Global Monopoly of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 966: [Luo Sheng's arrangement]

Luo Sheng, who had rushed back from Shencheng, was not idle. He watched three steps in advance, took two steps in advance, and did one step in advance.

Victor Finley and his lead gene company are currently in the development and expansion stage, and it takes time. Luo Sheng also needs time to prepare.

At 9:30 in the evening, the underground laboratory of the Science and Technology Complex.

"Master, you are here!"

As soon as Luo Sheng entered the laboratory, he heard the voice of the No. 18 tool girl paper. What I have to say is that, without knowing it, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from a face-to-face conversation with a bionic person.

Whether in terms of appearance or emotional and logical communication, bionics are no different from humans except that they are not real natural humans.

"Where is number 2?"

"In the cultivation room."

"Go and make me a refreshing tea."

"Good host."

The brief conversation ended, the 18th sister paper went to make tea, and Luo Sheng also walked to the cultivation room.

No. 2 tool Renmeizhi is standing next to the indoor console. Her main job is to continue to make new bionics.

Seeing Luo Sheng coming, the No. 2 tool person sister paper turned to face him and smiled: "Master, you are here, do you want to activate the bionic again?"

According to the completed examples, Luo Sheng usually comes here to activate the bionics to perform tasks. The bionics have been manufactured continuously, and the output is actually not high. Only a cultivation room can be manufactured in one month on average. Create a brand new bionic person.

Luo Sheng glanced at a bionic person in the cultivation tank, which was a semi-finished product, and immediately asked, “How many bionic bodies are currently dormant?”

No. 2 Tool Renmeizhi replied: "The remaining 14 are in dormancy. The owner can activate and take away at any time if needed."

Hearing this, Luo Sheng couldn't help muttering to himself: "The efficiency is still too slow."

Counting from the creation of the first bionic human, the total number today is only a few dozen, because it is cultivated one by one, and there is no industrial assembly line type of mass manufacturing.

"Master, the tea you want."

Luo Sheng took a cup of hot tea from the No. 18 tool girl paper, took a sip and stared at the bionic body in the cultivation tank thinking without a word, two tool girl papers stood by his side and accompanied him. Waiting for his instructions at any time.

What I have to say is that the appearance and figure of these two tools are impeccable. After all, their growth is based on the established data model. It is the result of manual intervention. The most perfect aesthetic standard was born. From a technical point of view, this is actually very simple.

"You have to prepare for mass production in advance..." Luo Sheng, who had been thinking for a while, said to himself that the biochip has been handed over to Liu Junzhao and Xiongxin Electronics, but the chip is only a core module of the bionic.

In terms of efficiency, Victor Finley's gene editing enhancement is much faster, because it is done directly from humans. If you don't rigorously say that gene mutation is over, the bionic must follow a strict industrial manufacturing process. Some are manufactured.

Not to mention that the number of bionics must surpass Victor Finley's fortifiers, but they have to be equal, at least not widening the gap in number.

Luo Sheng put away his thoughts and turned to look at the No. 2 tool person sister paper standing on his left: "What is the current total cost of the bionic body? Needless to say, just tell me the whole number."

Such questions are the same for Xiaona and for tools.

The No. 2 tool Renmei paper answered a number concisely: "RMB 12.58 million."

Upon hearing this, Luo Sheng nodded silently and fell into thinking.

The cost of less than 13 million yuan, compared with the first bionic August Fron, the production cost has been reduced by more than 90%, so many years have passed, while the technology continues to iterate and improve, the cost is also Keep coming down.

Luo Sheng also knows the biggest cost in this, mainly in the smart core biochip and artificial skin. These two modules actually account for 80% of the overall cost. In fact, cultivation is the least capital cost, but the most time-consuming cost. .

Entering industrialized assembly line production can offset the sunk costs caused by the time factor, and mass production means that the bionic body can further reduce costs.

It shouldn't be a problem to push it down to around RMB 5 million.

The value of bionics is much higher than that of Dabai robots. All commodities in the world consume wealth. However, bionics are obviously different from ordinary commodities and can create value, whether it is visible value or invisible value, or even Emotional value can be provided.

This means that not only does it have to worry about commercialization, but it also has no competitors.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the emergence of bionics is a major high-tech product of human civilization entering the fourth technological revolution.

At the end, Luo Sheng put away his thoughts, turned around and glanced back and forth on the No. 2 and No. 18 tool girl papers, and said, “After nurturing this, stop, and activate all the dormant bionics and release them first. You two come with me."

"Yes. Master."

After Luo Sheng finished speaking, he left the underground library laboratory, and the two tool girls were also obediently and followed him into the elevator.

The bionic is the result of Luo Sheng's own power, and did not occupy any resources of Bluestar Technology, Azure Coast and other companies. The funds during the period were also personally provided by him. The only resource used was Luo Sheng himself. .

Luo Sheng also does not intend to let the bionics get involved with institutions such as Bluestar Technology and the Blue Coast, but re-establish a new commercial organization to operate this matter.

After the fourteen dormant bionics were activated, they were just arranged to work in this new organization and master their important core positions in this organization. The bionics organization is too important to allow any mistakes.

Including the No. 2 and No. 18 tools, Renmeizhi will also re-arrange jobs. As for the candidate for the head of the bionic commercial organization, Luo Sheng already has a suitable candidate.


The elevator door opened, and Luo Sheng brought out two papers with two tools. In front of him was the small living room in the indoor living area.

At this moment, An Qingxue was sitting in the living room wearing a **** silk nightdress. Hearing the movement from the elevator behind him, she knew that Luo Sheng had come up from the underground laboratory, because only he could enter and leave the underground warehouse.

Before turning around, An Qingxue said with a faintly resentful tone: "It's over ten o'clock, can you save your energy for me? I haven't asked you for three days. I must give you to... …"

At the moment when she turned her head, when An Qingxue saw the picture greeted her eyes, she stopped abruptly without finishing her words, her eyes were slightly dull for a while.

This is the inner hall, and the two women who are with Luo Sheng can't ignore it.

An Qingxue has always been very confident about her appearance. The first thing after giving birth to her daughter Luo Qiongying was to recover her figure. It took only three or four months to recover. Daughter's mother.

But when she saw these two women, a moment of thought flashed in her heart, that is, for the first time in front of these two women, that her body and appearance, which had always been very confident, had a trace of frustration.

The faces of these two women are full of vitality collagen, with impeccable proportions of the devil's body.

"Yeah, haven't you slept yet? I happen to have a business matter to tell you." Luo Sheng saw An Qingxue sitting in the living room, and immediately came to sit next to her, and immediately put his hand on her waist and added with a smile. : "I intend to let you take charge of an important new organization alone. To put it loosely, it is equivalent to a prince."

It’s more appropriate for An Qingxue to take charge of the bionic business organization. First of all, the most important issue of trust can be solved directly, and there is no problem with the ability. After more than ten years, she knows the extent to which Luo Sheng can be competent.

However, at this moment, An Qingxue let Luo Sheng take care of him, and directly skipped what he said, always looking at the two No. 2 and No. 18.

No wonder the underground warehouse is not allowed to let anyone go down. It turns out that there is such a secret.

After a while, An Qingxue's gaze fell on Luo Sheng and met him: "Are you pretending to be calm and sure? Or is it deliberately irritating me? Or I'm tired of you, so I specially arranged it. I go down and head an institution independently?"

Hearing this, Luo Sheng glanced back at the two tool sister papers, An Qingxue didn't know they were bionics.

Luo Sheng retracted his gaze and looked at him again. The two sides stared at each other silently for two seconds. Luo Sheng couldn't help but smile: "I thought you wouldn't mind."

An Qingxue smiled, and said, "I would mind but not insist. Strictly speaking, I also took the opportunity to take the opportunity to occupy one-third of you from Sister Mu and Sister Lin, so I don't have the qualifications, just..."

Speaking of this, Qingxue sister paper stopped and looked at No. 2 and No. 18 again, watching Luo Sheng again and asking a series of soul tortures: "With one to five, is it really not afraid of death? Or is it self-confident? Do you have the energy to deal with it? Even if you can do it, can you break the biological limit?"

"You are violating the biological laws of nature. If you want us to be satisfied, will you still have it in three years? You are gone! If you want to live longer, you must not be able to satisfy us. Don’t worry about which of us will give you an environmentally friendly hat, or even more than one. I remember that you once said that human nature cannot stand the test."

"If you are gone, then we will fight for your inheritance. It is possible that the legendary business empire you created will fall apart in no time."

After speaking, UU read www. An Qingxue of uukā looked at Luo Sheng with a generous smile, and then waited for him to reply.

For a moment, Luo Sheng simply grabbed her into his arms and smiled: "To be honest, if ordinary people would definitely break the defense on the spot with this tiger-and-wolf talk, we will not panic. The Life Science Fund is not only We have made arrangements for the tough anti-aging technology. The limits of biological significance can also be broken through the power of science. By then, dumbbell hanging will be easy."

Hearing this, An Qingxue rolled his eyes out of anger and turned her head to ignore him.

Luo Sheng laughed and said with a haha: "Okay, just take a look and tell you the facts. You are going to be in charge of the organization I arranged for you. You also need to know some things. Don't you think they are perfect? ? That's because they are not natural humans, but the bionic robots I made. You are eating robot jealousy, haha..."

Hearing the words, An Qingxue turned around and looked at Luo Sheng with her eyes openly: "Huh???? They are both... robots?"

Luo Sheng turned around and said, "On the 18th, you can show it."


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