Joseph King left on his own, came to the edge of the black turtle's back, and went to the beach to see the scenery.

The sun had just risen from the sea level and was not very high, and the scenery was very beautiful.

Lu Yun really had too many things to deal with, such as breakfast this morning, which had not yet been prepared.

Yesterday, his five hard workers performed too well and were too diligent.

This morning, a hearty breakfast must be prepared to reward them.

Go directly to the [Technician's Hut]

At the same time, two "cooking technicians" were recruited O

[?200 kilograms of potatoes]

Soon, a man in a chef's clothes came out of the [Technician's Hut].

After a while, another cooking technician came out.

After the two technicians saluted Lu Yun respectfully, Lu Yun arranged for them to go to make breakfast. C From then on, with these two technicians cooperating with each other to cook.

As for the issue of three meals a day, the city lord no longer needs to do it himself. .

0020 Heading towards the sun!

Yesterday, Lu Yun upgraded the [Hard Labor Camp] and [Militia Camp] to level 2, and then upgraded these two buildings to level 1. The upgrade time at that time was 5 hours.

Now that a night has passed, the upgrade must have been successful.

Since the barracks upgrade can strengthen the low-level people recruited before.

Lu Yun thought about strengthening the level 1 hard labor and manual skills.

As a result, he ran to the dormitory and saw that the 5 level 1 hard laborers were still sleeping soundly.

There was no sign of waking up.

It was normal. After all, they were busy until late yesterday and must have worked hard.

He didn't have the heart to disturb them and let them sleep a little longer.

Although the hard laborers were not very intelligent, they were just like the NPCs in the game.

But as the lord of this Black Turtle City, it was necessary to be nicer to the people under him.

He firmly believed that if he was nice to them, they could feel it.

They would be more loyal to him.

For example, last night I gave them a sumptuous barbecue dinner, and they immediately worked overtime and did a lot more work.

I went to the technician's room and found that the technician had woken up.

So I called him to the [Technician's Hut] and helped him upgrade to the next level.

The price was just to make up for the difference in recruiting a level 2 technician.

[?70 catties of potatoes]

Lu Yun went straight to the [Worker Camp] and [Militia Camp].

Check the resources required to continue upgrading the buildings.

Found that they also needed clay tiles.

In this way, these two buildings can no longer be upgraded.

The level of all buildings is stuck on materials such as clay tiles.

It seems that burning clay tiles as soon as possible is an urgent matter.

Now you can directly recruit level 3 laborers and militia.

Recruiting a level 3 laborer costs 200 kilograms of food.

The same goes for militia.

Lu Yun thought about it. Now that people are on the sea and there is no place to collect resources, there is no need to recruit laborers to waste food.

After finding a new resource island and landing, it won't be too late to recruit.

As for the militia, it is absolutely necessary to recruit a few.

Because sailing on the sea is not absolutely safe.

Sometimes you will encounter sea monsters, sometimes you will encounter flying monsters.

Sometimes you will encounter various mysterious monsters.

So, you need to recruit a few militia to protect yourself.

Lu Yun began to recruit militia and clicked on 5 directly.

[?200 Jin of Potatoes]

[?200 Jin of Potatoes]

[?200 Jin of Potatoes]

[?200 Jin of Octopus Meat]

[?200 Jin of Octopus Meat]

- In a moment, another 1,000 Jin of food was consumed.

It must be said that it is really food-consuming to feed more people, especially high-level people.

It takes 5 minutes to recruit a level 3 militia.

5 minutes later, the first militia finally came out of the [Militia Camp].

It turned out to be a burly Western man.

The image is very similar to Garen of Demacia dancing with a big sword.

Judging from his size, he should be very capable and have strong fighting power.

But he was wearing a thin white shirt, with no weapons or armor.

Judging from the situation, the [Militia Camp] is only responsible for sending people here.

It does not include weapons and armor.

Think about it, if you don’t have the ability to make weapons.

Then even if they bring weapons, who will replenish them after they are consumed?

After all, they still have to solve the problem of replenishing weapons by themselves.

Fortunately, the current manual workers can help them make some stone spears, which can barely be regarded as primary weapons.

Every 5 minutes, a militia will be produced from the [Militia Camp].

Now the things to do are almost done.

The rest depends on when my black turtle can find a new resource island.

The black turtle is moving at full speed on the sea at a speed of 13 nautical miles per hour.

As long as the black turtle’s hunger level can be maintained, the black turtle can keep moving at full speed.

Of course, when you ask the black tortoise to keep sailing at full speed, the black tortoise consumes more energy and is more likely to grow hungry.

To put it bluntly, it will consume more food.

Time passed by minute by minute, and about half an hour later.

A new reminder sounded in Lu Yun's mind.

[You have drifted for some distance in the sea, and you have left your novice resource island for 10 nautical miles. To avoid you sailing aimlessly in the vast sea, here are rules to guide you in your direction. 】

[When you are sailing in the direction of the rising sun, which is due east, it is an increasingly dangerous sea. Correspondingly, there will be more resources and greater development opportunities. 】

[When you head due west, you are heading towards the safe zone. Players cannot hurt each other inside, and there will be no danger. But the resources will be much less. 】

[Whether to head towards dangerous sea areas or retreat to safe sea areas is your choice. 】

"So heading towards the sun is facing a challenge? Fortunately, this morning, although I was not facing directly in the direction of the sun, I was facing diagonally, so I didn't deviate much."

For Lu Yun, of course he pursues bigger challenges, the better.

If even he can't withstand the challenge in this novice area, then no one can. .

0021Discover the mermaid

With two cooking technicians helping to cook, Lu Yun, the city owner, felt much more relaxed.

It is one step closer to not having to worry about anything and just being a hands-off shopkeeper.

The two cooking technicians are already cooperating with each other and starting to make breakfast.

Since we already have a kitchen today, and with handcraftsmen and lightweight stone pots specially made for the kitchen, there are more cooking possibilities, and there is no need to barbecue anymore. I had boiled seafood this morning.

The octopus, small sharks, oysters, etc. that Lu Yun got last night can be cooked.

In less than an hour, breakfast was ready.

Lu Yun went to wake up the five hard workers who were still sleeping, and then gathered everyone together to officially start the meal!

Looking at the dwarf god-level hero Joseph King, five tall and muscular militiamen, five fat and stupid peons, two cooking technicians, and a manual technician.

Everyone gathered together. There were many talents in the whole camp, and there were already a lot of people!

It's just that they are all rough guys, and there is no pretty girl to look good on, which is quite annoying.

"When can you recruit a girl for me? Hey!" Lu Yun promised in his heart.

After everyone finished breakfast, Lu Yun took five hard workers directly to the [Dong Labor Camp] to upgrade.

After upgrading from level 1 to level 2, after the hard worker left, he became obviously taller.

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