Global Nuclear Pollution Is Coming: I Build The Strongest Fortress

Chapter 1: I Was Fed Nuclear Sewage At The Beginning, And I Came Back After Rebirth To Report The Sp

August 23, 2023.

The last day before Japan releases nuclear wastewater.

"where is this place?"

Xiao Chuan suddenly opened his eyes and looked around blankly. Sweat had soaked his entire body, and every inch of the blood vessels in his body still retained a dull violent feeling of pain!

"Didn't I be force-fed with nuclear sewage, which caused my body's organs to mutate and my body exploded to death?"

He caressed his limbs and face, everything was intact!


Memories fill the brain instantly.

Countless pictures emerged like springs.

That was a month after the Japanese country discharged nuclear sewage. As experts expected, the global ocean suffered major pollution, and terrifying nucleic acid rain poured down, falling on the streets, buildings, and people...

Deadly nuclear radiation, followed by acid rain, lasted for nearly ninety days.

All the cities that were originally suitable for living have been corroded, the vegetation on the ground has withered, the air has been severely polluted, and all kinds of creatures are on the verge of extinction.

But, this is not the scariest place.

What really makes human beings despair is that those marine organisms that have been eroded by nuclear sewage have undergone strange evolution at an extremely fast genetic mutation rate!

A crayfish the size of a palm is eight feet tall!

A multi-legged octopus half as tall as a man, with its extended tentacles smashing down, is enough to destroy a building!

Even the tiniest jellyfish can climb and walk on land and is bigger than a tank!

Not to mention those who are known as "overlords" in the ocean. The city known as the Pearl of the Orient was wiped to the ground by a blue whale with legs!

Followed by tsunamis, storms, huge waves...

At first, major governments still wanted to resist, but the ocean area accounts for 70% of the entire earth, and mutated marine life, like a zombie craze, is unstoppable.

In the end, 90% of the global population was wiped out, leaving only the last person alive.

Think of this.

Xiao Chuan stood up suddenly, rushed out of the refrigerator, took out a bottle of Coca-Cola, and poured it into his stomach in one breath!

Like nectar, delicious and sweet!

"Gulu... it's great!"

"This tastes so good!"

He couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

Since the nucleic acid rain fell, all water sources have been polluted, and water purifiers have become the scarcest item. It is almost impossible to get a sip of clean water.

Therefore, in order to survive, some people were desperate and began to drink nuclear sewage.

The result can be imagined.

Or die from radiation corroding organs.

Either he is genetically mutated and becomes a zombie.

In the last life, Xiao Chuan was drowned to death by nuclear sewage!

He saw with his own eyes that countless green bulges had grown on his body, all ten fingers fell off, and the skin was peeled off like a shed...

He will never forget that horrific memory!

The person who caused his death was his best brother, Liu Ziran.

In his previous life, while fleeing with others, he mistakenly drank a bottle of strange potion, thus awakening a special function similar to that of a different space.

The alien space is very large, it can accommodate almost three football fields, and as long as he thinks about it, he can store living creatures, clean water sources, etc.

He was so pleasantly surprised that he told Liu Ziran the secret.

As a result, Liu Ziran betrayed him and sold the secret to an underground research institute in the United States. As a result, he was captured and tortured day and night...

All the experts wanted to figure out where his special powers came from, but they all found nothing.

Finally, an expert suggested that it might be the effect of gamma radiation that mutated him.

So, they started to pour nuclear wastewater into Xiaochuan...

In the end, he died a tragic death.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chuan clenched his fists, his eyes full of murderous intent!

Now that he is back, this is the opportunity God gave him. He vowed to let that guy taste the pain of those days!

And those bastards who have lost their humanity in the apocalypse...

He can't forget any of them!

"Is my extra-dimensional ability still there?"

Xiao Chuan took a deep breath, tried to gather his energy, and glanced at the Coke in his hand.

A flash of white light that was not dazzling flashed, and the Coke bottle disappeared!

"Still there!"

Xiao Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, then immediately became energetic and glanced at the date.

Tomorrow is the day when nuclear sewage is discharged.

A month later, the nucleic acid rain will come, and everyone staying on the ground will turn into putrid corpses.

Then, countries are invaded by mutated marine life, buildings collapse, and national disaster strikes...

He must be fully prepared to welcome that day!

First, he needs to prepare enough water sources.

This is the most important problem, because one month after the discharge of nuclear sewage, nucleic acid rain polluted all water sources in a large area, and the city's water supply system was completely paralyzed.

Almost one-third of the population did not have access to pure water. When they were desperate, they drank contaminated nuclear fresh water. As a result, their organs rotted, their bones fell off, and they all died.

He no longer wanted to experience the kind of life where he would kill someone for a drop of clean water.

Think of this.

Xiao Chuan turned on his phone and checked his balance - there was only 1,088.25 yuan left in total.

Because of his half-father, Xiao Chuan severed ties with his family when he was very young and never had any contact with him again.

Over the years, I have been working hard on my own.

Now he is a salesman in a sales company. His salary of 3,000 per month makes it difficult for him. He does not have much money to prepare for the end.

You have to find a way to make money.


Xiao Chuan's eyes suddenly lit up. He remembered that in his last life, a spy lived next door to his rental house. Because he was a traitor to the enemy, he spread the idea that nuclear sewage was safe, and secretly helped the Japanese government to obtain confidential information.

The apocalypse has not yet fermented, and it is a time of water shortage. This bastard is still in the community, coaxing the elderly to drink nuclear sewage, and killed many people.

Finally, when the police came to arrest him, the whole neighborhood was watching.

According to news at the time, the police found a lot of gold bars from his house, and the batch numbers on them were all written in Japanese characters.

This may become the first batch of start-up funds!

Just do it, Xiao Chuan glanced at the time, took advantage of the dark moon and high wind, pretended to be a water pipe repairman, and knocked on the neighbor's door, but no one responded.

very good!

Then, he took out a paper clip from his body, looked around, and then gently tilted the paper clip.

Just hearing a "click", the door opened.

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