teacher reverse the case, and that's why you became like this, right?"

Hearing Li Changan's suspicious tone, Zhao Li recounted his file word for word.

With every word he said, the expression on Li Changan's face became stiff. By the end of the sentence, there was no smile on Li Changan's face, only silence.

This matter has indeed suppressed him for five years. If the person behind the pressure hadn't been caught, he would probably still be suppressed.

That's why Li Changan felt a little...ridiculous when he looked at Zhao Li.

But now, seeing Zhao Li put on the Tianyan supervision uniform without hesitation, Li Changan felt a little uncomfortable.

"Since Mr. Bai said that he wants to set up a supervision department, it means that the responsibility on our shoulders has increased. Tianyan needs to shoulder not only the responsibility of supervising reincarnations, but also the responsibility of supervising the entire society."

"Some things always require the first step, and the Man'ye Chamber of Commerce is like that in front of the country."

"Do you dare to come with me?"

Zhao Li walked to the door, stopped and turned to look at Li Changan.

He knew that Li Changan had a fire in his heart, but the fire was forcibly extinguished. But now Zhao Li wants to rekindle him.

There has to be someone to take care of some things, and the Eye of Heaven will become the Sword of Damocles in China that hangs over the heads of evildoers.


Li Changan, who was weighing the situation in his mind, gritted his teeth after a while, put on his uniform and followed Zhao Li.

At the same time, under Zhao Li's order. Under the supervision of Tianyan, currently 3,000 people have begun to go to the Manyo Chamber of Commerce to ensure that no one will leak out of this operation.

The top floor of Manyo Chamber of Commerce.

Stroking the black hair of the half-crouched woman, Wanchangshan said with a smile on his face: "Second Young Master, don't worry. When have I ever made a mistake in what you told me?"

"How specific? I have already experienced the specific training, so I can only say that it is like this. You still need to work hard on your own, it is not as refreshing as taking genetic medicine."

"Haha, yes. It looks quite similar inside, but my eldest son said it's like a game. What kind of prospects can a game have? It's really pitiful for me to be in this country."

Wanchangshan, who was chatting with Atolia, was full of compliments and compliments.

Wanchangshan hung up the phone after a while, enjoying the woman's service with his eyes closed.


Wanchangshan, who trembled for a moment, waited until the woman finished cleaning up before driving her out.

Then he picked up the phone on the table and started arranging the things Attolia told him.

The resurrection mechanism in the reincarnation space is indeed too strange. Can anyone really be resurrected like this? Thinking of Wanchang Mountain here, I also felt that Atolya's words made sense.

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